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Questions tagged [finite-geometry]

Galois geometry, finite projective and affine spaces, polar spaces, partial geometries, generalized polygons, near polygons, and other finite incidence geometries.

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1 vote
1 answer

Dual of blocking sets in finite geometry

Let $V$ be an $n$-dimensional vector space over the finite field of cardinality $q$ and let $W_1,\ldots,W_m$ be hyperplanes of $V$ such that $$V=\bigcup_{i=1}^mW_i \,\,\hbox{ and }\,\,0=\bigcap_{i=...
4 votes
1 answer

Point-Hyperplane incidence in finite projective spaces

Let $P$ be a finite projective space of order $q$ and dimension $d$. I am interested in finding the least $k$ such that for any set $S$ of $k$ points of $P$, and for any set $S'$ of $k$ hyperplanes of ...
5 votes
2 answers

Sets blocking every $2$-flat in $AG(n,2)$

The following may be well-known $-$ but not known to me: What is the smallest possible size of a set in ${\mathbb F}_2^n$ that blocks every $2$-flat? Here "blocks" means "have a non-empty ...
41 votes
2 answers

Projective Plane of Order 12

I asked this question on the new Theoretical Computer Science "overflow" site, and commenters suggested I ask it here. That question is here, and it contains additional links, which I doubt I can ...
5 votes
1 answer

Which finite projective planes can have a symmetric incidence matrix?

As the title says. Which finite projective planes admit a symmetric incidence matrix? I am not an expert in the field at all, but I consulted with one. He claimed that $PG(2, \mathbb F_q)$ can always ...
4 votes
0 answers

Non-Desarguesian finite projective planes with ≤3 (non-collinear) chosen points, and coordinatisation

It is well-known that an arbitrary projective plane can have very different symmetry group to a field plane. In particular, the symmetries are not transitive on the set of fundamental quadrangles. ...
13 votes
1 answer

Status of the basis exchange condition for symplectic matroids

Let $J_n := \{1,2,3,\ldots,n,1^*,2^*,\ldots,n^*\}$ with the involution $x\mapsto x^*$ exchanging $i$ and $i^*$ for $1\leq i\leq n$. The following is supposed to be standard, but to avoid any doubt as ...
10 votes
1 answer

Subplanes of Finite Projective Planes

If a finite projective plane $\pi_1$ of order $m$ contains, as a sub plane, a finite projective plane $\pi_2$ of order $n$, then $m \geq n^2$ with equality holding only in the case of a Baer sub plane....
9 votes
2 answers

Moore graphs and finite projective geometry

In a comment on a blog post from 2009 about the hypothetical Moore graph(s) of degree 57 and girth 5, Gordon Royle offered the following observation (reproduced here in full for the sake of ...
7 votes
0 answers

Arrangement of subspaces over finite fields

I'm trying to find out what is already known about the following setup. Let $V$ be an $n$-dimensional vector space over a finite field $F_q$ (I'm mostly interested in the case where $q$ is prime), and ...
11 votes
1 answer

Does every $C_4$-free bipartite graph lies in some finite projective plane?

A projective plane $Π$ is a 3-tuple $(P,L,I)$ where $P$ and $L$ are sets, and $I$ is a relation between $P$ and $L$, such that: For every two elements $p_1$, $p_2\in P$, there exists a unique ...
16 votes
1 answer

Geometric interpretation of the exceptional isomorphism $PSp(4,3)=PSU(4,2^2)$

It is well-known that there is an isomorphism between $PSp(4,3)$ (the symplectic group of dimension $4$ over $\mathbb F_3$) and $PSU(4,2^2)$ (the unitary group defined by $4\times4$ unitary matrices ...
3 votes
0 answers

$\left< 15\right>^7/15$-womcode construction

In the article Womcodes constructed with projective geometries Frans Merkx constructed several good wom-codes (write-once memory codes, see How to reuse a "write-once" memory by Rivest & Shamir ...
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0 answers

Different powers of a primitive root simultaneously lying in a subspace

Let $p$ be a large prime and let $\alpha$ be a root of a primitive quadratic polynomial over $\mathbb{F}_p$. Let $N$ be an integer parameter of size proportional to $p$ and $$V = \{\alpha + b : b \in \...
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a unique Baer subplane in a finite Desarguesian projective plane?

An order-$m$ subplane of a finite projective plane of order $n$ is called a Baer subplane if $n=m^2$. It is known that the projective plane $PG(2,q)$ is a Baer subplane of the Desarguesian ...
4 votes
0 answers

Birkhoff – von Neumann for "$k$-stochastic matrices"

Recall that a doubly-stochastic matrix is a square matrix with non-negative elements such the sum of the elements in every row, as well as in every column, is $1$. The set of doubly-stochastic ...
6 votes
1 answer

Covering the finite plane with lines

This is, essentially, a geometrically rendered version of the question I asked a week ago, with the emphases slightly shifted; it seems more natural and appealing (to me, at least) in this form. Let ...
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0 answers

Forcing scalar products to avoid prescribed values

Let $p$ be a prime, and $n\ge 1$ an integer number. Suppose that the (not necessarily distinct) vectors $v_1,\dotsc,v_N \in{\mathbb F}_p^n$ satisfy the following condition: \begin{gather} \text{For ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is the finite projective plane stable as an extremal set system?

Let $\Sigma$ be a set of $|\Sigma| = n$ subsets of the universe $[n]$, each of size $k$, with the property that any two of these subsets intersect on at most one element. It is easy to see that the ...
9 votes
1 answer

Are bipartite Moore graphs Hamiltonian?

This is motivated by a computer-generated conjecture that bipartite distance-regular graphs are hamiltonian. I decided to check the case of Moore graphs first. The cycles and complete bipartite graphs ...
5 votes
0 answers

What (if anything) is the connection between the Feit-Higman Theorem and the regular plane tilings?

Here are two facts that are superficially similar. Tiling Theorem: The only regular tilings of $\mathbb{R}^2$ are achieved by triangles, squares, and hexagons. Feit-Higman Theorem: The only finite ...
2 votes
0 answers

A system of homogeneous linear equations

This is the "real-life" (but slightly more technical) version of a question I have asked recently. For a prime $p>10$, let $\mathcal L_X$, $\mathcal L_Y$, and $\mathcal L_Z$ denote the pencils of ...
6 votes
1 answer

Kantor's Singer cycle theorem

I'm trying to understand the proof of Kantor's Singer cycle theorem, which asserts that if $G$ is a subgroup of $\operatorname{GL}(n,q)$ containing a Singer cycle then $\operatorname{GL}(n/s,q^s) \leq ...
3 votes
1 answer

A system of linear equations related to the geometry of a finite plane

Let $\mathcal L$ denote the set of all lines in $\mathbb F_p^2$ parallel to one of the lines $$ X:=\{(x,0)\colon x\in\mathbb F_p \}, \ Y:=\{(0,y)\colon y\in\mathbb F_p \}, \ Z:=\{(z,z)\...
10 votes
1 answer

How many rich directions does a set in $\mathbb F_p^2$ determine?

$\newcommand{\F}{\mathbb F}$ A subset $P$ of the affine plane $\F_p^2$ is said to determine a direction if there is a line in this direction containing at least two points of $P$. A set of size $|P|&...
2 votes
1 answer

For which finite projective planes can the incidence structure be written as a circulant matrix?

It is well known that the projective plane of order $2$ can be represented by the circulant matrix $M_2:=circ(x,x,1,x,1,1,1)= \begin{pmatrix} x&x&1&x&1&1&1\\ 1&x&x&...
9 votes
0 answers

Almost blocking sets in $\mathbb F_q^2$

$\newcommand{\F}{{\mathbb F}}$ Let $q$ be an odd prime power. A blocking set in the affine plane $\F_q^2$ is a set blocking (meeting) every line. A union of two non-parallel lines is a blocking set ...
16 votes
1 answer

How do I see the equality $57 = 3 \times 19$ geometrically?

Consider the finite field ${\bf F}_p$ and its cubic extension ${\bf F}_{p^3}$. The multiplicative group ${\bf G}_m({\bf F}_{p^3})$ contains the multiplicative group ${\bf G}_m({\bf F}_p) \cong {\bf Z}/...
6 votes
1 answer

Applications of small Kakeya sets over finite fields

It was proved by Dvir that a Kakeya set in $\mathbb{F}_q^n$ has size at least $q^n/n!$, a bound which was later improved to $q^n/2^n$. For $n = 2$ and $q$ odd the exact bound is $q(q+1)/2 + (q-1)/2$ ...
5 votes
0 answers

Lines meeting a given set in a unique point

Let $p$ be a fixed prime, and suppose that $S$ is a subset of the affine plane $\mathbb F_p^2$. If $|S|\le p+1$, then by the pigeonhole principle, through any given point $s\in S$ there is a line $L=L(...
7 votes
1 answer

Largest number of points one can pick in finite projective space without getting three on a line

Consider the projectivization $\mathbb P\mathbb F_p^n$ of $\mathbb F_p^n$. How large a set $B \subseteq \mathbb P \mathbb F_p^n$ can I pick so that no three points of $B$ lie on the same line?
3 votes
0 answers

Applications of finite Bolyai-Lobachevsky planes

Google scholar gives more than 200 articles comcerning finite Bolyai-Lobachevsky (BL) planes. Usually they devoted to construction of such objects (axioms may be different). Are their any ...
1 vote
1 answer

Elliptic Curve, characteristic equation of Frobenius endomorphism relation to isogeny

Let E be an elliptic curve over $F_p$. Suppose that its j invarient is not supersingular and that $j\neq 0 $ or 1728. Then the modular polynomial $\Phi_l(j,T)$ has a zero $\tilde{\jmath} \in \...
5 votes
1 answer

Generalization of finite-projective-plane with more than one intersection point

In a finite projective plane, each two points appear together in exactly one line, and each two lines intersect in exactly one point. It is known that, if each line contains $n+1$ points, then the ...
11 votes
1 answer

Is there a well-known notion of orientability for finite geometries?

I'm wondering if the notion of an orientable/non-orientable manifold has any reasonable extension that allows for a similar classification of finite geometries. For example, the real projective plane ...
7 votes
1 answer

Large gaps in Singer's difference sets

This question is related to the question I asked earlier. For a natural number $n$, a set $D$ of integer numbers is called a $n$-cyclic difference set if each integer number $x\notin n\mathbb Z$ can ...
15 votes
1 answer

What is the smallest cardinality of a self-linked set in a finite cyclic group?

A subset $A$ of a group $G$ is defined to be self-linked if $A\cap gA\ne\emptyset$ for all $g\in G$. This happens if and only if $AA^{-1}=G$. For a finite group $G$ denote by $sl(G)$ the smallest ...
5 votes
1 answer

Which cyclic groups admit a difference set?

Problem 1. For which $n$ does the cyclic group $C_n$ admit a difference set $D\subset C_n$, i.e., a set such that each non-unit element $x\in C_n$ can be uniquely written as the difference $x=ab^{-1}$...
5 votes
1 answer

Large gaps in Singer planar difference sets?

By a classical result of Singer (1938), for a prime number $p$ the cyclic group $C_n$ of order $n=1+p+p^2$ contains a subset $D$ of cardinality $|D|=1+p$ such that $DD^{-1}=C_n$. Such set $D$ is ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is there literature on finite geometries with ordered lines?

A difference between finite geometries and (e.g.) Euclidean space is that "lines" in finite geometries are unordered subsets of the universe, while "lines" in Euclidean space are ordered subsets of ...
4 votes
3 answers

Does there exist a finite hyperbolic geometry in which every line contains at least 3 points, but not every line contains the same number of points?

It seems to me that the answer should be yes, but my naive attempts to come up with an example have failed. Just to clarify, by finite hyperbolic geometry I mean a finite set of points and lines such ...
13 votes
2 answers

The exceptional isomorphism between PGL(3,2) and PSL(2,7): geometric origin?

It is well-known there is an isomorphism between $GL(3,2)=PGL(3,2)$, the automorphism group of the Fano plane (i.e. the projective plane over the finite field with two elements), and $PSL(2,7)$, which ...
6 votes
1 answer

Maximum number of elements in union of subspaces

Let $V$ be a $m$-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{F}_q$ and $1<\ell<m-1$. Let $r$ be a positive integer such that $r\ell\leq m$. QUESTION. What is the maximum number of elements in the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Square-free sets in $\mathbb F_2^n\oplus\mathbb F_2^n$

A square in $\mathbb F_2^n\oplus\mathbb F_2^n$ is a quadruple of the form $$ (u,v)+\{(0,0),(0,d),(d,0),(d,d)\},\quad u,v,d\in\mathbb F_2^n,\ d\ne 0. $$ A set $A\subset\mathbb F_2^n\oplus\mathbb F_2^...
1 vote
1 answer

Finding a set of disjoint affine subspaces such that their union is equal to a given subset of $\mathbb{F}_2^n$

Suppose I'm given a set of point $S = \{x_1, \dots, x_m \} \subseteq \mathbb{F}_2^n$, and the following task. Find a set of disjoint affine subspaces of $\mathbb{F}_2^n$, $A_1, \dots, A_k$ satisfying ...
3 votes
3 answers

On MDS code property

Is there a code that is Maximum Distance Separable and not isomorphic to Reed Solomon Codes? When is a MDS code isomorphic to Reed Solomon Code? Is there an easy test? If so, could someone provide ...
5 votes
1 answer

$(n-2)$-blocking sets in $AG(n,2)$

Let's define $k$-blocking set in affine space $AG(n,q)$ a set that meets every coset (translate of subspace) of dimension $k$. I have seen a lot work related to minimal $(n-1)$-blockings set. ...
11 votes
2 answers

Blocking sets in three dimensional finite affine spaces

What is the smallest possible size of a set of points in $\mathbb{F}_q^3$ which intersects (blocks) every line? Clearly the union of three affine hyperplanes that intersect in a singleton, say $x = 0,...
14 votes
0 answers

Who conjectured that a transitive projective plane is Desarguesian?

The only known finite projective plane with a transitive automorphism group is the Desarguesian plane $PG(2,q)$ and it seems likely that there are no others, although this is not (quite) proved. ...
39 votes
2 answers

How close can one get to the missing finite projective planes?

This question can be interpreted as an instance of the Zarankiewicz problem. Suppose we have an $n\times n$ matrix with entries in $\{0,1\}$ with no $\begin{pmatrix}1 & 1\\ 1& 1\end{pmatrix} $ ...