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Special functions, orthogonal polynomials, harmonic analysis, ordinary differential equations (ODE's), differential relations, calculus of variations, approximations, expansions, asymptotics.

0 votes

Fourier transform in $L^1$?

We have the following characterization: The space $V:=\{\widehat f\colon f\in L^1(\textbf R)\}$ is equal to the space $W=\{h*g\colon h \text{ and } g\in L^2(\textbf R)\}$. That is the Fourier transf …
juan's user avatar
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94 votes

A hard integral identity on MathSE

I have proved this equality by means of Cauchy’s Theorem applied to an adequate function. Since my solution is too long to post it here, I posted it in arXiv: Juan Arias de Reyna, Computation of a De …
David Roberts's user avatar
  • 35.5k
1 vote

Asymptotic analysis of $x_{n+1} = \frac{x_n}{n^2} + \frac{n^2}{x_n} + 2$

This is only a suggestion about how to get more terms of the asymptotic expansion. Numerical experiments suggest that the sequences $x_{2n}$ and $x_{2n+1}$ have different asymptotic expression of type …
juan's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Is $Q_n(x)=\sigma_{n+1}(x)/\sigma_n(x)$ logarithmically convex on $\mathbf{R}$?

In 1975 J. van de Lune considered the monotony properties of the canonical Riemann Upper and Lower sums for $\int_0^1 t^xdt$, with $x>0$. Writing $\sigma_n(x) := 1^x+2^x+\cdots+n^x$ these sums are $$ …
2 votes

Factoring Bessel functions into an amplitude and a phase

Not an answer but too large for a comment. In my paper with van de Lune On the exact location of the non-trivial zeros f Riemann's zeta function, it is proved. Theorem. If $f\colon\mathbf{R}\to\math …
juan's user avatar
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5 votes

Non-asymptotic upper bound of right tail of Gamma function

In Gabcke thesis, that you can download at page 84 you can find Theorem: The incomplete gamma function $$\Gamma(a,x)=\int_x^\infty e^{-v}v^{a-1 …
juan's user avatar
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14 votes

A conjecture about certain values of the Fabius function

I have posted in arXiv:1702.05442 the English translation of a paper about Fabius function that I published in Spanish in 1982 (we will refer to it as (A)). With the Theorems in this paper the ques …
juan's user avatar
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2 votes

Approximate identities and pointwise convergence

Not exactly an answer, but too long for a comment. Assume there is such approximation to the identity. We may define a linear form $u\colon L^1(T)\to C$ by $$u(f)=\lim_{\varepsilon\to0} f*k_{\varep …
juan's user avatar
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2 votes

Proof of Euler's reflection formula via rapidly decreasing Fourier series

The function $\sigma\mapsto f(\sigma+it)$ is periodic with period $1$, for any value of $t$. Therefore $$f(\sigma+it)=\sum_{n\in Z} c_n(t)e^{2\pi i n\sigma}.$$ It follows that $$c_n(t)=\int_0^1 f(x+i …
juan's user avatar
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7 votes

Asymptotic behaviour of an integral

With the aid of Mathematica I found that $$g(\theta)=\textrm{EllipticK}(a^2)-\textrm{EllipticF}(t,a^2).$$ I get the first terms of the asymptotic expansion $$\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2\sqrt{k}}-\frac{\sqrt{ …
juan's user avatar
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10 votes

Interesting triple integral

I consider the function $$f(t):=\int_0^t\frac{dx}{x}\int_0^x\frac{dy}{y}\int_0^y\frac{dz}{z}\bigl\{ \sin x+\sin(x-y)-\sin(x-z)-\sin(x-y+z)\bigr\}.$$ It has an asymptotic expansion with main terms $$f( …
juan's user avatar
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4 votes

Prove that the Dirichlet eta function is monotonic

This is Theorem 3 (p. 10) in the Report: J. van de Lune, Some inequalities involving Riemann's zeta-function, CWI Report ZW 50/75, CentruM Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam,1975, in which the proo …
juan's user avatar
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16 votes

Is the following function decreasing on $(0,1)$?

First we put it in the notation of Mathematica $K(k)$ is $K(k^2)$. So our function will be $$f(k)= k K(k^2)\sinh\Bigl(\frac{\pi}{2}\frac{K(1-k^2)}{K(k^2)}\Bigr).$$ Now we change variables (W486, Whit …
GH from MO's user avatar
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1 vote

Limit connected with a periodic function

In the paper J. Rosenblatt, Convergence of Series of Translations, Math. Ann. 230 (1977) 245-272 it is proved a general Theorem (Theorem 2.5) that in particular proves the convergence a. e. . Als …
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