Let $X$ be a proper metric space and consider its isometry group $\mathrm{ISO}(X)$ endowed with the compact-open topology. Let $G$ be a subgroup of $\mathrm{ISO}(X)$.
Consider the following conditions on $G$:
(1) $G$ acts properly on $X$, i.e. any two points $x$ and $y$ in $X$ have neighborhoods $U_x$ and $U_y$ such that there are only a finite number of group elements $g \in G$ with $g(U_x)$ meeting $U_y$.
(2) $G$ is a discrete subgroup of $\mathrm{ISO}(X)$.
(3) The orbit $Gx$ is a discrete subset of $X$ for all $x \in X$.
My question: Is (1) equivalent with (2) or is (2) equivalent with (3), or neither? Does anything change if one assumes also that $X$ is CAT(0) and/or $G$ acts cocompactly.