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26 votes
6 answers

Deriving inverse of Hilbert matrix

The Hilbert matrix is the square matrix given by $$H_{ij}=\frac{1}{i+j-1}$$ Wikipedia states that its inverse is given by $$(H^{-1})_{ij} = (-1)^{i+j}(i+j-1) {{n+i-1}\choose{n-j}}{{n+j-1}\choose{n-...
L.Z. Wong's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Fast trace of inverse of a square matrix

Which would be the most efficient way (in computational time) to compute tr(inv(H)), where H is a (dense) square matrix? In my particular problem I also have a LU decomposition of H already available,...
César's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Parametrization of O(3)

Is there a simple way to parametrize the orthogonal group O(3) of 3 by 3 orthogonal matrices?
user10621's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Smallest eigenvalue of a tricky random matrix

While experimenting with positive-definite functions, I was led to the following: Let $n$ be a positive integer, and let $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ be sampled from a zero-mean, unit variance gaussian. Consider ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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16 votes
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Playing an (invertible) matrix game with two players

Players $A$ and $B$ take an empty $n \times n$ matrix and place, one by one, an element (say, a rational number) in an unoccupied place of this matrix. Player $A$ starts. The game ends if there is no ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Techniques for lower-bounding angle between two eigenvectors of a matrix

Are there any techniques for lower-bounding the angle between eigenvectors of a matrix? Or a lower bound on the related quantity of the condition number of the matrix of eigenvectors? In particular I'...
Warren Schudy's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Bounds on $\|P^{k+1} - P^k\|$ for $n$ by $n$ stochastic matrix $P$ with trace $n-1$ and integer $k\gg n$

The problem: We have a $n$-state Markov chain with arbitrary initial distribution and transition matrix $P$ that is arbitrary except that we know that $P$ has trace $n-1$. Of course $P$ is also a ...
Warren Schudy's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Tight bound for sum of entries of the inverse of a nonnegative matrix

While playing around with certain non-negative matrices, I got stuck at the following question. Let $A$ be a strictly positive-definite $n \times n$ matrix ($n \ge 3$), with ones on the diagonal, and ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

The difficulty of generate complex Hadamard matrix

A complex $n\times n$ matrix $A=[a_{ij}]$ is called a Hadamard matrix if $A^{+}A=nI$ and $|a_{ij}|=1$ holds for all $i,j$, where $A^{+}$ denotes the conjugate transposed matrix of $A$, and a vector $...
gondolf's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

Standard polynomials applied to matrices (bis)

The standard polynomial in $r$ non-commuting indeterminates $x_1,\ldots,x_r$ is defined by $${\mathcal S}_r(x_1,\ldots,x_r):=\sum_{\sigma\in S_r}\epsilon(\sigma)x_{\sigma(1)}x_{\sigma(2)}\cdots x_{\...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Norm of commutators (bis)

This question is slightly related to a popular one with the same title (see here). Let $k$ be a field with characteristic zero. It is known (see Exercise 310) that a matrix $A\in M_n(k)$ is nilpotent ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Nonunique low-rank matrix completion from a few entries

Suppose we want to have a good approximation for the following NP-hard problem $$\min_{\bf X} \operatorname{rank}({\bf X}) \text{ s.t. } \mathcal{A}({\bf X}) = {\bf b}, {\bf X} \succeq 0$$ where ${\bf ...
Anadim's user avatar
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19 votes
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Is the norm of a $0-1$ matrix (almost) attained on a $0-1$ vector?

I'd like to state explicitly a problem which was somehow hidden in my three-week-old post: Does there exist an absolute constant $c>0$ with the property that for any matrix $M\in{\mathcal M}_{m\...
Seva's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How many minors I need to check to conclude all minors will vanish ?

Given a $m \times n$ matrix $n>m$, I was trying to check if all its $m \times m$ minor vanish. I remember hearing that one really does not need to check all possible minors in order to conclude ...
Vagabond's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Square root of non-positive definite matrix

Finding square root of matrices using Cholesky decomposition is limited to positive definite matrices. Any other method to find square root of matrix which has some diagonal values approximately zero (...
Anbu's user avatar
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Finding the determinant of a matrix with LU composition

Hi Mathoverflow I hope you bear with me that my linear algebra knowledge is a little rusty, but I have a question that might potentially very easy to answer. Nevertheless it's been bugging me for a ...
Arnfred's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Is this formulation of the Singular Value Decomposition standard?

In customary formulations of the Singular Value Decomposition or SVD that I have seen, (e.g., Wikipedia or Gil Strang's textbooks) it is always stated in terms of writing an $m \times n$ matrix $M$ (...
Dick Palais's user avatar
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annihilator/common left multiple of matrix polynomials

Let $A_{n,d}$ be the space of polynomials of degree $d$ or less whose coefficients are real $n\times n$ matrices --- or, if you prefer, the space of matrices whose entries are degree-$d$ polynomials. ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Pinching and positive definite matrices

A pinching over $M_n({\mathbb C})$ is an endomorphism $T$ where the $(i,j)$-entry of $T(M)$ is given either by $0$ or by $m_{ij}$, depending on the pair $(i,j)$. Let us say that a pinching is ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Computation of a Drazin inverse

I need to compute the Drazin inverse $A^D$ of a singular M-matrix $A$, i.e., a matrix in the form $A=\lambda I -P$, where $P$ has nonnegative entries and $\lambda$ is the spectral radius (Perron value)...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Which doubly stochastic matrices can be written as products of pairwise averaging matrices?

A matrix $A$ is called doubly stochastic if its entries are nonnegative, and if all of its rows and columns add up to $1$. A subset of doubly stochastic matrices is the set of pairwise averaging ...
angela's user avatar
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Integer vectors in the kernel of an integer matrix

Let $A$ be a non-zero symmetric $n \times n$-matrix with integer entries and suppose that $\det(A) =0$. Question: How long is the shortest non-zero integer vector in the kernel of $A$? Example: If ...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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Regular languages of matrices and their generating functions

My question is somewhat related to this question. Let us fix natural numbers $k$ and $C$. Let $A$ be an automaton whose alphabet consists of $k\times k$ matrices with integer coefficients of ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Maximum determinant of $\{0,1\}$-valued $n\times n$-matrices

What's the maximum determinant of $\{0,1\}$ matrices in $M(n,\mathbb{R})$? If there's no exact formula what are the nearest upper and lower bounds do you know?
Igor Demidov's user avatar
6 votes
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Bisymmetric Matrix, solving set of linear equations.

A bisymmetric matrix is a square matrix that is symmetric about both of its main diagonals. If $A$ is a bisymmetric matrix and I'm interested in solving $Ax=b$. Are there techniques used to ...
alext87's user avatar
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Convergence of the relaxation method for every parameter in the relevant disk

For large size matrices, the resolution of linear systems $Ax=b$ is often done iteratively. The matrix $A$ is split as $A=M-N$, with $M$ invertible, and one performs $$x^{k+1}=M^{-1}(Nx^k+b).$$ The ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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2 votes
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Bidiagonalization and SVD of matrix

I can't find a single solid explanation of how to implement this -- whitepapers too detailed/confusing. Closest I came to an answer was this:
dougvk's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How many commuting nilpotent matrices are there?

To be precise, fix $n$, fix a field $k$. What is the maximal dimension of a subspace of the vector space of all $n\times n$ matrices formed by commutative nilpotent matrices? By commutative I mean ...
Yuhao Huang's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Random products of projections: bounds on convergence rate?

The von Neumann-Halperin [vN,H] theorem shows that iterating a fixed product of projection operators converges to the projector onto the intersection subspace of the individual projectors. A good ...
Martin Schwarz's user avatar
2 votes
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subspace separation and M-matrices

The separation between two square matrices $A$ and $B$, often used as a measure of the sensitivity of invariant subspace problems, is defined as $$ \operatorname{sep}(A,B)=\min_{X\neq 0}\frac{\left\...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Simultaneously orthogonally transform two SPD matrices to tridiagonal form?

Supposing you have two SPD matrices $A,B\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ are there any known results on the existence or non-existence of a unitary matrix $Q$ such that $Q^\top A Q=T_A$ and $Q^\top B Q=T_B$ ...
Greg's user avatar
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3 answers

Conjugate Gradient for a "slightly" singular system.

Suppose I have a symmetric $N \times N$ matrix A which has a one-dimensional Nullspace $N$. A is positive definite on $N^\bot$. In my case $N$ is the space of constant vectors (i.e. generated by ...
RadonNikodym's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

Perron-Frobenius "inverse eigenvalue problem"

The Perron-Frobenius theorem says that the largest eigenvalue of a positive real matrix (all entries positive) is real. Moreover, that eigenvalue has a positive eigenvector, and it is the only ...
Gene S. Kopp's user avatar
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1 vote
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How can I characterize the type of solution vector that comes out of a matrix?

Ax = b. I need a way to analyze a square matrix A to see if its solution vector x will ...
bobobobo's user avatar
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10 answers

Fast matrix multiplication

Suppose we have two $n$ by $n$ matrices over particular ring. We want to multiply them as fast as possible. According to wikipedia there is an algorithm of Coppersmith and Winograd that can do it in $...
ilyaraz's user avatar
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66 votes
2 answers

Geometric interpretation of characteristic polynomial

The coefficients of lowest and next-highest degree of a linear operator's characteristic polynomial are its determinant and trace. These have well-known geometric interpretations. But what about its ...
Per Vognsen's user avatar
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5 votes
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Matrices whose exponential is stochastic

The complex matrix exponential of a Hermitian matrix is unitary: $e^{-iH} = U$. Is there a name or a characterization for matrices Q whose real exponential is stochastic: $e^{-Q} = S$?
Mike Stay's user avatar
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Left and right eigenvalues

A quaternionic matrix $A$ gives rise to a function $\mathbb{H}^n \to \mathbb{H}^n$ given by $x \mapsto A \cdot x$. This is real linear, but not complex- or quaternionic-linear (in general) if we ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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28 votes
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Expressing $-\operatorname{adj}(A)$ as a polynomial in $A$?

Suppose $A\in R^{n\times n}$, where $R$ is a commutative ring. Let $p_i \in R$ be the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of $A$: $\operatorname{det}(A-xI) = p_0 + p_1x + \dots + p_n x^n$. I ...
Laurent Lessard's user avatar
4 votes
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Stability of Conjugate Gradient Method

When dealing with spd matrices of relatively low condition number, how likely is it (and is it easily provable) that the conjugate gradient method will always be able to find the solution without ...
user2731's user avatar
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Is there a standard measure for how close a matrix is to being a distance metric ?

Suppose I have a square n*n, symmetric matrix with positive elements and zero diagonal. For this to be considered a proper distance metric between n points, the triangle inequality needs to be ...
László Kozma's user avatar
12 votes
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Is there a way to simplify block Cholesky decomposition if you already have decomposed the submatrices along the leading diagonal?

Let's say we have a block matrix $ M =\left( \begin{array}{ccc} A & B\\ B^{*} & C \end{array} \right)$ where $M$ is positive definite. ($A$ and $C$ are also positive definite.) There is a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Eigenvalues of sum of commuting matrices [closed]

With reference to the following thread : Eigenvalues of Matrix Sums Answer by Jonas Meyer is as follows : If 2 positive matrices commute, than each eigenvalue of the sum is a sum of eigenvalues of ...
Ramya's user avatar
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Matrix Conjugates over Finite Fields

Thinking about Diffe-Hillman for matrices brought me to the following question. Given $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$ the finite field with $p^k$ elements when can we find non-trivial solutions to $\begin{...
B. Bischof's user avatar
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On matrices that almost have the same eigenvalues

Let $A$ and $B$ be two $4\times 4$ matrices. Using Newton's identities, one can prove that if $$\det(A) = \det(B)\quad \text{and}\quad \mathrm{tr}(A^i) = \mathrm{tr}(B^i)$$ for $i=1,2,3$, then $A$ and ...
Malik Younsi's user avatar
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When is a triangular matrix totally unimodular?

I have a {0,1}, invertible, triangular matrix, that I would like to show is totally unimodular. Are there any known results on the total unimodularity of classes of triangular matrices?
Michael Biro's user avatar
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15 votes
9 answers

Exponential of large matrices

I want to make a diffusion kernel, which involves $e^{\beta A}$, where A is a large matrix (25k by 25k). It is an adjacency matrix, so it's symmetric and very sparse. Does anyone have a ...
Xodarap's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What can be said about pairs of matrices P,Q that satisfies $(P^{-1})^T \circ P = (Q^{-1})^T \circ Q$ ?

Let $P,Q$ be $n$ by $n$ invertible matrices. Suppose further that $P$ and $Q$ satisfies the following equation : $$(P^{-1})^T \circ P = (Q^{-1})^T \circ Q$$ where $\circ$ denotes the Hadamard matrix ...
Malik Younsi's user avatar
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"Main" diagonal of a matrix

Hello! I'm in search of some (possibly statistical) measure for matrices. I want to classify a square matrix as having the largest numbers running along the main diagonal or along the anitdiagonal. ...
Verhoevenv's user avatar
8 votes
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Positive solutions of linear Diophantine equations

Let $A$ be a non-negative integer $k\times n$-matrix (i.e. each entry is non-negative and integer) with $rank(A) = k < n$. Let $b$ be a $k$-dimensional vector with positive integer entries. ...
SIB's user avatar
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