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Induced model structure?

Let $H$ be a set with a binary operation $\cdot _H$ on it. To show that it is a group, one has to show that $\cdot _H$ is associative, find an identity element in $H$, and so forth; it might take ...
Shlomi A's user avatar
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Loops in CW-complexes and the 2-skeleton

Let $X$ be a path-connected CW-complex. If $\omega: [0,1] \to X$ is a loop in $X$ and $\partial$ the boundary operator in simplicial homology, then $\partial(\omega)=\omega(1)-\omega(0)=0$, i.e. $\...
Ralph's user avatar
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Killing homotopy groups by removing subsets

Let $X$ be a locally finite CW-complex and let $U$ be an open subset of $X$. Given a non-zero homotopy class $x\in\pi_i(U)$ say, is it possible to find a closed subset $Z\subset U$ whose removal from $...
Spiros Adams-Florou's user avatar
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Pushout of the skeleton of homotopy colimit of diagrams

First of all let me define what homotopy colimit i'm talking about. Let F be a functor from a small category to the category of simplicial set, the homotopy colimit is the simplicial realization of ...
Ali Abdallah's user avatar
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Two-point desuspension for augmented chain complexes?

Let $X$ be a chain complex augmented over $\mathbf{Z}$ with augmentation $\varepsilon_X:X_0 \to \mathbf{Z}$. We define $[1](X)$ to be the $\mathbf{Z}$-augmented chain complex such that $[1](X)_0 = \...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
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Topological definition of intersection multiplicities of algebraic varieties

I posted this question in Stack Exchange and was recommended the appendix of Fulton's Young Tableaux. While I think it's good, it'd be nice to have some books which explain this subject in more detail....
Makoto Kato's user avatar
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Definition of the $L^2$-metric for the Determinant of Cohomology of a Vector Bundle on a Riemann surface

I start describing my setup. $X$ is a Riemann surface with a metric which can have a finite number of singularities, $E$ is a vector bundle on $X$ equipped with an Hermitian structure. In an article (...
Giovanni De Gaetano's user avatar
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Profiniteness Condition for Hochschild-Serre Spectral Sequence?

This question may seem elementary to experts but I am quite confused about it: According to the entry of Lyndon–Hochschild–Serre spectral sequence on wikipedia, for a group extension $1\to N\to G\to ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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Twisted homology of free products

Let $G_1$ and $G_2$ be groups and let $M$ be a vector space equipped with actions of $G_1$ and $G_2$. The free product $G_1 \ast G_2$ thus acts on $M$. How can one compute the twisted group homology ...
Lewis's user avatar
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Discrete subgroups of isometry group of proper metric space

Let $X$ be a proper metric space and consider its isometry group $\mathrm{ISO}(X)$ endowed with the compact-open topology. Let $G$ be a subgroup of $\mathrm{ISO}(X)$. Consider the following ...
unknown's user avatar
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The stable-homotopy-homology-theory

Hi Is there a way to stabilise relative homotopy groups into giving the stable-homotopy-homology-functor? The fact that the homotopy excision theorem holds for exactly the same kind of pair that ...
old account's user avatar
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Fundamental group of the complement of a conic-line arrangement

This is a problem concerning a lemma in Oka's paper "On the fundamental group of the complement of a reduced curve in $\mathbb{P}^2$". Let $C$ be a curve in $\mathbb{P}^2$ and $L$ be a general line ...
Fei YE's user avatar
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Decomposition of simplicial G-set?

Let $G$ be a simplicial group. Let $X$ be a simplicial $G$-set,i.e. for each level, $X_n$ is a $G_n$-set. Can $X$ be written as a union of finite (or finite type) simplicial $G$-subsets? Here "finit ...
Gao 2Man's user avatar
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Does the nerve of a category have a right adjoint?

Taking the nerve of a groupoid gives a simplicial set. This is functorial $N:{\mathbf{Grpd}}\to {\mathbf{sSet}}$. NLab tells me that, in general, nerve has a left adjoint, which is geometric ...
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n-reduced Eilenberg subcomplex

It is somewhat of a standard construction, that, given a simplicial set K, we can form $E_n K$, by choosing a basepoint, and picking all simplices that map their $(n-1)$-skeleton to the basepoint. If ...
del's user avatar
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Subresultants of primitive polynomials

Given two primitive polynomials $f,g\in D[x]$ over some domain $D$, is there anything we can say about the primitiveness of their $i$-th subresultant polynomials $Sres_i(f,g)$? I.e. is there a simple ...
Anthony Sheperd's user avatar
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subset embedding gives trefoil knot [closed]

Let $X$ be a topological space and $E_n(X)$ the space of finite sets of cardinality $\leq n$. It is a theorem of Bott that $E_3(S^1)=S^3$. What is the idea to show that the embedding $S^1\...
student's user avatar
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How to get countably many generators for $K_{j}^{G}(\beta G)$ ??

Hey I am trying to find out how the Baum-Connes conjecture works over $GL(1)$ over local fiels. I am just wondering if anybody knows how to get a countable many generators for in the L.H.S of the ...
Dragon's user avatar
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differential form of charge for pi_4(S^3) or pi_4(S^2)

How to write a 4-form of topological charge which would correspond to non-zero element of the homotopy group $\pi_4(S^3)$ or $\pi_4(S^2)$ (both are equal to $Z_2$) ? ? An example of such a mapping (...
Ivan Zhogin's user avatar
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Is this a covering space? [closed]

In Hatcher's book Page 79 I was asked to provide two-sheeted covering space $Y \rightarrow X_{1}$ such that the composition $Y \rightarrow X_{1} \rightarrow X$ of the two covering spaces is not a ...
Kerry's user avatar
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Does there exists a (possibly homological) characterization of the Jordan curve property in all dimensions?

More precisely, let $M$ be a subspace $\mathbb R^n$ with the following properties: $M$ is a topological manifold of dimension $n-1$. M is compact. Does there exist a homological characterization of ...
Akela's user avatar
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Again about Bing's house with two rooms [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to show that the “bing’s house with two rooms” is contractible? I don't know why my question is closed? here, I make my question clearly, when "hollowing ...
gylns's user avatar
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what is this simple topological space?

Take $M_p$ the mapping cylinder (MC) of the $p=3$-fold cover of $S^1$, $M_q$ the MC of the $q=2$-fold cover of $S^1$, where for both, the identification of the MC is done on the side $\{0\}$ of $[0,1]$...
Virgile Guemard's user avatar
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Can every 3-manifold be triangulated? [closed]

One of my classmates was telling me that it is an open question whether every 3-manifold can be triangulated. This was rather surprising. He said that the question as far as he remember is settled ...
Raj Kumar's user avatar
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Space with maps detected by homotopy groups in infinitely many degrees

Is there a pointed space $(X, p)$ such that for infinitely many integers $n\geq 1$ there is a map $(X, p)\to (X,p)$ inducing an automorphism other than $\mathrm{id}$ on $\pi_n(X, p)$? In particular $\...
mitsur's user avatar
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Compact Hypersurfaces Bounding Compact Domains

The following statement seems to be taken as given in papers I'm reading: Let $\mathcal{M}^n$ be a compact, embedded hypersurface in $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$. Then $\mathcal{M}$ is the boundary of some ...
Michael Coffey's user avatar
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Natural embedding GL_n(C) -> C^{n^2} \ {0} induces zero on cohomology

The question looks like an exercise in elementary algebraic topology, but I didn't manage to solve it. I am considering this question because it is a toy example in a problem I'm thinking about. Let'...
Evgeny Shinder's user avatar
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Ambient isotopy of the diagonal submanifold in product space

Given a closed manifold $M^n$ and its $k$-fold product space $M^n\times\cdots\times M^n$,Can the diagonal submanifold $\Delta:=\{(m,\cdots,m)\in (M^n)^k\mid m\in M\}$ be isotopied to the submanifold $...
student's user avatar
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The Schottky group and the fundamental group of a compact Riemann surface

I am quoting the following description from a paper, "...every compact Riemann surface can be obtained as the quotient $\mathbb{C}/\Gamma$ where $\Gamma$ is a Schottky group. The Schottky group of a ...
user6818's user avatar
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Does the Deligne-Mumford space module $S_{n}$ action have a fundamental chain?

Does the Deligne-Mumford space (without ordering for marked points) $\bar M_{g,n}/S_{n}$ has fundamental chain in signular simplicial chains? (because I read Costello's paper GW potential to TCFT, as ...
mathphysics's user avatar
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Is $S^1=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ a ring? [closed]

Is there a ring structure on $S^1=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$?
Ola Sande's user avatar
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Generalizing the Madsen-Weiss Theorem via the scanning map $\mathscr{C}(M,\mathbb{R}^{\infty})\to\Omega^{\infty}AG^+_{\infty,d}$

The Madsen-Weiss Theorem, as described by Hatcher, states that there is an isomorphism $H_*( \mathscr{C}_{\infty})\cong H_*(\Omega_0^{\infty}AG^+_{\infty,2})$ where $\Omega_0^{\infty}AG^+_{\infty,2}$ ...
Sergio Charles's user avatar
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Cohomologies of double covers

Let $\pi:X \rightarrow Y$ be a double cover between compact manifolds $X$, $Y$ and $\theta$ be the deck transformation. Let $H^2(X, \mathbb Z)^\theta$ be a group of $\theta^*$-invariant elements in $H^...
Basics's user avatar
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Proper actions and diffeomorphism groups

Since the diffeomorphism group is not locally compact; is it true that there is no proper action of an infinite-dimensional diffeomorphism group on a finite-dimensional smooth manifold? Edit: The ...
s k's user avatar
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Identifying the orientation bundle uniquely

A nonorientable surface $S$ is homeomorphic to the $k$-th connected sum $\mathbb{R}P^2 \sharp \ldots \sharp \mathbb{R}P^2$. For each nonorientable surface $S$ there exists an oriented $2$-fold ...
berl1313's user avatar
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Question about the fundamental group and homotopy equivalence

Let T be a two-dimensional torus and Y be the one point compactification of a two dimensional sphere ($S^2$) minus three points. I have to prove: 1)they have the same fundamental group 2)they are ...
Italo's user avatar
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Can we generalise groupoids to monoid-oids? [closed]

Groups correspond to one object categories where every morphism is an isomorphism. Monoids correspond to one object categories. Groupoids correspond to small categories where every morphism is an ...
Diego de la Paz's user avatar
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Technical but elementary homotopy question

Not really research level but here goes anyway: Suppose I have a topological space $X$ with a closed subset $K$ and a continuous map $f : X \times [0,1) \to X$ such that: 0) $f(x,0) = x$. 1) For all ...
Thisquestionisreallyhard's user avatar
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Name for a monoid on the basis of a vector space?

Is there a name for the structure of a vector space with a monoid defined on its basis? Given a vector space V over a field F, we can choose a basis and define a monoid on it. Now we can use each ...
Spencer Woolfson's user avatar
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How to prove that there does not exist any plane isotopy from the logarithmic spiral onto the real line? [closed]

Questions. EDIT: readers please note that while this question arose in research, the OP was so hung-up on a question concerning infinite planar graphs that a strong a-forteriori-reason, kindly ...
Peter Heinig's user avatar
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Decomposition of 3-dimensional mapping torus into connected sum

In the following article Hatcher mentioned that there is only one prime closed 3-manifold with infinite cyclic fundamental group, which is $S^...
Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
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Using group presentation for its corresponding semigroup?

Somewhere Colin M. Campbell noted: If $A$ is a semigroup defined as $$A=Sg(\pi)=\langle a_1,\cdots, a_d\mid u_1=v_1,\cdots,u_e=v_e\rangle $$ then the same generators with the same relations can ...
Mikasa's user avatar
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Misprint in Switzer's algebraic topology?

I am currently reading Switzer's book "Algebraic Topology: Homotopy and Homology". On page 50, the proof of 3.30 c), he claims that a certian composition is something I can't see how it possibly can ...
Helle Karlsson's user avatar
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Realisability cohomological class as product or as immersed sphere

Let's consider closed simply connected manifold $M^n$ and a $a\in H^k(M)$ and $a*\in H^{n-k}(M)$ is the dual to $a$. Is it true that dual to $a$ is realisable as a immersed sphere or $ a*=bc $ for ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
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Triviality of finite fiber bundles [closed]

Hello, I suspect the following is true and easy but I am unable to prove. Suppose (E, B, π, F) is a fiber bundle, where E,B are compact and F is finite, prove that E is a trivial fiber bundle. Any ...
Adam Toth's user avatar
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Universal covering of symmetric product

Let $C$ be a 1-dimensional complex manifold whose universal covering is provided by the half-plane $\mathcal{H}=\{z \in \mathbb{C} \mid \operatorname{Im}z>0\}$. The symmetric product $C^{(n)} = C^n ...
KuSi's user avatar
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Are two different definitions for Čech cohomology equivalent?

In Spanier's book Algebraic Topology (Chapter 6 section 7) he defines Čech cohomology in terms of the nerves of open coverings. I wish to know if this is equivalent, for a topological space A closed ...
Joel Springer's user avatar
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Künneth formula and induced map in homologies

Let $X,Y,Z$ be smooth connected manifolds and $f \colon X \times Y \rightarrow Z$ a smooth map. Suppose that we have $H_{*}(X \times Y; \mathbb{Z})$ is isomorphic to $\bigoplus_{p+q=*}(H_{p}(X; \...
Math1016's user avatar
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How many n-dimensional closed submanifolds of $R^n$ have Euler characteristic 1?

It is well-known that the closed $n$-ball has Euler characteristic $1$. Is it true that every closed (i.e., compact), connected $n$-dimensional submanifold (with boundary) of $\mathbb R^n$ having ...
Antonio J. Urena's user avatar
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How do Schubert classes form a basis for $H^{*}(Gr(k, n))$?

I've gone through many texts in algebraic geometry, specifically, Schubert calculus. They all claim that the Schubert classes $[\Omega_{\lambda}]$ form a basis for the cohomology ring of the complex ...
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