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Kählerdifferentials and normal crossing divisors

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic, $X$ a smooth surface over $k$, and $D_i \subset X$ be an regular, effective Divisor such that $D=\sum D_i$ has normal crossings ...
fschueller's user avatar
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Spectral sequence for cohomology of open subset

Let $X$ be a smooth compact orientable manifold (or variety) and let $j: U \subset X$ be the complement to a union $\bigcup_{i \in I} X_i$ of smooth compact orientable manifolds. Suppose that $A$ is a ...
Vladimir Baranovsky's user avatar
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$Hilb_{lines}^{x}(X)$ and $Hilb_{lines}^{x}(X_{red})$

Let $X$ be a irreducible closed subscheme of $\mathbb{P}^N_{\mathbb{C}}$, and $U$ is a nonempty open where $X$ is smooth and moreover for every $x\in U$ and for every line $l\subseteq X$ with $x\in l$ ...
gio's user avatar
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Log resolutions of linear series

Let $X$ be a complex normal projective variety, let $|L|$ be a non empty linear series on $X$ and let $b(|L|)$ be its base ideal. Suppose $f:X'\rightarrow X$ is a log resolution of the ideal $b(|L|)$. ...
Gianni Bello's user avatar
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Normal bundle of a quotient map

I would like to know if there is a notion of normal bundle to a quotient map. In one specific case, let $G$ be a finite group acting on an algebraic variety $V$. Denote by the map $\pi:V \rightarrow V/...
Passenger's user avatar
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What are the Compact Symmetric Kahler Algebraic Varieties?

Here are some direct questions at the interface of algebraic and differential geometry: (1) Is there an easy characterisation of those affine algebraic varieties which are Kahler? (2) Is there an ...
Abtan Massini's user avatar
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Decomposition of primes, where the residue field extensions are allowed to be inseparable

I've been dealing with the following situation: Let $R\subseteq S$ be an extension of Dedekind rings, where $Quot(R)=:L \subseteq E:=Quot(S)$ is a $G$-Galois extension. Let $\mathfrak{p}$ be a prime ...
Randy Brown's user avatar
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Vector bundles of schemes and their topological realizations

Hi, there is a realization functor $R_\mathbb{R}$ from schemes of finite type over $\mathbb{R}$ to topological spaces and there is also a functor $R_\mathbb{C}$. Does $R_\mathbb{R}$ send an ...
user14310's user avatar
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When does the smoothing of projectivized tangent cone lift to a deformation of a space?

Let $(X,0)\subset(\mathbb{C}^N,0)$ be the (formal) germ of a singular space (isolated singularity). Let $\mathbb{P}T_{(X,0)}\subset\mathbb{P}^{N-1}$ be its projectivized tangent cone (considered as a ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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Boundary behavior of Kähler cone with curvature restriction

Let $(M,\omega)$ be a compact Kähler manifold. The boundary behavior of Kähler cone is very interesting; however,it's hard to understand. A fundamental result is due to Demailly and Paun: they ...
Unknown's user avatar
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Given a ramified cover of a Riemann surface, is there a good choice of basis for H_1 of the source?

Suppose we are given a map $f: X \to Y$ between two Riemann Surfaces, with branch points $p_1,p_2,\dots,p_n$ and known multiplicities at these points. Assuming we have a basis of $H_1(Y, \mathbb{Z})$,...
Jimmy's user avatar
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lift sections on a thickened curve

Let $X$ a curve over an algebraically closed field $k$ and $D$ a divisor on X. Fix an integer $N$ and a closed point $x$ on $X$, we assume that $\deg(D)$ is big enough such that we have a surjective ...
prochet's user avatar
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Extending intersection bundles

Let $X$ be the product $Gr_i(V)\times Gr_j(V)$ of two Grassmannians where $V$ is a complex vector space of dimension $d$. There is an open $U\subset X$ formed by all those $(V',V'')\in X$ such that $V'...
algori's user avatar
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Coherent systems on K3 surfaces

Does anyone know whether the theory of coherent systems on $K3$ surfaces has been studied and, if yes, can you give me a reference? In particular, is there an analogue of Gieseker stability and of ...
ginevra86's user avatar
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A presentation of a scheme as a limit of smooth ones over finitely generated bases

Suppose that a scheme $S$ is separated, excellent, and has finite Krull dimension. Which of the following statements are true: If $S$ is regular, then it can be presented as a projective limit of ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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are there any results about equation over rational field or the extension Q[x]?

Given a polynomial $p(x)\in \mathbb{Q}[x]$, it is known that its roots can be obtained in terms of the coefficients of the polynomial by formulas involving the usual algebraic operations (addition, ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Extending cohomology classes to compactifications of Kuga varieties

I am trying to understand the proof of lemma 3 in the paper "Algebraic cycles and the Hodge structure of a Kuga fiber variety" by B. Brent Gordon, available at
A Confused Cat's user avatar
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Does the normalization of a projective morphism determine the line bundle?

Let $X$ be a smooth, complete algebraic variety and suppose I have two projective, birational morphisms $$f:X \to \mathbb{P}^n$$ and $$g:X \to \mathbb{P}^m,$$ such that the image of $f$ is the ...
Zaky's user avatar
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Lifting infinitesimal deformations for coverings

Let $f:X \rightarrow Y$ be an (unramified) holomorpic covering map between two (maybe non compact) complex manifolds. Q: Does every infinitesimal deformation of Y lift faithfully to an infinitesimal ...
user17235's user avatar
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behavior of places of a function field under automorphism

if $P_{1}$ and $P_{2}$ are distinct places of equal degree of the function field F/K, and $\sigma$ is a K-field automorphism, such that $\sigma(P_{1})=P_{2}$. then, does $\deg (P_{1}\cap K(x))=\deg (...
y_kaplan's user avatar
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Definition of the $L^2$-metric for the Determinant of Cohomology of a Vector Bundle on a Riemann surface

I start describing my setup. $X$ is a Riemann surface with a metric which can have a finite number of singularities, $E$ is a vector bundle on $X$ equipped with an Hermitian structure. In an article (...
Giovanni De Gaetano's user avatar
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properness of stack

Hi, assume we have an algebraic stack $A$ over $Sch(\mathbb{Z})$ which is quasi-compact and with separated diagonal. Assume that I have a stack $B$ which is obtained by rigidifying $A$ by a subgroup ...
uuuuuuuuuuuu's user avatar
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Sections and subgroups in a unipotent group

Let $U$ be a smooth connected unipotent algebraic group over an algebraic closure $k$ of $\mathbf{F}_p$. Let $U' := [U,U]$ be the derived (= commutator) subgroup, and assume it is central in $U$. Let $...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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A commutative monoid associated with a finite abelian group

Let $M$ be a finite abelian group, and denote by $e_m$, for $m \in M$, the canonical basis of $\mathbb{Z}^M$. For $m, n \in M$ define elements $v_{m,n} \in \mathbb{Z}^M/\langle e_0\rangle$ as $$ v_{m,...
Fabio Tonini's user avatar
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Families of sheaves on arithmetic varieties

Given an arithmetic variety $f: X \rightarrow Spec(\mathbb{Z})$. Is there a notion of boundedness for families of sheaves on $X$? I only found the notion for families on the fibers of $f$. But i am ...
TonyS's user avatar
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generators of the ideal of an unipotent-generated algebraic group

Given any affine algebraic group $G$ over an algebraically closed field $\mathbb{F}$ of characteristic $0$ with a faithfull representation in $GL_n(\mathbb{F})$ . If one knows the generators of the ...
yell's user avatar
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Weight filtration of MHSs

This is probably a very stupid question, but could someone explain to me where the weight filtration of mixed Hodge structures come from and why we actually need it? If the Hodge-to-de Rham spectral ...
Alfonz's user avatar
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A certain 'coniveau-like' filtration for cohomology: what can one say about the intersection of $Ker H^i(X)\to H^i(Z)$ for $Z$ running through subvarieties of $X$ of dimension $m$?

Let $X$ be a smooth variety (say, a complex one; denote its dimension by $n$). What can one say about the intersection of $Ker (H^i(X)\to H^i(Z))$ for $Z$ running through (closed, not necessarily ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Efficient computing critical points of algebraic function involved radical expression

I am interested in finding local optima of an algebraic function $f(X,Y)$. Suppose, that this expression involves radicals, for example $f(X,Y)= \frac{1}{2}(X+Y)-\sqrt{XY}$. The approach in which i am ...
Maciej Skorski's user avatar
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Algorithms for "Ideals" in polynomial algebras over the max-plus semi-ring

I'm a beginner in tropical geometry, and I'm running into the following question: In the usual polynomial ring over a field, one has algorithms (i.e. using a Groebner basis) for determining whether ...
Drew's user avatar
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An inseparable lift of a regular variety.

Let $X$ be a variety over an (imperfect) field $k$, that is regular as a scheme. Let $k'/k$ be an algebraic inseparable extension (I am interested in $k'$ being the perfection or the algebraic closure ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Pencils with many completely decomposable fibers

Let $F= \frac{G}{H} : \mathbb P^n \to \mathbb P^1$ be a non-constant rational function ($G$ and $H$ homogenous polynomials of the same degree in $\mathbb C^{n+1})$. The fiber over $(\lambda:\mu) \in ...
Jorge Vitório Pereira's user avatar
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Curves whose stable reductions do not contain rational curves

Let $X$ be a smooth projective curve over $K:=K(A)$. $A$ is a strict henselian ring, $A/m=k=\bar k$. Suppose $\cal X$ is a stable model of $X$, ${\cal X}_{s}$ is the special fiber. My question is: ...
kiseki's user avatar
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Quasi-coherent module given by modules and compatibility conditions in the language of commutative algebra

Short question Can we describe a quasi-coherent module on a scheme by usual modules with respect to an affine cover, which satisfy some compatibility conditions, which can be formulated in the ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Terminal quasi-affine varieties?

Let $U$ be a normal, irreducible, quasi-affine variety over the algebraically closed field $k$ and consider the ring $A = \mathscr{O}(U)$ of regular functions on $U$. Write $Max(A)$ for the ...
kummelweck's user avatar
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Special properties of (the $\gamma$-filtration of) $K$-theory of affine varieties.

Let $A$ be a smooth affine variety of dimension $n$. Are there any facts known on $K_{\ast}(A)$ and its $\gamma$-filtration which do not hold for $K_*(V)$ for an arbitrary smooth $V$ (of the same ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Equivariant version of a spectral sequence in Beilinson-Ginzburg-Soergel

In Beilinson, Ginzburg, and Soergel, "Koszul Duality Patterns in Representation Theory" (comment 3.4), the authors outline a spectral sequence as follows: Given a filtered complex algebraic variety $...
Daniel Moseley's user avatar
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local hyper tor is zero

Hallo, in a proof I read an argument which used the following "fact" which was no further explained: if you have a closed point $x$ on a smooth projective variety over a field $X$ and denote with $k(...
Descartes's user avatar
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Ring objects in the category of cocommutative coalgebras (aka Hopf rings).

I have recently been doing some calculations in topology which are naturally expressed in terms commutative ring objects in the category of cocommutative coalgebras. These have been studied for quite ...
Dev Sinha's user avatar
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Ever seen a ringed group?

A locally ringed space is a common generalization of schemes and various manifolds. I am wondering about a locally ringed group which should be a common generalization of group schemes and various Lie ...
Bugs Bunny's user avatar
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Why the curve [t^4,t^3s,ts^3,s^4] is not projectively normal in P^3?

Hartshorne EX I 3.18 b Define a curve by [t^4,t^3s,ts^3,s^4]. It is actually a P^1. Why the curve [t^4,t^3s,ts^3,s^4] is not projectively normal in P^3?
7-adic's user avatar
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Orbital integrals and cohomology of compactified Jacobians

I have heard it said that the backdrop to the Laumon-Ngo proof of the fundamental lemma was a series of reductions in which orbital integrals were replaced by their analogues over p-adic fields which ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Augmented Stable Base Locus and Positive Definite Singular Hermitian Metrics

I'm a bit confused about a lemma that I came across in Demailly's lecture notes on hyperbolicity, and how it is related to the notion of the augmented stable base locus. Namely, consider a big ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Why is an absolute value generated by a simple subvariety of a variety V well-behaved?

I am reading "Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry" by Serge Lang. Let V be a (absolute) variety, W be a simple subvariety of V. Then we know that the local ring of W is a discrete valuation ring, ...
vu viet's user avatar
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find whether a polynomial has a zero in a finitely generated subgroup of $C^*$

Let $\Gamma$ be a finitely generated subgroup of $C^*$. For a polynomial $P\in Z[x_1,...x_k]$, determine whether $P(x_1,...x_k)=0$ has a zero in $\Gamma$. Is this decidable? Motivation is ...
mmm 's user avatar
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Syzygies of the singular locus of a nodal plane curve

Let $C\subset \mathbb{P}^2$ be a reduced nodal complex plane curve of degree $d$. Let $\Sigma$ be the set of nodes of $C$, and let $I$ be the ideal of $\Sigma$. Denote with $S=\mathbb{C}[x,y,z]$ the ...
Remke Kloosterman's user avatar
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Obstruction for real subvariety to be embedded as complex subvariety

Let $X$ be a nonsingular complex projective variety. Suppose $X$ is embedded as a nonsingular real subvariety of complex projective space ${\mathbb{CP}}^n$. When can we embed ${\mathbb{CP}}^n$ in ...
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Is Pic( G((z)) ) = $\mathbb{Z}$?

There are a fair number of papers by Beauville, Laszlo, Sorger, Kumar and others on the geometry of $LG/L^+G = G((z))/G[[z]]$ where $G$ is a simply connected and simple group over $\mathbb{C}$. In ...
solbap's user avatar
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Can etale $X$-schemes be lifted to $Y$, where $X$ is closed in $Y$?

For a closed embedding (of varieties) $X\to Y$ let $U/X$ be etale. Is is true that there necessarily exists an etale $U'/Y$ such that $U'_X=U$? If this is wrong in general, are there any assumptions ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Question regarding closure of sets defined by the vanishing of holomorphic functions

Consider the following subsets of $\mathbb{C}^n$ given by $$ X := \{x \in \mathbb{C}^n: f(x) =0, ~~g(x) \neq 0 \} $$ $$ Y := \{ x \in \mathbb{C}^n: f(x) =0, ~~g(x) =0, ~~h(x) \neq 0 \} $$ where $f, g$...
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