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Questions tagged [local-fields]

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is there a unique measure on a local field?

Suppose we consider a local field and forget about the topology for a moment and consider the set of all measures on some non-trivial $\sigma$-algebra over the field that makes the field operations ...
Rupert's user avatar
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sequences in non-abelian group cohomology

In general, if we have a (pro-)finite group $G$ and a sequence of (continuous) non-abelian $G$-modules $$1\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow 0,$$ such that the image of $A$ lies in the ...
Estus's user avatar
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On unramified p-adic groups

Let G be a reductive group over a local field F. Let O be the ring of integers of F. The following are equivalent (and groups satisfying these conditions are called unramified): (a) G is quasisplit ...
Peter McNamara's user avatar
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Under What assumptions on $p$, $\mathcal{O}_K^* \simeq \mathbb{Z}_p^{*} \oplus \mathbb{Z}_p^{*}$

Let $p$ be a fixed prime number and $\mathbb{Q}_p$ be the field of $p$-adic numbers and $K$ be an extension of degree $2$ of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Let $\mathcal{O}_K$ be the ring of integers of $K$ and $\...
user89236's user avatar
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Maximal tamely ramified extension of $\mathbf Q_p$

Is there an explicit description of the maximal tamely ramified extension of $\mathbf Q_p$?
Jakob's user avatar
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Complete fields with algebraically closed residue field

I am looking for a reference where the following result is proven: Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. If $K$ is a complete and discretely valued field with residue field $k$. Then $K$ is one ...
user223794's user avatar
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Factorisation of polynomials over finite field

Is there a method to factorise a polynomial, for $k \leq m$ and $a_i \in \mathbb{F}_p$, $$ 1 + t^k(1 + a_1 t + a_2 t + \ldots + a_m t^m)^k $$ as a product $$ (1 + t^k)^{x_1} \cdots (1 + t^l)^{x_l} \...
Vanya's user avatar
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Dyadic Hilbert symbols and higher unit groups

Let $F$ be a local dyadic number field, $\mathfrak{p}$ its maximal ideal, $(*,*)_F$ its quadratic Hilbert symbol and $e$ its ramification index (i.e. $\mathfrak{p}^e$ is exact divisor of $2$). Fix an ...
Hatice Boylan's user avatar
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A formal group scheme in explicit local class field theory

Let $K$ be a nonarchimedean local field with residue field $k$ of characteristic $q = p^N$, and pick a uniformizer $\pi\in \mathscr{O}_K$. Recall that explicit local class field theory, à la Lubin--...
skd's user avatar
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Decomposition of $\widehat{k^{\times}}$ occuring in local class field theory

Let $k$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ very often we use the isomorphism that $Gal(\overline{k}/k)^{ab} \simeq \hat{(k^{\times})}$ given by local class field theory. My question would be do ...
Pierre21's user avatar
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Subfields of higher local fields

Q1. Let $K$ be a local field with valuation $v$. Let us call $K'\subset K$ a nice local subfield if it is complete with respect to the induced from $K$ valuation. By local subfield I will mean a ...
cll's user avatar
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Hilbert Symbols, Norms, and p-adic roots of unity

Let $p$ be an odd prime number, let $\mathbb{Q}_p$ be the field of $p$-adic numbers, and let $\overline{\mathbb{Q}_p}$ be an algebraic closure of it. For a primitive $p$-th root of unity $\zeta_p \in ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Characters of the kernel of the norm map of an extension of local fields

Let $E$ be a quadratic extension of a local nonarchimedean field $F$ of characteristic zero (and odd residual characteristic). Let $\sigma$ be a generator of the Galois group $G = Gal(E/F)$. I'm ...
Jerrod Smith's user avatar
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Is a reductive group scheme always parahoric?

Let $R$ be complete (or, more generally, Henselian) discrete valuation ring with fraction field $K$. Let $G$ be a reductive $R$-group scheme. Is $G$ a parahoric in the sense of Bruhat-Tits? If so, ...
Question Machine's user avatar
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Finite extension of local fields

Can a (higher) local field have uncountably many finite (seperable) extensions?
Pablo's user avatar
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Given $v,w$ primes of $k$, is there $K/k$ so $K_v\cap\Bbb Q^\text{cycl}=K_w\cap\Bbb Q^\text{cycl}=K\cap\Bbb Q^\text{cycl}$?

For any field $k$, let $\mu(k)$ denote the roots of unity in $k$. Now let $k$ be a number field and let $v, w$ be non-archimedean primes of $k$ with distinct residual characteristics. Does there ...
Joel Dodge's user avatar
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Artin map restricted to base field

Let $M/L/K$ be a tower of local fields such that $M/L$ is abelian with Galois group $G$. The Artin map $\psi_{M/L}$ restricted to $K^\times$ is a continuous map to $G$ and thus corresponds to some ...
Evan O'Dorney's user avatar
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$p$-primary torsion of an elliptic curve in the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension of a $p$-adic field

Let $K$ be a number field and $v$ be a fixed prime above $p$. Let $k=K_v$. We have the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$ extension $K_\infty/K$ and if $w$ is a prime above $v$ in $K_\infty$ we write $k_\infty=...
debanjana's user avatar
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Argument of Zariski density to prove rationality of a regular map

Question: I want to know if the following result is correct: Let $k$ be a number field and $k_v$ be a completion of $k$ at some place $v$, denote $K_v$ an algebraic closure of $k_v$. Proposition.(...
std14's user avatar
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Understanding the structure of unitary groups

I would like to understand precisely the structure of unitary groups. Let $F$ be a global number field, $E$ a quadratic extension of $F$, and $U$ a unitary group on $E$ (i.e. the group of ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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The Breuil-Mezard Conjecture and Generalizations (Survey)

What's the current state of the Breuil-Mezard conjecture? Has the original version (from the 2002 paper) been solved in its entirety? What are some of the new directions being explored?
Hodge-Tate's user avatar
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Finding a cyclic cubic extension of a field

Let $K$ be a field and let $E/K$ be a Galois extension of degree 6 with $\text{Gal}(E/K) = S_3$, the symmetric group on 3 letters. Pick two different transpositions $s_1, s_2$ in $S_3$ (hence $s_1s_2$ ...
thierry stulemeijer's user avatar
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Why is $\mathbb{Q}_p(p^{1/p^\infty})$ a complete topological field?

In Matthias Wulkau's exposition of Scholze's thesis, the term perfectoid field is defined as follows: Let $K$ be a field endowed with a non-archimedian absolute value $\lvert\cdot\rvert$, and let $\...
Dominic Wynter's user avatar
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Explicit $H^2(K, \mu) = Q/Z$?

In the development of local class field theory, a very fundamental theorem is that, for every local field $K$ of characteristic zero, $H^2(K, \mu) \cong \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}$. $(*)$ Neukirch et al. ...
Evan O'Dorney's user avatar
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Question about Corollary 7.3 from Silverman's The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves

I am trying to understand an argument of Corollary 7.3 from Silverman's The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. I am stuck and I would appreciate any explanations. Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $K$, ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Finding the inertia group

Set $h(x) = x^5+x^4+x^3+x^2+x-1$, let $L$ be the splitting field of $h$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, and let $p$ be a prime of $L$ lying over $2$. What is the isomorphism class of the inertia group $I_p$, ...
Pablo's user avatar
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What happens to Neron-Ogg-Shfarevich when characteristic of the residue field equals the prime at which Tate module is considered?

Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich criterion states that an elliptic curve $E$ over a local field $K$ has a good reduction if and only if the Tate module $T_{\ell}(E)$ is unramified for some prime $\ell$ which ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Is the special case of Abhyankar's lemma is also considered as such?

Consider the following statement: Assume $E$ and $F$ are unramified (over some fixed prime) finite separable extensions of a field $K$. Then $EF$ is also unramified. I always thought that it is ...
Lior Bary-Soroker's user avatar
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compact Zariski-dense subgroups of p-adic groups

Given an algebraic group $G$ defined over a $\mathbb Q_p$. It has two topologies: one is induced by the $p$-adic metric, the other is the Zariski topology. Let $C$ be a compact (w.r.t. the $p$-adic ...
Shawn's user avatar
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Arithmetic of Cuspidal Reps. Fundamental non split stratum and simple stratum

I started to read Colin Bushnell's notes on this title. The last theorem in the 3rd section claims that if $\pi$ is an irr. smooth rep. of $GL_N(F)$ containing a non-split fundamental stratum, then $\...
Zahi Hazan's user avatar
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Inverse image of norm map on principal units for an unramified extension

For a local field $E$, denote by $U(E)$ the units of the corresponding valuation ring $\mathcal{O}_E$, and denote by $U_n(E)$ the prinicipal $n$-units, i.e. $U_n(E)=1+M_E^n$ where $M_E$ is the maximal ...
Gal Porat's user avatar
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Reference for: Every local field can be realized as the completion of a global field

It is well known that every local field (i.e. nondiscrete topological field locally compact with respect to the topology) is the completion of some global field. I know the argument, a nice ...
jaycegetz's user avatar
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henselization and completion

This might not be a question appropriate for this forum, I apologize in this case... Is it true that any element of the completion of a valued ring $R$ that is algebraic over the field of fractions of ...
seli's user avatar
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Topology on two dimensional local fields

I posted my question here, but there is no reply yet. So, I guess I should post it on mathoverflow. I am reading the book of Schneider about Galois representation and $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-module, ...
Teppi's user avatar
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Monoid cohomology of $\mathbb{N}$ for a linear algebraic group

Let $k$ be a finite field and $k_E:=k((X))$ denote the field of Laurent series over $k$. We define a Frobenius endomorphism on $k_E$ via $f(X)\mapsto f(X^p)$. We choose a lift $\varphi:k_E^{sep}\...
Estus's user avatar
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Integral representation of adjoint L-factor for GL(2)

My question is about a local computation in the paper of Gelbart and Jacquet, "A relation between automorphic representations of GL2 and GL3", from 1978. Let $\sigma$ be an irreducible smooth complex ...
David Loeffler's user avatar
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Reference for Local class field theory via witt vectors

I would like to find some books or lecture notes on geometric local class field theory via Witt vectors. I can't find any good paper on this subject.All approaches in the books to local class field ...
oznd's user avatar
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Reference request: Regarding the image of inertia group being a subgroup of Aut($\widetilde{E}$)

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ with potential good reduction. I was told that if $F$ is the smallest Galois extension over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ such that $E$ has good reduction then the ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Image of norm map for local field

Let $F$ be a finite extension of $Q_2$ (2-adic field) or $F_2((x))$ (function field). Let $E/F$ be a separable extension of degree $2$. What is the image of the norm map $N_{E/F}$? In particular - ...
Pooja Singla's user avatar
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Higher Adeles of a scheme and related topics

Let $X$ be a noetherian scheme. I will describe a construction of a simplicial ring which I think is called the Bellinson higher Adeles complex (or something similar). Consider the augmented ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Hilbert symbols vanishing

Let $p$ be an odd prime, and let $E/\mathbb{Q}_p$ be a finite extension that contains a primitive $p$-th root of unity $\zeta_p$ but not a primitve $p^2$-th root of unity $\zeta_{p^2}$. Let $a,b \in E^...
Pablo's user avatar
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Local triviality of Galois cohomology classes over $\mathbb{Q}$

Let $A$ be a $\mathrm{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$-module which is a finitely generated free $\mathbb{Z}$-module. I'm interested in the behaviour of cohomology classes in $$\mathrm{H}^1(\mathbb{...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Lubin-Tate modules and different uniformizers

Suppose I have a local field $\mathcal{O}_K$ and two different prime elements $\pi$ and $\overline{\pi},$ i.e they differ by a unit $\overline{\pi} = u \pi$ for some $u \in \mathcal{O}_K^{\times}$ not ...
MichaelS.'s user avatar
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Showing that $2c_1(f_*\mathscr O_X)=-f_*R_f$ on curves, maybe by local fields

I originally asked this question on Mathematic StackExchange, but it did not seem to be attracting any attention, so now I am trying mathoverflow. I hope it is not too simple or unappropriate a ...
A Rock and a Hard Place's user avatar
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Locally compact vector space over a finite field

In the wikipedia article titled "topological vector space", there is a line saying the following. "Let $K$ be a locally compact topological field, for example to real or complex numbers. A ...
Daps's user avatar
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Why is the norm map dual to restriction under Tate local duality?

Let $L/K$ be a finite Galois extension of nonarchimedean local fields, and let $A$ and $A^t$ be dual abelian varieties over $K$. Tate local duality tells us that $A^t(K)$ and $H^1(K, A)$ are ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Clarification about Tits' article in the Corvallis

I am studying Tits' article in the Corvallis wherein he defines the apartment in the general case (not necessarily split). I wish to know what he means about the filtration of the groups $U_a(K)$ (...
Abhishek Parab's user avatar
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Why isn't there a structure with two primes?

I don't know whether this question is a bit too vague for MO or not, so feel free to delete it if you see fit. The p-adic integer is defined by taking the inverse limit $\ldots \mathbb{Z} / p^2 \...
abcdxyz's user avatar
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Fields of definition of parabolically induced representations of $\mathrm{SL}(2,q)$

Let $\alpha_0$ be the unique non-trivial character satisfying $\alpha_0^2=1$ of the split torus $\mathrm{T} \subset \mathrm{SL}(2,q)$ and denote by $\mathrm{R}(\alpha_0)$ the character of $\mathrm{SL}(...
M L's user avatar
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Is $G \rightarrow G/P$ surjective on $K$-points over a local field?

Let $K$ be a local field, $G$ a (connected) reductive $K$-group, and $P \le G$ a parabolic subgroup. Is the map $G(K) \rightarrow (G/P)(K)$ necessarily surjective, and, if so, then why?
Question Mark's user avatar