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Questions about Shimura curves

1: Suppose $A_3 $ is the moduli space of abelian varieties of dimension 3 .Is the union of all one dimension shimura varieties in $A_3 $ connected? 2: Given a Shimura curve (explicit construction), ...
TOM's user avatar
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Integral element in the quotient of a polynomial ring

Hello, I'm writting a "report" (to learn) on algebraic geometry, and was looking to write a proof for the following statement : Theorem : Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field and $C_1, C_2 \...
warsomekey's user avatar
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Some sort of descent theory

Let $X$ be a smooth, projective curve defined over a finite field $k$. We denote by $\overline{X}$ it's extension to the algebraic closure $\overline{k}$. All the questions are about coherent sheaves. ...
Dragos Fratila's user avatar
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morphism flat and relations

I want to know if the following result is true: Let $I=<f_1,...,f_r>$ be an ideal of $K[x_1,x_2,...x_n,t_1,..,t_m]$. The morphism $\pi:V(I)\subset{K^{n+m}}\rightarrow{K^m}$, with $\pi(x,t)=t$, ...
Mike's user avatar
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Lower bound for intersection number

The base scheme is an algebraically closed field. Let $X\to \mathbf{P}^1$ be an arithmetic surface over $\mathbf{P}^1$ and let $P$ be a section of $X\to \mathbf{P}^1$. Let $D$ be an effective (edited)...
Taicho's user avatar
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What would be a characteristic-$p$ analogue for $C^{\infty}$-fiber bundles?

I'd like to know a notion for a morphism between algebraic varieties in characteristic $p$ that plays the role of a $C^{\infty}$-fiber bundle. It should be, in particular, flat. I'm not assuming the ...
shenghao's user avatar
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Upper bound on greatest prime of bad reduction for a plane curve

Background We are given a curve with integer coefficients. I want to make a suggestion in another question (Computationally bounding a curve's genus from below?) into a deterministic algorithm ...
Dror Speiser's user avatar
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Gauss manin connection under base change?

Consider for a proper smooth projective morphism f: X--> S-->spec(k), A is a regular k algebra of finite type , S=spec(A), k is a field . we know that for$ R^n f_*(\Omega ^._{X/S})$ we have a Gauss ...
TOM's user avatar
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References needed for representation theory of certain unipotent algebraic groups in characteristic zero

Due to my preoccupation with characteristic p > 0 representation theory of algebraic groups, I am quite ignorant of some basic facts pertaining to their characteristic zero theory, mostly concerning ...
Mike Crumley's user avatar
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Determining polynomial coefficients correctly

I am working with a dot product of 2 unit vectors in R3 that are algebraic. I am trying to recover their original format in a number field, but I am not sure of how to go about doing this. I do use ...
Randall's user avatar
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Why is Pic^0(C) of a curve C a variety?

Let $C$ be an abstract non-singular curve. I'm having a hard time finding a reference for why $\text{Pic}^0(C)$ is a variety. Any pointers towards a reference would be appreciated.
andre's user avatar
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Divisors, factorisations of matrix valued functions, and the Lorentz group

How to construct a complex projective variety with several classes of non-intersecting divisors? How to keep the answer concrete and simple, so that explicit calculations can be done? And the problem -...
Edwin Beggs's user avatar
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How can one check that two line bundles on $\overline{M}_{0,n}$ coincide?

Let $X$ be the Deligne-Mumford compactification of $\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$. Suppose I have two (big) line bundles $L$ and $L'$ on $X$ and that I want to show that they are the same element of $Pic(X)$. Of ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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compatible resolutions of singularities

Let $U$ and $V$ be complex vector spaces with an action of a finite group $G$. Denote by $P_{G,d}$ the space of $G$-equivariant polynomial maps $U\longrightarrow V$ with degree less than or equal to $...
Brett Parker's user avatar
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Classification of Principal G-Bundles on 2-dimensional manifolds vs. elliptic curves

I've been recently studying the classification of principal G-bundles over elliptic curves. Specifically I've been using the paper by Friedman, Morgan and Witten "Principal G-Bundles over elliptic ...
Michael Kissner's user avatar
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Orbits of Infinite Grassmannian

"Any $L^+G$-orbit in Gr is known to be an orbit of the form Oλ for some λ ∈ $X_*(T)$, and Oλ = Oμ iff λ and μ are conjugate by W and the orbits form a finite stratification of each of the $Gr_i$." ...
yingjin bi's user avatar
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İs the deligne lusztig variety corresponding to group of type G(2) computed?

I know that the deligne kusztig varieties corresponding to Suzuki group, Ree group and PGU-_2'(q) are explictly computed. Are there any result for the group G(2). Here 'result' means equation of ...
gauss's user avatar
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Behaviour of Primes under Regular Coefficient Extensions

Let $K\hookrightarrow K'$ be a regular extension of fields, and $K[x_{1},\cdots,x_{n}]\hookrightarrow K'[x_{1},\cdots,x_{n}]$ the corresponding ring extension. Does every prime ideal of the first ring ...
user12940's user avatar
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How to study the behavior of a particular function on a Vector Space.

Let, $V$ be a vector space over a field $K.$ Let, $T$ be a function from $V$ to $V$ such that $T(kX) = kT(X)$ for all $k \in K$ and for all $X \in V$ and also $T(k + X) = T(X)$ for all $k \in K$ ...
debapriyay's user avatar
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Predicting the behavior of the normalization without normalizing

I've been doing some very messy computations with normalizations of various surfaces, and I really want to not have to do them. So my question is this: Let $S$ be a dimension $2$ integral scheme (you ...
Makhalan Duff's user avatar
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Restriction of divisors to the generic fiber

Given a fibered surface $X \rightarrow C$, with generic fiber $Y$ and a vector bundle $E$ on $X$. Then the first Chern class $c_1(E)$ is a divisor on $X$, so one can restrict this divisor to the ...
TonyS's user avatar
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Is every nontrivial morphism already injective in this case?

I'm a little bit suprised at the moment, so i'll ask here if I see this wrong: Given a sheaf of algebras $R$ ( e.g. maximal order or Azumaya) on a smooth projective scheme $X$ with generic point $p$. ...
TonyS's user avatar
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Connection between the number of vertices and the number of lattice points of the integer hull of a polytope?

Is there a connections between the number of vertices and the number of lattice points of $P_I$, the integer hull of a polytope $P$? Which is usually more difficult to determine? Or if I have a bound ...
user34261's user avatar
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The meaning of ${\infty}^{k}$.

When we say, that, say, a surface contains ${\infty}^{k}$ lines, do we mean that it contains a k-parameter family of lines? Do we assume that this family is parametrized by a $P^{k}$, say, or we use ...
rat's user avatar
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Small Question about the construction of closed subscheme.

Let $\mathscr I_0=\mathscr J + (x_0x_2,x_1x_2,x_2^2,x_3x_2,x_4x_2)$. where $\mathscr J$ is the ideal sheaf of a rational normal quartic curve in $\mathbb P^3_{x_0,x_1,x_3,x_4}$. Now, construct closed ...
Choa's user avatar
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A rational point in the scheme of pointed degree n rational functions [0912.2227]

The following question is related to "Remark 2.2" in Christophe Cazanave's paper "Algebraic homotopy classes of algebraic functions". I decided to add the arxiv article-id to the questions title to ...
user2146's user avatar
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equation for abelian varieties with a given polarization

Let $A$ be an abelian variety of dimension g and a polarization $L$ of type $(d_1,.....,d_g)$ (let alone the case $d_i=d_j,$ $\forall i, j$). What is the degree of the generators of the homogeneous ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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subset embedding gives trefoil knot [closed]

Let $X$ be a topological space and $E_n(X)$ the space of finite sets of cardinality $\leq n$. It is a theorem of Bott that $E_3(S^1)=S^3$. What is the idea to show that the embedding $S^1\...
student's user avatar
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GW invariants for varieties with negative first Chern class

Does there exist any theorem claiming that if a variety with negative first Chern class has no rational curves then every GW invariant is zero?
Alexander Cruz's user avatar
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Are schematic fixed points of a torus action on an affinized twistor deformation flat?

This is a follow-up to some earlier questions about flatness of schematic fixed points of certain deformations. Since I could never come up with good enough hypotheses in those examples, let me try a ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Riemann-Roch as an index theorem [closed]

I am sorry to make this a new question. I would have liked to leave a comment, but I suppose I don't have enough rep for that.... So, in the accepted answer to this question I don't understand why in ...
Alfonz's user avatar
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Are Tate twists of t-positive motives positive with respect to the Voevodsky's homotopy t-structure?

Let $X$ be a Voevodsky's motif (over a perfect field) that belongs to the positive part of the homotopy $t$-structure (i.e. its cohomology as an object of $D^-(ShSmCor)$ is zero in negative degrees). ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Barsotti--Weil formula over separably closed fields

Let $S$ be a noetherian scheme and let $A$ be an abelian scheme on $S$ with dual $A^\vee$. The generalised Barsotti Weil formula states that there is a canonical and functorial (in $S$ and $A$) ...
Xandi Tuni's user avatar
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flatness of a kernel

Hi, let $A$ an abelian scheme over a curve $C$ and $n$ an integer greather than 3 coprime with the characteristic of the ground field. Do you know why the kernel of the multiplication by $n$ is flat ...
unknown's user avatar
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Endomorphisms of Jacobians of Hyperelliptic Curves taking Exceptional Divisors to Exceptional Divisors

I am trying to find an hyperelliptic curve (say of genus 2) together with an endomorphism $\phi$ of its Jacobian with the property that it sends Mumford reduced divisors of the exceptional form $P-\...
Francesco Sica's user avatar
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Is there a cohomological criterion of nefness?

like serre's thm for ampleness?
Yuhao Huang's user avatar
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Analysis analogue of Orlov's theorem?

Mukai's theorem states that if $X$ is an abelian variety, and $\check{X}$ is the dual abelian variety, then the Fourier-Mukai transform corresponding to the Poincare line bundle on $X \times \check{X}$...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
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Intuition for Nagata's altitude formula?

This is theorem 14.C on p.84 of Matsumura's commutative algebra. Let $A$ be a noetherian domain, and let $B$ be a finitely generated overdomain of $A$. Let $P \in Spec(B)$ and $p = P \cap A$. Then ...
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Frobenius splitting of tangent bundles of flag varieties

BACKGROUND Let $X$ be a variety over an algebraically closed field $k$ of positive characteristic $p$. Let $F : X \to X$ denote the absolute Frobenius morphism, i.e. the morphism that is the identity ...
Chuck Hague's user avatar
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Some non-trivial and explicit shape of Kähler cone?

It may be difficult to give some special and non-trivial examples of Kähler cones.The examples I know are the following: for complex tori, the Kähler cone is just the set of positive hermitian ...
Unknown's user avatar
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Poisson Ind-Varieties

I am looking for any places in the literature where an author has had occasion to consider Poisson structures on infinite-dimensional algebro-geometric objects, e.g. ind-varieties or proalgebraic ...
Harold Williams's user avatar
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maximal separated quotient scheme [duplicate]

Let $X$ be a scheme, not necessarily separated. Is there a notion "its maximally separated quotient"? This means, a separated scheme $Y$ with a morphism $X \to Y$, such that it is initial in all ...
marker's user avatar
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From special entry locus to general entry locus

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^N$ be a complex irreducible non-degenerate projective variety. If $$ p\in \mathrm{Sec}(X):=\overline{\bigcup_{x_1,x_2\in X\atop x_1\neq x_2}\langle x_1, x_2\rangle}, $$ the ...
gio's user avatar
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Invariance of anti-plurigenus of Fano varieties with canonical singularities under small deformation?

I want to know the reference for the following theorem (Theorem 5.28. in Kollar-Mori's book "Birational geometry of algebraic varieties"): Theorem Let $f:X \rightarrow S$ be a proper flat morphism of ...
tarosano's user avatar
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Codimension of non-common condition is 2?

If we have n homogeneous polynomials (over algebraically closed field) $f_1\ldots , f_n$ on variables $x_0, \ldots , x_n$ $$ f_i(x_0, \ldots , x_n) = \sum_{j_0,\ldots , j_n} a_{i, j_0, \ldots , j_n} ...
zroslav's user avatar
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Which rational subfields are corresponding to the two dimensional subspaces of holomorphic differentials

I implemented the algorithm that Felipe Voloch's suggested in his reply to the question: Subfields of a function field the algorithm is here: Subfields of a function field I considered the ...
Syed's user avatar
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What is known about the Picard scheme of a complete toric variety over C?

Let $X$ be a complete toric variety over a field $k$. Its Picard scheme is defined to be the scheme representing the functor $Pic_{(X/k)(\text{fppf})}$, where $Pic_{X/k}: Sch_k^{op}\to Set$ sends a ...
Yuhao Huang's user avatar
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On explicit eigenfunctions

Given an algebraic surface $S$ defined by an algebraic equation such as $x^{4}+2y^{4}+3z^{4}=1$, how would one find the third smallest eigenvalue $\mu_{3}$ for the differential equation $\Delta f\left(...
user21990's user avatar
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Flat locus of $S_{1}$-morphism

Hi, everybody. Consider an ${\rm S}_{1}$- morphism $f:X\rightarrow S$ of reduced complex spaces. Assume that $f$ is open (universally open in Alg.geom), equidimensional with $n$-pure dimensional ...
kaddar's user avatar
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Compatibility of maps on points under base change

Let $S$ be an arbitrary scheme, and let $X,S'$ be $S$-schemes. Using e.g. EGA I (3.3.9), (3.3.14), one obtains for any $S'$-scheme $T$, viewed as an $S$-scheme via $S'\to S$, a canonical bijection ...
Guillaume Pastorini's user avatar

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