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Alex B.
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
11 votes

When is Inn(X) simple?

11 votes

Torsion in GL_n(Z)

11 votes

Which journals publish 1-page papers

11 votes

A sum involving derivatives of Vandermonde

10 votes

For which finite groups $G$ is every character a virtual permutation character?

10 votes

How to compute Hilbert class field of $\Bbb Q(\zeta_{31})$?

10 votes

Twin primes for polynomials in $\Bbb Z[X]$

10 votes

p-adic representations of groups

10 votes

Generalizations/applications of a formula for the Dedekind zeta function?

9 votes

How to construct groups and large dimension representations? How about faithful ones?

9 votes

Does a curve have infinitely many $K$-rational points under these hypotheses?

9 votes

A remark of Mordell alluding to a local/global principle for cubic Diophantine equations

9 votes

Commutator subgroup of $\Gamma(2).$

9 votes

Freshman's definition of sin(x)?

9 votes

Constructing inequivalent irreps of finite groups

9 votes

Strategies for digging through literature

8 votes

Undecidability in Conway's Game of Life

8 votes

lower bound on Aut(G)

8 votes

How do Brauer groups relate to zeta functions?

8 votes

Galois embedding question for dihedral groups

8 votes

Irreducible representations of product of profinite groups

8 votes

Modular representations with unequal characteristic - reference request

8 votes

What is the ring $A_{\Gamma}$ in the Cohen-Lenstra Heuristics?

7 votes

Must a finitely generated projective module over a group ring with vanishing coinvariants be trivial?

7 votes

Does the unit index divide the degree of an extension of number fields?

7 votes

Analogue of j-invariant for CM fields

7 votes

Does the equality of ranks imply equality of analytic ranks?

7 votes

What is the possible usefulness of étale topology and cohomology apart from the resolution of the Weil conjecture ?

7 votes

Uncertainty principle on finite groups

7 votes

What evidence is there that $\mathbb{Q}^{ab}$ is ample?