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Questions tagged [cluster-algebras]

Questions related to cluster algebras, a class of commutative rings introduced around 2000 by Fomin and Zelevinsky, and nearby topics.

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Cluster algebra and Fenchel Nielsen coordinates

Certain cluster algebras arise from ideal triangulations of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. The combinatorics behind their mutations can be understood in terms of "flips" in the triangulation, and the ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
3 votes
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Does singularity confinement imply a fixed pattern of irreducible factors?

Consider a rational map $f \colon (x_1,\ldots,x_n) \mapsto (P_1(x_1,\ldots,x_n),\ldots,P_n(x_1,\ldots,x_n))$, where the $P_i$ are rational functions. Via iteration this map defines a discrete ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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How to translate cluster X-coordinates to cluster A-coordinates?

In the paper, (5.28) on page 35 is a formula which translate cluster A-coordinates to cluster X-coordinates: \begin{align} x_i = \prod_{i \to j} a_j. \end{align} Is there a formula which translate ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Piecewise linear $\sigma_i$ - notation question

In cluster algebra framework, in order to get root clusters, a modified version of a simple reflection is used. Define $\sigma_i:\Phi_{\geq -1} \to \Phi_{\geq -1}$ by setting: $ \sigma_i(\alpha) = \...
amator2357's user avatar
4 votes
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Reference request: Associahedron

I am reading Sergey Fomin's and Nathan Reading's paper Root Systems and Generalized Associahedra. I need a good reference for associahedron of classical types. Besides, whether there are some ...
bing's user avatar
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"Cross-Ratios" for D_n cluster algebra

Both cluster algebras $A_n$ and $D_n$ admit an interpretation in terms of (tagged) triangulations of Riemann surfaces - respectively a Poincaré disk with n+3 punctures on the boundary and a Poincaré ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
1 vote
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Why do finitely many cluster variables imply finitely many y-variables?

Suppose we have a seed $(x,y,B)$ where $B$ is a skew-symmetrizable matrix, $x = \{x_1,\ldots,x_n\}$ and y is an n-tuple of elements in $Trop\{x_{n+1},\ldots,x_m\}$. If there are finitely many cluster ...
user118668's user avatar
6 votes
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Proof of Laurent Phenomenon for Cluster Algebras

I went through the proof of the Laurent phenomenon for Cluster Algebras in Fomin and Zelevinsky's initial paper: Cluster Algebras I: Foundations. I am stuck at their claim that the gcd of two exchange ...
Confused's user avatar
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Geometric realizations of cluster categories of non-simply-laced types

Geometric realizations of cluster categories of simply-laced types are studied in the following papers. Philippe Caldero, Frédéric Chapoton, and Ralf. Schiffler, Quivers with relations arising from ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Which cluster algebras have been categorified?

In "Tilting Theory and Cluster Combinatorics" Buan, Marsh, Reineke, Reiten, and Todorov constructed cluster categories for mutation finite cluster algebras (without coefficients), and Amiot gives a ...
Steve's user avatar
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Cluster algebra structure on the coordinate ring of $Mat_3$

Let $Mat_3$ be the set of all 3 by 3 matrices. I have some questions on the cluster algebra structure on the coordinate ring of $Mat_3$. We use $\Delta_{j_1\ldots j_n}^{i_1\ldots i_n}$ to denote the ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to flip one triangulation on a surface into another

Let $S$ be a compact orientable surface and $p_1,\dots, p_n\in S$ be distinct points. We consider all triangulations on $S$ with vertices $p_1,\dots, p_n$. Is there an algorithm which takes two ...
Mikhail's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Do Denominator Vectors Determine the Cluster Variable

Given a cluster algebra $A=A(\mathbf{x},Q)$, the Laurent Phenomenon states that all the cluster variables of $A$ are Laurent polynomials in the elements of $\mathbf{x}$. Thus, any cluster variable $y$...
Steve's user avatar
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What are the cluster algebra structures on $Gr(3,5)$?

In the paper, cluster algebra structures on $Gr(2,n)$, $Gr(3,6)$, $Gr(3,7)$, $Gr(3,8)$, $Gr(4,6)$ are described. But what are the cluster algebra structures on $Gr(3,5)$ (and $Gr(3,4)$)? Do we have ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Reference request: coordinate ring of $OSP(2p|n)$

In the paper, the orthosymplectic supergroup $OSP(2p|n)$ is defined as follows. Let $A = A_0 \oplus A_1$ be a supercommutative superalgebra, where elements in $A_0$ are even and elements in $A_1$ are ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Tropical version of exchange relations in cluster algebras

The exchange relation in a cluster algebra is \begin{align} x_k' = \frac{1}{x_k} (\prod_{j \to k}x_j + \prod_{k \to j} x_j). \end{align} Do we have some tropical version of this relation? Are there ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Trying to understand the proof of Laurent phenomenon of cluster algebras

I am trying to understand the proof of Laurent phenomenon of cluster algebras in the book (Sergey Fomin, Lauren Williams, Andrei Zelevinsky, Introduction to Cluster Algebras. Chapters 1-3, arXiv:1608....
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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6 votes
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Decidability and Cluster algebras

Recall the definition of a cluster algebra, which can be seen as a (possibly infinite) graph, where each vertex is a tuple of a quiver and Laurent expressions at some of the vertices of the quiver. ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Which cluster algebras where the existence of maximal green sequences is still unknown?

Maximal green sequences are studied in many papers. For example, Maximal Green Sequences for Cluster Algebras Associated to the n-Torus by Eric Bucher, On Maximal Green Sequences by Thomas Brüstle, ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Cluster Variables for non-convex n-gons

Most of the lectures and lecture notes on Cluster Algebras (at least from Combinatorial point of view) start with mutations of the diagonals of a convex n-gon (mostly the pentagon) as the illustration ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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Cluster algebras of finite type

In the webpage, there is a result: Theorem 1. Coefficient free cluster algebras without frozen variables are in bijection with Dynkin diagrams of type $A_n$, $B_n$, $C_n$, $D_n$, $E_6, E_7, E_8$, $...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Mutation equivalence of quivers

Given two orientations $Q, Q'$ of a Dyinkin diagram. Is it always true that after a sequence of mutations, $Q$ becomes $Q'$? Are the some references about this? Thank you very much.
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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(b,c) rank 2 cluster algebras

Let $x$ and $y$ be variables. Consider the following recurrence: \begin{equation} u_{n}:= \begin{cases} \displaystyle{\frac{1+u_{n-1}^b}{u_{n-2}}} & if\ n\ \text{is even},\\ &\\ \displaystyle{\...
Hector Blandin's user avatar
4 votes
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Rigid regular objects of path algebras of tame quivers

In the paper On Maximal Green Sequences by Brustle, Dupont and Perotin the authors argued that in a path algebra $\Lambda=kQ$ of a tame quiver $Q$ with $n$ vertices each tilting module contains at ...
Ying Zhou's user avatar
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Cluster algebra structure compatible with Poisson brackets

Let $X$ be a Poisson variety. There is a concept "cluster algebra structure compatible with Poisson structure" introduced in the paper. Suppose that we construct a maximal independent set of ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Automorphisms of weighted quiver

I am reading this paper strongly primitiv species with potentials I : mutations. In page 6, they give the definition of weighted quiver: a weighted quiver is a pair $(Q,d)$, where $Q$ is a loop-...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar
3 votes
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Quiver folding and maximal green sequences

The technique of quiver folding (please see Folding by Automorphisms) can be used to prove statements about non-simply laced quivers (i.e. valued quivers) when they are already known in the simply-...
Ying Zhou's user avatar
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Non-rigid indecomposable summands of simple-minded collections in bounded derived category of hereditary algebras

Let $\Lambda$ be a hereditary algebra over an algebraically closed field $k$. Let $S$ be one of the indecomposable summands of one simple-minded collection in $D^b(\Lambda)$. Is it true that $S$ is ...
Ying Zhou's user avatar
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Questions about cluster $\mathcal{X}$-varieties and amalgamation

I am trying to learn the amalgamation of two cluster seeds and I am reading the paper written by V.V. Fock and A. B. Goncharov. I am at a loss for the Lemma 2....
Daisy's user avatar
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Differential (in)dependancies between cluster variables

Let $ \mathcal A$ be the complex cluster algebra obtained from the initial seed $(a,x, B)$ where : $x$ stands for a $n$-tuple $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ of complex indeterminates, idem for $a=(a_1,\ldots,...
Elbabak's user avatar
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Canonical basis of cluster algebras

Let $x_{k+1} = \frac{x_k^{d_k}+1}{x_{k-1}}$, $k \in \mathbb{Z}$, where $d_{k+2} = d_k \in \mathbb{Z_{>0}}$. Let $b=d_1$ and $c=d_2$. Define the cluster algebra $A = A(\left( \begin{matrix} 0 & ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Mutation of valued quivers

Mutations of valued quivers are defined in cluster algebras II, Proposition 8.1 on page 28. I have a question about the number $c'$. For example, let $a = 2, b=1, c=1$ and consider the quiver $Q$: $1 ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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How to understand exchange pattern?

I am reading an paper "cluster algebras I: foundations" by Fomin and Zelevinsky. Let $I = \{1,2, \ldots, n\}$ and $\mathbf{x}$ a cluster. For each $t \in \mathbb{T}_n$, let $\mathbf{x}(t) = (x_i(t))...
bing's user avatar
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Weighted quiver in Keller's Java Quiver mutation [closed]

I need to do mutation using weighted quivers. There are weights on the arrows which looks like: How to draw weighted quiver in Keller's Java Quiver mutation:
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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polynomials satisfying the Plücker relation

Let $S_{12}$, $S_{13}$, $S_{14}$, $S_{23}$, $S_{24}$, $S_{34}$ be complex homogeneous polynomials in 4 variables satisfying the Plücker relation : $$S_{12}S_{34}-S_{13}S_{24}+S_{14}S_{23}=0 .$$ ...
Hephaistos's user avatar
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Shear coordinates, lambda lengths, cluster variables

I am trying to understand the relations among Shear coordinates, lambda lengths, cluster variables, in the paper. Is the following correct? Lambda lengths = cluster A-variables Shear coordinates = ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Finding particular reduced words for Weyl group elements

I am studying cluster algebra structures on the coordinate rings of partial flag varieties, as defined in the paper Partial flag varieties and preprojective algebras by Geiss, Leclerc and Schröer. One ...
Matthew Pressland's user avatar
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How to draw a quiver for a pseudoline arragement?

In the lecture notes, on page 24, there is an example of drawing a quiver for a pseudoline arragement. What is the rule to draw a quiver for a pseudoline arragement? I don't know how to put the ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Why are exchange graphs of quivers with the same underlying graph but have different orientations isomorphic?

I know the fact that (undirected) exchange graphs of quivers with the same underlying undirected graph but have different orientations are isomorphic (i.e. quivers that are just finitely many arrow-...
Ying Zhou's user avatar
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Softwares which compute all non-isomorphic quivers in a mutation class

Let $Q$ be a quiver. The mutation class of $Q$ consists of all quivers which can be obtained from $Q$ by a sequence of mutations. Are there some softwares which compute all non-isomorphic quivers in a ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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A question about exchange pattern

Exchange pattern, see Section 2 in "cluster algebras I: foundations" by Fomin and Zelevinsky or How to understand exchange pattern? Given an example $\cdots \overset{2}{-} t_1 \overset{1}{-} t_2 \...
bing's user avatar
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3 votes
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Kahler differentials on cluster varieties

On affine toric varieties there is a classical theorem of Danilov which gives some combinatorial ways to describe the global sections of an appropriate sheaf of Kahler differentials as a vector space. ...
user36931's user avatar
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Question about the mutation of a cluster seed associated to any word of the braid semigroup

Let $G$ be a semisimple Lie group with the set of positive simple roots $\prod$. Let $\prod^{-}$ be the set of negative simple roots and let $\mathfrak{M}$ be the semigroup freely generated by $\prod$ ...
Daisy's user avatar
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When is a $2$-Calabi–Yau triangulated category the cluster category of a QP?

Keller–Reiten's main theorem in Acyclic Calabi–Yau categories implies that if $\mathcal{C}$ is a $2$-Calabi–Yau (algebraic) triangulated category admitting a cluster-tilting object $T$ such that the ...
Matthew Pressland's user avatar
10 votes
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Are cluster variables prime elements?

Cluster algebras introduction A cluster algebra is a subalgebra $A$ of $k[x_1^{\pm1},...,x_n^{\pm1}]$ generated by a set of cluster variables, which are elements which can be generated from the set $\{...
Greg Muller's user avatar
4 votes
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``Occasional'' Laurent phenomenon

This question is motivated by Richard Stanley's A question on the Laurent phenomenon (motivated by his answer to the question what is the probability that a scissor became the champion?). He asked ...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
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Characteristics of $c$-vectors of acyclic cluster algebras

In Speyer and Thomas's work, Acyclic Cluster Algebras Revisited the characteristics of $c$-vectors of cluster algebras with the $B$-matrix of the initial seed acyclic are given in Theorem 1.4. Do we ...
Ying Zhou's user avatar
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Generalized Gaussian Decomposition

Let $G$ be a connected complex semisimple Lie group. Let $H$ be a maximal torus of $G$, let $W$ be the Weyl group of $G$, and let $N_\pm$ be a pair of opposite maximal unipotent subgroups. For each ...
Daps's user avatar
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cluster variables and L-functions

There is something in common between cluster variables in the theory of cluster algebras, L-functions in number theory, namely the fact that both map direct sums to products, just like determinants ...
F. C.'s user avatar
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Testing membership in a cluster algebra

Say I have a cluster algebra with principal coefficients and initial cluster $x_1,\ldots,x_n$. I don't want to invert the coefficient variables $y_1,\ldots,y_n$. The Laurent Phenomenon says that ...
Nathan Reading's user avatar