I am looking for an example (I guess that in complex projective space $\mathbb{P}^{n}$ is good) such that satisfy the following condition (in non trivial case, for this assume $X \neq \tilde{X}$):
Let $i: X \longrightarrow M$ be an embedding of a closed subvariety $X$ in a nonsingular variety (algebraic) $M$ and let $\pi :\tilde{M} \longrightarrow M$ be a proper birational map with $\tilde{M}$ a nonsingular variety, such that $\pi^{-1}(X)= \tilde{X}$ (total transform) is a hypersurface with its singular scheme, denoted by $\tilde{Y}$ has the condition $codim_{\tilde{M}}(\tilde{Y})\geq 3$ and $\pi|_{\tilde{M}\setminus \tilde{X}}$ is an isomorphism.
Thank you so much!