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Questions tagged [von-neumann-algebras]

Subtag of the [oa.operator-algebras] tag for questions about von Neumann algebras, that is, weak operator topology closed, unital, *-subalgebras of bounded operators on a Hilbert space.

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6 votes
2 answers

Why are ultraweak *-homomorphisms the `right' morphisms for von Neumann algebras (and say, not ultrastrong)?

Both the ultraweak and ultrastrong topologies are intrinsic topologies in the sense that the image of a continuous (unital) $*$-homomorphism between von Neumann algebras (in either topology) is a von ...
condexp's user avatar
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2 answers

Extension of a von Neumann algebra by a von Neumann algebra

I asked this question at MSE now I repeat it at MO: Let $A,B,C$ be $3$ unital $C^*$ algebras. Assume that we have the following short exact sequence of $C^*$-algebras: $$0\to A\to C\to B\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

When is it $C(X)$?

Suppose that $\tilde{X}$ is a compact space. If $C(\tilde{X})$ is isometrically isomorphic to the second dual of a Banach space, does there exist a locally compact space $X$ such that $C(\tilde{X})=...
Bob's user avatar
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1 answer

Sigma-weakly dense *-subalgebra of von Neumann algebra has increasing net of positive elements convergent to the identity

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra and $A\subseteq M$ a $\sigma$-weakly dense $*$-subalgebra of $M$. Does there exist an increasing net $\{a_i\}_{i\in I}\subseteq A\cap M^+$ such that $a_i\to 1$ in the $...
Andromeda's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the difference between a primary representation and a irreducible representation?

I am currently reading some of Mackey's work on unitary representation. Given a locally compact group $G$ and a unitary representation $\pi : G\rightarrow U(H)$. As far as I understood it, the ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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The topology of pointwise convergence with the adjoint operator on a von Neumann algebra

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and ${\mathcal A}$ a von Neumann algebra in $B(H)$. Let us endow ${\mathcal A}$ with the topology of pointwise convergence with the Hermitian adjoint operator, i.e. a net $...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
6 votes
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Commutative von Neumann algebras and localizable measure spaces

This is not my subject so I apologize if my question is too obvious or understood from other pages. I read some pages such as Reference for the Gelfand-Neumark theorem for commutative von Neumann ...
Ilan Barnea's user avatar
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Type III factor representation

Does there exist any theorem which permits, under suitable hypotheses, to represent a particular complete orthomodular lattice as the projection lattice of a Type III von Neumann factor?
moppio89's user avatar
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1 answer

Every element of a $W^*$-algebra is a linear combination of exponential unitaries?

I am trying to understand a proof in this paper (specifically theorem 5.4). In it, a fact is used that every element of the $W^*$-algebra $A$ is a linear combination of exponential unitaries. I've ...
Ashley Shade's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Trivializing unitary cocycles in abelian von Neumann algebras that are uniformly close to the trivial one

Suppose $M$ is an abelian von Neumann algebra, carrying a (point-ultraweakly) continuous action $G\curvearrowright M$ of a locally compact, second-countable group. Let $y: G\to\cal U(M)$ be an ...
Gabor Szabo's user avatar
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Strong convergence of projections in $B(H)$

(I asked this question at math stackexchange 4 months ago, but received no answers) Let $\{e_{kj}\}$ be the canonical matrix units in $B(H)$, with $H$ separable. Define projections $q_k$ by $$ q_k=\...
Martin Argerami's user avatar
6 votes
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Image of $L^2M$ inside $L^1M$, for $M$ a von Neumann algebra

Let $M$ be a factor (von Neumann algebra with trivial center), and let $L^1M:=M_*$ be its predual. Let $\omega:M\to\mathbb C$ be a faithful normal state. The Hilbert space $L^2M:=L^2(M,\omega)$ admits ...
André Henriques's user avatar
6 votes
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Certain interpolation property of von Neumann algebras

Von Neumann algebras have the following form of interpolation property: let $(x_n)_n$ and $(y_n)$ be increasing and decreasing, respectively, sequences of self-adjoint elements in a von Neumann ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Equivalence of $\sigma$-weak topology to another topology

Let $\mathcal H$ be a Hilbert space. Define a topology $\tau_1$ on $B(\mathcal H)$ by the family of seminorms $x\mapsto |Tr(xa)|,$ $a\in L^1(B(\mathcal H)).$ Here $B(\mathcal H)$ denotes the set of ...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
6 votes
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Property $\Gamma$ in terms of Correspondences

A type $II_{1}$ factor $M$ with trace $\tau$ has Property $\Gamma$ if for every finite subset $\{ x_{1}, x_{2},..., x_{n} \} \subseteq M$ and each $\epsilon >0$, there is a unitary element $u$ in $...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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Real rank 0 implies stable rank 1 on $C^\ast$-algebras?

A $C^\ast$ algebra has defined stable rank ( and real rank (, which are ...
Miguel Moreira's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there an irreducible, noncompact commuting, nonnormal operator, with spectrum strictly continuous?

Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space. Definition: The commutant $\mathcal{S}'$ of a subset $\mathcal{S} \subset B(H)$ is $ \{A \in B(H) : AB=BA \ , \ \forall B \in \mathcal{S} \}...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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von Neumann automorphisms: does convergence on a dense algebra imply $u$-convergence?

Let $M$ be a separable von Neumann algebra and let $A$ be a (von Neumann-)dense *-subalgebra. Suppose that $\alpha,\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\dots$ are automorphisms of $M$, such that for every $a \in A$, $$ \...
Aaron Tikuisis's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

A non-commutative Radon-Nikodym derivative.

In this classic paper, Sakai proves the following Radon-Nikodym theorem: Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra, and let $\phi$ and $\psi$ be two normal positive linear functionals on $M$. If $\psi \leq \...
Andre's user avatar
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Relation between tracial norm and operator norm on a von Neumann algebra

First, let me preface this by saying that I am fairly new to the wide field of (finite) von Neumann algebras. In my studies of $L^2$-invariants, I am mostly concerned with Group von Neumann algebras, ...
H1ghfiv3's user avatar
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The (Hecke) double coset von Neumann algebra

It it well-known in the von Neumann algebra theory that for $\Gamma$ a non-trivial countable group, the von Neumann algebra $L(\Gamma)$ generating by $\Gamma$ acting by left multiplication on $l^2(\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Comparing cardinalities of the spectrum of two masas in $B(H)$

If I imagine that (the self-adjoint part of) a C*-algebra $A$ represents the algebra of observables of some quantum system, then certain perspectives on algebraic quantum theory would ask me to ...
Manny Reyes's user avatar
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Is there an operator algebraic reformulation of the invariant subspace problem?

Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space and $B(H)$ the algebra of bounded operators. Invariant subspace problem: Let $T \in B(H)$. Is there a non-trivial closed $T$-invariant ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
6 votes
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Connes Embedding Conjecture and Fusion Categories

I was recently introduced to Connes' Embedding Conjecture (CEC) which states: Every separable type $II_{1}$ factor is embeddable into $R^{\omega}$. Where $\omega$ is a generic free ultrafilter on $\...
Paul's user avatar
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Lifting a semicommutative von Neumann algebra into an algebra of operator-valued functions

Given a complete probability space $\Omega$ and a von Neumann algebra $\mathcal M$, it is well-known that the tensor product von Neumann algebra $\mathrm L^\infty(\Omega)\overline\otimes\mathcal M$, ...
P. P. Tuong's user avatar
6 votes
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Universal characterization and explicit description of elements of the group von Neumann algebra and the crossed product

Group von Neumann algebras and crossed products for a locally compact group G can be constructed in many different ways. For example, one can take the von Neumann algebra generated by certain ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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Dye's Theorem for real von Neumann algebras

Dye's classical theorem from 1955 states that if $\theta$ is a projection orthoisomorphism (i.e., a bijection between the projective lattices that preserves orthogonality - it then automatically ...
Marten Wortel's user avatar
6 votes
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Standard form of fiber product of von Neumann algebras

Let $Z$ be an abelian von Neumann algebra, and let $A$ and $B$ be two von Neumann algebras that receive central maps $Z \to Z(A)$ and $Z \to Z(B)$. We may then construct the fiber product of $A$ and $...
André Henriques's user avatar
6 votes
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Tomita–Takesaki theory and subfactors

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra acting on a Hilbert space $H$. Let $\Omega$ be a cyclic and separating vector in $H$. Let $J$ and $\Delta$ be the corresponding modular conjugation and modular ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
6 votes
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Premeasurability of affiliated operators for type $\textrm{III}$ von Neumann algebras

$\DeclareMathOperator\dom{dom}$If $M\subset B(H)$ is a semifinite von Neumann algebra with faithful, normal, semifinite trace $\tau$, then a closed operator $T:H\rightarrow H$ intertwining the action ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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What are some results that assume the Connes' embedding conjecture or any of its reformulations?

As you all (may) know, the Connes embedding conjecture was disproven last year. Also, as its Wikipedia page shows, there are multiple reformulations (but it is definitely not an exhaustive list): ...
DUO Labs's user avatar
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Group $C^*$ vs group von-Neumann algebras

Let $\Gamma$ be a countable (discrete) group (in what follows, make additional assumptions as you wish). Let $C^*_r(\Gamma)$ and $W^*_r(\Gamma)$ be the reduced $C^*$-algebra respectively the reduced ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Characterizing fullness of a von Neumann algebra by the topology of its bimodules

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a $\mathrm{II}_1$ factor. Among other characterizations, it is said to be full iff the adjoint map: $$ \mathrm{Ad}: U(\mathcal{M})/\mathbb{T} \longrightarrow \mathrm{Aut}(\...
Adrián González Pérez's user avatar
6 votes
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Schröder–Bernstein for representations of operator algebras

This is claimed in a Wikipedia Article: If two representations (of a $C^*$-algebra $A$) $\rho$ and $\sigma$, on Hilbert spaces $H$ and $G$ respectively, are each unitarily equivalent to a ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Infinite number of non-isomorphic von Neumann algebras with property Gamma?

A II$_1$ factor $\mathcal M$ with trace $\tau$ has property Gamma if for every $\epsilon > 0$ and finite set $\{x_1,\cdots, x_n\} \subset \mathcal M$ there exists a trace 0 unitary element $y\in\...
Chris Ramsey's user avatar
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A conditional form of Holder's Inequality on Type II-1 von Neumann algebras

Suppose $V$ is a von-Neumann algebra with a trace $\tau$ so that $\tau(I) = 1$. Suppose $W$ is a sub-von Neumann algebra of $V$. Then we can define a conditional expection to be a projection $\...
Stephen Montgomery-Smith's user avatar
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Is it true that there are exactly two conjugacy classes of order two elements in Out(R)?

In the title, $R$ stands for the hyperfinite III1 factor. An order two element $\alpha\in Out(M)$ ($M$ any factor) has an invariant $c(\alpha)\in H^3(\mathbb Z/2,S^1)=\mathbb Z/2$. Q: Is $c$ the ...
André Henriques's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Measurable functions and unbounded operators in von Neumann algebras

How do you define unbounded measurable functions for a general von Neumann algebra? For the commutative algebra $L^\infty(X,\mu)$, we can consider the space of all measurable functions that are ...
Semyon Dyatlov's user avatar
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Extension of $C^*$ isomorphism to $W^*$ isomorphism

Let $\mathfrak{A}$ be $C^*$algebra, and $\pi$ its faithful representation on Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. Bicommutant $\mathfrak{B}=\pi(\mathfrak{A})''$ is the von Neumann algebra generated by $\pi(\...
user72829's user avatar
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Presenting the Hyperfinite II_1 Factor

It's well known that all hyperfinite $\mathrm{II}_1$ factors are isomorphic. I risk the wrath of MathOverflow elders to ask if a particular isomorph is easier than others to handle. In particular, is ...
5 votes
2 answers

Unusual crossed product constructions being factors

Let $A$ be an abelian von Neumann algebra and $G$ a countable group acting on $A$. In the literature we meet usually two kinds of crossed product $A \rtimes G$ being a factor: if the action is (...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Projections in a W*-algebra as a continuous lattice?

A continuous lattice is a complete lattice $L$ in which every element $y$ is equal to $\bigvee${$x \in L \mid x \ll y$} where $x \ll y$ ("x approximates y" or "x is way below y") if for any directed ...
Rennela's user avatar
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Reference for embedding an infinite direct product of matrix algebras into the hyperfinite $II_1$ factor

In some calculations I am writing up, $\newcommand{\cR}{{\mathcal R}}$ I want to add - as a fairly throwaway remark - that any countable product (= $\ell^\infty$-direct sum) of matrix algebras can be ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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How well do we know relative commutants in $L(\mathbb{F}_\infty)$?

Let $H=K_1\oplus K_2$ be infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Voiculescu's free Gaussian functor gives us free group factors $L(H)$, $L(K_1)$, $L(K_2)$ acting on the full Fock space $\Gamma(H)$ and, ...
Ollie's user avatar
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von Neumann subalgebra having separable predual

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra. Let $x,y$ be two self-adjoint operators in $M$. Are there any von Neumann subalgebra $A$ of $M$ containing $x,y$ such that the predual of $A$ is separable?
user92646's user avatar
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von Neumann algebra of canonical commutation relations

In quantum mechanics we have position and momentum operators $P$ and $Q$ acting on $L^2(\mathbb{R})$ in the usual way. I'm wondering what the von Neumann algebra generated by the bounded functions of $...
J_P's user avatar
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Polar decomposition in abstract von Neumann algebra

Probably an easy question, but here goes: In a concrete von Neumann algebra $M \subseteq B(H)$, every element $m \in M$ has a polar decomposition $m= p|m|$ where $p$ is a partial isometry and $|m|= \...
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range projection of an unbounded idempotent affiliated to a finite von Neumann algebra

To be slightly more precise: let $M\subset B(H)$ be a finite von Neumann algebra equipped with a faithful normal trace $\tau$, and let $L^0(M,\tau)$ be the completion of $M$ in the measure topology; ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Action of a dual Hopf algebra on a factor

Suppose that a finite-dimesnional Hopf $C^*$-algebra $H$ acts on a type $II_1$ factor $N$ minimally (that is, $N^{\prime}\cap (N\rtimes H)=\mathbb{C}$). Is it true that there always exists a minimal ...
Keshab Bakshi's user avatar
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Question about projections in von Neumann algebras

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra, and let $\mathcal{P}$ be the set of nontrivial (not equal to $0$ or $e$) projections of $M$. Define $p,q \in \mathcal{P}$ to be equivalent if there exist projections ...
Marten Wortel's user avatar

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