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Questions tagged [resolution-of-singularities]

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Do there exist linear relations between exceptional divisors

Let $X$ be an isolated, Gorenstein singularity of dimension at least $2$ and $\pi: \widetilde{X} \to X$ be a resolution of singularities. Let $E$ be the exceptional divisor and $E_1,...,E_r$ be the ...
Jana's user avatar
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References on Namikawa-Weyl group

What are the most reasonable references on the definition of the Namikawa-Weyl groups and the first results about them? In particular, are there more recent (or more educational) texts than the ...
Vanya Karpov's user avatar
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Preimage by birational maps

I am looking for an example (I guess that in complex projective space $\mathbb{P}^{n}$ is good) such that satisfy the following condition (in non trivial case, for this assume $X \neq \tilde{X}$): Let ...
Student85's user avatar
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plumbing description of resolution of ADE singularities

Let $G$ be a finite subgroup of $SU(2)$ and consider the quotient of the unit ball $B\subset \mathbb{C}^{2}$ by $G$. The result, denoted by $V$, has a boundary $S^{3}/G$ and has an ADE singularity at $...
user44651's user avatar
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$2$-dimensional complete local normal domain with rational singularity that has exactly one exceptional curve

Let $(R, \mathfrak m)$ be a complete local normal domain of dimension $2$ with residue field $R/\mathfrak m$ algebraically closed and characteristic $0$. Assume Spec$(R)$ has rational singularity, let ...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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Does existance of crepant resolution of tangent space imply existance of crepant resolution globally in the algebraic setting?

Suppose $X$ is smooth proper algebraic $\mathbb C$-variety with algebraic action of a finite abelian group $G$. Suppose I know that $X/G$ (good geometric quotient) exists and it is normal Gorenstein ...
Mykola Pochekai's user avatar
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Simultaneous Log resolutions for both varieties and divisors

Let $X$ be a normal variety and $D \subset X$ be a prime divisor which is also normal. It is well-known that we can take a resolution $f: W \to X$ of $X$ such that $$\DeclareMathOperator{\Supp}{\...
Li Yutong's user avatar
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Is there a "minimal" Whitney stratification of a complex hypersurface?

Let $X\subset \mathbb C^n$ be a complex hypersurface (given by $F=0$ where $F$ is a polynomial). It is known then that $X$ admits a Whitney stratification. This is a decomposition of $X$ into smooth ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Smooth normalization and blow-up of the exceptional locus

Let $n:\widetilde X\rightarrow X$ be the normalization of a complex (quasi-projective) variety $X$. Assume $\widetilde X$ is smooth, that $n$ is an isomorphism outside a smooth connected subvariety $Y\...
pi_1's user avatar
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Computing the invariants of ball quotient surfaces

The two-dimensional complex unit ball $B$ has group of biholomorphic automorphisms $PU(2,1)$. If $Γ$ is an arithmetic subgroup of $PU(2,1)$, the quotient $Γ\text{\\}B$ is an orbifold. Taking its ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Resolution of 3-fold quotient singularities

This is exercise 1.10 from Reid's Young person's guide to canonical singularites. Let $X=\mathbb{C}^3/ \mu_3$ where $\epsilon \in \mu_3$ acts by $$ (x,y,z) \to (\epsilon x, \epsilon y, \epsilon^2 z).$$...
WWK's user avatar
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When do crepant resolutions of quotients of Calabi-Yau varieties exist?

Suppose I have a Gorenstein variety $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$ with trivial canonical bundle, and the action of a finite group $G$ on $X$, which acts trivially on the canonical bundle. Question. When does ...
Josh Lam's user avatar
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Partial crepant resolution in codimension 2

Let $\xi_5$ be a 5-root of the unity. We consider $\mathbb{C}^4/G$, where $G=\left\langle \sigma,\tau\right\rangle$, with $\sigma$ and $\tau$ the automorphisms given, respectively, by the following ...
Kovalevskaia's user avatar
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Resolution graph of higher dimensional ADE singularities

I am looking for different configurations of the exceptional divisors arising from blowing up a higher dimensional ADE singularity (see p. 240 of this article of Bruns for a description of such ...
user43198's user avatar
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Normality of a blow up

Let $X$ be a quasi-projective normal $\mathbb C$-variety and $Y\subset X$ a smooth subvariety such that $X$ is normally flat along $Y$ (i.e. the normal cone of $X$ along $Y$ is flat over $Y$). Is the ...
pi_1's user avatar
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Blowing-up the exceptional locus of a (small) resolution

Let $f:\widetilde X\rightarrow Y$ be a proper morphism between smooth complex varieties which is birational unto its image $X=f(X)$. Assume the singular locus $W\subset X$ of $X$ is smooth and that $...
pi_1's user avatar
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Nice small resolution and normality of blow-up

Let $X$ be a complex variety whose singular locus is a smooth variety $Z$. Let $f:Y\rightarrow X$ be a small resolution of $X$ such that $f^{-1}(z)$ is smooth for any $z\in Z$ and $\dim(f^{-1}(z))$ is ...
pi_1's user avatar
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Symplectic resolutions amongst cotangent bundles

It is known that a generalized flag variety $X=T^*(G/P)$ is a (symplectic) resolution of singularities of its affinization $X^\text{aff}\mathrel{:=}\operatorname{Spec}(H^0(X,\mathcal{O}_X))$. In type ...
Filip's user avatar
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Perfectoid approach to resolution of singularities in char $p$

Since perfectoid techniques have built a bridge between char $0$ and char $p$ worlds, it is conceivable that they can be applied to resolution of singularities in char $p$ using their successful ...
Arna's user avatar
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Factorization of birational maps in char $p$

So I was reading about the factorization result that any birational map between smooth varieties is composition of blow-ups and blow-downs with smooth centers. It is apparently true only in ...
user127776's user avatar
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Realizing a set as the image of a smooth map

Consider the following subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$: $S = \{ (x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^2 : |y| \leq |x|^{3/2} \}$ (See here for a plot on Wolfram Alpha.) The origin $(0, 0)$ is a kind of singular point of $S$....
Nicolas Boumal's user avatar
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Cohomology of resolution of singularity

If $X,Y$ are smooth projective schemes, then if we have a surjection $f:X\to Y$, we have an injective map on étale cohomology, or more generally on any Weil cohomology (see
curious math guy's user avatar
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Second chern class of a rank 2 bundle

Here is another question from the paper "Second Chern class and Riemann-Roch for vector bundles on resolutions of surfaces singularities" by J. Wahl. This is at the beginning of the section $...
WWK's user avatar
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Divisorial contraction to a non-normal variety

Consider a divisorial contraction $f:X\rightarrow Y$, between projective varieties, contracting an irreducible divisor $D\subset X$ to a subvariety $Z\subset Y$ of codimension at least two, and which ...
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Singularities of PL embedding of surface in a contractible 4-manifold

I am trying to understand the article "A solution to a conjecture of Zeeman" by Akbulut, but I am not an expert in PL-geometry. As far as I understand, two statements should be true, but I ...
P. Tolo's user avatar
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Definition of Q gorenstein variety

I have a question about the definition of Q-Gorenstein variety. I saw a definition of Q-Gorenstein variety:for a normal variety $X$, it's Q-Gorenstein if the canonical divisor is Q Cartier. I wonder ...
xin fu's user avatar
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Would full resolution of singularities have cohomological implications beyond the alteration theory?

De Jong's result on alterations allows one to show the potential semistability of certain Galois representations arising from cohomology of varieties (among other things). If we knew the existence of ...
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Resolution of pairs in characteristic p

Let $R$ be a complete DVR of characteristic $p$, say $R=\mathbb{F}_p[[t]]$, and $X$ be a reduced scheme of finite type over $R$. Let also $X_s$ denote the special fiber of $X$. If I understand ...
Kostas Kartas's user avatar
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Separable morphism of curves

A proof from Janos Kollar's Lectures on Resolution of Singularities Kollar (p 37) works as follows: Theorem 1.58 (M. Noether, 1871). Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field and $C \subset \...
user267839's user avatar
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Embedded normalization

Let $S$ be an irreducible surface in a 3-dimensional variety $X$ (everything taking place over $\mathbb{C}$, say). By Hironaka's therorem, we know for sure that there is an embedded resolution of $S$, ...
C. Gachet's user avatar
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Globalization of Brieskorn-Grothendieck resolution

Brieskorn (1970) showed that for semiuniversal deformation of rational double points surface singularities $X\to S$, there is a finite base change $S'\to S$, such that the new family $f:X\times_{S}S'\...
AG learner's user avatar
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Is toroidalization local?

Let $f:X \to Y$ be a surjective morphism of smooth projective varieties, $D$ be a simple normal crossings divisor on $X$ and $U_Y \subset Y$ be an open subset over which $(X,D)$ is log smooth (in the ...
Flyingpanda's user avatar
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Log canonical centers of toric (and toroidal) varieties

Q1: Let $(X,B)$ be a toric variety. There exists a toric resolution of singularities $f:(Y,E) \to (X,B)$. Here is my question: Is any lc center of $(X,B)$ an irreducible component of an intersection ...
Flyingpanda's user avatar
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Birational model of a log smooth pair

Given a log smooth pair $(X,B)$ with a reduced boundary divisor $B$, consider a birational model $\pi:X' \to X$ and a boundary divisor $B'$ which is given by $K_{X'}+B'=\pi^*(K_X+B)$. Here is my ...
Flyingpanda's user avatar
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Resolution graphs in the sense of Némethi

The following definitions are from lecture notes of Némethi. A surface singularity $(X,0)$ is defined by $$(X,0) = (\{ f_1 = \ldots = f_m=0 \}) \subset \mathbb (\mathbb{C}^n,0),$$ where $f_i : (\...
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Artin's "On isolated rational singularities of surfaces"

My question deals with Michael Artin's paper "On isolated rational singularities of surfaces"; more precisely the proof of Theorem 4 on page 133. Here the relevant excerpt: The Setting: Let ...
user267839's user avatar
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Are there any explicit (prime-to-l) alterations for interesting varieties (or schemes)?

I have read that it is easier to find regular alterations of varieties than their resolutions of singularities (moreover, I believed in this sentence when I read it). My question is: do there exist ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Singular locus of a linear system of hyperplane sections

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^N$ be a rational smooth projective irreducible non degenerated variety of dimension $n=\dim(X)$ and let $$\mathcal{H}=|\mathcal{O}_X(1) \otimes\mathcal{I}_{{p_1}^2,\dots,{p_l}^...
gigi's user avatar
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canonical divisor on singular curves with nodal point

What's the definition of canonical divisor(or whatever related concept) on singular curve with nodal point. More generally, what the definition of canonical divisor on a singular variety X, which is ...
xin fu's user avatar
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Pushforward of locally free sheaves and resolution of singularities

Let $X$ be an noetherian, affine, isolated of dimension at least $2$ and $\pi:\widetilde{X} \to X$ a resolution of singularities. Let $\mathcal{E}$ be a locally-free sheaf on $\widetilde{X}$ such that ...
Ron's user avatar
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Terminal and log canonical singularities

Let $D$ be a divisor with at most terminal singularities in a smooth projective variety $X$. Is the pair $(X,D)$ log canonical?
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Test rational singularities after forming invariants

Let $R$ be a normal local domain of dimension $2$ and odd residue characteristic endowed with the action of the finite group $G \cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$. Suppose that the ring of invariants $R^G$ ...
Question Machine's user avatar
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Resolution of rational surfaces

Let $S$ be a rational singular complete algebraic surface over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $\phi:\tilde{S}\to S$ be a resolution of singularities with minimal possible Picard rank (i.e. minimal $\mathrm{dim}(...
S. carmeli's user avatar
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Generators of a graded algebra defining bundle over elliptic curve

I have a question about a statement from P. Wagreich's paper "Elliptic Singularities of Surfaces" (page 425): We consider an elliptic curve $X$ and a line bundle (=invertible sheaf) $L$ on $X$. Then,...
user267839's user avatar
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Toric Fan for the Du Val's singularities D_n and E_n

Let us consider the Du Val's singularities. i.e. It is well known that they are classified by ADE, because the exceptional divisors arising in the ...
Federico Carta's user avatar
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Igusa zeta functions of univariate polynomials: $\mathbb{Z}_p$ or $\mathbb{Q}_p$ in this statement

Let $f\in\mathbb{Z}_p[X]$ and let $Z_{f,p}(T)\in\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}(T)$ be the $p$-adic Igusa zeta polynomial (i.e. $Z_{f,p}(p^{-s})$ is the $p$-adic Igusa zeta function in the complex variable $s$, with ...
Maurizio Moreschi's user avatar
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Intuition behind RDP (Rational Double Points)

Let $S$ be a surface (so a $2$-dimensional proper $k$-scheme) and $s$ a singular point which is a rational double point. One common characterisation of a RDP is that under sufficient conditions there ...
user267839's user avatar
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On mixed $p$-adic Hodge theory

Does mixed $p$-adic Hodge theory exist? Can we extend the scope of comparison theorems using simplicial resolutions a la Deligne? Do we get 3 opposite filtrations as in classical mixed Hodge theory, ...
m_for_motive's user avatar
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Bijective restriction of the normalization morphism

Let $X$ be an integral separated scheme of finite type over $\mathbb{C}$. Consider the normalization morphism $f:X'\rightarrow X$. Can we always find an affine open $U\subset X'$ such that $f|_U:U\...
mikhalych's user avatar
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Infinitesimal deformation of strict transform

Let $X$ be an affine, complex surface with isolated singularities and $\pi:\widetilde{X} \to X$ be a resolution of singularities (not necessarily minimal) i.e., $\widetilde{X}$ is non-singular and $\...
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