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Vladimir Dotsenko's user avatar
Vladimir Dotsenko
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

Is Nijenhuis–Richardson bracket a BV bracket?

2 votes

Does an analytic tensorial Lie structure on $S^2$ gives a fiberwise Abelian Lie algebra structure?

2 votes

Does the ring generated by the odd power sum symmetric functions have a name?

2 votes

Most memorable titles

2 votes

Inner products on super vector spaces

2 votes

Presentation of $H^2(\overline{M}_{0,n},\mathbb{Z})$ as an $S_n$-module?

2 votes

Twisted affine Lie algebras, Lie bracket and normalized standard invariant form

2 votes

Weak associativity

2 votes

Using Schur-Weyl duality

2 votes

Ideal membership and change of fields

2 votes

Definitions fundamental forms and their geometric Intuition

2 votes

Finite-dimensional representations of DAHA

2 votes

Analogy of Gerstenhaber algebra

2 votes

Super version of Poisson brackets of tensor products

2 votes

History of "natural transformations"

2 votes

Show that sets are equal

2 votes

Jack polynomials and the Witt algebra

2 votes

Is there Z_n graded supersymmetry?

2 votes

Perspective on the diamond lemma in ring theory

2 votes

A positive formula for the dimensions of homogeneous components of free Lie algebras

1 vote

A positive formula for the dimensions of homogeneous components of free Lie algebras

1 vote

Polynomial identities of supercommutative-gradable algebras

1 vote

Applications of the PBW theorem on enveloping algebras

1 vote

How do I find abelian cubic extension over $\mathbb{Q}$ with class number more than 1?

1 vote

Relation between degree of root of determinant polynomial and rank of the matrix

1 vote

Multivariate analogue of Vandermonde determinant

1 vote

Why does the type-A subdivision algebra look like the Rota-Baxter algebra axiom?

1 vote

Construct super Poisson brackets on the coordinate rings of Lie super groups

1 vote

characterization of strong nilpotent elements

1 vote

What can be said about $A$ and $B$ given the exact sequence $0 \to R^p \to A \to R^r \to R^q \to B \to 0$?

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