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Representing some odd multiples of integral homology classes by embedded submanifolds

Consider an $m$-dimensional compact closed orientable smooth manifold $M$ and an $n$-dimensional integral homology class $[\Sigma]$ on $M$, with $1 \le n \le m-1$. Then does there exist an odd integer ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Impossibility of realizing codimension 1 homology classes by embedded non-orientable hypersurfaces

Suppose we have an $n+1$-dimensional compact closed oriented manifold $M$ and an $n$-dimensional integral homology class $[\Sigma]\in H_n(M,\mathbb{Z})$ on $M.$ Then is it true that $[\Sigma]$ mod $2$ ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Realizing integral homology classes on non-orientable manifolds by embedded orientable submanifolds

Let $M^m$ denote a compact, non-orientable smooth manifold and $\nu$ an integral homology class of dimension $n$. I am interested in understanding the representability of $\nu$ by embedded, orientable ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Integral homology classes that can be represented by immersed submanifolds but not embedded submanifolds

Let $M$ be an $m$-dimensional compact closed smooth manifold and $z\in H_n(M,\mathbb{Z})$ an $n$-dimensional integral homology class, with $m>n.$ Does there exist a pair of $M$ and $z$ so that $z$ ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
8 votes
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Integral homology classes of which no multiples admit embedded representatives with trivial normal bundle

Let $M$ be a closed smooth manifold of dimension $n$ and $z\in H_l(M,\mathbb{Z})$ a $k$-dimensional integral homology class. Theorem II.4 of Thom's classical 1954 paper states that for $l< n/2$ or $...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
6 votes
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Singular homology using singular cubes

When singular homology is defined using cubes instead of simplices it is important to factor out the degenerate cubes in the course of building the singular chain complex. If you omit this step it is ...
Peter Kropholler's user avatar
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regular CW complex and incidence matrices

Suppose that we have a regular CW-complex $X$. I want to define the incidence matrix of $k$-skeleton of $X$ with respect to the $k-1$ skeleton and I wonder what might go wrong in this case. If it's ...
Steve's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Alexander duality and homology equivalence

While reading the paper of Kauffman and Taylor "Signature of links" I found the following situation. In the proof of Theorem 2.6 they suppose that two links $L_1, L_2\in \mathbb{S}^3$ are ...
Diego95's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Classification of closed 3-manifolds with finite first homology group?

I am interested in a topological classification of connected closed 3-manifold $M$ that have finite homology group $H_1(M)$. Since $H_1(M)$ is the abelization of the fundamental group $\pi_1(M)$, ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Complements of Simply Connected Subsets of the Plane

this is my first question here! Hopefully it is appropriate. Let $\mathbb{A}$ be the punctured plane, i.e. the 'standard' annulus. For compact, connected subsets of the plane (planar continua) $X \...
John Samples's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Invariance of Khovanov homology under first Reidemester move

I am studying Khovanov homology from five lectures on Khovanov homology and I want to try to show Khovanov homology is invariant under first Reidemester move but I cannot understand how we can write ...
bytrz's user avatar
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Addition of two homology classes is zero in construction of Poincare Sphere

I ask here the question since it hasn't been answered in Math Stack Exchange. I am working through Greenberg and Harper, Lecture notes on Algebraic Topology, and I am having trouble with one ...
D1811994's user avatar
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kernel of the mod $2$ Bockstein on the first cohomology group

Let $M$ be a path-connected finite $CW$-complex. Suppose the first integral homology group is $H_1(M;\mathbb{Z})= \mathbb{Z}_2^{\oplus r}\oplus A$ where $r\geq 1$ and $A$ is a finite abelian group of ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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coefficient of homology of configuration spaces over real projective spaces

In the slides Characteristic Classes of Surface Bundles and Configuration Spaces, Miguel A. Xicot'encatl, page 38, what is the coefficient of the following homology? Could the coefficient be an ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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3 votes
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Constructing a homology class of degree $d(d-1)/2$ in $H_3(S^3)$

There is a nice construction of a class of degree $d^2$ in $H_3(S^3)$. Take a class $h$ of degree $d$ in $H_1(S^1)$, and then take its join with itself: $h*h$ is degree $d^2$ in $H_3(S^1*S^1)$, and $S^...
Hugh Thomas's user avatar
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Question on Steenrod realizability problem

René Thom proved that for any topological space $X$, any integral homology class of $X$ (of any degree) has an odd multiple that is the pushforward of the fundamental class of a smooth compact ...
Sereza's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Simple curves on non-orientable surfaces.

Given an element in the (first) homology group of a surface, I would like to know if it can be represented as a simple closed curve. For orientable surfaces, this is well-known, but I wasn't able to ...
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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21 votes
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Does this approach for the Poincaré conjecture work?

Several months ago a paper was posted at called "Another way of answering Henri Poincaré's fundamental question." The author gave a talk on it today at my institution. ...
7 votes
4 answers

Realizing complexes with bases as cellular complexes

This is a question a friend of mine asked me some time ago. I suspect the answer is "no" but can't prove it. Every free complex of abelian groups is isomorphic to the reduced cellular complex of some ...
algori's user avatar
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60 votes
6 answers

Torsion in homology or fundamental group of subsets of Euclidean 3-space

Here's a problem I've found entertaining. Is it possible to find a subset of 3-dimensional Euclidean space such that its homology groups (integer coefficients) or one of its fundamental groups is not ...
Ryan Budney's user avatar
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