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Catalan numbers from matchings?

There are several examples of interpreting the Catalan numbers as non-nesting or non-crossing matchings of some graph. My question is: Is there a family of graphs $G_1,G_2,\dotsc$ with the number of ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Find necessary & sufficient conditions for two families of sets to have $m$ pairwise disjoint common partial transversals of given sizes

Let $S$ be a finite set, $I$ a finite index set, $\mathcal A=(A_i:i\in I)$ and $\mathcal B=(B_i:i\in I)$ families of subsets of $S$. For $J\subseteq I$, let $A(J)$ denote $\bigcup_{j\in J} A_j$. A ...
Tri's user avatar
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Is the size of maximum matching in vertex transitive 3-uniform hyper-graph on $n$ vertices always $\Omega(n)$?

What is the best known lower bound on the size of the maximum matching in a vertex transitive $3$-uniform hyper-graph?
Raghav Kulkarni's user avatar
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Counting matchings and perfect matchings

A matching in a graph is a subset of the edges such that no two edges share a vertex. A perfect matching is a matching where every vertex is part of exactly one edge in the matching. Counting the ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Forcing $A_1x,\dotsc,A_Kx$ to lie in a proper subspace

(This is a re-worked version of a question I asked several days ago.) Let $J$ be the all-one matrix with $m$ rows and $n$ columns, and suppose that $J=A_1+\dotsb+A_K$ is a decomposition of $J$ into a ...
Seva's user avatar
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Fraction of graphs with bound on number of perfect matchings

Asymptotically what is the fraction of balanced bipartite graph on $2n$ vertices with at most $cn^{\beta}$ edges having at most $n^\alpha$ perfect matchings for any fixed $c,\alpha>0$ and fixed $\...
Turbo's user avatar
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A Result of Anders Bjorner: Matchings in countably infinite geometric lattices of finite height

Let $L$ be a countably infinite geometric lattice of finite height $r\ge3$. (A geometric lattice of height $r$ is an atomistic semimodular lattice such that every maximal chain has $r+1$ elements.) ...
Tri's user avatar
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Generalizing Hall's marriage theorem to non-perfect matchings

Let $G = (X, Y, E)$ be bipartite graph such that $|X|=|Y|=n$. A matching $M \subseteq E$ is a subset of disjoint edges (i.e., there does not exist a pair of edges $(x, y) \in M$ and $(x', y') \in M$ ...
errorist's user avatar
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Which edges to delete from cubic graphs to get good cycle covers?

Let $G\left(V,E\subset V\times V,\omega: V\supset \lbrace u,v\rbrace\mapsto w_{uv}\in\mathbb{R}\right);\ \left|e_{uv}\right|:=\omega_{uv}\quad$ be a cubic symmetric graph that contains a vertex-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Counting matchings in middle levels of the Boolean lattice

Let $k$ be a nonnegative integer and consider $C_k$, the set of all subsets $A$ of size $k$ in $[2k+1]=\{1,2,\ldots,2k+1\}$ as well as $C_{k+1}$, the set of all subsets $B$ of size $k+1$ in $[2k+1]$. ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
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Perfect matching in hypergraphs: tripartite, regular and unbalanced

In a balanced bipartite graph - where both sides have the same size - a sufficient condition for the existence of a perfect matching is that the graph is regular - all vertices have the same degree. ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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From fractional matching to integral matching in tripartite hypergraphs

Let $G = (X\cup Y, E)$ by a bipartite graph with $n = |X|\leq |Y|$. A fractional matching is a function assigning a non-negative weight to every edge in $E$, such that the sum of weights near each ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Minimum size of genus $g$ bipartite graphs with $2^n$ perfect matchings

Given $n\in\Bbb Z_{\geq0}$ let $2T_{n,g}$ be size of smallest number of vertices of genus $g$ bipartite graph with $T_{n,g}$ vertices of each color such that number of perfect matchings is $2^n$. Eg: ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Induced matchings in a bipartite graph with every matching having the same number of edges

Suppose $n,k$ are positive integers such that $k\mid n$. Consider a bipartite graph $H=(A,B,E)$ such that $|A|=|B|=n$ and the edge set $E$ consists of the union of $m(H)$ induced matchings with every ...
user173856's user avatar
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On symmetric difference of $k$-partite perfect matchings

Given a bipartite graph we know that symmetric difference of any two perfect matchings is union of even cycles. Conversely when is it true that every union of even cycles comes from symmetric ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Maximum cardinality general factor of a graph

Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ and a set of integers $B(v)$ associated to each vertex, a general factor of $G$ is a set of edges $F\subseteq E$ such that the degree of each vertex $v\in V$ in the graph $(V, ...
George Octavian Rabanca's user avatar
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Inequalities in the classic proof of perfect matching in Erdős–Rényi graph

I am checking the classic paper by Erdős and Rényi, "On the existence of a factor of degree one of a connected random graph" with the link here. I am curious about the computation of the ...
Nicole's user avatar
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Generalizing Hall's marriage theorem

(This question was earlier posted on stackexchange: Generalizing Hall's marriage theorem. As it received no answers there, I am reposting it here for more attention.) Fix positive integers $m,n,k$ ...
MathManiac's user avatar
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Hopcroft–Karp Algorithm for a dynamic graph

As so you all know, we have Hopcroft–Karp Algorithm for maximum matching between two sides in a bipartite graph. It runs in $O(\sqrt{V} \times E)$ where $V$ is the vertex set and $E$ is the edges set. ...
linuxbeginner's user avatar
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Algorithm for minimum weight matching with "tree topology"

Given a finite graph $G(V,E)$ with undirected and weighted edges, whose set of vertices $V$ is partitioned into a collection $\mathfrak{P}=\lbrace V_1,\,\dots,\,V_k\rbrace$ of non-empty and pairwise ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Number of maximum matchings in bipartite graphs of positive surplus

Let $G$ be a simple bipartite graph with left part $L(G)$ and right part $R(G)$. For $S \subseteq L(G)$, denote $N(S)$ the set of neighbours of vertices of $S$. Define the surplus $s(G)$ as $\min_{S \...
Mikhail Tikhomirov's user avatar
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Matchings in infinite, not necessarily bipartite, graphs

Aharoni, Nash-Williams, and Shelah have extended the famous marriage theorem for finite bipartite graphs due to Hall to arbitrary graphs. Is there a similar generalization of Tutte's theorem on ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Validity of an argument for an implication of NP-Completeness

Fedor Petrov has posed a notorious problem regarding the existence of a matching in this question: Resolution of multiple edges As I see it the setting is a constrained bipartite matching and thus, ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Bound on the number of maximum matchings in a graph

It is known that the number of perfect matchings in a graph is bounded above by the integer part of the square root of the permanent of its adjacency matrix. But, suppose I take the square root of the ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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