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Symmetric line spaces are homeomorphic to Euclidean spaces

For points $x,y,z$ of a metric space $(X,d)$ we write $\mathbf Mxyz$ and say that $y$ is a midpoint between $x$ and $z$ if $d(x,z)=d(x,y)+d(y,z)$ and $d(x,y)=d(y,z)$. Definition: A metric space $(X,d)$...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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What is the Freudenthal compactification of a wildly punctured n-sphere?

Let $C$ be a compact and totally-disconnected subspace of the $n$-sphere $\mathbb{S}^n$, where $n\geq 2$. Question: Must the Freudenthal compactification of $\mathbb{S}^n \setminus C$ be homeomorphic ...
Agelos's user avatar
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Density of smooth bi-Lipschitz maps in smooth maps

Setup/Motivation: Let $(M,g)$ and $(N,\rho)$ be complete Riemannian manifolds of respective dimensions $m$ and $n$ and suppose that $m\leq n$. Let $\operatorname{bi-C}^{\infty}(M,N)$ denote the class ...
Carlos_Petterson's user avatar
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How to define "interior" for the unit arc? [closed]

Let the unit arc be, $$\{x \in \mathbb{R}^2| x_1^2 + x_2^2 =1, x_1 \geq 0, x_2 \geq 0\}$$ There is something I found curious about the unit arc which is that, It has an empty interior viewed as a ...
Olórin's user avatar
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Sheaves on solenoids

Let $(X_n)$ be a tower of finite covering maps of compact smooth manifolds, with $f_{s,t} : X_t\to X_s$ the maps, and $\Lambda_n := f_{n,0}^{-1}\Lambda$, with $\Lambda$ the constant abelian sheaf on $...
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