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Alexander Pruss's user avatar
Alexander Pruss
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
21 votes

Probabilities in a riddle involving axiom of choice

10 votes

Unique existence and the axiom of choice

5 votes

Extending a partial order while preserving an automorphism

4 votes

examples of random variable X independent to each of A and B, but not to (A,B)

4 votes

Why do we want maps to be measurable (in countably-additive setting)

4 votes

Extending the product measure on $2^\omega$

3 votes

If a compact convex set meets the positive orthant does it meet it at a point with a normal in the positive orthant?

3 votes

Is it consistent with ZFC that some translation-invariant extension of Lebesgue measure assigns nonzero measure to some set of cardinality $<\frak c$?

3 votes

Central Limit Theorem (and Berry-Esseen theorem) for non-independent variables

3 votes

A stronger version of supramenability?

3 votes

Strength of some claims about finitely additive measures on infinite sets?

2 votes

Is an integral against a probability measure in the convex hull of the range?

2 votes

Isometrically-invariant measures and dilation of the Cantor set

2 votes

Distinguishing finite families of sets by algebras of bounded size

2 votes

Existence of a strictly proper scoring rule on a $\sigma$-algebra that is not countably generated

1 vote

Is the support function continuous on its effective domain?

1 vote

Example of a (strictly) proper scoring rule on a general measurable space?

1 vote

Consequences of ZF+"all subsets of reals are Lebesgue measurable"

1 vote

Finitely additive measures on $\mathbb Z_2^\omega$ with invariance and independence constraints

1 vote

Invariant strictly positive hyperreal probability measures on groups

1 vote

Does supramenability imply that $a+c=b+2c \Rightarrow a=b+c$ on the type semigroup?

1 vote

Rotation-invariant strict-inclusion-preserving preorderings on subsets of the circle

0 votes

Conditional probabilities for all pairs of subsets in $\mathbb R^2$?

0 votes

Two kinds of invariance of full conditional probabilities

0 votes

Products of Boolean algebras and probability measures thereon