I think Tits could use better notation and define terminology more accurately. This Corvallis article, being the standard reference must have, and will continue to confuse many. I finally understand what's going on so let me elaborate.
Notations as in Tits' article. One has an exact sequence
$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD}
0 @>>> \Lambda = Z(K)/Z_c @>>> \tilde{W}=N(K)/Z_c @>>> {}^\nu\tilde{W} = N(K)/Z(K) @>>> 0 \\
\end{CD} $
which gives rise to an action of the normalizer $N(K)$ on the affine space $A$ (which is $V$ as a set) is given from the following commuting diagram (which can be found in Landvogt's book ``A compactification of the Bruhat-Tits building").
$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD}
0 @>>> \Lambda @>>> \tilde{W} @>>> {}^\nu\tilde{W} @>>> 0 \\
& @VV{\nu}V @VVV @VV\text{reflection}V & \\
0 @>>> V @>>> \text{Aff}(A) @>>>GL(V) @>>> 1
\end{CD} $
Any element $n \in N(K)$ gives an affine action on the apartment $A$ as follows. Using the top exact sequence, one writes $n = a.z$ with $a \in {}^\nu\tilde{W}$ and $z \in Z(K)$. What Tits calls the "vector part" $r_a$ (notation abused as $a$ sometimes) is the reflection on $V$ induced by the the Weyl group element $a$. The translation is then $\nu(z)$. The map $\nu$, initially defined for $S(K)$ extends uniquely to $Z(K)$ because their character groups are commensurable. (I recommend the example of $G=SU(3)$ to see that $S(K)$ and $Z(K)$ need not be equal.) The affine action of $N(K)$ on $A$ can be computed knowing the reflection (vector part) and translation $\nu(z)$. (The example of $GL_{n,D}$ computed on the last line on p.39 is instructive.)
Choosing a non-identity element $u\in U_a(K)$ gives an element $m(u) \in N(K)$ acting on $A$ as above. How do we define the affine function (functional, rather)
$$ \alpha(a,u) : A \to \mathbb R?$$
Well, $\alpha(a,u) = \langle a, \circ \rangle + c$ for some real number $c$. If only we could find $c$!
The map $r(u) = \nu(m(u)) : A \to A$ has a fixed point set which is a hyperplane, say $H_u$. Solving the equation
$$ \langle a, x \rangle + c = 0 $$
for some (every) $x \in H_u$ gives the value of $c$. I highly recommend the example 1.14 of $GL_{n,D}$.