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About Hopf invariant

I am trying to understand properly the Hopf invariant. So, one way to compute the Hopf invariant from a smooth map $f:S^3\to S^2$ consists on taking two regular values $p,q\in S^2$ and computing the ...
galois1989's user avatar
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Non-spin 5-manifold and $2^2$-Bockstein homomorphism

The $2^2$-Bockstein is $\beta_4$ is associated to $$0\to\mathbb{Z}/2\to\mathbb{Z}/{8}\to\mathbb{Z}/{4}\to 0,$$ (The $2^n$-Bockstein homomorphism $$\beta_{2^n}:H^*(-,\mathbb{Z}/{2^n})\to H^{*+1}(-,\...
wonderich's user avatar
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On decidability of a homeomorphism with a prescribed pushforward

This is a refinement of my older question A homeomorphism with a prescribed action on the fundamental group - decidable or not? The problem under considreation is the following. Let $M,N$ be two ...
Alex Gavrilov's user avatar
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Homology of Torelli subgroup groups of automorphism groups of free products

For a group $G$, let $G^{*n}$ denote the $n$-fold free product. There is a natural map $Aut((\mathbb Z/k\mathbb Z)^{*n}) \mapsto GL_n(\mathbb Z/k\mathbb Z)$. Is it known if the group homology of the ...
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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Finiteness for 2-dimensional contractible complexes

While thinking about graph-complex and related operadic stuff, I found a quite interesting (at least for me) question. However, I'm a novice in the algebraic topology, so I'm unable to resolve it by ...
Lev Soukhanov's user avatar
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Determinant twist and $Pin _{\pm}$ structure on $4k$-dimensional bundles [Reference request]

Consider the automorphism $\varphi$ of $O(2n)$ given by $\varphi (A)=det(A)\cdot A$. The induced map in cohomology $H^*(BO(2n))$ sends $w_2$ to $w_2+(n+1)w_1^2$ (a proof is given at the end of the ...
user43326's user avatar
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Contractibility of regular CW sphere minus open star

Let $S$ be any regular CW decomposition of (a space homeomorphic to) the $n$-sphere, and consider a cell $\sigma$ of dimension $d \in \{0,\ldots,n\}$. Let $S'$ be the regular CW complex which remains ...
Vidit Nanda's user avatar
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Action of the mapping class group on separating spheres in a connected sum of aspherical 3-manifolds

Let $M$ be a connected sum of $g$ closed aspherical 3-manifolds $M_1, \ldots, M_g$. [Update: I also assume that all the $M_i$-s are diffeomorphic, i.e. $M$ is a connected sum of copies of the same ...
Ilya Grigoriev's user avatar
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Topological version of two results in smooth Morse theory

Morse theory is generally presented in the DIFF category. However, there is a version of Morse theory in TOP (see the post Morse theory in TOP and PL categories? for references). It is well known ...
Victor's user avatar
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Four-dimensional vector bundles over $S^4$, intuition?

I know that $\pi_3(SO(4)) = \mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb{Z}$. We can choose an explicit identification as follows: given $(i, j) \in \mathbb{Z}$, we have a map $\phi: S^3 \to SO(4)$ which sends a unit ...
user78079's user avatar
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Reducible 3d torus bundles

Here reducible means that the mapping class for the fiber is a reducible auto-homeomorph in the sense of Nielsen-Thruston. So, could anyone give me a hint to classify them? In contrast, do you agree ...
janmarqz's user avatar
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Detecting a PL sphere and decompositions

Question 1. A PL $n$-sphere is a pure simplicial complex that is a triangulation of the $n$-sphere. I'm looking for a computer algorithm that gives a Yes/No answer to whether a given simplicial ...
Uzu Lim's user avatar
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Fundamental group of a generalized connected sum

Let $M$ and $N$ be two $n$ dimensional connected closed manifolds with $n \ge 3$, and let $S$ be a $(n-1)$ dimensional closed submanifold common to $M$ and $N$. Consider the connected sum of $M$ and $...
Jeremy's user avatar
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characteristic classes of homotopy equivalent manifolds

Let $M,N$ be two manifolds of different dimensions. Suppose $M\simeq N$, i.e. $M$ is homotopy equivalent to $N$. Do the Stiefel-Whitney classes of the tangent bundles of $M$ and $N$ equal $$ w(TM)=w(...
QSR's user avatar
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On definition of surgery [closed]

I am a beginner in surgery theory. I have started learning with ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC SURGERY by Andrew Ranicki. On page 4 of the book he defines surgery : Denition 1.2 A surgery on an $m$-...
Sepideh Bakhoda's user avatar
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Unreduced Suspension Isomorphism

Tending to a lecture on homotopy theory, the following question occured to me (is that a correct sentence?): Given a pointed space $(X,x)$, is the UNREDUCED suspension map $S:\pi_k(X,x) \rightarrow \...
old account's user avatar
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Homotopy classes of maps

This is a reference request. A theorem of Hurewicz (published in Beiträge zur Topologie der Deformationen. IV. Asphärische Räume, Proc. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, volume 39, deel 2 (1936), 215-224, ...
suhakscha's user avatar
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Embedded submanifold in a cylinder

Let $M^n$ be an $n$-dimensional topological closed manifold. Suppose there exists an embedding $i:M \to M \times [0,1]$ such that $i(M)$ is contained in the interior of $M \times [0,1]$ and separates $...
Zhiqiang's user avatar
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Are there compact flat fiber bundles with "truly" infinite structure group?

Let $p: E \rightarrow B$ be a flat fiber bundle with fiber $F$ where $E$, $B$, $F$ are compact, smooth manifolds. I am looking for a counterexample for the following statement: $E \cong \widetilde{B}...
ort96's user avatar
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Pseudo-manifolds and homology

Is there a good reference for the proof that the cobordism group of pseudo-manifolds is isomorphic to the singular homology group? I was looking for a more geometrical definition of homology and ...
Vinicius Ambrosi's user avatar
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Branched coverings over orbifolds with reflector lines

It is well known that if $F\to B$ is a $n$-finite branched covering over an orbifold with cone-points then the orbifold Euler's characteristics are related via $\chi(F)=n(\chi(B)-\sum_i^r\frac{a_i-1}{...
janmarqz's user avatar
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Boundaries of subsets of simply-connected domains

I am trying to prove the following assertion: Let $B$ be a simply-connected set, and let $B' \subsetneq B$ be a proper open connected subset. Then, there exists a point $x \in \partial B'$ of the ...
travis schedler's user avatar
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Dold-Lashof construction and classifying space functor

Let $G$ and $H$ be two connected Lie groups. By the Dold-Lashof construction the classifying space $BHom(G,H)$ is well-defined (similar to the Milnor construction). Is there a relation between $BHom(...
stud137's user avatar
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Knots in 3-manifolds

Consider a closed $3$-manifold $M$ and a knot $K$ in $M$. Is it necessarily true that $\pi_2 (M \setminus K) = 0$? If not, are there any conditions on $M$ and/or $K$ to ensure the above 2nd homotopy ...
ali elgindi's user avatar
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Prove or disprove that there exists no $G$ structure with its bordism group $\Omega_1^{G} =\mathbb{Z}/N$ for $N>2$

It can be found that there are the following bordism group $\Omega_0^{G}$ at $d=0$ and 1 dimensions by requiring $G$ structure for $d$-manifolds: $$ \Omega_0^{SO} = \mathbb{Z} , \quad \Omega_1^{SO} = ...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
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f vectors of simplicial complexes homeomorphic to n dimensional spheres

In dimension 2, the euler poincare formula restricts the incidence properties of edges in a triangulation of a surface. Are there analogous generalizations for higher dimensions, like elaborations ...
Nicolas Boerger's user avatar
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Is the Action of the mapping class group transitive on embedded arcs?

Let S be a surface of genus g with some parked points (n of them). Assume $n \geq 2$ and fix two of the marked points. Consider the set of embedded arcs going between these two special points. The ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
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Example of a non $\pi_1$-injective, degree one, self-map of a three-manifold

All manifolds will be assumed to be closed, oriented, and connected. Let $f\colon M\to M$ be a map of degree $\pm 1$. It is not hard to show that $\pi_1(f)$ is surjective. What is an example of a non ...
Random's user avatar
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Handlebody decomposition of $L(2,1)\times S^1$

I wish to know the handlebody decomposition of $L(2,1)\times S^1$ in terms of Kirby diagrams, where $L(2,1)\cong RP^3$. And if possible, is there a general recipe for getting the handlebody ...
Ye Weicheng's user avatar
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Homotoping diffeomorphism to a $J$-holomorphic one

Let $M$ be a closed simply-connected smooth manifold. Assume $M$ admits at least one almost complex structure. Is any diffeomorphism $M\to M$ homotopic as a continuous map to a $J$-holomorphic ...
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Alexander duality and homology equivalence

While reading the paper of Kauffman and Taylor "Signature of links" I found the following situation. In the proof of Theorem 2.6 they suppose that two links $L_1, L_2\in \mathbb{S}^3$ are ...
Diego95's user avatar
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How to compute $\pi_0$ of $Maps(S^1, \Omega^2({S}^2, p))$

Denote by $\Omega^2({S}^2)$ the space of DOTTED maps from the $2-$sphere $S^2$ onto itself. And consider its FREE loop space $X=\mathcal{L}(\Omega^2({S}^2))=Maps(S^1, \Omega^2({S}^2))$. I think that $\...
galois1989's user avatar
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the "Kahn-Priddy map" and "multiplicative $p$-local equivalence"

The following is a part of a paper that I need to understand I totally do not know the argument. Could you explain? Thanks. Let $\Sigma_n$ be the $n$-th symmetric group and $\Sigma_\infty$ be the ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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Does every canonical decomposition of the intersection form come from a canonical homology basis?

Take a closed surface $X$ of genus $n$. By a canonical homology basis, I will mean a set of $2n$ homologically independent simple closed curves $\{\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n,\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_n\}$, ...
Holographer's user avatar
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simplicial complex equipped with barycenric metric is complete [closed]

Consider a simplicial complex $C$. On its support $$|C|=\lbrace \alpha = \sum_{v\in C}\alpha_{v}v \mid 0\leq \alpha_{v} \leq 1 , \sum_{v\in C}\alpha_{v} =1\mbox{ and }v|{\alpha_{v}} \neq 0\mbox{ is a ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Moise's Theorem and the Fundamental Domain of a $3$-Manifold

I'm currently researching the relationship between Moise's Theorem (Every closed $3$-manifold has a triangulation) and other properties of manifolds. In particular, I'm trying to learn about the ...
Samuel Reid's user avatar
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Lectures on triangulations of manifolds by Robion Kirby

I was looking for the book mentioned in the title. Seemingly it was not published, but copies are available in several mathematical libraries. Google books does not provide preview. I am wondering if ...
user122321's user avatar
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In what sense is every element of $H_2(G)$ "represented by a free action on some surface"

(This is a cross-post of this unanswered math.stackexchange question) In Edmond's 1982 paper Surface Symmetry II, at the bottom of page 145, he writes: "Corollary - If $G$ is a split nonabelian ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Is there a degree one map from a product $B\times S^1 \to \#_n S^2 \times S^1$ for any n

For any $n \geq 1$, let $\Sigma_n$ denote the closed orientable surface of genus n. In, the authors showed that for any $n$, there is a degree two, $\pi_1$-surjective, ...
dumbguy's user avatar
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equivariant embeddings from the k-th configuration space to the k+1-th configuration space

Let $S$ be a closed, orientable surface in $\mathbb{R}^3$ and $S'$ be the manifold $S\setminus\text{one point}$. Let $F(S',k)$ be the $k$-th (ordered) configuration space on $S'$. It is claimed in ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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Triangulation of moduli space.

I am recently reading the paper "Natural triangulations associated to a surface" by B.H. Bowditch and D.B.A. Epstein (, where ...
Cusp's user avatar
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Existence of sequence of examples of braking 'Cancellation law in homeomorphic products'

I know there are manifolds (with or without boundary) $A$ and $B$ such that $A\times C$ is homeomorphic to $B\times C$ but $A$ is NOT homeomorphic to $B$. My question is (in the Diffeomorphism ...
J. GE's user avatar
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When does an antipodal map on a manifold extend to the antipodal map on a spheres

So I have been mulling the following question over in my head for awhile now, and want to see if anyone else might have any ideas. Begin with $M$ a manifold and suppose that $M$ has an antipodal map $\...
ARupinski's user avatar
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Geodesic laminations on the 4-punctured sphere

Let $S_{0,4}$ be the 4-punctured sphere equipped with a hyperbolic metric of finite volume (thus all punctures are cusps). Consider $\gamma$ to be a simple geodesic of $S_{0,4}$ (not necessarily ...
Nelson Schuback's user avatar
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Does the group of compactly supported diffeomorphisms have the homotopy type of a CW complex?

It is known that the group of diffeomorphisms of a compact manifold with the natural $C^{\infty}$ topology has the homotopy type of a countable CW complex. See for instance this thread: Is the space ...
Yasha's user avatar
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Can such a set be simply connected?

$\newcommand\R{\mathbb R}$Let $U$ be an open subset of $\R^2$ such that the point $(0,0)$ is on the boundary of $U$. Let $f\colon[0,1]\to\R^2$ be the path that starts at $(0,0)$ and moves with a (say) ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Cohomology of the coned off space

Let $X$ be a compact manifold with boundary $\partial X$ with $ \dim X\setminus \partial X=n$. Moreover, $X$ and $\partial X$ are both aspherical. Then what's the $H^n(X\cup_{\Sigma\subset \partial X} ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Surface separating the boundary of a cylinder

Let $M^2$ be a connected closed surface. Suppose there exists an smooth embedding from a connected closed surface $N$ into the interior of $M \times [0,1]$ such that $N$ separates $M \times \{0\}$ and ...
Zhiqiang's user avatar
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Hadamard-like product on orientable surfaces

Denote by $C$ the category of connected closed orientable surfaces. Is there a functor $F:C\times C\to C$ such that $b_1(F(S\times S'))=b_1(S)b_1(S')$?
rmop's user avatar
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Bordism invariants vanishes in a lifted twisted $Pin^- \times Spin$-structure

It looks to me that the bordism group $$\Omega_3^{SO} (B(O(2) \times SO(3))) \tag{1}$$ (whose Pontryagin dual for the manifold generator) contains at least a nontrivial invariant: $$ w_1(O(2))\big(...
annie marie cœur's user avatar

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