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Questions tagged [orientation]

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1 answer

Dot product of a randomly orientated vector and a fixed vector

Let us consider a random variable $Z$ with a probability density function $f$ with respect to the Haar measure on $\mathrm{SO}(3)$. Next, we consider two fixed normal vectors $u,v$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$. ...
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Are oriented-$h$-cobordant lens spaces orientation-preservingly homeomorphic?

Consider two three-dimensional lens spaces $N_1=L(p,q_1)$ and $N_2=L(p,q_2)$, and assume that there is an oriented-$h$-cobordism between them. In other words, we assume that there is an oriented four-...
Nathan's user avatar
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7 votes
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Exponential trigonometric integral

I want to compute the normalization constant of some probability density on SO(3). After some simplification, I arrive at the following double integral: $$ \tag{1}\label{eq:1} \int_0^{2 \pi} \int_0^{\...
Peter Johnson's user avatar
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Precise mathematical relation between chirality (or $\gamma_5$) and (spatial) orientation in $1+3$ Minkowski spacetime

This is a bit of a qualitative question, but I have great difficulty finding a reference that clarifies the point I have been confused about. So, I guess I need to ask here.. Let us restrict atttetion ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Misunderstanding the definition of kernel in digraphs

By Borodin–Kostochka–Woodall '97 paper, the first paragraph says that directed odd cycles do not have kernels. But, I don't get this. Like, consider any $\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor$ set of independent ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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Orientation bundle and its flat connection

Let $M$ be a smooth $n$-manifold (which is not assumed to be orientable), and write $o(TM)\to M$ for its orientation bundle. Equivalently, it is the top exterior bundle $\Lambda^n(TM)\to M$. In any ...
Ho Man-Ho's user avatar
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Proving an equality of differential forms by assuming some perhaps topological condition

Let say I want to show two differential forms $\omega_1$ and $\omega_2$ on a smooth manifold $M$ are equal. Of course it suffices to show $\omega_1=\omega_2$ locally, i.e. the equality holds over ...
Ho Man-Ho's user avatar
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Necessary and sufficient conditions for pseudo Riemannian manifold to be time orientable

It is well known that a smooth manifold $M$ is orientable if the first Stiefel-Whitney class of the tangent bundle vanishes. In particular, this implies that if $M$ is equipped with a pseudo-...
Chris's user avatar
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Associativity of orientations of determinant bundles in Floer homology

I have been reading the paper "Coherent orientations for periodic orbits problems in symplectic geometry" by Floer and Hofer, trying to understand how we can orient the moduli spaces that ...
Someone's user avatar
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Finding a volume form on a fibre of a submersion between oriented manifolds

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a submersion between orientable smooth manifolds of respective dimensions $n,p$ and let $j:M=f^{-1}(y)\hookrightarrow X$ denote the inclusion of some fibre of $f$. My naïve (I am ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
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On the “Non-conservation of parity in weak interactions”

Kostrikin and Manin, in their Linear Algebra and Geometry, state that: (The excerpt is on pp. 42-43.) The statement comes after a proof of general linear group over reals having two connected ...
Alp Uzman's user avatar
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Invariance of $\mathrm{SO}(3)$ dynamics when expressed via Euler angles

$\DeclareMathOperator{\SO}{\operatorname{SO}}$I am trying to understand the properties of the $\SO(3)$ Lie Group but when expressed via Euler angles instead of rotation matrix or quaternions. I am ...
LucaC's user avatar
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A query on Galvin's theorem for bipartite graphs

The Galvin's theorem is the generalized version of Dinitz conjecture that states that if the maximum degree of any bipartite graph is $\Delta$, then its edges are colorable properly if each of its ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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Nontrivial integer homology class implies orientability

I posted this question on MSE and I would like to see if my reasoning is correct. Let $M^3$ be a compact, connected and oriented $3$-manifold with nonempty boundary and let $\Sigma^2$ be a compact and ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
9 votes
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An orientable surface that cannot be embedded into $\Bbb R^3$? [duplicate]

I previously asked this question on MSE, without success. By Whitney's embedding theorem, every 2-dimensional manifold (aka. a surface) can be embedded into $\Bbb R^4$. Now, Wikipedia states in this ...
M. Rumpy's user avatar
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When does a graph have a minimally strong orientation?

Given an asymmetric relation $A\subseteq V^2$ a digraph $D=(V,A)$ is minimally strong iff $D$ is strongly connected and for all arcs $\alpha\in A$ the digraph $D−\alpha=(V,A\setminus\{\alpha\})$ is ...
Ethan Splaver's user avatar
12 votes
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Reference on complex cobordism

I am trying to study a little of algebraic cobordism and I lack background from the classic setting. Hence, I am looking for a textbook or expository writing covering the basics of complex cobordism. ...
Tintin's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a notion of a connection for which the horizontal lift of a curve depends on its orientation?

Given a fiber bundle $\pi:E\to M$, a curve $\gamma:[0,1]\to M$, and a point $p \in \pi^{-1}(\gamma(0))$, a connection on the bundle allows us to uniquely lift $\gamma$ to a horizontal curve in E ...
Josh Kirklin's user avatar
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Relation between the orientation sheaves of the interior and the boundary of a topological manifold

Let $(M, \partial M)$ be an $n$-dimensional topological manifold with boundary. Let $\mathcal{O}_{M \setminus \partial M}$ and $\mathcal{O}_{\partial M}$ denote the orientation sheaves of $M \setminus ...
Rahmpilz's user avatar
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29 votes
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Does the Gauss-Bonnet theorem apply to non-orientable surfaces?

I hesitated for a long time to ask such an elementary-seeming question on Math Overflow, but when I asked and bountied it on Math SE, I found that a few experts seem to disagree on the answer, and I ...
tparker's user avatar
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Orientations in connected bridgeless graphs

Let $n\geq 3$ be an integer, set $[n] = \{1,\ldots,n\}$ and let $G=([n],E)$ be an undirected connected bridgeless graph. Is there an orientation (explanation below) of $G$ such that for all $a\neq b\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
8 votes
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Does an oriented $S^3$ fiber bundle admit the structure of a principal $SU(2)$-bundle?

Let $S \to X$ be an $S^3$-fiber bundle over a smooth manifold $X$. If $S$ is an oriented manifold does this fiber bundle admit the structure of an $SU(2)$-principal bundle? There is a similar theorem ...
54321user's user avatar
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Examples of interesting non orientable closed 3-manifolds

In dimension 2, there are two remarkable non-orientable closed manifolds, the projective plane (from synthetic geometry; has the fixed point property; algebraic compactification of the plane etc) and ...
coudy's user avatar
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Is there a well-known notion of orientability for finite geometries?

I'm wondering if the notion of an orientable/non-orientable manifold has any reasonable extension that allows for a similar classification of finite geometries. For example, the real projective plane ...
GMB's user avatar
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A topological group which is also a (not necessarily smooth) manifold is orientable

I am trying to show that a topological group which is also a (not necessarily smooth) manifold is automatically orientable. I know of a proof involving transition functions for smooth manifolds, in ...
Doeke's user avatar
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Orientability and higher dimensional Moebius strip

A compact surface is non-orientable if and only if there is a Moebius strip on it. Is there a similar result in higher dimension? More specifically, at least in the smooth setting, we can define a ...
coudy's user avatar
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Proving that an $E$-oriented manifold has an $E$-oriented normal bundle

This is the setting we are working in: $M$ is a closed, smooth $n$-manifold embedded in $\mathbb{R}^{n+k}$ with a chosen embedding $e\colon M^n\to \mathbb{R}^{n+k}$. It is $E$-oriented, for $E$ a ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Orientability of orbit type strata of Lie group actions

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group that acts on a smooth, finite dimensional, oriented manifold $M$, and suppose that such action preserves orientation, i.e., for each $g\in G$, the diffeomorphism $\mu_g$ ...
Ventania's user avatar
6 votes
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non-orientability of vector bundles induced from a symmetric group action

Let $\Sigma_k$ be the symmetric group on $k$-letters. Let $M$ be a manifold with a free $\Sigma_k$-action. Then we can form a $k$-dimensional vector bundle $$ \xi:\mathbb{R}^k\longrightarrow M\times_{\...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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Constrained absolute orientation of 3D point sets

Let us assume we have two 3D point sets, $P=\{p_i\}$ and $Q=\{q_i\}$, and that we need to recover the transformation that takes $P$ as close to $Q$ as possible. In particular, I am interested in roto-...
AugSB's user avatar
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Petersen 2-factor decomposition theorem for directed graphs

Petersen proved that every 2k-regular graph can be decomposed into k disjoint 2-factors. I would like to know that is it true that if G is a directed regular graph (d_out(v)=d_in(v)=k), then can G be ...
ehsanik's user avatar
6 votes
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Fundamental class in K-theory and orientability

In ordinary homology, the classical results give the following situation: for a compact, connected, topological manifold $M$ of dimension $n$ we have, for each ring $R$, that $H_n(M,M \setminus \{x\};...
truebaran's user avatar
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Orientability of Stiefel manifold V2(R4) [closed]

What is an easy proof of orientability of Stiefel manifold $V_2(\mathbb{R}^4)$ (pairs of orthonormal vectors from $\mathbb{R}^4$ - subset of $\mathbb{R}^8$)? All proofs I found deal with Lie groups ...
Richard Wagner's user avatar
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A self-homeomorphism of $L_{p,q}$ is isotopic to one which preserves heegaard splitting

Consider the lens space $L_{p,q}$, which we can describe using its standard heegaard splitting, i.e. define $L_{p,q}$ as a quotient of two solid tori, identifying meridians on the boundary of one with ...
Emilio Ferrucci's user avatar
14 votes
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Does the signature admit a homotopy coherent refinement?

Cobordism genera can often be refined to $E_\infty$-orientations in the sense of Ando-Blumberg-Gepner-Hopkins-Rezk: 1) the mod 2 Euler characteristic $MO\to H\mathbb{F}_2$; 2) the $\widehat A$-genus ...
Ben Knudsen's user avatar
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4 answers

Picturing a Certain Torus and Klein Bottle

The other day I was explaining orientability to someone and we were walking through some of the statements about orientability on the Wikipedia page on the topic. While I was able to satisfy his ...
ARupinski's user avatar
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Lefschetz Fixpoint theorem for non-orientable manifolds

The classical lefschetz fixpoint theorem is stated for oriented compact manifolds $M$ and a smooth map $f:M\to M$ as follows: the intersection number $I(\Delta, \mathrm{graph}(f))$ is equal to the ...
Raphael Reinauer's user avatar
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Orientation predicate CG

Shewchuk 97 gives me the orientation of 4 points, by finding the sign of a determinant, where the matrix is composed of the coordinates of the points. So, the signed volume of a tetrahedron, or which ...
mr grumpy's user avatar
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Orientation Sheaf and Double Cover

The orientation sheaf of an $n$-manifold $M$ is $\mathcal{O}_n=Sheaf(U\mapsto H_n(M,M-U;\mathbb{Z}))$, with stalks given by $(\mathcal{O}_n)_x = lim H_n(M,M-U)=H_n(M,M-x)=\mathbb{Z}$ (the limit is ...
Chris Gerig's user avatar
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13 votes
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Orientation and generalized cohomology theories

Let h* be a multiplicative generalized cohomology theory and $E \rightarrow X$ a real vector bundle. Is it true that, if $E$ is orientable with respect to h*, then it is also orientable with respect ...
Fabio's user avatar
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