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0 answers

Inequalities in the classic proof of perfect matching in Erdős–Rényi graph

I am checking the classic paper by Erdős and Rényi, "On the existence of a factor of degree one of a connected random graph" with the link here. I am curious about the computation of the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Generalizations of a theorem of Edmonds/Tutte on existence of a perfect matching in a graphs

It is well known that for a bipartite graph $G$ with bi-adjacency matrix $A$, then $\det A \neq 0$ (as a polynomial) iff $G$ has a perfect matching (there is a similar result for general graphs with ...
4 votes
0 answers

Find necessary & sufficient conditions for two families of sets to have $m$ pairwise disjoint common partial transversals of given sizes

Let $S$ be a finite set, $I$ a finite index set, $\mathcal A=(A_i:i\in I)$ and $\mathcal B=(B_i:i\in I)$ families of subsets of $S$. For $J\subseteq I$, let $A(J)$ denote $\bigcup_{j\in J} A_j$. A ...
14 votes
2 answers

Number of matchings of even cycles

By doing some calculations on the generating function of matching polynomials of cycles I made the following interesting observation: For all positive integers $n>1$ and $k <n $, the number of ...
2 votes
0 answers

Generalizing Hall's marriage theorem to non-perfect matchings

Let $G = (X, Y, E)$ be bipartite graph such that $|X|=|Y|=n$. A matching $M \subseteq E$ is a subset of disjoint edges (i.e., there does not exist a pair of edges $(x, y) \in M$ and $(x', y') \in M$ ...
0 votes
1 answer

Graph alignment by considering node and edge weights

I have two complete weighted graphs, with the same number of nodes and edges. Each node has a multi-dimensional vector, which represents its features. Edge weights are float numbers between 0 to 1. I'...
1 vote
0 answers

Generalizing Hall's marriage theorem

(This question was earlier posted on stackexchange: Generalizing Hall's marriage theorem. As it received no answers there, I am reposting it here for more attention.) Fix positive integers $m,n,k$ ...
3 votes
0 answers

Counting matchings and perfect matchings

A matching in a graph is a subset of the edges such that no two edges share a vertex. A perfect matching is a matching where every vertex is part of exactly one edge in the matching. Counting the ...
30 votes
2 answers

An unfair marriage lemma

I am looking for a citeable reference to the following generalization of Hall's Marriage Theorem: Given a bipartite graph of boys and girls. In addition to gender difference, they are divided into ...
6 votes
0 answers

Catalan numbers from matchings?

There are several examples of interpreting the Catalan numbers as non-nesting or non-crossing matchings of some graph. My question is: Is there a family of graphs $G_1,G_2,\dotsc$ with the number of ...
15 votes
3 answers

Maximum matching in a graph with no "shortcuts"

For a directed acyclic graph (DAG) $G$, denote by $G^\star$ the undirected graph obtained from $G$ by ignoring direction of its arcs. Let $e(G)=e(G^\star)$ be the number of arcs in $G$ (or edges in $G^...
6 votes
1 answer

Induced matching number

Definition: A matching in a graph $G$ is a subgraph consisting of pairwise disjoint edges. If the subgraph is an induced subgraph, the matching is an induced matching. The largest size of an induced ...
1 vote
0 answers

Hopcroft–Karp Algorithm for a dynamic graph

As so you all know, we have Hopcroft–Karp Algorithm for maximum matching between two sides in a bipartite graph. It runs in $O(\sqrt{V} \times E)$ where $V$ is the vertex set and $E$ is the edges set. ...
4 votes
1 answer

Polygamous stable marriage/ assignment problem

I'm not sure under which 'algorithm' it falls under, but here is the problem: I need to match each person to 5 people from the opposite gender (each guy gets 5 girls, each girl gets 5 guys). Not all ...
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0 answers

Validity of an argument for an implication of NP-Completeness

Fedor Petrov has posed a notorious problem regarding the existence of a matching in this question: Resolution of multiple edges As I see it the setting is a constrained bipartite matching and thus, ...
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0 answers

Bound on the number of maximum matchings in a graph

It is known that the number of perfect matchings in a graph is bounded above by the integer part of the square root of the permanent of its adjacency matrix. But, suppose I take the square root of the ...
8 votes
3 answers

Problems and algorithms requiring non-bipartite matching

While the importance of the non-bipartite matching problem itself from an algorithmic and complexity point of view is well known, applications of non-bipartite matching are hard to find. I did an ...
0 votes
1 answer

Stable marriages for infinite bipartite graphs

Short and informal version: Does the stable marriage problem have a solution if there are $\kappa$ men and $\kappa$ women for any cardinal $\kappa \geq \aleph_0$? Long and formal version: Let $\kappa$...
1 vote
2 answers

Clutters with no maximum-size matchings

A clutter is a pair $C=(V,E)$ where $V\neq\emptyset$ is a set, and $E\subseteq {\cal P}(V)$ such that no member of $E$ is included in another member of $E$. A matching in $C$ is a collection of ...
3 votes
1 answer

A graph $G$ with two $K_6$ subgraphs, in which any one-factor of $G$ induces a one-factor in exactly one of the $K_6$ subgraphs?

I'm seeking a simple graph $G$ of the following type: It contains two disjoint copies of $K_6$ (the complete graph on 6 nodes), $H$ and $H'$ say. Any one-factor of $G$ must contain either (a) a one ...
6 votes
1 answer

A non-distinct system of representative edges

I have the following problem: Let $ \mathcal{G} = (G_{i})\_{i} $ be a collection of graphs on the same vertex set. I would like to find a "system of representative edges" $ f : \mathcal{G} \...
7 votes
2 answers

Are all numbers from $1$ to $n!$ the number of perfect matchings of some bipartite graph?

Let $f(G)$ give the number of perfect matchings of a graph $G$. Consider set $\mathcal N_{2n}=\{0,1,2,\dots,n!-1,n!\}$. Consider collection of all $2n$ vertex balanced bipartite graph to be $\...
11 votes
5 answers

Are all almost regular graphs obvious?

Let the maximum and minimum degress of a graph be denoted (as usual) by $\Delta$ and $\delta$ respectively. A graph is almost regular if $\Delta-\delta=1$. Now, here is a simple way to generate ...
6 votes
2 answers

How many perfect matchings in a regular bipartite graph?

We have a $d$-regular bipartite graph $G = (X,Y,E)$ with $|X| = |Y| = n$ and $|E| = nd$. What is an upper bound on the number of perfect matchings of $G$?
7 votes
2 answers

Disjoint perfect matchings in complete bipartite graph

Let $K_{n,n}$ be a complete bipartite graph with two parts $\{u_1,u_2,\ldots,u_n\}$ and $\{v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_n\}$, and let $K^-_{n,n}$ be the graph derived from $K_{n,n}$ by delete a perfect matching $\...
3 votes
2 answers

Maximum matchings in infinite graphs

For any graph $G=(V,E)$ we define $\mu(G) = \sup\{|M|: M\subseteq E(G) \text{ is a matching}\}$. Is there a graph $G=(V,E)$ such that for every matching $M\subseteq E$ we have $|M|<\mu(G)$?
3 votes
1 answer

Generalization of Marshall Hall's Theorem to non-simple bipartite graphs

Lemma 8.6.5 of the book "Matching Theory" by Lovász and Plummer states the following lemma: Lemma: Let $G$ be a simple bipartite graph with bipartition $(A,B)$, and assume that each point ...
8 votes
1 answer

Berge-Fulkerson conjecture --- the planar case

A well-known conjecture of Berge and Fulkerson says that every bridgeless cubic graph has a collection of six perfect matchings that together cover every edge exactly twice. Is this still open for ...
13 votes
1 answer

Is there a version of König's theorem for tripartite 3-graphs?

I would like to know if there exists a version of König's theorem for tripartite $3$-graphs. In other words, let $G = (V,T)$ be a tripartite $3$-graph. That is, $V$ is a set of vertices (with $V$ ...
8 votes
2 answers

Maximum number of perfect matchings in a planar graph?

What is the maximum number of perfect matchings a planar $k$-partite $|V|$ number of vertices simple graph can have where $k=2,3,4$ ($k>4$ is impossible for a planar graph)? Since number of ...
2 votes
0 answers

Which edges to delete from cubic graphs to get good cycle covers?

Let $G\left(V,E\subset V\times V,\omega: V\supset \lbrace u,v\rbrace\mapsto w_{uv}\in\mathbb{R}\right);\ \left|e_{uv}\right|:=\omega_{uv}\quad$ be a cubic symmetric graph that contains a vertex-...
1 vote
0 answers

Algorithm for minimum weight matching with "tree topology"

Given a finite graph $G(V,E)$ with undirected and weighted edges, whose set of vertices $V$ is partitioned into a collection $\mathfrak{P}=\lbrace V_1,\,\dots,\,V_k\rbrace$ of non-empty and pairwise ...
4 votes
1 answer

Assignment problem with priorities and scores

I have run into a real problem that is actually a sort of assignment problem. I am describing it here because I am interested in knowing whether this problem already has a name (and whether there is ...
2 votes
0 answers

Counting matchings in middle levels of the Boolean lattice

Let $k$ be a nonnegative integer and consider $C_k$, the set of all subsets $A$ of size $k$ in $[2k+1]=\{1,2,\ldots,2k+1\}$ as well as $C_{k+1}$, the set of all subsets $B$ of size $k+1$ in $[2k+1]$. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Number of maximum matchings in bipartite graphs of positive surplus

Let $G$ be a simple bipartite graph with left part $L(G)$ and right part $R(G)$. For $S \subseteq L(G)$, denote $N(S)$ the set of neighbours of vertices of $S$. Define the surplus $s(G)$ as $\min_{S \...
4 votes
2 answers

Relationship between minimum vertex cover and matching width

Let $H$ be a 3-partite 3-uniform hypergraph with minimum vertex cover number $\tau(H)$ (i.e. $\tau(H)=\min\{|Q|: Q\subseteq V(H), e\cap Q\neq \emptyset \text{ for all } e\in E(H)\}$). Question: Is $\...
2 votes
0 answers

Perfect matching in hypergraphs: tripartite, regular and unbalanced

In a balanced bipartite graph - where both sides have the same size - a sufficient condition for the existence of a perfect matching is that the graph is regular - all vertices have the same degree. ...
2 votes
0 answers

From fractional matching to integral matching in tripartite hypergraphs

Let $G = (X\cup Y, E)$ by a bipartite graph with $n = |X|\leq |Y|$. A fractional matching is a function assigning a non-negative weight to every edge in $E$, such that the sum of weights near each ...
5 votes
1 answer

Reference sought for Conway's observation on stable matchings

Looking for a reference on the observation that the set of stable matchings form a distributive lattice. This is attributed to Conway by Knuth in "Marriages Stables" but I would like an explicit ...
10 votes
1 answer

What graph's minimum vertex cover equals twice the maximum matching?

Matching: Vertex Cover: It is easy to see that $$\texttt{minimum vertex cover} \leq 2 \texttt{ ...
1 vote
1 answer

Expanding Hall's theorem [closed]

I'm trying to get a "feel" about Hall's theorem and try to expand it for one to many matching. So my question is: Given a bipartite graph, what would be a neccessary and sufficient condition for that ...
2 votes
2 answers

Number of subgraphs with matching of size $n$ for a complete bipartite graph

Say we have a $K_{n,n}$ bipartite graph (i.e. a complete bipartite graph with $n$ nodes on each side). We induce a subgraph by deleting some subset of edges. There are $2^{n^2}$ possible subgraphs. ...
2 votes
1 answer

maximum weighted matching with weights being sets

Given a set $S$ and a bipartite graph $G$, each edge $v\in E(G)$ covers a subset $S_v$ of $S$. My problem is to find a matching maximizing the number of covered elements, i.e., denote $V$ the set of ...
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1 answer

Combining three matchings to form a maximal matching

Consider a regular tripartite graph $G$ with maximum degree $\Delta\ge3$ and parts $A,B,C$. Now, the induced subgraphs $A\cup B, B\cup C$ and $A\cup C$ are all bipartite. Now, is there a way to ...
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1 answer

A vertex transitive graph has a near perfect/ matching missing an independent set of vertices

Consider a power of cycle graph $C_n^k\,\,,\frac{n}{2}>k\ge2$, represented as a Cayley graph with generating set $\{1,2,\ldots, k,n-k,\ldots,n-1\}$ on the Group $\mathbb{Z}_n$. Supposing I remove ...
3 votes
1 answer

Equitable edge coloring of graphs

Consider a simple regular graph $G$ with $n$ vertices and $E$ edges. Then, can we say that the edges can be colored equitably in $\Delta+1$ colors? By equitability is meant that a proper $\Delta+1$ ...
2 votes
1 answer

Number of distinct perfect matchings/near perfect matchings in an induced subgraph

Consider a Class 1 graph with degree $\Delta\ge3$ and the induced subgraph formed by deleting a set of independent vertices of cardinality $\left\lfloor\frac{n}{\Delta}\right\rfloor$. Then, what is ...
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1 answer

All even order graphs with $\Delta\ge\frac{n}{2}$ is Class 1

Are all even order graphs with maximum degree $\ge\frac{|V(G)|}{2}$ Class 1(edge-colorable(chromatic index) with $\delta(G)$ colors)? Here, $|V(G)|$ detnotes the number of vertices in the graph. I ...
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1 answer

Hall theorem with non-saturating matching

Hall's marriage theorem states that given a bipartite graph $G=(X+Y,E)$, if there is no $X$-saturating matching, there there exists $W\subseteq X$ such that $|W|>|N_G(W)|$. Is the following ...
4 votes
1 answer

Bijection between noncrossing matchings on $2b$ points and Standard Young Tableaux of size $2 \times b$

I'm currently reading a review article called Dynamical Algebraic Combinatorics: Promotion, Rowmotion, and Resonance by Jessica Striker. In this article, Striker writes that there is a ''nice'' ...