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References for Stiefel-Whitney class of Stiefel manifolds and Grassmannians

Let $M$ be a manifold. The total Stiefel-Whitney class of $M$ is defined to be the Stiefel-Whitney class of the tangent bundle $TM$ $$ w(M)=1+w_1(TM)+w_2(TM)+\cdots $$ I want to find references for $$ ...
QSR's user avatar
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When is a classifying space a topological manifold?

Let $G$ be a discrete group and $BG$ some model for the classifying space of $G$. So $BG$ is an aspherical path-conected topological space. Under which conditions is $BG$ a topological manifold or ...
berl13's user avatar
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"C choose k" where C is topological space

One day I read a generating function in a paper. For any "sufficietly nice topological space", $C$: $$ \sum_{l \geq 0 } q^{2l}\chi(\mathrm{Sym}^l[C]) = (1 - q^2)^{-\chi(C)} = \sum_{l \geq 0} \binom{...
john mangual's user avatar
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Rational homotopy theory of a punctured manifold

Let $M$ be a smooth simply connected manifold and let $N$ be $M$ minus a point. Is it possible to construct an explicit Sullivan model for $N$ (i.e. a commutative differential graded algebra (cdga) ...
algori's user avatar
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Impossibility of realizing codimension 1 homology classes by embedded non-orientable hypersurfaces

Suppose we have an $n+1$-dimensional compact closed oriented manifold $M$ and an $n$-dimensional integral homology class $[\Sigma]\in H_n(M,\mathbb{Z})$ on $M.$ Then is it true that $[\Sigma]$ mod $2$ ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
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Relation between moduli spaces and classifying spaces

I hope this question is suitable to be posted here on MO. I wonder if there is a systematic relation between the notation of a classifying space, and the notion of a moduli space. I don't consider ...
user51223's user avatar
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Discrete Morse function from smooth one

Suppose I have a smooth manifold $M$ and a smooth Morse function $f$ on $M$. Is there a standard way to replace $M$ with a cell complex and $f$ with a discrete Morse function such the resulting ...
Niles's user avatar
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Spin TQFT's in dimensions (1+1)

I don't seem to be able to find anything written about Spin TQFT's in dimension (1+1). Does anyone know any references? Or is there some reason it is uninteresting?
Oscar Randal-Williams's user avatar
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Realizing integral homology classes on non-orientable manifolds by embedded orientable submanifolds

Let $M^m$ denote a compact, non-orientable smooth manifold and $\nu$ an integral homology class of dimension $n$. I am interested in understanding the representability of $\nu$ by embedded, orientable ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
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Chromatic orientability of manifolds

If a compact manifold $M$ with empty boundary is oriented with respect to all the connective Morava $K$-theories $k(n)_*$, localized at a prime $p$, can one conclude that $M$ is orientable with ...
Nicholas Kuhn's user avatar
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Smooth structures on $M\times S^1$

Let $M$ be a smooth $n$-manifold. Here are three constructions which produce manifolds which are homeomorphic to $M\times S^1$, but might not be diffeomorphic to it: Take $M'\times S^1$, where $M'$ ...
Sylvain Maillot's user avatar
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Compact closed aspherical manifolds with vanishing second homology in all the covering spaces

I wonder if there exists a compact closed smooth aspherical manifold $M$ of dimension at least $4$, so that for any covering space $\tilde{M}$ over $M,$ we always have $H_2(\tilde{M},\mathbb{Z})=0$ ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
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Powers of the Euler class, torsion free subgroup of Homeo($S^1$)

For any subgroup $G$ of $\text{Homeo}(S^1)$, we have the Euler class $\chi$ in the group cohomology $H^2(G;\mathbb{Z})$. One can think of this class as the pullback of the generator of $H^2(\mathrm{B}\...
Sam Nariman's user avatar
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Examples of manifolds with first nontrivial SW-class in degree 16 or bigger

As a module over the Steenrod algebra, $H^{\ast}(BO;\mathbb F_2) = \mathbb F_2[w_1, w_2, w_3, \dots]$ is generated by $w_{2^t}, t \geq 0$. Thus, the first nontrivial SW-class of any vector bundle $\xi ...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
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Exotic smooth structures on Fano manifolds

If two Fano projective manifolds are homeomorphic are they diffeomorphic? There are examples with one manifold being Fano and the other of general type (Barlow surfaces). Moreover, the number of ...
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One periodic cohomology theories?

Is there a classification of one periodic cohomology theories? In other words, spaces $X$ such that $\Omega X \simeq X$? For example, $X=*$ and $X= K(G,0) \times K(G,1) \times \dots$ are examples. ...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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A geometric interpretation of the odd-primary Kervaire elements

Let $\Omega^\mathrm{fr}_\ast \cong \pi_\ast S$ denote the graded ring of cobordism classes of framed manifolds, which, by the Pontryagin-Thom construction, is isomorphic (as a graded ring) to the ...
skd's user avatar
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What is the cup-product structure like on a hyperbolic 5-manifold?

Let $X$ be a hyperbolic 5-manifold. Can there be any class in $H^2(X;\mathbf{Z})$ that is torsion and whose square in $H^4(X;\mathbf{Z})$ is not zero? For example, are there hyperbolic 5-manifolds ...
David Treumann's user avatar
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Determining homotopy classes [T^2, RP^2]

So I've been interested in computing homotopy classes of maps $T^2=S^1\times S^1$ to $\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^2$. So first, we can decompose $T^2$ into a cell complex with one zero cell, $S^1\vee S^1$ ...
Geoffrey's user avatar
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$S^n \to S^m \to B$ bundle: possible?

Sphere bundles and bundles over spheres are everywhere and are excellent things to get one's hands dirty with. (1a) But when can we have a bundle $S^n \to S^m \to B?$ It seems like requiring the ...
Romeo's user avatar
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Unique almost complex structure up to diffeomorphism

For which closed smooth manifolds does the action of the diffeomorphism group on the set of almost complex structures have exactly one orbit? For example it is true for $S^2$.
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$A_{\infty}$-structure on closed manifold

Is there an exmaple of a closed smooth connected manifold $M$ having a structure of $A_{\infty}$-space (with unit) but $M$ is not homeomorphic to a compact connectd Lie group as space ? Edit: First, ...
Ilias A.'s user avatar
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Are there non-compact, non-smoothable manifolds?

There do exist manifolds which do not admit any smooth structure at all. But the only examples I've heard of are all compact. Are there any non-compact, non-smoothable manifolds?
AlexE's user avatar
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Vector bundle for prescribed Stiefel-Whitney classes

I hope this is not trivial. Let $B$ be a nice topological space (paracompact, CW-complex or whatever you think is nice) For $i=1,\ldots,n$ let $x_i \in H^i(B,\mathbb{Z}_2)$ be certain cohomology ...
Oliver Straser's user avatar
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Stable homotopy groups of $RP^{\infty}$

Are the stable homotopy groups $\pi^s_i(\mathbb R P^{\infty})$ known for small $i$? In particular, I would be interested in the values for $i = 5,6$. A quick Internet search did not lead to anything.
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
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How are fiber bundles, transition functions and principal bundles related?

Please read the edit below. Is my understanding of this correct? Fix a sufficiently nice and connected topological space $B$ and a topological group $G$. A principal bundle $E\to B$ with structure ...
veit79's user avatar
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Fixed point set of smooth circle action

Suppose $M$ is a connected closed smooth $d$-dimensional manifold, and suppose $S^1 = SO(2)$ acts smoothly on $M$. Then the fixed point set $Y = M^{S^1}$ will be a submanifold of $M$ of even ...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
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A Compact Manifold with odd Euler characteristic whose tangent bundle admits a field of lines

I understand that the top Stiefel Whitney class is an obstruction for the tangent bundle of a manifold to have a trivial line sub-bundle. I am looking for a counterexample when removing the word "...
Anonymous Coward's user avatar
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The Alexander polynomial of a slice knot, Reidemeister tosion, Whitehead group

My question is about the Alexander polynomial of a slice knot. For a slice knot $K$, Fox-Milnor and Terasaka proved that $$ \Delta_{K}(t) \doteq f(t) f(t^{-1})$$ for some polynomial $f(t) \in \...
Tetsuya Abe's user avatar
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Are $K(\pi_1,1)$ tangentially homotopy equivalent?

Is it known whether any two smooth, compact manifolds $X \simeq K(\pi_1,1) \simeq Y$ are tangentially homotopy equivalent, i.e. the pullback of the tangent bundle of $Y$ along some smooth homotopy ...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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Can triangulations (or some related combinatorial structure) distinguish smooth structures on $RP^4$?

There are exotic versions of $RP^4$, constructed by Cappell-Shaneson, which are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to the standard $RP^4$. One way to distinguish them is via the $\eta$ invariant of $...
Joe's user avatar
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Quotient of the hyperbolic plane with respect to commutator group of $\pi_1(\Sigma_g)$

Let $\Sigma_g$ be a Riemann surface of genus $g\geq 2$ and $G=\pi_1(\Sigma_g)$. Let $\pi\colon \mathbb{H}\to \Sigma_g$ be the universal covering map. What kind of surface is $\mathbb{H}/[G,G]$? ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Cohomology of representation varieties

Perhaps this question is too general then I am sorry about this. My question is the following. Let $\pi$ be the fundamental group of a compact surface of genus $g$ (with if necessary $n$ punctures) ...
sums137's user avatar
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Spin structures on $S^1$ and Spin cobordism

I'm trying to understand the 2 spin structures on the circle. Since the frame bundle for the circle is just the circle itself, Spin structures on $S^1$ correspond to double covers of $S^1$. There are ...
mkreisel's user avatar
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Does a self map from the wedge sum of two spheres have either a fixed point or a point of period 2?

Let $X$ be the wedge sum of two $2$-dimensional spheres and $f$ a continuous function from $X$ into $X$. Does $f$ have either a fixed point or a periodic point of order 2? Thanks
Pedro Perez's user avatar
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Cup products of connected sum

Hej, I am interested in the cohomology ring of the connected sum $M \# N$ of two oriented manifolds $M$ and $N$ in terms of the corresponding cohomology rings of $M$ and $N$. Mayer-Vietoris shows ...
Viktor's user avatar
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Reference request: Topology on the space of smooth compact submanifolds

In Allen Hatchers short exposition of the Madsen-Weiss Theorem he defines the topology on the space $\mathcal{C}^n$ of smooth oriented properly embedded $d$-dimensional submanifolds of $\mathbb{R}^n$ ...
Madeleine's user avatar
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Does a triangulation without fixed simplex property always exist?

Suppose we are given a triangulable topological space $X$. If $X$ has the fixed point property (FPP), then obviously for every triangulation $K$ of $X$ and every simplicial map $f:K\to K$ a simplex $\...
Michał Kukieła's user avatar
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Homological stability and Waldhausen A-theory

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Diff}{Diff}$ From the work of Galatius - Randall-Williams and Berglund - Madsen we have homological stability (with respect to g) of $B\Diff_\partial (W_{g,1})$ and rational ...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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A version of Lusternik–Schnirelmann category for good open covers

Recall that the Lusternik–Schnirelmann category (or LS-category) of a space is the integer $n$ such that there is an open cover by $n+1$ open sets which have nullhomotopic inclusions, and no such ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Stiefel-Whitney class of fibre bundles

Let $F,E,B$ be manifolds (we may assume them to be compact, without boundary if necessary) and $$F\to E\to B$$ be a fibre bundle. Suppose $$w(F), w(B),$$ the Stiefel-Whitney class of $F$ and $B$, are ...
QSR's user avatar
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Conventions for definitions of the cap product

In singular (co)homology, if $\alpha\in C^*(X)$ and $x\in C_*(X)$, then the cap product $\alpha \cap x$ is generally defined by the following process: Apply to $x$ the diagonal map $C_*(X)\to C_*(X\...
Greg Friedman's user avatar
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Dualizing module for $\operatorname{Aut}(F_n)$

In The complex of free factors of a free group (pdf at Hatcher's page), Hatcher and Vogtmann defined a simplicial complex $FC_n$ called the ``complex of free factors'' of the free group $F_n$. They ...
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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classification of smooth involutions of torus

Let $\mathbb{Z}_2=\{1,g\},T^2=\{(e^{i\theta_1},e^{i\theta_2})\}$ and place $T^2$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$ as the locus of the rotation of $2\pi$ rads of the circle$\{(y,z)|(y-2)^2+z^2=1\}$ around $z$ axis. ...
student's user avatar
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4-manifolds in the 4-sphere such that it, *and* its complement have unsolvable word problem

In an earlier thread I had asked whether or not one can find a smooth 4-dimensional submanifold of $S^4$ whose fundamental group has an unsolvable word problem. The answer is yes, and the reference ...
Ryan Budney's user avatar
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Novikov-Wall non-additivity theorem with twisted coefficients

Let $Y$ be a compact manifold and let $\pi_1(Y) \to \mathbb{Z}^n= \langle t_1,\ldots,t_n\rangle$ be a homomorphism. Extend it to the group rings $\mathbb{Z}[\pi_1(Y)] \to \mathbb{Z}[ t_1,\ldots,t_n]$ ...
Alice M.'s user avatar
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A variant of $\ell^2$-cochains

Suppose $X$ is an infinite countable CW complex which satisfies the following property: for all $k$-cells $e$, the number of $(k+1)$-cells incident to $e$ is at most $c_k$, where the latter is some ...
John Klein's user avatar
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Stable normal bundle of a manifold

Hi, in bordism-theory and many bordering areas one has the following construction: Given a manifold M (say closed for the purposes of this discussion and k-dimensional), we embed it into some $\...
old account's user avatar
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The mathematics of tavern puzzles

I remember seeing a paper on the arxiv this year (which I cannot now find Edit: This paper:, found by j.c.) proposing to study the linkage of rigid bodies such as tavern ...
Brian Rushton's user avatar
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Injectivity of the Dehn-Nielsen-Baer map?

If $S$ is a closed hyperbolic surface, is there an easy proof of the injectivity of the Dehn-Nielsen-Baer map from $\mathrm{Mod}(S)$ to $\mathrm{Out}(\pi_1(S))$, taking an element of the mapping class ...
Dylan Thurston's user avatar

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