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S. Carnahan's user avatar
S. Carnahan
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
91 votes

Examples of great mathematical writing

78 votes

Why are the sporadic simple groups HUGE?

64 votes

Why should I believe the Mordell Conjecture?

63 votes

Is there a high-concept explanation for why characteristic 2 is special?

58 votes

Most harmful heuristic?

50 votes

A bestiary of topologies on Sch

48 votes

Rolling a random walk on a sphere

45 votes

Which math paper maximizes the ratio (importance)/(length)?

44 votes

Which math paper maximizes the ratio (importance)/(length)?

40 votes

What is convolution intuitively?

39 votes

Explanation for gamma function in formula for $n$-ball volume

37 votes

Why do Groups and Abelian Groups feel so different?

37 votes

Is there a manifold with fundamental group $\mathbb{Q}$?

35 votes

Why Is $e^{\pi\sqrt{232}}$ an Almost Integer?

33 votes

two conjugate subgroups and one is a proper subset of the other? plus, a covering space interpretation.

29 votes

Schemes and meaning of "geometric intuition"

29 votes

$H^4$ of the Monster

29 votes

Riemann hypothesis via absolute geometry

28 votes

What objects do the cusps of Modular curve classify?

27 votes

What are the most attractive Turing undecidable problems in mathematics?

26 votes

What is entropy, really?

26 votes

Conway's lesser-known results

25 votes

What problem in pure mathematics required solution techniques from the widest range of math sub-disciplines?

24 votes

Is Furstenberg's topology useful?

24 votes

When should you, and should you not, share your mathematical ideas?

24 votes

Non-homeomorphic spaces that have continuous bijections between them

23 votes

Does any method of summing divergent series work on the harmonic series?

22 votes

What does "supersingular" mean?

22 votes

Why Drinfel'd-Jimbo-type quantum groups?

21 votes

Has the Weil conjectures been proved using other (Weil) cohomology theory?

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