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40 votes
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Minimal volume of 4-manifolds

This question came up in a talk of Dieter Kotschick yesterday. The minimal volume of a manifold is the infimum of volumes of Riemannian metrics on the manifold with sectional curvatures bounded in ...
Ian Agol's user avatar
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36 votes
7 answers

Is there a mathematical book on general relativity that uses exclusively a coordinate free language even in practical computations?

I would also appreciate if it was as far from the physicists formalism as possible, no abstract indices ,etc. Also I don't consider using a basis or tetrads as coordinate free. The idea is to use ...
Leo's user avatar
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34 votes
0 answers

Metrics on the 3-sphere with knotted geodesics

According to answers to this question every metrics on $S^3$ admits a simple closed geodesic. Given a knot (or link) $K$, it's also quite simple to build a metric on $S^3$ such that $K$ is a geodesic (...
Marco Golla's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Is there a Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem for orbifolds?

There's a Gauss-Bonnet theorem for compact 2-orbifolds(due to Satake, I think), which gives a relation between the curvature of a Riemannian orbifold and the orbifold topology(i.e. taking into account ...
Gordon Craig's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Is there a smooth manifold which admits only rigid metrics?

Does there exist a (finite dimensional) smooth manifold $M$, such that every Riemannian metric on $M$ has no isometries except the identity? Of course, such a manifold must not admit a diffeomorphism ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Just how close can two manifolds be in the Gromov-Hausdorff distance?

Suppose that we have two compact Riemannian manifolds $(M,g)$ and $(N,h)$. Define the Gromov-Hausdorff distance between them in your favorite way, I'll use the infimum of all $\epsilon$ such that ...
Jess Boling's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

Smooth functions on sphere

Let $u$ be a smooth function defined on the unit sphere $S^2$. Assume $u$ has two local maxima, two local minima, and two saddle points (a total of 6 critical points). Does there exist a plane $P$ ...
A random mathematician's user avatar
20 votes
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Homeomorphisms of the sphere mapping a geodesic triangulation to another one

Consider the standard Riemannian 2-sphere $S$, equipped with a geodesic triangulation $T$. Let $L(S,T)$ be the space of homeomorphisms of $S$ which map $T$ to a geodesic triangulation. What is the ...
François Laudenbach's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Is the following a sufficient condition for asphericity?

I recently came across the following question while working on some problems on manifolds with lower Ricci curvature bounds. Given $n$ does there exist a large $R>0$ with the following property: ...
Vitali Kapovitch's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Hyperbolic manifolds which fiber over the circle

If $N^2$ is a closed, orientable surface of genus at least $2$, and if $\phi$ is an (orientation-preserving) pseudo-Anosov mapping on $N$, then one can form the closed orientable 3-manifold $M^3$ by ...
Steve D's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

SO(3) action on (simply connected) 6 manifold with discrete fixed point

If a 6-dimensional orientable smooth manifold $M$ admits a smooth effective $SO(3)$ action with discrete fixed point set, what can we say about the topology of $M$? What if we assume that in addition ...
Yuhang Liu's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

What is the weakest negative curvature condition ensuring a manifold is a $K(G,1)$?

The only statement I'm sure of is that any hyperbolic or Euclidean manifold is a $K(G,1)$ (i.e. its higher homotopy groups vanish), since its universal cover must be $\mathbb H^n$ or $\mathbb E^n$. ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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16 votes
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Is the oriented bordism ring generated by homogeneous spaces?

I am trying to find a Riemannian geometrically well-understood set of generators of the oriented bordism ring, including the torsion parts. By a set of generators, I mean that the set generates the ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
15 votes
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Thurston geometries in dimension 4

In the sense of W. Thurston here, there is 3 geometries in dimension 2 and there is 8 geometries in dimension 3. Question: How many different geometries (in the sense of Thurston) do we have in ...
Max's user avatar
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15 votes
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Closed geodesics avoiding points in hyperbolic surfaces

Let $\Sigma$ be a closed hyperbolic surface. Is it true that for any finite collection of points $x_1,\ldots,x_n\in\Sigma$ there exists a closed geodesic $\gamma$ containing none of them? Remark: It ...
Federico Vigolo's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Does there exist a closed manifold that can be given both a Euclidean and a Hyperbolic structure?

I originally asked this on math.stackexchange, where I asked if there could exist a closed manifold that could be given different geometric structures of constant curvature (not at the same time, of ...
Carl's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

For a 3-manifold $Y$, when does $Y\times S^{1}$ admits a Riemannian metric with positive scalar curvature?

Let $Y$ be an orientable, smooth 3-manifold and let $X=Y\times S^{1}$. My question is that: when does $X$ admits a Riemannian metric with positive scalar curvature? An obvious case is when $Y$ ...
user44651's user avatar
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14 votes
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How metric is Riemannian geometry

Let $(M, g)$ be a finite-dimensional Riemannian manifold. It is well-known, that the Riemannian metric induce a metric on the manifold by $$d(x, y) = \text{inf} \int_a^b \| \dot\gamma(t) \| \, dt\,,$$...
Tobias Diez's user avatar
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14 votes
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Mapping torus of Klein bottle

This got 5 upvotes but no answers on MSE (Mapping torus of Klein bottle), so I'm cross-posting to MO: The mapping torus of a Klein bottle $ K $ is a compact flat 3 manifold. The mapping class group of ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
13 votes
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Were 3-manifolds with $\sec>0$ known to be space forms before Ricci flow?

It is well known that R. Hamilton (JDG 1982) used Ricci flow to show that a closed $3$-manifold with positive Ricci curvature must be diffeomorphic to a spherical space form $S^3/\Gamma$, since such ...
Renato G. Bettiol's user avatar
12 votes
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Riemannian metrics on non-paracompact manifolds

After proving the existence of Riemannian metrics on manifolds, one of the students asked if the "paracompactness" is necessary. Of course the standard proof with the partition of unity uses this ...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Are there quanitative versions of Thurston's geometrization for manifolds which fiber over $S^1$?

The geometrization theorem tells us: Theorem (Thurston) The mapping torus $M_\phi$ of a pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphism $\phi: S_g \rightarrow S_g$ from a genus $g$ surface to itself admits a complete ...
pgadey's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Voronoi cells and the dual complexes in Riemannian manifolds

I would like to use some "intuitively clear" properties of Voronoi cells in general Riemannian manifolds, but I have trouble finding references. Let $(X,d)$ be a connected Riemannian ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
12 votes
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Two ways a manifold can have little symmetry

Let $M$ be a closed connected smooth oriented manifold. The following two properties - that $M$ can either enjoy or not - intuitively both mean that $M$ has very little symmetry: (a) Every self-map $...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
11 votes
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Retraction of a Riemannian manifold with boundary to its cut locus

This question is edited following the comment of Joseph. He pointed out that the main object of the first version of this question is the cut locus. Recall that the cut locus of a set $S$ in a ...
Dmitri Panov's user avatar
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11 votes
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Curvature of maximum of two riemannian metrics

Consider $g_1$ and $g_2$ two Riemannian metrics on a differentiable manifold $M$ of dimension $n\ge 4$. Suppose locally $g_i=f_i\sum_{j=1}^ndx_j^2$, where $f_i:M\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ are non ...
user avatar
10 votes
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Information about Milnor conjecture

I'm a student of mathematics and I need know about the status of the Milnor conjecture (if there are partial results or if someone solved that). The statement is: A complete Riemannian manifold with ...
Marcelo Miranda's user avatar
10 votes
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Is it obvious that analytic torsion is a topological invariant?

Ray and Singer proved in their paper that analytic torsion is independent of metric (some details may still need to be checked), and together with Cheeger-Muller theorem this implies analytic torsion ...
Bombyx mori's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

On Gromov's proof of the systolic inequality $\operatorname{Sys}_1(M)\leq 6\operatorname{FillRad}(M)$

In the page 10 of the paper "Filling Riemannian manifolds" by Gromov (ProjetEuclid link), the author proves the following inequality (1.2) relating the systole and the filling radius of manifolds. $$\...
S.Lim's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is compact flat manifold cusp cross-sections of a complete finite volume hyperbolic manifold?

Let $M^{n-1}$ be a closed flat manifold. Is it true that there exists a hyperbolic manifold $N^n$ with finite volume such that $M$ is a cusp cross-section of $N$? It was proved in "On the geometric ...
J. GE's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can a knotted sphere isometrically embed into $\mathbb R^3$?

All smooth simple closed curves in $\mathbb R^3$ (knotted or not) can be isometrically embedded into $\mathbb R^2$ as a circle of equal arclength. The situation for knotted spheres seems more ...
Christian Bueno's user avatar
9 votes
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Compact flat orientable 3 manifolds and mapping tori

There are 10 compact flat 3 manifolds up to diffeomorphism, 6 orientable and 4 non orientable. I am looking to better understand how to construct the orientable ones. The six orientable ones are ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
9 votes
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Classification of geometric structures through character varieties

Under what general assumptions $(G,X)$-geometric structures on a manifold $M$ are classified by their holonomies, yielding an injection $$\Psi: \{(G,X)\text{-structures on M}\} \to H(\pi_1(M),G)/G ?$$ ...
Adam's user avatar
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Nash embedding for 3 manifolds

The Nash embedding theorem tells us that every smooth Riemannian m-manifold can be embedded in $R^n$ for, say, $n = m^2 + 5m + 3$ (edit: 14 is a better bound for compact 3 manifolds thanks @mme). What ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
8 votes
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Homeomorphism/ homotopy types of non-negatively curved manifolds

A (special case of a) theorem of Gromov says for any $n\in \mathbb{N}$ there exists a constant $C(n)$ such that for any smooth connected closed $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold with non-negative ...
asv's user avatar
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8 votes
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Geodesics on manifolds with boundary

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold with non-empty boundary. Is there any notion of injectivity radius on $(M,g)$ in points away from the boundary? By this I mean points lying in $M- \partial M$. ...
Phillip's user avatar
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Cohomological dimension bounds on the fundamental group of a manifold

Suppose $M$ is a (closed, connected, oriented, smooth) manifold. If $M$ is aspherical, i.e., if the inversal covering $\tilde{M}$ is contractible, $M$ is a $B\pi_1(M)$. This is often enforced by ...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
8 votes
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Teichmüller space on non-orientable closed surfaces

It is known that any closed orientable surface of genus $g \geq 2$ admits a hyperbolic metric, and the Teichmüller space of such metrics has dimension $6g - 6$. I was wondering if there is a ...
Curious's user avatar
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Laplacian spectrum asymptotics in neck stretching

Let $M$ be a compact Riemannian manifold. Let $S \subset M$ be a smooth hypersurface separating $M$ into two components. Let $g_T$ be a family of Riemannian metric obtained by stretching along $S$, i....
Guangbo Xu's user avatar
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8 votes
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Exact condition for smooth homogeneous to imply Riemannian homogeneous for compact manifolds

Let $ (M,g) $ be a homogeneous Riemannian manifold. That is, the isometry group $ Iso(M,g) $ acts transitively on $ M $. Let $ \pi_1(M) $ be the fundamental group of $ M $. Then $ \pi_1(M) $ has ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
7 votes
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Locally conformally flat

Is there any example of a locally conformally flat manifold that is neither a space form nor a product of space forms?
Sayoojya's user avatar
7 votes
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Does any surface of constant curvature admit a cocompact group action?

Suppose $S$ is a non-compact and complete surface (2 dimensional smooth Riemannian manifold) of constant curvature. I am wondering if there exists a group $G$ which acts by isometries and properly ...
Denilson Orr's user avatar
7 votes
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G-spaces and manifolds

In his book "The geometry of geodesics" H. Busemann defines the notion of a G-space to be a space which satisfies the following axioms: The space is metric The space is finitely compact, i.e., a ...
Dror Atariah's user avatar
7 votes
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Can a hyperbolic manifold be a product?

I was interested in whether a manifold which admits a metric of constant sectional curvature can be homotopy equivalent to a product of non-contractible manifolds. Of course, there are three cases: ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
7 votes
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Complete geodesics on hyperbolic a pair of pants

I have asked this question on MSE. But I think Mo is a better place to ask my question. Here is the link to my question on MSE. I will rewrite it here: I am trying to understand the article by Maryam ...
Amirhossein's user avatar
7 votes
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3-manifolds with all geodesics closed

A theorem of Bott states that if a manifold admits a metric with all geodesics closed, then its homology is isomorphic to the homology of one of the manifolds from the list: $S^n, \mathbb{RP}^n, \...
 V. Rogov's user avatar
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7 votes
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Are square tiled surfaces dense in the moduli space of translation surfaces?

I'm reading the survey "An introduction to Veech surfaces" by Pascal Hubert and Thomas Schmidt. At page 19 they state "In any fixed stratum, the set of square-tiled surfaces of that stratum is dense....
Nuxil's user avatar
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6 votes
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Quasi-isometric embedding of graphs in non-compact riemannian surfaces

Given a complete riemannian surface $(S,m)$, where $S$ is homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^2$, I would like to find a weighted graph $G$ (which means a graph with real non-negative weights on the edges), ...
Louis Esperet's user avatar
6 votes
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Generalization of Bieberbach's second theorem

Let $F_0$ and $F_1$ be compact flat manifolds of dimensions $k$ and $m$, respectively, where $k \geq m$. Suppose $f : \pi_1(F_0) \to \pi_1(F_1)$ is a surjective homomorphism. Consider the covering ...
James Dibble's user avatar
6 votes
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Non-compact Dirichlet fundamental domains and free Fuchsian groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated Fuchsian group, and let $\mathcal{F}$ denote the Dirichlet fundamental domain of $G$ with respect to $0$ in the Poincaré disc model. Assume throughout that $\mathcal{F}$...
JackTodd's user avatar