Let $P$ be a finite projective space of order $q$ and dimension $d$. I am interested in finding the least $k$ such that for any set $S$ of $k$ points of $P$, and for any set $S'$ of $k$ hyperplanes of $P$, some point of $S$ is incident to some hyperplane of $S'$.
I believe I can prove $k=O( q^{\frac{d+1}2})$ fairly easily but I guess that this is far from optimal. Do you think a better upper bound can be obtained, for instance $q^{O(1)}$? Do you see any non-trivial lower bound?
Edit 2024-07-23: In case it might be useful for readers arriving on this page, I realised recently that a slightly improved version of the answer of Will Sawin below had already been given in 2012 in https://www.combinatorics.org/ojs/index.php/eljc/article/download/v19i4p24/pdf (their lower bound is of order $q^{\frac{d+1}2}$ regardless of the parity of $d$). They also prove the upper bound $k=O( q^{\frac{d+1}2})$ alluded to above.