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Noah Stein's user avatar
Noah Stein's user avatar
Noah Stein
  • Member for 14 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
4 votes

Finding a point that lies in a majority of polytopes

4 votes

a different algebra/representation for convex sets

4 votes

Examples of Super-polynomial time algorithmic/induction proofs?

4 votes

Decide how many non-negative solutions a set of multivariate quadratic equations have

4 votes

Software for rigorous optimization of real polynomials

4 votes

PSD matrix with non-negative entries

4 votes

Minimum norm solution of a least squares using SVD

4 votes

Restore multipliers from the product

4 votes

how to determine a biquadratic form is positive-definite

4 votes

Full rank submatrices of positive semidefinite matrix

4 votes

Research level applications of "row rank = column rank"?

4 votes

Alternative to Choleski Decomposition for Correlation Matrix

4 votes

Maximizing linear objective function with absolute values

3 votes

Finding the most compact representation of a vector in an "overdetermined base"

3 votes

Joint probability distribution as functions

3 votes

Non-convex quadratic optimization

3 votes

Is there always a symmetric "subset equilibrium" for an equilibrium in a symmetric game?

3 votes

Moment matching on the standard simplex

3 votes

Extreme couplings

3 votes

"Graphical models" and "gene finding and diagnosis of diseases" ?

3 votes

Which norms have rich isometry groups?

3 votes

Do runtimes for P require EXP resources to upper-bound? ... are concrete examples known? (answer: yes and yes)

3 votes

What is the conditional probability or probablity of classes of languages?

3 votes

Maximize sum of largest eigenvalues

3 votes

Lagrangian duality

3 votes

Random Walks in $Z^2$/$Z^2$-intrinsic characterization of Euclidean distance

3 votes

An inequality question

3 votes

Three modifications of connectedness

2 votes

A simple infinite dimensional optimization problem

2 votes

Question on the decimal expansion of algebraic numbers