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usul's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
2 votes

Big list of repositories of mathematical preprints and postprints

2 votes

Random "pseudoprime" number generator ??

2 votes

Is there a truly general voting impossibility theorem that applies to real elections?

2 votes

Probability of the maximum of a throw of an infinite number of $n$-sided dice being $k$

2 votes

Points based partial ranking

2 votes

Are all subdivisions of bipartite graphs also bipartite?

2 votes

Bounding the difference of mutual information between input-output pairs

1 vote

$L_1$ norm concentration of an empirical distribution

1 vote

Exact calculation of n-queens solutions

1 vote

Maximal entropy of integer partitions of $n$

1 vote

Vertex degree on random graphs

1 vote

Bounds on the number of samples needed to learn a real valued function class

1 vote

VC-dimensions of functions from real numbers to {0,1}

1 vote

Why do two potentials of a game only differ by a constant?

1 vote

Painting $n$ balls from $2n$ balls red, and guessing which ball is red, game

1 vote

Are there non-diagonal proofs for Cantor's continuum and Godel's incompletness theorems?

1 vote

Can an algorithm decide whether a program computes all strings?

1 vote

Expectation of changing the gift choice

1 vote

High order central moments of a symmetric binomial variable

1 vote

Choose uniformly from fixed-length paths in $[0,n]\cap\mathbb{Z}$ with fixed start and end

1 vote

When is a game tree the game tree of a board game?

1 vote

Almost all simple graphs are small world networks

1 vote

Strictly Proper Scoring Rules and f-Divergences

1 vote

Good UPPER bounds for $\log(\sum_{i=1}^n p_ie^{z_i})-\sum_{i=1}^np_iz_i$ where $(p_i)_i$ is a probability vector

1 vote

Simple(?) game theory

1 vote

Lower bound on misclassification rate of Lipschitz functions in terms of Lipschitz constant

1 vote

What would $\mathcal{P} \neq \mathcal{NP}$ tell us about some non-constructive proofs?

1 vote

Looking for a certain kind of a distribution

0 votes

An asymptotic set containment problem

0 votes

Reference Request: Representing Positive Integers as Differences with Minimal Hamming Weight