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Topological groups satisfying the Borel transgression theorem

I am using the Borel transgression theorem as given in Mimura and Toda's "Topology of Lie groups I and II", page 378, Theorem 2.7. I know that it applies when the fiber has the homotopy type ...
Andrew Davis's user avatar
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Fundamental group of the homeomorphism group of a compact manifold

Let $X$ be a compact connected manifold and $\mathcal H(X)$ be the group of all homeomorphisms of $X$, equipped with the compact-open topology. Is the fundamental group of $\mathcal H(X)$ countable? ...
William of Baskerville's user avatar
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A $\mathbb{Z}_2$-equivariant map from $n$-torus to $2$-sphere that is null-homotopic is $\mathbb{Z}_2$-homotopic to a non-surjective map?

I have been thinking on the problem below for a while and I am not sure if it is correct or not. I am trying to see if there exists a counter-example for the problem below. Problem: Let $f: (S^1)^n \...
Arash's user avatar
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A question about cohomology of the classifying spaces of compact groups

Let $G$ be a compact group (maybe non-Lie group). Let $B_{G}$ denote the classifying space of $G$. If $G$ contains a circle group $\mathbb{S}^{1}$, then I think that $H^{\ast }( B_{G};\mathbb{Q} )$ is ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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Reference for homotopy and homology theory of topological groups

I am looking for references which deal with the homotopy theory and homology theory of general topological groups, not necessarily compact, or anything. I am eyeing towards certain infinite-...
warzasch's user avatar
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$\operatorname{Spaces}/BG$ $\sim$ $\operatorname{Spaces}^G$ $\sim$ $??(\Omega G)$

This is a crosspost (with minor alterations). For a topological group $G$, assigning to a $G$-space $X$ the (canonical) map $EG\times_GX\to BG$ establishes an equivalence between the homotopy category ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
5 votes
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When is the classifying space of a group/H-space rationally equivalent to a product of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces?

The MO-question asks why the classifying space of a group is not necessarily rationally a product of Eilenberg–MacLane spaces. I am looking for classes of examples of connected topological groups/...
ThorbenK's user avatar
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Classifying space of centralizer

$\DeclareMathOperator\Map{Map}\newcommand{\B}{\mathrm{B}}\newcommand{\h}{\mathrm{h}}$Let $f:G\to H$ be a morphism of topological groups and let $$H^{\h G}:=\Map_G(\mathrm{E}G, H)$$ be the homotopy ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Is there a purely topological definition of $\text{Spin}(p,q)$?

I'm cross-posting this question from Math.SE, as it didn't get much attention there (even after a bounty). A common way to define the group $\text{Spin}(p,q)$ is via Clifford algebras. However, $\text{...
WillG's user avatar
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Homotopic but not equivariantly homotopic maps

Let $G$ be a topological (or simplicial) group, let $X$ and $Y$ be $G$-spaces, and let $f,f':X\to Y$ be $G$-maps which are homotopic as maps of spaces. In general, $f$ and $f'$ may (of course) fail to ...
Ken's user avatar
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Defining the classifying space of a group acting on a set

$\DeclareMathOperator\Aut{Aut}\DeclareMathOperator\Gal{Gal}$Recall that $n$-simplices of the classifying space (simplicial set) $BG$ of a group are orbits of the diagonal action by shifts on $n+1$-...
user494312's user avatar
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"Homotopy homomorphisms" of homeomorphisms of Euclidean space

For a topological group $G$, an older term for a map $BG \to BG$ is a "homotopy homomorphism". If $G$ is connected, taking based loops shows that a homotopy class of such a map is the same ...
skupers's user avatar
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Approximations by compact sub-spaces

Suppose $X$ is a Hausdorff (I'm happy to also assume "non compact") topological space that can be written as the topological direct limit $$\varinjlim_{a\in J} K_a$$ for $J$ a directed set ...
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7 votes
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If $G$ is a topological group that contains a torsion element, then the classifying space $BG$ is infinite-dimensional?

We know that if $G$ is a topological group that contains a torsion element and $G$ satisfies additional conditions such as $G$ discrete or $G$ finite-dimensional, then the classifying space $BG$ is ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Topology on cohomology of a sheaf of topological groups

Let $X$ be a topological space and $\mathcal{F}$ be a sheaf of commutative topological groups on $X$. I am interested in the following question: Is there a natural way to introduce topology on $H^i(X,...
 V. Rogov's user avatar
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Terminology for an kind-of principal fibration

My interest is in topological monoids, but I think the question may make sense (in some fashion) for monoids of sets. Let $M$ be a topological monoid, and let $X$ be a pointed space that $M$ acts on, ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Pointed versus unpointed maps into a topological monoid

I've just stumbled on something that seems either too good to be true, or else too good for me not to have heard of it before. It has to do with the basepoint forgetting map $$ u: [A, M] \to \langle A,...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Group of surface homeomorphisms is locally path-connected

I think the following is true and I need a reference for the proof. (Given a closed surface $S$, i.e. a compact 2-dimensional topological manifold (without boundary), we endow $S$ with a distance ...
Arnaud Chéritat's user avatar
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Does the self-homeomorphism group of a finite CW complex have CW homotopy type?

Let $X$ be a finite CW complex and form the group $\mathcal{H}(X)$ of self-homeomorphisms $X\xrightarrow{\cong}X$, furnishing it with the compact-open topology. Under the assumptions on our space $\...
Tyrone's user avatar
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For which G is BLG weak homotopy equivalent to LBG?

Let $G$ be a (Edit: path-)connected topological group. Under what additional hypotheses on $G$ is it true that $LBG$ is a classifying space for $LG$? (or, I guess equivalently, when is $LBG \sim BLG$?)...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Nilpotency of topological groups

A group $G$ is said to be nilpotent if $G$ has a central series of finite length, that is, a series of normal subgroups $$ \{1\} = G_0 \triangleleft G_1 \triangleleft \cdots \triangleleft G_n = G $$ ...
Niall Taggart's user avatar
7 votes
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Classification of fibrations $\Bbb S^k\longrightarrow\Bbb S^d\longrightarrow B$

Does there exist a complete classification of all fiber bundles $\Bbb S^k\longrightarrow\Bbb S^d\longrightarrow B$, that is, fibrations of $\smash{\Bbb S^d}$ with each fiber homeomorphic to $\smash{\...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Factoring a topological universal cover

Let $X$ be a compact, connected, locally path-connected, and semilocally simply connected topological group with $\pi_1(X) \cong \mathbb{Z}$. Let $u\colon \widetilde{X}\to X$ be its topological ...
Jackson Morrow's user avatar
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Model structure on the category of topological groups

Consider the category $TopGr$ of topological groups. I want to know that this is a model category (can one understand its model structure by understanding a model structure on the category of enriched ...
Fat ninja's user avatar
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Rationalization of topological groups and degree maps

Suppose $G$ a finitely generated nilpotent topological group and we consider its rationalization $G_\mathbb{Q}$. This space may fail to be a topological group, but it's always a group-like H-space. ...
Fat ninja's user avatar
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Weighted cancellation norm of a word computation

A symmetric set without identity $S$ is a set with a bijective function $inv : S \rightarrow S$ with no fixed points such that $inv(inv(x)) = x$ for any $x \in S$. We say that two disjoint pairs $\{...
T.Harish's user avatar
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When does a map of spaces deloop a closed subgroup inclusion?

I believe Kan showed that any connected CW complex is the delooping of a topological group. I'm interested in the relative question: Question: Let $Y \to X$ be a map of connected CW complexes. Under ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Classification of fibrations for classifying spaces $B^2\mathbb{Z}_2$ and $BSO(3)$ or $BO(3)$

I am interested in knowing what can we say about the classification of fibrations for classifying spaces $B^2M \equiv B^2\mathbb{Z}_2$ and $BG \equiv BSO(3)$ or $BO(3)$. Here we can take either: $B^...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
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Why is any $G$-resolution a principal $G$-bundle?

In the article The Cohomology of Classifying Spaces of H-Spaces by M. Rothenberg and N. Steenrod ( it is stated as a theorem that if $G$ is a ...
Jrnm's user avatar
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Second homotopy group of a topological group

It is well-known that any Lie group $G$ has $\pi_2(G)=0$: see this question. Is the same true for any compact (Hausdorff) topological group? Or even for locally compact ones? Maybe there is a way of ...
Mizar's user avatar
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Equivalence of Flat Fiber Bundles vs Equivalence of Group Actions on the Fiber

Let's consider all flat fiber bundles with base space $B$ and fiber $F$, where $B$ and $F$ are compact and at least CW-complexes. (perhaps even topological/smooth manifolds if that helps) All those ...
ort96's user avatar
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Must an inverse limit of simply connected groups be simply connected?

While the fundamental group $\pi_1$ preserves products, it is not true in general that an inverse limit of simply connected topological spaces is simply connected. I would like to know if similar ...
Jeremy Brazas's user avatar
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The group analogue of the James construction

If $(X,e)$ is a based topological space, then the James construction on $(X,e)$ is the free topological monoid with unit $e$: $J(X)=\coprod_{n\geq 1}X^n /\sim $ where $(x_1,...x_{j-1},e,x_j,...,x_n)\...
Jeremy Brazas's user avatar
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Cohomology of Lie group $E_8$, e.g. $H^d(E_8,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})$

What is the $d$-th cohomology of a Lie group $E_8$, say $H^d(E_8,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})$ with $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient? I suppose that there are many nontrivial groups of $H^d(E_8,\mathbb{...
wonderich's user avatar
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"Economic" Eilenberg-MacLane topological abelian groups

This might be regarded as a sequel to my previous "Economic" CW-structure for Eilenberg-MacLane spaces? However the content seems to be quite different. I believe it is easy to prove that ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Closure of non-closed subset in Ring theory

We say that the ring $R$ is topological, when we are given neighbourhoods $\{O_{\lambda};\lambda \in \Lambda\}$ of $0_R$. We say ${\cal I}$ is a closed ideal of $R$ if and only if for any sub-index ...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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A topological group which is also a (not necessarily smooth) manifold is orientable

I am trying to show that a topological group which is also a (not necessarily smooth) manifold is automatically orientable. I know of a proof involving transition functions for smooth manifolds, in ...
Doeke's user avatar
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The fibration map $Diff(M) \rightarrow Emb(N,M)$

Let $M$ be a non-compact manifold, equipped with a (closed?) submanifold $N\subset M$. The action of $Diff(M)$ on the set of embeddings $N\hookrightarrow M$ induces a map $$ Diff(M) \rightarrow Emb(N,...
s k's user avatar
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Two different Thom diagonals in recent literature?

Taking the point of view that a Thom spectrum functor should be a map $Top_{/BGL_1(R)}\to LMod_R$, for $R$ some $\mathbb{E}_n$-ring spectrum, there seem to be two morphisms (in $Top_{/BGL_1(R)}$) that ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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Topological structure of SO(n) as a product

I’m interested in the question for which $n$ the special orthogonal group is homeomorphic to the product $$ \mathrm{SO}(n) \approx S^{n-1} \times \mathrm{SO}(n-1). $$ Allen Hatcher [1, p. 293 f.] ...
Florian Oppermann's user avatar
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What's the topology on the mapping space $Map_H(G, Y)$ when $G$ is not finite

When $G$ is a finite group and $H$ a closed subgroup of it, the sets of right cosets $H\backslash G$ has the discrete topology on it. Let $Y$ be a $H-$space. We have the $G-$homeomorphism \begin{...
Megan's user avatar
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The evaluation fibration of a transitive, effective topological group action

Does anybody know a reference to the following fact? If $G$ is a topological group acting transitively and effectively on a space $X$, then the evaluation map $G \rightarrow X$, $g \mapsto g \cdot ...
user76162's user avatar
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A Comparison between $\pi_{1}$ of cohomology and cohomology of $\pi_{1}$

Let we have a complex of abelian topological or lie groups $$\ldots \to G_{n}\to G_{n+1}\to \ldots$$ such that the image of $G_{n}$ is a closed subgroup of $G_{n+1}$. Then we have a complex of ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
16 votes
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rationalization of classifying spaces

This question is probably trivial for anyone who is more familiar with rational homotopy theory than me, but anyway: Let $G$ be a simply-connected topological group. In particular, it is an $H$-...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
12 votes
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Restriction of "$\pi_{1}$" to topological groups

Let $G$ and $H$ be two topological groups. Assume that $\phi:\pi_{1}(G) \to \pi_{1}(H)$ is a group homomorphism. Is there a continuous function $f:G\to H$ such that $f_{*}=\phi$?
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Existence of $n$-connected topological groups with $m$-dimensional action extending that of $GL(m)$ on $\mathbb{R}^m$

I'll first state the question as concisely as I can and then provide some motivation. Consider two positive integers $m$ and $n$ such that $m < n+2$. Does there exist a topological group $G$ ...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
14 votes
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Contractible topological groups

Does there exist a Hausdorff topological group which is contractible and of finite covering dimension but which is not homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^n$ for some $n$?
Lars's user avatar
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$\pi_1$ Sequence of Topological Groups

Consider a connected topological group $G$ (not necessarily Lie). You have some maps $G\times G\to G$, such as projection to either summand, or multiplication $(g,h)\mapsto gh$. Now let's look at a ...
Chris Gerig's user avatar
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36 votes
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Compact open topology on $\mathrm{Homeo}(X)$

Let $X$ and $Y$ be topological spaces. Define the compact open topology on the set $\mathrm{M}(X,Y)$ of continuous maps from $X$ to $Y$ via the subbase $[K,O]$ of all maps $f:X\rightarrow Y$ s.t. $f(K)...
Olivier Bégassat's user avatar
15 votes
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Why is the dual of a torus the same as its fundamental group?

The set of continuous homomorphisms from a torus ${\mathbb T}^n = ({\mathbb R}/{\mathbb Z})^n \to {\mathbb R}/{\mathbb Z}$ can be identified with ${\mathbb Z}^n$ if we assign to each $k = (k_1, \ldots ...
Phil Isett's user avatar
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