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Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Antichain on $\mathcal{P}(\omega)/fin$ of cardinality $2^{\aleph_0}$?

3 votes

Sum-graph over an infinite set

3 votes

PDF of the product of normal and Cauchy distributions

3 votes

Is the notation ${}^t g$ for the transpose of a linear transformation intended to be suggestive?

3 votes

The definition of computational complexity or complexity measure of computing reals

3 votes

The link and equivalence between variant definition of computation model and computational complexity over reals

3 votes

Terminology for set of infinite strings with a certain prefix

3 votes

Sets $X,Y \subset [0,1]$, stronger than being measure $0$, such that $X+Y = [0,2]$

3 votes

Probable direction of deviations from the expected value in binomial and hypergeometric cases

3 votes

What is the smallest partition lattice PART(M) containing the lattice P(N) of subsets of a finite set of N elements

3 votes

Primes as uncorrelated random variables

3 votes

Generic sections of non-null sets are non-null

3 votes

Are limits decidable? Should definitions be decidable?

3 votes

Brownian motion, quadratic variation, existence of partitions?

3 votes

What is the definition of computational content?

3 votes

If the set of the output of a computable function is finite, is the sequence periodic eventually?

3 votes

Literature on Kripke models

3 votes

"Slope Analogue" of Clothoids

3 votes

"Rice (like) Theorem" for primitive recursive functions?

3 votes

Jump of strongly hyperhyperimmune degrees and DNR relative to 0'

3 votes

Comparing the stopping times of two stochastic processes

3 votes

Self-similarity in the theory of computability

3 votes

Divergence between two random variables

3 votes

Diagonalization and classes of computable functions

3 votes

Modal logic - box rules

3 votes

Are there nonequivalent randomnesses?

3 votes

An ultrafilter and a partition

3 votes

Models for the given FOL statement

3 votes

Statistical test comparing two relative frequencies

3 votes

You pass X people and Y people pass you: how relatively fast are you?

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