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Geometry and topology of Fuchsian character varieties

Consider the hyperbolic space, $\mathbb H^2$. A Fuchsian group is a discrete subgroup of $\text{PSL}(2,\mathbb R)$. We can generate tessellations, especially $\{p,q\} \;\text{tesellations}$ of $\...
user82261's user avatar
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Lengths of generators of surface group

Let $\Sigma$ be a closed genus $g\geq 2$ Riemann surface, which we equip with its unique constant curvature $-1$ hyperbolic metric. Let $\pi_1(\Sigma)$ be its fundamental group with respect to some ...
Josh Lam's user avatar
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6 votes
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If $X$ is a hyperbolic, locally finite graph with $\partial X \cong S^1$, and $G$ acts cocompactly but not properly on $X$, what can we say?

It is an important and deep fact of geometric group theory that if the Gromov boundary of a hyperbolic group $G$ is a circle, then $G$ is virtually Fuchsian [Tukia, Gabai, Casson-Jungreis...]. I am ...
jpmacmanus's user avatar
11 votes
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Example of three dimensional atoroidal Poincaré duality group with some pathology

I am looking for a 3-manifold which is closed, aspherical, orientable, and atoroidal. And additionally I want to see an example that does not admit a fixed-point-free action on a simplicial tree. As a ...
Peter Kropholler's user avatar
1 vote
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Divergence functions in hyperbolic groups

Gromov hyperbolicity has many characterizations, one of them being the existence of a super-linear divergence function, see definition below. We note that in $\mathbb{R}^2$ there is no divergence ...
Strichcoder's user avatar
5 votes
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Solving equations in hyperbolic groups and subgroups of isometry of a Gromov hyperbolic space

Let $\Gamma$ be a hyperbolic group. Let $g$, $\gamma\in \Gamma$ freely generate a non-abelian semigroup (in particular, they don't commute and have infinite order). Does the equation $g\gamma^n=h^m$ ...
Yanlong Hao's user avatar
7 votes
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Which pairs of conjugates of $\left(\begin{smallmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 \end{smallmatrix}\right)$ generate $\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$?

When do two distinct conjugates of $U := \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$ generate $\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$? The classic example is $U,L^{-1}$, where $L = \...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
2 votes
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Markov property for groups?

My question again refers to the following article: Koji Fujiwara, Zlil Sela, The rates of growth in a hyperbolic group, Invent. math. 233 (2023) pp 1427–1470, doi:10.1007/s00222-023-01200-w, arXiv:...
TheMathematician's user avatar
13 votes
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Are there free and discrete subgroups of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R}) \times \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ that are not Schottky on any factor?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Does there exist a free and discrete subgroup $\Gamma < \SL_2(\mathbb{R}) \times \SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ such that neither $\pi_1(\Gamma)$ nor $\pi_2(\Gamma)$ is free and ...
Ilia Smilga's user avatar
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7 votes
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Examples of groups that are unknown to be acylindrically hyperbolic

Let $G$ be a group. We say that $G$ is acylindrically hyperbolic (for short, AH) if $G$ admits an isometric, acylindrical, and non-elementary action on some Gromov hyperbolic space $X$. Here is the ...
Wonyong Jang's user avatar
5 votes
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Cancellation of elements in the Gromov boundary of a free group

Let $A$ be a finite set of free generators and their inverses and $F$ the free group generated by elements in $A$ (some call $A$ the alphabet of $F$). For each $g\in F$, use $\vert\,g\,\vert$ to ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
3 votes
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Representations of triangle groups

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}$I am self-studying triangle groups and the following question comes up. Let $G$ denotes $(2,3,7)$ triangle group. It is symmetry group of $(2,...
KAK's user avatar
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4 votes
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Infinitely divisible elements in Gromov hyperbolic groups

An element $g\in G$ in a group $G$ is called infinitely divisible if $b=y^n$ for infinitely many different $n\in {\Bbb Z}$. It is not hard to find a finite CW-complex (or even a compact manifold) ...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
3 votes
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Reference for triangle groups

Can anyone suggest to me some references for studying triangle groups? Especially the existence of finite index subgroups, subgroups isomorphic to fundamental groups of compact surfaces etc.
KAK's user avatar
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Area of fundamental domain of Fuchsian group and index of a Fuchsian group in the triangle group

Let $\mathbb{H}$ be the upper half plane model of hyperbolic geometry. Let $\Gamma$ be the Fuchsian group such that $\mathbb{H}/\Gamma$ is the compact orientable surface of genus $2$. Suppose $\Gamma =...
KAK's user avatar
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Classification of fundamental domains of a fuchsian group

Let $G$ be the (2,3,7) triangle group. We can see it as symmetry group of (2,3,7) tiling of the hyperbolic plane or symmetry group of $[3^7]$ tiling of the hyperbolic plane. This contains translations,...
KAK's user avatar
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8 votes
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When are groups generated by reflections in a triangle discrete?

Take a triangle in the (Euclidean or hyperbolic) plane, and consider the group of isometries generated by the reflections in the three sides of the triangle. If the angles between adjacent sides are ...
Ethan Dlugie's user avatar
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Parabolic elements and hyperbolic elements in SL(2,R)

Let $\Gamma \subset \mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ be a lattice. If $N_1, N_2$ are a pair of independent parabolic subgroups contained in $\Gamma$, why must $\Gamma$ contain a hyperbolic element? By ...
John Rached's user avatar
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Let $H$ be a co-dimension 1 quasiconvex subgroup of a one-ended hyperbolic group $H$. Does $H$ permute the components of $\partial G - \Lambda H?$

Let $H$ be a co-dimension 1 quasiconvex subgroup of a one-ended hyperbolic group $G$. In particular, $\partial G$ is connected but $\partial G - \Lambda H$ is disconnected. The number of components of ...
jpmacmanus's user avatar
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Reference request for statement concerning free subgroups of $ \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}). $

I am interested in finding a reference for the following claim: There exists a free subgroup $F_2$ of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ on two generators that does not contain any nontrivial unipotent ...
Georgi Kocharyan's user avatar
8 votes
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Are the non-free factors of Grushko decomposition of a finitely generated convex-cocompact (but not cocompact) subgroup of PSL$(2,\mathbb{R})$ finite?

See Grushko decomposition theorem. Are the non-free factors of Grushko decomposition of a finitely generated convex–cocompact (but not cocompact) subgroup of $\operatorname{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ finite? ...
EGar's user avatar
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Example of maximal multicurve complex

in this paper we have : " On the Teichmüller tower of mapping class groups By Allen Hatcher at Ithaca, Pierre Lochak at Paris and Leila Schneps." Definition. The maximal multicurve complex $...
Usa's user avatar
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Variation of the geometry of a Dirichlet region as the defining point varies

Let $\Gamma$ a Fuchsian group acting on the hyperbolic plane $\mathfrak{H}$. For me, I am most interested in the case where $\Gamma$ has a fundamental domain that is a finite-polygon with all ...
user101010's user avatar
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6 votes
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Non-compact Dirichlet fundamental domains and free Fuchsian groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated Fuchsian group, and let $\mathcal{F}$ denote the Dirichlet fundamental domain of $G$ with respect to $0$ in the Poincaré disc model. Assume throughout that $\mathcal{F}$...
JackTodd's user avatar
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Ideal Ford domain (for finite index subgroup)

Let $G$ be a lattice Fuchsian group with parabolic elements, seen as a discrete subgroup of matrices $ g= \begin{pmatrix} \alpha & \overline{\beta} \\ \beta & \overline{\alpha} \end{pmatrix} $...
user178149's user avatar
7 votes
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A criterion for loxodromicity in Gromov-hyperbolic spaces

Recall that an isometry of a Gromov-hyperbolic space $X$ is called loxodromic if it has exactly two fixed points on the Gromov boundary $\partial X$, one being "attracting" and the other &...
Jean Raimbault's user avatar
2 votes
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Dirichlet region of a free group

Let $G$ be a non-uniform lattice Fuchsian group and let $P$ be a Dirichlet region for $G$. In particular $G$ has parabolic elements, $P$ is not compact and has finite area. We are in the unit disc. Is ...
user178149's user avatar
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Presentations of $\mathbf{PGL}_3(\mathbb{F}_q)$ by three involutions

If I am not mistaken, the group $\mathbf{PGL}_3(\mathbb{F}_q)$, with $\mathbb{F}_q$ the finite field with $q$ elements, can be generated by three involutions. Where could I find such representations ? ...
THC's user avatar
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Presentations of $\mathbf{𝐏𝐆𝐋}_3(\mathbb{F}_2)$ by three involutions, 2

I am searching for a presentation of the group $\mathbf{PGL}_3(\mathbb{F}_2)$ for which the generators are involutions $a, b, c$, and such that the following relations are present [among extra ...
THC's user avatar
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Mostow Rigidity Theorem and reconstruction from fundamental group

The Mostow Rigidity Theorem is phrased in terms of a relationship between isometries and isomorphisms of fundamental groups, which raises an obvious question. Given the fundamental group of a complete ...
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
4 votes
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When existence of loxodromic, WPD elements implies an action is acylindrical

Definitions Say that $(X,d)$ is a $\delta$-hyperbolic space and that $G$ is a finitely generated group acting on $X$ by isometries. Recall that an action of $G$ on $X$ is called acylindrical if the ...
luthien's user avatar
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The stabilizers of the canonical boundary action of hyperbolic groups

My question is that Is every stabilizer of the canonical boundary action of a hyperbolic group on its Gromov boundary a finitely generated group? I guess every stabilizer is a (finitely generated) ...
m07kl's user avatar
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Copies of $\mathbb{Z}\oplus \mathbb{F}_2$ in non-affine, irreducible Coxeter groups

Let $\left(W,S\right)$ be a non-affine, irreducible Coxeter system and assume that $W$ contains a copy of $\mathbb{Z}\oplus\mathbb{Z}$ (this is equivalent to $W$ being not word hyperbolic). Does this ...
worldreporter's user avatar
7 votes
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Thickness and hierarchical hyperbolicity

Thick metric spaces were introduced by Behrstock, Drutu and Mosher, see here. Hierarchically hyperbolic spaces were introduced by Behrstock, Hagen and Sisto, see here. I've heard that it is open ...
M. Dus's user avatar
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Equivalence of harmonic measures on hyperbolic groups

Consider a Gromov-hyperbolic group $\Gamma$ and let $\mu$ be a finitely supported probability measure on $\Gamma$. Assume that the support of $\mu$ generates $\Gamma$ as a semi-group, in other words, ...
M. Dus's user avatar
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Relations between boundaries of groups acting on hyperbolic spaces with WPD elements

Let $(X,d)$ be Gromov-hyperbolic space and let $\Gamma$ be a finitely generated group acting on $\Gamma$ by isometries. Recall the following two definitions. Say that the action is acylindrical if ...
M. Dus's user avatar
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Starting letters of equivalent infinite geodesic paths of hyperbolic Coxeter groups

Let $\left(W\text{, }S\right)$ be a Gromov hyperbolic Coxeter system and denote by $\partial W$ the corresponding Gromov boundary. For $z\in\partial W$ let $\alpha$, $\beta$ be infinite geodesic paths ...
worldreporter's user avatar
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Finitely generated nilpotent groups as cusp groups

I recently learned about the following question, asked by I. Kapovich : Is there an example of a group $G$ which is hyperbolic relative to some parabolic subgroups that are nilpotent of class $\geq 3$...
M. Dus's user avatar
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9 votes
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Hyperbolic $3$-manifold groups that embed in compact Lie groups

Is there a closed hyperbolic $3$-manifold whose fundamental group is isomorphic to a subgroup of some compact Lie group? It is known that every surface group can be embedded into any semisimple ...
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
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What are the $2 \times 2$ matrix generators of $\text{SL}_2\big(\mathbb{Z}[i]\big)(2+i)$?

I have been trying to learn about congruence groups. Here is an example: \begin{eqnarray*} \Gamma\big(1+2i\big) &=& \text{SL}_2\big(\mathbb{Z}[i]\big)(1+2i) \\ \\ &=& \left\{ \left(...
john mangual's user avatar
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10 votes
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Parabolic subgroups of relatively hyperbolic and CAT(0) groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group. We say that $G$ is CAT(0) if it acts properly and co-compactly by isometries on a CAT(0) space. We say it is hyperbolic relative to a collection $\Omega$ of ...
M. Dus's user avatar
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Rational stable translation length

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group and $S$ a finite generating set and consider the word metric associated to $S$. If $g\in G$, define its stable translation length as $l(g)=\lim_n \frac{d(e,g^n)}{...
M. Dus's user avatar
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How to understand this isomorphism? [closed]

A Proposition from a book written by Benson Farb and Dan Margalit
Laughing li's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the homeomorphism from $\Gamma \backslash T_1 \mathbb{H}$ to $T_1(\Gamma \backslash \mathbb{H})$

Let $\mathbb{H}$ be hyperbolic plane, $\Gamma$ is a discrete subgroup of $PSL_2(\mathbb{R}$) so that $\Gamma \backslash \mathbb{H}$ is a compact hyperbolic surface. Maybe it will be very simple to you ...
Skid Row's user avatar
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Fuchsian groups and surface groups

The following question may be trivial or inappropriate; I am not sure though. It is known that a cocompact oriented Fuchsian group $\Gamma$ admits a presentation: for given $m,g,d_i \geq 0$ $$ \...
Vanya's user avatar
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About normalizers of infinite cyclic subgroups of Hilbert modular group

Consider $k$ a totally real finite extension of degree $n$ of $\mathbb{Q}$, i.e., all embeddings of $k$ in $\mathbb{C}$ have their image contained in the field of reals. Denote by $\mathcal{O}_k$ the ...
Luis's user avatar
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30 votes
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Why are Fuchsian groups interesting?

I keep hearing that fuchsian groups are interesting for other reasons than the Fuchsian model for hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. What are those reasons? Are the Fuchsian groups with fixed points ...
JS.'s user avatar
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Subgroup of $SL_2(O)$ with nice fundamental domain in complex upper half-plane

Let $O$ be the ring of $S$-integers in a real quadratic number field. Let $G$ be an $S$-arithmetic subgroup of $SL_2(O)$ whose intersection with $SL_2(\mathbb Z)$ is not of finite index in $SL_2(\...
Ciro's user avatar
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4 votes
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Generating sets for $\mathrm{SU}(1,1;\mathcal{O}_K)$ or $\mathrm{PU}(1,1;\mathcal{O}_K)$?

Let $\mathcal{O}_K$ be the ring of integers associated to an imaginary quadratic extension field $K /\mathbb{Q}$, and consider $\Gamma = \mathrm{SU}(1,1;\mathcal{O}_K)$ as a subgroup of $G = \mathrm{...
Joe Wells's user avatar
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Reference for 'Normal Subgroups of Fuchsian Groups'

I am looking for a reference on how to explicitly construct normal subgroups of a given Fuchsian group. I appreciate any help.
QGravity's user avatar
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