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11 votes
1 answer

Good chalk in the UK

Sometime ago it was asked in Mathoverflow about good chalk in the US Where to buy premium white chalk in the U.S., like they have at RIMS?. I will be grateful for any recommendations on good chalk in ...
9 votes
3 answers

Where can I find questions motivating important ideas in math?

I would like questions that demonstrate why a mathematical tool or technique is useful, and which can be used to introduce that idea. Ideally, this would be a compilation of problems organized by the ...
8 votes
0 answers

Lower semicontinuity of naive fiber size

I would like to present the following result in my algebraic geometry class, but it is seeming much harder than I would expect. Since my class is working with closed points over an algebraically ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Lines on degree 2n-3 Fermat hypersufaces

It is well known that a generic hypersurface of degree $2n-3$ in $\mathbb CP^n$ has finite number of lines. I would like to ask a couple of questions about lines on Fermat hypersurfaces and their ...
aglearner's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

What is the geometric meaning of the third derivative of a function at a point? [closed]

What is the geometric meaning of the third derivative of a function at a point? This question is now asked on the sister site:
AJAY's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Any suggestions for a course in Mathematical Logic?

I am teaching a topics course for Mathematics majors (at Temple), and am considering Logic as the topic. I was wondering if people (a) have suggestions for an appropriate text and (b) how much might ...
2 votes
2 answers

Examples of random variables

I'm looking for a list of examples of random variables to use in teaching a measure-theoretic probability course. For example, the Rademacher functions are an explicit construction of independent ...
John D. Cook's user avatar
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2 answers

Decomposition of $K_{10}$ in copies of the Petersen graph

It is a well-known and cute exercise in algebraic graph theory to show that $K_{10}$ cannot be written as the edge-disjoint union of three copies of the Petersen graph $P$. Indeed, the graph $G$ whose ...
Olivier's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Problem suggestions for polymath for undergraduates research

I'm inspired by the polymath project. It might be great for few undergraduates to work together on a research topic. What are some research problems with the following properties(Experimental ...
2 votes
0 answers

Linear Algebra Text Book [closed]

In our department we do not like our current linear algebra book and so we would want to find a better book. This is for the first course in linear algebra and the title of the course is Elementary ...
11 votes
1 answer

Is there evidence whether undergraduate math courses improve problem-solving?

The most commonly stated reason for why mathematics should be a required condition for graduating is }to improve problem-solving skills". Usually it's taken for granted that taking a mathematics ...
Anna Varvak's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is Diagonalization worth to be taught? [closed]

When students come to the College (first two years of the University system in most of the developped countries) to train in mathematics, they get a linear algebra / matrix analysis course. After a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Teaching profession:Differential Equations and Mean Value Theorems

Usually I teach Algebra,Algebra and Geometyry, Topology, at various University levels. This semester (Spring 2014) I have to teach Differential Equations to University second year students (4th ...
Al-Amrani's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Pedagogical notes on line bundles on complex projective manifolds

I would like to find some notes (or book), that explains on a very basic level what is a line bundle on a complex projective manifold. Maybe even, what is a line bundle on $\mathbb CP^n$. It seems ...
4 votes
2 answers

Terminology question on covering spaces

I'm teaching an elementary class about fundamental groups and covering spaces. It was very useful to use "fool's covering spaces" of a space $X$, defined as functors $\Pi_1(X)\to Sets$, where $\Pi_1(X)...
Pavol S.'s user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How would You encourage graduate students to learn algebraic geometry and/or complex analysis? [closed]

Hello, I am the 3rd year undegraduate student of mathematics. After I obtain a bachelor degree I want to study maths at graduate level, especially algebraic geometry and complex analysis. This fields ...
ifk's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Social Reading Platform for Math or LaTeX texts

Social reading is considered to be one of the big trends that could be catalysing learning by reading. Features could include: Highlighting or annotating paragraphs or single steps in a proof for ...
0 votes
1 answer

Sierpinski Triangle and the Chaos Game

The chaos game is a way to construct (an approximation) of Sierpinski triangle. It's clear (using Thales' theorem!) that if we begin with a point on the sierpinski triangle, then we will never leave ...
Behzad's user avatar
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0 answers

Applications of Freiman's theorem?

What are some interesting applications of Freiman's theorem or, better-yet, its recent generalizations (eg Green-Ruzsa) that could be included in a graduate course in additive combinatorics? I'm ...
5 votes
3 answers

Graphical representation of mathematical structures (in the spirit of unified modeling language)

In software engineering the unified modeling language ("UML") is a well established technique for providing overview of complex systems and an efficient means of communicating about them. There are ...
Andreas Rüdinger's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Best Practices for Learning Mathematics (especially in the classroom) [closed]

I am an undergraduate CS major with strong interests in applied math and theoretical computer science. In the past, I've done reasonably well grade-wise in all math-related (that is, pure math, ...
3 votes
2 answers

Integration in several variables and elementary applications

This fall I'm teaching the "second half" of the standard entry-level undergraduate multivariable calculus course: the focus is on double and triple integrals, path integrals, Green's theorem, Stokes' ...
1 vote
1 answer

Websites hosting free math ebooks. [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Free, high quality mathematical writing online? Most helpful math resources on the web A lot has been said about different kinds of math resources here in MO. To mention a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Distance between two distribution of image

I am looking for a common distance method to compare two distribution (ex: histogram of image). Please suggest to me some common method to do it. I found some method ex: Bhattacharyya distance , K-L ...
John's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to study a math text [closed]

Hello, recently I've been trying various attempts regarding how to approach a math book to learn in the best way. Should one memorize the theorems and proofs so that one can recite them? I tend to ...
2 votes
2 answers

Characterizing triangles unembeddedly

The mathedu mailing list has a recent longish thread at which discussed among other things whether we should teach triangles as labeled or ...
SixWingedSeraph's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Vinogradov's Elements of Number Theory

I can't be the only person here who has fond memories of the problems in Vinogradov's Elements of Number Theory. (For people who have not read it - the text itself is just a concise basic number ...
0 votes
1 answer

Dual of Zorn's Lemma? [closed]

It seems to me that the dual of Zorn's Lemma should be true: if $S$ is a non-empty partially ordered set and every chain of $S$ has a lower bound in $S$, then $S$ has at least one minimal element. ...
Hannay's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does A "Connections" Blog/Podcast exist for Math?

What I mean is this: Does there exist a mathematics podcast where a mathematician of some sort looks at undergraduate/graduate mathematical topics and look into the history (how those objects came ...
12 votes
1 answer

Teaching Methods and Evaluating them

Hey, As a lowly graduate student, I'm on a committee (I'm not sure how important my role really is) trying to evaluate how effective different approaches teaching undergraduates. We are looking at ...
2 votes
2 answers

How should I find a tutor for math-overflow level mathematics? [closed]

Searching for maths tutors online finds people willing to teach up to A-level. I'm looking for help at a more advanced level. At the moment I'm trying to teach myself category theory from downloaded ...
Paul Crowley's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Arguments against Reductio ad Absurdum [closed]

Could Reductio ad Absurdum not be consireded a valid proof method? Are there any compelling arguments against it, or at it's favor? I feel like I am assuming some metamathematical hypothesis about my ...
badosu's user avatar
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Are injective modules flabby on basic open sets?

In order to give a simple proof of a basic fact about quasi-coherent modules (see below), I'm interested in knowing whether the following statement holds: Statement: If $A$ is a commutative ring and $...
José Navarro's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Text/structure for an analysis course for students with pre-existing understanding of some applied aspects of analysis

Greetings, I'm teaching a one-off course (perhaps never to be repeated) in a curriculum that's in transition, and I'm looking for advice on a textbook, or stories from people who have taught similar ...
7 votes
0 answers

Good textbooks on probability and/or stochastic processes, emphasizing simulation

Any recommendations for textbooks on probability and/or stochastic processes that emphasize simulation? I'll be teaching this course in the Fall.
James Propp's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Founding of homological without quite involving derived categories

I am looking at the foundations of homological algebra, e.g. the introduction of Ext and Tor, and am unsatisfied. The references I look at start with "this is called a projective module, this is ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
1 vote
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An "Elementary" Math Question Generalized (Ring Theory Perhaps)

The following question is posed in the book "The USSR Olympiad Problem Book: Selected Problems and Theorems of Elementary Mathematics" "Prove that if integers a_1, ..., a_n are all distinct, then the ...
Michael Hoffman's user avatar
4 votes
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Almost linear ODE: how node becomes a spiral

Most introductory ODE books contain a discussion of almost linear systems, and there are two cases when the behavior of an almost linear system near an equilbrium point can differ from the behaviour ...
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
4 votes
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MathJax (or something like it) as a classroom “blackboard”

(I tried this first at , but didn't get satisfactory responses.) What is the best desktop ...
David Feldman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Best examples of physics providing insight into math [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Examples where physical heuristics led to incorrect answers? Examples of using physical intuition to solve math problems V. I. Arnold argues (
FirstNameLastName's user avatar
1 vote
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Professional skills advising for math jobs [closed]

Hi, I am a postdoc at the University of Nottingham (UK) and I am beginning to apply for Assistant Professor positions in US. I would like to receive a feedback on the material that I am sending (...
Daniele Muraro's user avatar
2 votes
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Good sources for linear algebra for convex optimization and graph analysis?

What are some good sources for linear algebra for convex optimization and graph analysis? In Particular, is Gilbert Strang's MIT course suitable, or some other online course? I prefer online courses (...
DoubleJay's user avatar
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What are some interesting grading/curving systems you have seen for a course? [closed]

It seems like every math course has something unique in how things are graded. 1) What are some interesting grading systems you have seen/used? (include curving types, etc.) 2) What are some pros ...
3 votes
0 answers

Concrete questions that turn into math problems [closed]

I'm writing an article about the way we teach math, trying to find out why so many people are discouraged from learning, and have no interest for math and logic. At some point, I want to show that ...
salezica's user avatar
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How much of math could be taught without using mathematical notation? [closed]

Given that mathematics is not about number, and that it is not even about the cryptic notation used to describe mathematical problems, how much of mathematics could be taught without reference to ...
Michael Dillon's user avatar

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