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Classification of representations of CCR algebras?

Hi, I'm wondering if there is a some classification of representations of CCR algebras (, where say the underlying vector space is a separable Hilbert space. ...
Tim's user avatar
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Weakly solid factors?

A type $II_{1}$ factor $\mathcal{M}$ is solid if for every diffuse von Neumann subalgebra $\mathcal{A}$ of $\mathcal{M}$, the relative commutant $\mathcal{A}'\cap \mathcal{M}$ is injective. (See Ozawa'...
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Non-invariant subspaces for subfactors.

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a II_1 factor. If $\mathcal{N}$ is a subfactor of $\mathcal{M}$ ($\mathcal{N} \neq \mathcal{M}$), does there always exist a projection in $\mathcal{M}$ such that $(I-P)AP \neq 0$ ...
heller's user avatar
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Does a dense submodule of a free module always contain a basis?

Let $R$ be a completed normed ring, eg Banach algebra. Suppose that $F$ is a free $R$-module of infinite rank with a norm defined by the square root of sum of all norms of its components. If $F'$ is a ...
yeshengkui's user avatar
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Intersection of ideals in C*-algebra or even rings in general

Dear all, here is a question that has been bothering me. It goes without saying that I would appreciate any help in answering it. Let {I_k} be a countable sequence of two sided closed ideals in a C*-...
Audrey Kirilova's user avatar
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norm one approximate identities in separable C* algebras

I'm trying to prove Corollary 1.4.9 in K. Davidson's book (Exercise 1.5): If A is a separable C* algebra, then there is an increasing sequence $E_i, i=1,...,\infty$ of positive norm-one elements ...
Ray Curran's user avatar
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Restriction on the coefficients for an operator in the free group factor $ L(\mathbb{F}_2) $

Let $\mathbb{F}_2$ denotes the free group generated by a,b, denote this group by $G$. Then consider the von Neumann algebra $L(G)$ generated by the family $\{L_{x_g} : g \in G\}$, here, with $g \in G$...
Jiang's user avatar
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A set of vector such that any vector is orthogonal to to certain other vector (a generalization of the biorthogonal system of vectors))

We are given vectors $\mathbf a_1,\dots,\mathbf a_N\in\mathbb C^n$. Let these vectors be columns of $n$-by-N matrix $\mathbf A$. We additionally know that any $n-1$ vectors are linearly independent. ...
don Bass's user avatar
15 votes
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Must we close weakly to apply the spectral theorem?

Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional separable complex Hilbert space. All C*-subalgebras of $B(H)$ are assumed to be non-degenerate. The spectral projections of a self-adjoint element $T$ of $B(H)$ lie ...
Jonas Meyer's user avatar
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Containment of an element to an operator system

This question will probably appeal to people in operator systems theory as it is very much related. However, I'm interested in down-to-earth concrete systems with finite dimensional Hilbert space ...
Alex Monras's user avatar
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Connes fusion and the composition of completely positive maps

Let $N$ be a type $II_{1}$-factor with trace $\tau$. An $N-N$ correspondence is a Hilbert $N$-bimodule $H$ where the left and right actions are both ultraweakly continuous. Equivalently, a ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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Geometric approximation of projections in a finite von Neumann factor

Let $(M,\tau)$ be a finite von Neumann factor (in my case $M=R^\omega$, but I don't think this additional hypothesis might be useful for this particular problem) and fix a projection $p$. Let $\tau_p$ ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
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A question about the generalized Lidskii-Wielandt inequality for matrices proved by Thompson and Freede

In 1971, Thomson and Freede generalized the Lidskii-Wielandt inequalites as follows (version for singular values) Let $A$, $B$ be $n\times n$ Hermitian matrices. Suppose $\alpha_1\geq \alpha_2 \geq \...
user11870's user avatar
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Bounds on operator 2-norms on partial traces of linearly related operators

Consider an arbitary positive semidefinite operator ρ, acting on ℂA ⊗ ℂB ⊗ ℂC, for A,B,C finite. Also, let P be an orthogonal projector on &#...
Niel de Beaudrap's user avatar
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"topological" conjugacy of group automorphisms

In the paper "Orbit Equivalence and Topological Conjugacy of Affine Actions on Compact Abelian Groups", S. Bhattacharya shows (Theorem 3) the following: Theorem. Given two actions $\alpha$ and $\...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
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H-space structure on the Calkin algebra

By the Atiyah-Jänich theorem the K-group $K^0(X)$ for a compact space $X$ may be represented as $[X, U(Q)]$, where $Q = B(H)/K(H)$ is the Calkin algebra and $H$ is a separable infinite dimensional ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
13 votes
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Symmetric (extended) Haagerup tensor product

Given a von Neumann algebra M, then the weak$^*$ (or extended) Haagerup tensor product of M with itself is the collection of $\tau\in M\overline\otimes M$ with $$\tau=\sum_i x_i\otimes y_i$$ the sum ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Can we separate Toeplitz matrices for negative and positive eigenvalues?

Consider a Toeplitz matrix T which has both positive and negative eigenvalues. Can we prove that there exist two Toeplitz matrix T1 and T2 such that T1+T2=T and T1 has only one positive Eigenvalues ...
Rantu's user avatar
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Tensor products as isomorphic functors in category theory

An earlier question that I posed sought to define a category with a set of quantum channels as arrows and the C$^{*}$-algebra that these channels map from and to as the object. So, for example, my ...
Ian Durham's user avatar
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Pimsner-Popa Bases

Let $N\subset M$ be a finite index $II_1$-subfactor. Let $B=\{b_i\}$ be a finite orthonormal (Pimsner-Popa) basis for $M$ over $N$. Let $d=[M\colon N]^{1/2}$. It is well known that $B_1=\{d b_{i_1} ...
Dave Penneys's user avatar
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Are all automorphisms of Lin(V) given by similarity transforms?

Let $V$ be a vector space with dimension greater than 1 over the field $F$ and $Sim = \{(f\in \operatorname{Lin}(V))\mapsto gf(g^{-1}) : g\in \operatorname{GL}(V)\}$, ie $Sim$ is the set of all ...
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Canonical Time Evolution for Type $II_{1}$-Factors?

This question was spurred by the answer of Steve Huntsman to the MO question here. The Tomita-Takesaki modular automorphism group gives rise to a canonical time evolution on a type $III$ factor (...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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How coarse is the coarse correspondence?

Let $M$ denote a finite von Neumann algebra with trace $\tau$, and $L^{2}(M)$ denote the standard (trivial) M-M correspondence (binormal bimodule). The coarse correspondence is $L^{2}(M) \overline{\...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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Is there a coalgebraic characterisation of the hyperfinite II_1 factor?

Peter Freyd showed that the real interval [0, 1] is a final coalgebra for a functor on sets equipped with two points, which sends such a set to the 'wedge' of two copies of itself, identifying the ...
David Corfield's user avatar
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How to study the behavior of a particular function on a Vector Space.

Let, $V$ be a vector space over a field $K.$ Let, $T$ be a function from $V$ to $V$ such that $T(kX) = kT(X)$ for all $k \in K$ and for all $X \in V$ and also $T(k + X) = T(X)$ for all $k \in K$ ...
debapriyay's user avatar
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Norm inequality for stochastic maps

I know that if $\Lambda$ is a stochastic positive linear map, i.e., $\Lambda(I) = I$, it is true that \[ \|\Lambda(B)\| \leq \| B \| \] For any operator $B$, ...
Mateus Araújo's user avatar
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Is it known that "hyperfinite length" cannot distinguish free group factors?

Given a type $II_{1}$ factor $M$, Popa and Ge defined the hyperfinite length $l_{h}(M)$ of $M$ to be the minimum natural number $n$ such that there are hyperfinite subalgebras $R_{1}, R_{2},..., R_{n}$...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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Are all continuous linear operators on the space of entire functions "simple"?

Let $\langle \operatorname{Ent},+,\cdot \rangle$ be the (complex) vector space of entire functions. For all members $n$ of $\{1,2,3,...\}$, define $||\cdot ||_n : \operatorname{Ent} \to \mathbb{R}$ ...
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If the flip automorphism of a finite factor can be connected to the identity is it approximately inner?

This intriguing question is due to Sorin Popa, so I'm marking it community wiki. I'd like to know the status of the question, and if it is still open, perhaps gather some new ideas for attacking it. ...
6 votes
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Ordering of completely bounded maps

Let A be a C*-algebra, let H be a Hilbert space, and let $T:A\rightarrow B(H)$ be a completely bounded (cb) map (that is, the dilations to maps $M_n(A)\rightarrow M_n(B(H))$ are uniformly bounded). ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Strict complete contractions

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra. The Stinespring construction shows that a completely positive contraction $T:A\rightarrow B(H)$ has the form $T(x) = U^* \pi(x) U$ where $U:H\rightarrow K$ is a ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Characterization of Complex Group Algebras

Is there a way to characterize which complex algebras arise as the group algebra of some locally compact group? To make this more concrete, say $A$ is a sub-algebra of $\text{Mat}(n,\mathbb{C})$, $n\...
lwassink's user avatar
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Diagonalizing matrices of linear forms of indeterminates

Let $B$ be a matrix with elements as linear forms of indeterminates. Is there a proper diagonalization procedure for such matrices like those of matrices with real and complex entries?
Turbo's user avatar
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Grading on Multiplier Algebras

A graded C*-algebra A is inner-graded if there exists a self-adjoint unitary $\varepsilon$ in the multiplier algebra M(A) of A which implements the grading automorphism $\alpha$ on A: $\alpha(a)=\...
m07kl's user avatar
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When can closedness of the range of an operator be checked on a positive cone?

Let $T:X\to Y$ be an operator between Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$. Assume that $X$ has a positive cone $C\subset X$, which generates $X$: every element of $X$ can be written as a difference of elements ...
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A result about Fredholm operator

When I read the article "Index Theory" in Handbook of global analysis, I meet a result as below(Corollary 2.13): If every $F_0\in \mathcal {F}(H_1,H_2)$, there is an open neighborhood $U_0\subseteq \...
Chen's user avatar
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Is the "Laplacian" a MASA in a Burnside Factor?

It is a basic fact that every type $II_{1}$ factor posesses a maximal abelian $*$-subalgebra (MASA). My question concerns the concrete realization of such subalgebras. For example, in the free group ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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A matrix minimisation problem

Feel free to edit the title! Suppose A is a C*-algebra and $a,b\in A$ are self-adjoint. I'd be very happy with A being just $n\times n$ matrices. Question: If there are $t\in\mathbb R$ and $\...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Primitive Ideals of $\mathcal{B}_0(\mathcal{H})^\sim$ (identity adjoined)

A note I'm studying says its primitive ideals space is $\lbrace \lbrace 0 \rbrace, \mathcal{B}_0(\mathcal{H}) \rbrace $. I think it might be just $\lbrace \lbrace 0 \rbrace \rbrace $ so I'm somewhat ...
Chao K.'s user avatar
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When can't spaces of correspondences distinguish type $II_{1}$ factors?

If $M$ is a type $II_{1}$ factor with trace $\tau$, let $Corr(M)$ denote the space of unitary equivalence classes of $M-M$ correspondences (binormal $M-M$ bimodules) equipped with Popa's analogue of ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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Direct integrals and fields of operators

Suppose we have a measure space $(X,\mu)$ and a measurable field of Hilbert spaces $H_x$ on it. We can form the direct integral ${\cal{H}} = \int H_x \ d \mu$, which is a Hilbert space. Suppose now ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
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Loynes spaces, also called pseudo-Hilbert spaces

Let me first define my object: First, a locally convex space $Z$ is called admissible in the sense of Loynes if $Z$ is complete There is a closed convex cone in $Z$, called $Z_+$, satisfying (for $x\...
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
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Fredholmness and invertibility in a C* algebra generated convolution-type operators

Let $PC$ be the algebra of complex-valued, piecewise-continuous functions from $[-\infty,+\infty]$, $SO$ be the algebra of bounded, continuous, complex-valued functions on $\mathbb R$ which are slowly ...
Matt Heath's user avatar
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Can one pose a Toeplitz index problem associated to a discrete group?

Before posing my question, let me provide a little background since the Wikipedia page on this stuff is sorely lacking. Let's start with the classical case of the Toeplitz index problem on the circle....
Paul Siegel's user avatar
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Neglect of Compact Quantum Metric Spaces [closed]

Does anyone have an opinion on Rieffel's theory of compact quantum metric spaces? To me it seems to be a very interesting new area of mathematics. It shows how to generalise complicated geometric ...
John McCarthy's user avatar
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Sheafification of Arens-Michael algebra-valued presheaves

Let $\mathcal A$ be the category of Arens-Michael algebras, that is, projective limits of Banach algebras. Since $\mathcal A$ is a concrete category, an $\mathcal A$-valued presheaf $A$ admits a set-...
Rodrigo Vargas's user avatar
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One-parameter groups acting on dual Banach spaces

Let $E$ be a Banach space, and $M=E^*$ (my application has $M$ a von Neumann algebra, but this is unimportant). Let $(\sigma_t)$ be a SOT cts one-parameter group on $E$: so for $t\in\mathbb R$, we ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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The orthogonal of $[A,B]$ in $M_n(k)$

Let ${\mathcal A}$ be the algebra spanned by the words in two letters $x$ and $y$. Its (infinite) basis is $1,x,y,x^2,xy,yx,y^2,...$ Let ${\mathcal A}_0$ be the sub-space (warning: not the sub-...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Isomorphism of categories of rigged modules via completely bounded isomorphism of operator algebras

This question is a background for my previous question. Suppose $A$ and $B$ are two algebras over $\mathbb{C}$ with the sequences of norms $\lbrace\|\cdot\|_{\Xi,n}\rbrace$ and on $M_n(\Xi)$, $\Xi\...
Kolya Ivankov's user avatar
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Positive block matrices over tensor algebras

Let $A$ be a unital C*-algebra. A positive block matrix in $M_2(A)$ must have the form $$ \begin{pmatrix} a & a^{1/2} x b^{1/2} \\ b^{1/2} x^* a^{1/2} & b \end{pmatrix}, $$ where $a,b$ are ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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