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Analogy between BV formalism and integration by residues

Domenico Fiorenza begins his description of the Batalin–Vilkovisky formalism by pointing out an analogy with integration by residues: Take a top form (density) on $\mathbf R$ resp. space of fields; ...
Alex Shpilkin's user avatar
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Quantum Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction for a module

There is a well-established procedure for quantizing the Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction for an affine Lie algebra. In particular, this paper of de Boer and Tjin describes an algorithm to produce the ...
Christopher Beem's user avatar
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Is the Dimer Model a TQFT?

The answer to my question is "yes". Technically, it's a spin-TQFT but now I am trying to make sense of that answer. Dimers on surface graphs and spin structures. I David Cimasoni, Nicolai ...
john mangual's user avatar
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Flat connection from gauged WZW model

$\newcommand{\g}{\mathfrak g}$ $\newcommand{\h}{\mathfrak h}$ In short my question is : Has someone worked out the flat connection that one should get from the gauged WZW model in genus 0 ? Some ...
Adrien's user avatar
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Deformation of Noether's first theorem

Noether's first variational theorem establishes a correspondence between symmetries and invariants. I would like to know what has been written on the following question: How do the invariants deform ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Jones Polynomial and Quantum Field Theory

I am trying Witten's paper but unable to re-produce the computations presented in the paper. I tried few things on internet but all these tutorials explicitly don't show the calculations and refer to ...
Vijay's user avatar
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Does this $SU(2)$ Chern-Simons Superconformal Index Example have Modular Properties?

Without any regards to the physics or the geometry used to generate this result, let's examine the formula of Gukov (see p. 32): $$ \mathcal{I}_{SU(2)}(q,t) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{m \in \mathbb{Z}}\int \...
john mangual's user avatar
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Deformation quantization of Poisson bracket without star-product

Kontsevich's formality theorem implies in particular that star-products on a $C^\infty$-manifold $M$, $$f\star g = fg + \sum_{k\geq1} \hbar^k B_k(f,g),\qquad f,g\in C^\infty(M),$$ where $B_k$ are ...
issoroloap's user avatar
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Distinguishing the Duflo star product

$\newcommand{\g}{\mathfrak g}\newcommand{\h}{\hbar}$ For a finite dimensional Lie algebra $\g$, he Duflo isomorphism is a complicated algebra isomorphism between the $\g$-invariant part $S(\g)^\g$ of ...
Adrien's user avatar
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Quantum dynamics on varieties: asymptotic quantum trace distance on SHL varieties

The Question Asked Definition: the Second-Hand Lion trace distance $D_k$ Let $\mathcal{M}^{(kk)}_r$ be the set of $k\times k$ complex matrices of rank $\le r$ having unit trace norm. Then the ...
John Sidles's user avatar
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Decomposition of the group of Bogoliubov transformations

Consider the fermion Fock space $\mathcal{F}=\bigoplus_{k\ge 0}\bigwedge^k\mathfrak{h}$ of some finite-dimensional 1-particle Hilbert space $\mathfrak{h}$. The group $\mathrm{Bog}(\mathcal{F})$ of ...
Robert Rauch's user avatar
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Is there a maximal finite depth infinite index irreducible subfactor?

A subfactor $N \subset M $ is irreducible if $N' \cap M = \mathbb{C} $. It's maximal if it admits no non-trivial intermediate subfactors $N \subset P \subset M $. It's cyclic if its lattice of ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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FRT construction in the case of super algebras

I'm looking on papers which are talking about the super quantum algebra osp(2|1). I want to understand how one applies the FRT construction in the case of osp(2|1). Of course there is a super ...
kieffer's user avatar
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Multiplication of two Pauli string

Given a Pauli string $P_i \in \{ I,X,Y,Z\}^{\otimes n} $ Example: $P_0 = XXYIZ = X \otimes X \otimes Y \otimes I \otimes Z $. Here $I,X,Y,Z$ are Pauli matrices defined explicitly as: $$ I = \begin{...
KAJ226's user avatar
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How to write BRST-BV for dg-Lie?

The usual BRST-BV implements a Lie algebra and its module in terms of ghosts, etc. Where is there written a corresponding formula incorporating the differential of a dg Lie algebra and module?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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quantization of Poisson manifolds/ bialgebras

Can we apply the theorem of quantization of Lie bialgebras of Etingof-Kazdhan to a Poisson manifold $\textbf{R}^{n}?$ Does it give something in ...
chu's user avatar
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A variant of quantum harmonic oscillators

We have the following variant of harmonic oscillators. $$ \left\{ \begin{array}{**lr**} T = a + a^\dagger\\ a | n \rangle = \sqrt{[n]} |n-1 \rangle \\ a^\dagger |n\rangle = \sqrt{[n+1]} |n+1\...
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