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Pace Nielsen's user avatar
Pace Nielsen
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
57 votes

$R$ is isomorphic to $R[X,Y]$, but not to $R[X]$

42 votes

Heuristic argument for the Riemann Hypothesis

40 votes

On math looking obvious in retrospect

40 votes

Have there been any updates on Mochizuki's proposed proof of the abc conjecture?

39 votes

Iterated logarithms in analytic number theory

29 votes

Slick proof?: A vector space has the same dimension as its dual if and only if it is finite dimensional

26 votes

Should I publish a paper if its results overlap significantly with an earlier paper?

25 votes

How to quickly determine whether a given natural number is a power of another natural number?

24 votes

How to know if somebody else is also working on your problem?

22 votes

Algebraic Attacks on the Odd Perfect Number Problem

22 votes

Subtraction-free identities that hold for rings but not for semirings?

22 votes

Most important results in 2022

21 votes

Roots of this sextic

21 votes

Possible contemporary improvement to bounded gaps between primes?

19 votes

Is the hierarchy of relative geometric constructibility by straightedge and compass a dense order?

18 votes

Choice vs. countable choice

18 votes

MathScinet reviewing: should I check the proofs?

17 votes

Should one post a paper on the arXiv if it is not intended to be published?

16 votes

Using a known result without a specific reference

15 votes

Citing exercises in an article

15 votes

Conceptual reason why the sign of a permutation is well-defined?

14 votes

Can the fugitive escape?

14 votes

Proofs that require fundamentally new ways of thinking

13 votes

Uncountable counterexamples in algebra

13 votes

May $p^3$ divide $(a+b)^p-a^p-b^p$?

13 votes

What is the smallest group not known to be a Galois group over $\mathbb{Q}$?

13 votes

Does this number exist?

12 votes

Publishing papers that became classics before they were submitted

12 votes

Nonequivalent definitions in Mathematics

12 votes

Why not adopt the constructibility axiom $V=L$?

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