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Invariant theory of $SL_2$ over a field of positive characteristic

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. Let $W$ be a finite dimensional $SL_2$-module over $k$. Let $V$ be the natural representation of $SL_2$. What can be said - in ...
Lloyd Yu-West's user avatar
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Lattice radial-step (ratchet) spirals

(30Oct13: Now solved; see Addendum.) Define a curve, a ratchet spiral, $S(r_0,\epsilon)$ as follows, where $r_0 > 0$ and $\epsilon < 1$.     $S(r_0,\epsilon)$ begins with the arc ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Level p characteristic 2 modular forms and thetas

BACKGROUND Let p be an odd prime. An element of Z/2[[x]] is "modular of level p" if it is the mod 2 reduction of a g in Z[[x]] with g the Fourier expansion of a modular form for gamma_0(p). In ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Counting higher dimensional abelian varieties of a given conductor

This question is a follow up to an earlier question of mine on enumerating elliptic curves of a given conductor. I've heard people say that studying higher dimensional varieties via explicit ...
Jonah Sinick's user avatar
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Unicritical rational functions on curves in characteristic $p$

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic $p$, and let $X_{/k}$ be a smooth projective connected curve. Let $x_0$ be a point of $X(k)$. How precisely can one describe the ...
Xander Faber's user avatar
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Do Scharaschkin's results on Brauer-Manin obstructions on curves generalize to non-projective curves?

Theorem: Let X be a smooth projective curve over a number field K, and let $\delta$ be the index of X (i.e., the minimal degree of a K-rational divisor on X). Then V. Scharaschkin proved in this ...
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
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Alterations of regular varieties

Let $X$ be a regular quasi-projective variety over a perfect field $k$. The existence of a "good compactification" of $X$, i.e. a regular projective variety $\bar{X}$ with an embedding $X\...
Lars's user avatar
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An example computation of etale cohomology

(edited for clarity) In a comment on a response to this question, moonface states the following: "Even if you tried to compute H^2 [etale with Z/5Z-coefficients] of a surface fibered in genus 2 ...
David Hansen's user avatar
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What, if anything, do we hope and expect to understand about (classical) Galois groups?

I was reading Franz Lemmermeyer's introduction to Fermat's Last and Wiles' Theorem, where he states Galois representations $\rho_p : G_\mathbb Q\rightarrow GL_2(\mathbb Z_p)$ are used for studying ...
plm's user avatar
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Simple motivation for mixed characteristic algebraic geometry?

Can anyone give a road map for how Bhatt–Scholze's fancy recent p-adic work applies to questions in more general algebraic geometry and commutative algebra? I'm aware that it does, following Andre - ...
Patrick Elliott's user avatar
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Are crystalline cohomology obsolete?

I'm interested in $p$-adic cohomology theories now. I have learned that since de Rham cohomology behaves badly in char $p$, people invented crystalline cohomology in smooth cases and later rigid ...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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Orlik-Solomon algebra and hyperplane complements in positive characteristic

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p\geq 0$, $\underline H:=\{H_1,\dots, H_m\}$ a set of hyperplanes in $\mathbb A_k^n$ and $X:=\mathbb A^n-(\bigcup H_i)$. Given a ring $R$ ...
Emiliano Ambrosi's user avatar
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$S_n$-invariant polynomials on the dual of reflection representation

Let $W=S_n$ (the symmetric group) acting on $V=k^n$ via permutation of the indices, where $k$ is an algebraically closed field. Closely related to this are the reflection (sub-)representation $V_0=\{ (...
Paul Levy's user avatar
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Proof of Lemma 6.5 in Scholze's Perfectoid Spaces

In the proof of Lemma 6.5(approximation lemma) in Scholze's Perfectoid Spaces, I have the following three questions about $h = f - g^\sharp_c$ and $g^\sharp_{c'}$. (Maybe it's something you'll find ...
user400965's user avatar
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Cohomology theories for algebraic varieties over number fields

There is a standard line which is repeated by anyone writing/talking about motives and cohomology of algebraic varieties over number fields: namely, there are many such cohomologies and then the ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Rational points on varieties whose anticanonical bundle is nef but not ample

Is the following plausible? "If $X$ is a variety over $\mathbf{Q}$ whose anticanonical bundle $L$ is nef but not ample, there is a number field $K$ such that $X(K)$ contains an infinite set of ...
JSE's user avatar
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Modularity switching for primes $p>7$

In Freitas, Le Hung, and Siksek's 2014 paper proving that elliptic curves over totally real quadratic fields are modular they prove (and use) the following result (Theorems 3 and 4): let $\bar \rho_{E,...
Avi's user avatar
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Moduli interpretation of Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors

In their famous 1976 paper, Hirzebruch and Zagier define certain divisors $T_N$ on the Hilbert modular surface corresponding to the group $\text{SL}_2(\mathcal{O}_F)$ for $F=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{p})$. ...
xir's user avatar
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Algebraic/étale representation varieties

There has been extensive study of representation varieties $R(S, G)$ which are moduli spaces of representations of the fundamental group of a compact Riemann surface $S$ into a reductive group $G$. ...
Shun's user avatar
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Compute a smooth model assuming it exists

Let $X$ be a smooth projective geometrically connected variety over $\mathbb{Q}$. Let's say you know for a fact that $X$ has good reduction at $p$. Is there an algorithm that computes a smooth ...
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Variety over $\mathbb{F}_p$ that does not embed into flat scheme over $\mathbb{Z}/p^2\mathbb{Z}$

Let $X\to\mathrm{Spec}\:\mathbb{F}_p$ be a smooth proper morphism. Is there a closed immersion $X\to Y$ where $Y$ is flat of finite type over $\mathbb{Z}/p^2\mathbb{Z}$? As mentioned in the comments ...
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Coherent cohomology of the generic fiber of Lubin-Tate space vs. of Lubin-Tate space considered rationally?

I am trying to compare the coherent cohomology of the generic fiber of Lubin-Tate space to the coherent cohomology of Lubin-Tate space considered rationally, and I am going in circles! I would be very ...
Catherine Ray's user avatar
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Writing rational number as $\frac{a^k+b^k}{c^k+d^k}$

Let $k$ be an odd positive integer. Can every positive rational number $n$ be written as $\frac{a^k+b^k}{c^k+d^k}$ where $a,b,c,d$ are positive rational numbers/ rational numbers? The answer is true ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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What are the genus 4 curves with Jacobians that are 4-th powers?

Consider the moduli space of all genus $4$ curves $\overline{\mathscr M_4}$ of dimension $3\times 4 - 3 = 9$. Under the Torelli map, there is a map to $\overline{\mathscr A_4}$ (which has dimension $...
Asvin's user avatar
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Poincaré duality and Galois action

Poincaré duality says that under nice situation we have a canonical perfect pairing $$ P : H_c^r(X, \mathscr{F}) \times H^{2d - r}(X, \mathscr{F}^\vee(d)) \to \mathbb{Z}/n.$$ I want to show that ...
k.j.'s user avatar
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Gromov-Witten theory over any field

In this question, VA. said the stack $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(X,\beta)$ has been constructed over $\mathbb{Z}$. I can not find anything about it but I am quite interested in it. Is there any ...
Upc's user avatar
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Abelian varieties with rank 0 over each global field

For each global field $K$, can we always find an Abelian variety $A$ with $A(K)$ rank $0$? By Lang-Neron, Mordell Weil is also true for finite type fields (fields finitely generated over their prime ...
Asvin's user avatar
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A refinement of Faltings' lemma

In his proof of the Mordell conjecture, Faltings proved the following important result: Let $K$ be a number field and $S$ a finite set of primes in $K$. Then for any $g \geq 2$ there exists a number $...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Galois actions on cohomology rings of algebraic varieties

Let $k$ be an arithmetic field. Let $G_k$ be its absolute Galois group. $G_k$ is often studied via its linear action on cohomology (etale, crystalline, ...) "groups" of algebraic varieties over $k$. ...
Galois groupie's user avatar
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Embeddings of number fields into $\mathbb{C}$ or $\bar{\mathbb{Q}}_l$

When studying arithmetic Galois representations for a number field $F$ one often fixes at the outset an embedding of its algebraic closure $\bar{F}$ into $\mathbb{C}$ or $\bar{\mathbb{Q}}_l$ and ...
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Ext group for commutative finite group schemes

EDIT: all group schemes are commutative. Thanks @R. van Dobben de Bruyn! Could anyone provide a reference request about extensions of finite group schemes / Ext groups. As far as I know the category ...
aytio's user avatar
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Galois action on functions on an adelic coset space

For a reductive group $G$ over a number field $K$, an automorphic representation for $(G, K)$ is an irreducible admissible constituent of the right regular representation of $G(\mathbb{A}_K)$ in the ...
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Galois invariants in étale cohomology

Suppose $X$ is a smooth projective variety over a field $k$, with separable closure $\overline{k}$, Galois group $G$, and let $\overline{X}$ be $X_{\overline{k}}$. Do we have $$(H^j(\overline{X},\...
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Descent via an explicit isogeny (genus 2)

This question is related to a previous question posted by me here answered by Prof. M. Stoll. 5-Descent or ($\sqrt{5}$-Descent?) on certain genus 2 Jacobians. Here I ask some technicalities of a ...
Eduardo R. Duarte's user avatar
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What is the difference between Kisin's and Vasiu's work on models of Shimura varieties?

My research is related to integral model of Shimura varieties. I realized there are two approaches building models for varieties of pre-abelian type and abelian type. I want to know what their ...
YYY's user avatar
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Current state of Serre's Motives conjectures in Seattle

It would be worth if we have a current state of the conjectures of Propriétés conjecturales des groupes de Galois motiviques et des représentations l-adiques. J P Serre. In Motives, Seattle And ...
Jean's user avatar
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Two Definitions of Barsotti-Tate Representations

In different articles I have seen different definitions of Barsotti-Tate representations. I am wondering if and how these definitions are equivalent. In Section 1.1 of Conrad-Diamond-Taylor they say ...
Misja's user avatar
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Modular forms for non-arithmetic subgroups

Modular forms are usually considered as complex-valued functions on the upper half-plane quite invariant by a discrete subgroup $\Gamma$ of isometries and satisfying smoothness and growth condition. ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Torsors for discrete groups in the etale topology

Let $S$ be a smooth variety over $\mathbb C$ or a smooth quasi-projective integral scheme over Spec $\mathbb{Z}$. Let $G$ be an (abstract) discrete group. For instance, $G =\mathbb{Z}^n$ or $G$ a ...
Sam's user avatar
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Are all stabilizer groups of the co-adjoint action smooth?

Let $k$ be a (non-archimedean) local field of positive characteristic $p$ and $\mathfrak{n}$ be any finite-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebra over $k$ with nilpotence length $l<p$. It is well-known ...
m07kl's user avatar
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Torsionfree crystalline cohomology implies torsionfree etale cohomology?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$. Let $W=W(k)$ be the ring of Witt vectors of $k$. Assume that the crystalline cohomology $H^2_{...
Monsie's user avatar
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Conjecture on classification of $p$-divisible over the ring of integers of $\widehat{\bar{\mathbb{Q}}_p}$

I am reading the paper of Fargues Quelques résultats et conjectures concernant la courbe. In the end of this paper, there is a conjecture on the classification of $p$-divisible groups over $\...
Mayday's user avatar
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Lifting points via étale morphism of adic spaces

This question was suggested to me during the reading of Huber's book about Etale Cohomology of Adic Spaces. I formulate this question here in the context of adic spaces, but I think, since a morphism ...
Simone's user avatar
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Lifting morphisms of $p$-divisible groups using Grothendieck-Messing theory

During my reading of Peter Scholze and Jared Weinstein's paper ``Moduli of $p$-divisible groups'' I found this assertion in the proof of Proposition 6.1.3. Consider the following situation. Let $k$ be ...
user93678's user avatar
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A problem on universally locally acyclic

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. Let $X$ and $S$ be two smooth varieties over $k$ and $\mathcal F$ a constructible \'etale sheaf of $\mathbb F_\ell$-modules on $X$ (...
ely's user avatar
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Are all these K3 surfaces supersingular?

Consider all the smooth K3 surfaces given by $X^4+W^2X^2+XW^3 = f(Y,Z,W)$ or $X^4+XW^3 = g(Y,Z,W)$ over $\mathbb F_{2}$ with $f$ or $g$ homogenous of degree 4. There are a lot of choices for $f$ and $...
Gabriel Furstenheim's user avatar
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Non-embeddable varieties

Suppose that $k$ is a perfect field of characteristic $p>0$, $\mathcal{V}$ is a complete discrete valuation ring with residue field $k$ and quotient field $K$, of characteristic $0$. Then when ...
ChrisLazda's user avatar
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Brauer-Manin obstruction to surfaces of Kodaira dimension 1

Roughly speaking, the Kodaira dimension is an invariant of a variety that corresponds to curvature. One can show that curves of genus $\geq 2$ have Kodaira dimension 1 using Riemann-Roch. In Corollary ...
Jackson Morrow's user avatar
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Isogenous elliptic curves have same conductor

Let $E/K, E'/K$ be elliptic curves defined over a number field $K$. Let $\phi: E \to E'$ be a non-constant isogeny defined over $K$. Why must the conductors be equal? I know that this is an ...
stl's user avatar
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Do there exist weak Lefschetz-type statements that were proved for varieties over complex numbers, but were not proved in finite characteristic?

As far as I understood the situation (reading section 3.5B of Lazarsfeld's "Positivity in algebraic geometry" and also some of the references), some of weak Lefschetz-type statements known rely on '...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar

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