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Questions tagged [noncommutative-algebra]

Non-commutative rings and algebras, non-associative algebras. Can be used in combination with ra.rings-and-algebras

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Point modules of quantum projective space $\mathbb{P}^n$

Let $A$ be a quantum $\mathbb{P}^n$ defined by $$ A=\mathbb{C}\langle x_1,x_2,\dots,x_{n+1}\rangle/(x_ix_j-r_{ij}x_jx_i)_{1\le i < j\le n+1}. $$ I would like to know the set $X$ of isomorphism ...
user2013's user avatar
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When a ring is a polynomial ring?

In the paper (2.11) the authors show that if $k^*$ is a separable algebraic extension of $k$ and $x_1,x_2, \ldots, x_n$ are indeterminates over $k^*$ and a normal one dimensional ring $A$ with $k \...
mukhujje's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to prove that a projective module is not free?

Let $A$ be a noncommutative (perhaps $\ast$-) algebra (over $\mathbb{C}$) and let $M$ be a projective module defined via a projector $P\in M_n(A)$; i.e. $M=P(A^n)$. Furthermore, assume that all ...
Joakim Arnlind's user avatar
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Hochschild Cohomology of the Quantum Torus

I would like some advice on how to compute directly, or by a higher powered method the Hochschild Cohomology groups of the quantum torus using the stated complex I have found. I think there are ...
No1729's user avatar
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injective dimension of envelope algebras

Let $A$ be a connected graded algebra and $A^o$ the opposite algebra of $A$. Let $A^e=A\otimes A^o$. Suppose that $A$ has a finitely generated projective resolution as a graded $A^e$-module. My first ...
G.-S. Zhou's user avatar
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Is the "algebraic closure" of the quaternions, finite dimensional? [closed]

This post is a sequel of: What's the algebraic closure of the quaternions? $\mathbb{H}$ is algebraically closed for the polynomials of the form $\sum a_r x^r$, but it is not for the polynomials ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
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Interpretation of Hochschild Homology groups

In all the literature I've come across there are many concrete interpretations of the first few Hochschild Cohomology groups. For example $HH^1(A,M)\cong Derivation/Inner Derivations$ etc.... In ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Examples of noncommutative Bezout domains

I would like to see some (or many!) examples of noncommutative Bezout domains (one-sided principal ideals sum to one-sided principal ideals). I've read somewhere that it's not easy to find an example ...
1 vote
1 answer

Graded category O for for rational Cherednik algebras, but at t=0

The paper [1] introduced the category $\mathcal{O}$ for rational Cherednik algebras $H_{t,c}(W)$. This construction is tailored for the $t=1$ case (equivalently, the $t\neq 0$ case). The general setup ...
Zahlendreher's user avatar
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Endomorphism Ring of Indecomposable MCM Modules

Let $R = k[[x, y]]/(f)$, where $k$ is algebraically closed of characteristic zero. I'm particularly interested in studying the endomorphism ring of indecomposable MCM (maximal Cohen-Macaulay) modules ...
Floresza's user avatar
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Conjugate linear maps between $*$-algebra modules

Let $A$ be a $*$-algebra, $E,$ and $F$ two $A$-modules, and a map $f:E \to F$ such that $$ f(ae) = a^*f(e), ~~~~~~~ a \in A. $$ This seems to me to be the natural generalisation of a conjugate linear ...
Dyke Acland's user avatar
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Center Picard group non-commutative algebra

I am wondering if there is a way to describe the center of the Picard group of a non-commutative algebra. Namely, let $A$ be a finitely generated algebra over a field $k$. Denote by $\mathrm{Pic}(A)$...
Libli's user avatar
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Hochschild cohomology of commutative quotients

Notation: Let $k$ be a commutative local ring and let $HH^{i}(A,N)$ denote the $i^{th}$ Hochschild cohomology $k$-module of a $k$-algebra A with coefficients in an $(A,A)$-bi-module $N$. If $x:=\{...
ABIM's user avatar
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Central division and quaternion algebras

I would like to know if there are some central-simple algebras $D_1$, $D_2$ and $D_3$ over a field $k$ satisfying the following properties : $ind(D_1)=exp(D_1)=4$ ($ind$ is the Schur index and $exp$ ...
Louis's user avatar
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Intersection of Maximal Left Ideals with Finite Dimensional Quotient

Let $\Gamma$ be a finitely generated group and let $A=\mathbb{C}[\Gamma]$ be the corresponding group algebra over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $X$ be the set of all maximal left ideals of $A$ and let $X_0=\{I \...
Hans's user avatar
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Are morphisms of finite length modules determined by the behaviour of the simple modules?

Assume we have a noncommutative ring $R$ with exactly 2 non-isomorphic simple left modules $S_1$ and $S_2$ (up to isomorphism) and an $R$-bimodule $M$, which switches the simples, i.e. $M\otimes_R S_1=...
TonyS's user avatar
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Recursion formula for odd holonomic function

Let $E$ be the space of maps $f:\mathbb{Z}\longrightarrow\mathbb{C}[t^{\pm}]$ satisfying $\forall i$, $f(i)=-f(-i)$. The algebra $$\mathcal{T}=\mathbb{C}[t^{\pm}]\langle L^{\pm},M^{\pm}\rangle/(LM-...
Xuanting Cai's user avatar
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Any link between abelian $R/J(R)$ and 2-primal condition

Let $R$ be noncommutative unital ring such that each element of the quotient $R/Soc(R_R)$ is idempotent. If the nilpotent elements of $R$ form an ideal, is it true that the idempotents of $R/J(R)$ ...
karparvar's user avatar
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Semisimple-ish rings!

Let S be the class of all rings R which have 1 and satisfy this condition: for every "non-zero" right ideal I of R there exists a "proper" right ideal J of R such that I + J = R. (The + here is not ...
carlos's user avatar
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Existence of small projective dimensioned modules

Suppose $A$ is a (if necessary unital) associative ring and $I$ is a left ideal in $A$. Let $\operatorname{pd}(M)$ denote the projective dimension of a left $A$-module $M$. Then do either of the ...
Homologizer's user avatar
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When does an automorphism extend to a localisation (noncommutative rings)

Let $R$ be a (not necessarily commutative) ring. Let $\tau$ be an automorphism of $R$. Consider the localisation of $R$ at a set of multiplicative elements which satisfy the ore condition, say $X$. ...
No1729's user avatar
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Is the square diagram of index and exponential maps in $K$-theory of $C^*$-algebras anti-commutative?

Assume we have a $3\times 3$ grid with rows and columns being short exact sequences of $C^*$-algebras. This gives a grid of 6-term exact sequences: 3 "horizontal" sequences and 3 "vertical" sequences,...
Fiktor's user avatar
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When is $rad(L)[x_1,\ldots]$ radical in $Ker(\varphi_\ast)$?

Suppose we have a local ring $L$ (not necessarily commutative) such that $L/rad(L)$ is a division algebra (here $rad(L)$ is the Jacobson radical of $L$). We clearly have the canonical surjection $\...
John D Evans's user avatar
9 votes
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Mathematical software for computing in integral group rings of discrete groups?

I'm doing computations in the integral group ring of a discrete group, in particular the discrete Heisenberg group. In this case elements are integral combinations of monomials $x^k y^m z^n$, where ...
Douglas Lind's user avatar
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unitary reduction of $q$-normal matrices

The unitary reduction of normal matrices is a well-known fact: if $A\in M_n(\mathbb C)$ commutes with its Hermitian adjoint $A^*$, then there exists a unitary $U\in\mathbb U_n$ and a diagonal matrix $...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Free left = free right ?

Let $R \subseteq S$ be an extension of rings with unit. Suppose that $S$ is free as left $R$-module. I wonder what can said about the freeness of $S$ as right $R$-module. To be a little more precise ...
Ralph's user avatar
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Commutator Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula

Consider the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula $\Phi(X,Y)\in\mathbb{Q}\langle\!\langle X,Y\rangle\!\rangle$ in non-commutative variables. Define $X*Y:=\Phi(X,Y)$ and $[X,Y]=(-X)*(-Y)*X*Y$, and then (as ...
Diego Sulca's user avatar
10 votes
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Division algebras in which every proper subfield is maximal

I have a (noncommutative) division algebra D which is finite dimensional over its center F. I know that every subfield of D which contains F properly is a maximal subfield of D. What can we say about ...
carlos's user avatar
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Under what assumptions can endomorphisms of $M/IM$ be realized as a subquotient of endomorphisms of $M$?

Suppose we have an algebra $A$ (unital, associative), with an ideal $I \leq A$ and a finitely generated module $M$ over $A$. It is possible to obtain both $\mathrm{End}_A(M)$ and $\mathrm{End}_A(M/IM)...
Yotam's user avatar
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What are the fixed points of $\alpha^n-\mu_j$ for a fixed $j$?

Let us consider the polynomial ring $\Bbb C[x_1,...,x_s]$ and $\alpha(x_i)= x_i + \mu_i$ where $\mu_i \in \Bbb C$ are not all zero. Then $\alpha \in \mathrm{Aut}(\Bbb C[x_1,...,x_s])$. What are ...
Ri-Li's user avatar
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Center of universal enveloping algebra of nilpotent lie algebra

Let g be a finite dimensional nilpotent lie algebra over a field k of characteristic zero. Let U(g) be the universal enveloping algebra and Z(g) be its center. Denote by Z_1(g) the augmentation ideal ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
26 votes
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Idempotents in Rings of Differential Operators

Differential Operators on General Commutative Rings Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let R be a commutative k-algebra. Then a (Grothendieck) differential operator on ...
Greg Muller's user avatar
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Algebra - Decomposition of a matrix polynomial

Dear All, This is related with a problem that I'm trying to solve on my PhD dissertation in econometrics, and I thought that some mathmatician can know the answer. What is known about a possible ...
FCX's user avatar
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Balanced dualizing complex vs rigid dualizing complex?

In noncommutative projective geometry, there is a counterpart of dualizing complex in commutative world. It seems to me that they are called either a balanced dualizing complex or rigid dualizing ...
user2013's user avatar
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Is "being a full ring of quotients" a Morita invariant property?

Definition and context: An (associative, unital, not necessarily commutative) ring $R$ is called classical if every regular element of $R$ is a unit. Equivalently, $R$ is its own classical ring of ...
Torsten Schoeneberg's user avatar
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An order in $\mathbb Q[G]$ which is a maximal $\mathbb Z_p$-order in $\mathbb Q_p[G]$ for finitely many primes $p$

Let $G$ be a finite group and $S$ a finite set of prime numbers. I know that every separable $\mathbb Q$-algebra $A$ contains a maximal $\mathbb Z$-order but I wonder if the following is true. Is ...
eddie's user avatar
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Are annihilation modules in the quantum torus necessarily principal?

I hope that my question yields some standard fact from (noncommutative) ring theory. In discussions with other graduate students, we have outlined some approaches to tackling the question, but haven'...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Jacobi-Zariski exact sequence question

Denote by $HC(A,M)$ the Hochschild homological complex of an algebra $A$ with coefficients in an $A$-bimodule $M$, and let $B\rightarrow A$ be an $R$-flat extension of $R$-algebras, for some $CRing$ $...
ABIM's user avatar
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Does this kind of non-noetherian bimodule exist?

Question: Do there exist simple rings $R$ and $S$ (i.e., rings with no proper nonzero ideals) and an $(R,S)$-bimodule $M$ such that $M$ is finitely generated both as a left $R$-module and a right $...
Manny Reyes's user avatar
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A Version of Nullstellensatz for Rings of Dİfferential Operators

Here is one of the classical versions of the nullstellensatz: Let $K$ be a field and let $\mathfrak{m}$ be a maximal ideal of the polynomial ring $K[T_1,\ldots,T_n]$. Then $K[T_1,\ldots,T_n]/\mathfrak{...
Sonat Suer's user avatar
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Normal regular sequence in noncommutative algebras

Does anyone know anything about the normal regular sequences in the quantum plane? Here are the definitions: Normal regular sequence: Let $R$ be a ring (not necessarily commutative). A sequence $...
Leslie Wu's user avatar
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Orders of Clifford algebra

Let $C_n$ be the Clifford algebra over $\mathbb{Q}$ associated to negative definite quadratic form $-I_n$ (i.e. $-x_1^2-\dots-x_n^2$). Let $\mathcal{O}$ be a $\mathbb{Z}$-order of $C_n$. Q1) Is it ...
Subhajit Jana's user avatar
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Nilpotent operator of the Weyl algebra

For a research project I'm currently working on, I came across the following problem: Let $A=$ $^{k <x,y> }\Big/_{(yx-xy-1)}$ be the Weyl Algebra over a field $k$ of characteristic $p$, where $...
u1571372's user avatar
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Centers of Noetherian Algebras and K-theory

I'll start off a little vauge: Let $E$ be a noncommutative ring which is finitely generated over its noetherian center $Z$. Denote by $\textbf{mod}\hspace{.1 cm} E$ the category of finitely ...
Floresza's user avatar
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Criterion for global dimension of subring

All rings are assumed to be associative and unital. If $B$ is a commutative sub-ring of $A$ (which itself needs not be commutative) then what properties of $B$ are both necessary and sufficient for ...
ABIM's user avatar
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$Aut(\mathbb{Z}G)=?$ for $G=\mathbb{Z}^2\rtimes_n\mathbb{Z}$

I am interested in the automorphism group of the group ring $\mathbb{Z}G$ for some noncommutative group $G$ of the form $\mathbb{Z}^2\rtimes_n\mathbb{Z}$, say $$\mathbb{Z}^2\rtimes_n\mathbb{Z}=\...
Jiang's user avatar
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Length of a module over different rings

Given a regular local ring $(R,m)$ and a finitely generated $R$-algebra $S$, which is free as an $R$-module. Let $M$ be a left $S$-module of finite length, $\ell_S(M)=r<\infty$. Under what ...
TonyS's user avatar
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Non-simple and non-unital rings with trivial centres

Let $R$ be an associative and non-unital ring. (Suppose that $R$ is $s$-unital, i.e. for each $x\in R$ there is $u,v\in R$ such that $ux=xv=x$.) It is not difficult to show that if $R$ is a simple ...
Johan Öinert's user avatar
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The octonion equations

A good treatment have been given to the quaternion equations. Indeed, Ivan Niven in his paper Equations in Quaternion given in this link
Motaz Hammouda's user avatar
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Global dimension of a subalgebra with all units

(All rings here are always assumed to be unital and associative). Setup Let $R$ be a ring, and $A$ and $B$ be $R$-algebras, with $A$ a commutative subalgebra of $B$ satisfying: If $u$ is a unit in $...
ABIM's user avatar
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