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For R a ring, if $x^n=x$ for all x∈R then R is commutative

I came across the following Theorem on a paper I'm reading: "If $R$ is a ring and $x^n=x$ for all $x\in R$ then $R$ is commutative" However I have no idea of how to prove it. May I get some ...
Learner's user avatar
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Regular conjugacy classes and irreducible representations in the infinite, projective case

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field and $G$ a (not necessarily finite) group. Let $\alpha\colon G\times G\to k^*$ be a multiplier, meaning that $\alpha(s,t)\alpha(st,r)=\alpha(s,tr)\alpha(t,r)$ ...
geometricK's user avatar
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The centralizer and normalizer of products of (SU(n) $\times$ SU(p) $\times$ …) in U(m)

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\U{U}\DeclareMathOperator\Spin{Spin} $Consider the special unitary group $\SU(n)$ and the unitary group $\U(m)$. Below I specify a specfic way to embed $...
wonderich's user avatar
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The centralizer and normalizer of products of (Spin(n) $\times \dots$) in U(m)

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\U{U}\DeclareMathOperator\Spin{Spin}$ Consider the spin group $\Spin(n)$ and the unitary group $\U(16)$. Below I specify a specfic way to embed $(\Spin(...
wonderich's user avatar
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Division rings with finitely generated group of units

Is there any classification of division rings with finitely generated group of units? Is there any non-trivial example?
Sh.M1972's user avatar
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Flat augmentation ideal of a group-ring

If $G$ is a group and $I$ the augmentation ideal $I=Ker(\mathbb{Z}G\rightarrow \mathbb{Z})$ suppose that: $I$ is a flat (right) $\mathbb{Z}G$-module. $I$ is a finitely generated (right) $\mathbb{Z}G$...
ABC's user avatar
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Could we assume without loss of generality that all coefficients are positive?

Let $\alpha$ be an element in the group algebra $\mathbb CG$ of a torsion-free group $G$. Assume that, as an operator acting on $\ell^2(G)$, $\alpha$ is positive. Does there exist $\beta\in\mathbb CG$ ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Multiplicative subgroups of $GL(V)$ which are almost additively closed

Edit: According to comments of YCor and Vincent, I revise the question.I appreciate their comments: Let $G$ be a group. We say that $G$ is a special group if it is isomorphic to a subgroup $H$ ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Lifting of group homomorphisms

I asked this question a few days ago on math stackexchange but didn't get any answer so I thought I post it here too (see here): In my first course on algebraic topology I heard about the following: ...
M.U.'s user avatar
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Semidirect product of semidirect products

For algebraic objects, say for groups $ N,K$ and algebra $A$, if we have the semidirect product of a semidirect product, $(A \rtimes_{\gamma} N ) \rtimes_{\theta} K$, are there conditions that would ...
gj herrmann's user avatar
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calculation in a group ring

I have some problems with the verification of the third equation in Lemma 1 in this paper. First of all, one has to notice that there is at least one Error in the Definition of $a_{\kappa,\nu}$ above....
Anfaenger's user avatar
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Hall's paper on the profinite groups and Andre Weils "voisinage" notion

I am reading through a classical paper A Topology for Free Groups and Related Groups by Marshall Hall Jr. in which profinite groups are defined for the first time. There he defines on p. 129: ...
StefanH's user avatar
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The base group of a wreath product of an abelian group by $ {\mathbb{Z}}$ is a characterstic subgroup

I've copied over this question from what I asked on Mathematics Stack Exchange, in the hope that some experts here can direct me to some relevant results. Let $A$ be a finitely generated abelian group,...
ghc1997's user avatar
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The existence of solutions to linear systems of equations over the integer ring $\mathbb{Z}$

There are already detailed results on the solutions of linear equations over fields, but I'd like to inquire about any good conclusions regarding the solutions of linear equations over the integer ...
lunch zheng's user avatar
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Idempotent conjecture and non-abelian solenoid

Is there a discrete non-abelian group whose dual in a reasonable sense is isomorphic to the solenoid constructed via a sequence of quaternions $S^3$ instead of a sequence of circles? The motivation ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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tensor dimension/reshaping group

Consider an $N$ dimensional tensor $T$ using the strided view representation used by PyTorch, i.e. we have a storage vector $S$ projected into $N$ dimensions using a size tuple $s$ and a stride tuple $...
mikeyd's user avatar
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The influence of the derived subgroup of the unit group of a group algebra

Let $FG$ be a group algebra in which $K$ is a field and $G$ is a group. Suppose that every element in the derived subgroup $\mathcal{U}(FG)'$ of the unit group $\mathcal{U}(FG)$ of $FG$ is a ...
Tran Nam Son's user avatar
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Reference request concerning splitting fields for groups that are related to special symmetric groups

Denote the symmetric group of order $n!$ by $S_n$. Let $H:=S_p$ for an odd prime $p$. Every finite field $k$ is a splitting field $(^*)$ for $kH$, in particular $k:=\mathbb{F}_p$. Questions: Is $k:=\...
Stein Chen's user avatar
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Does $AA^{-1}$ have the unique product property?

Let $A$ be a finite subset of a torsion free group $G$ with $|A|\geq3$. Does the set $AA^{-1}$ have the "unique product" property (i.e. there exist an element $c\in AA^{-1}$ that is uniquely written ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Non-zero homomorphism from a module to its ground ring

Let $c_1,\dots,c_k$ be some non-zero complex numbers and $M$ be the abelian subgroup generated by $c_1,\dots,c_k$ (i.e. all $\mathbb{Z}$-linear combinations of $c_1\dots,c_k$). Suppose further that $\...
Alireza Abdollahi's user avatar
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Defect of subnormality in unit groups of modular group algebras

Let $p$ be a prime number, $G$ a finite p-Group and $K$ a finite field with $char(K)=p$. It is well-known that the group $1+rad(KG)$ is a p-group containing $G$. $G$ is normal in $1+rad(KG)$ if and ...
Sven Wirsing's user avatar
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Unitary element of the group algebra

Let $G$ be a torsion free group. Are unitary elements of $\mathbb CG$ studied? By unitary element I mean an element $\alpha$ in $\mathbb CG$, such that $\alpha^*\alpha=1$? Do the triviality of unitary ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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A functor on the category of commutative rings, algebras or Banach algebras

Edit: According to the comments of abx and Yemon Choi I revise the question as follows: Let $G$ be a group and $\mathcal{A_G}$ be the category of $G$-module commutative algebras, that is the ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Deduce Schur-Zassenhaus theorem from Wedderburn-Malcev theorem

Is it possible to derive Schur-Zassenhaus theorem from Wedderburn-Malcev theorem? For the existance part I have the following idea: Let $G$ be a finite Group and $N$ an abelian Hall $p$-subgroup. Let $...
Sven Wirsing's user avatar
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The normalizer problem for group rings

I recently studied about The Normalizer problem (NP) which states that given an integral group ring $\Bbb{Z}G$, $N_{\cal{U}}(G)=G\frak{z}$ where $\frak{z}$ denotes centre of $\cal{U}$ = $\cal{U}$$(\...
Bhaskar Vashishth's user avatar
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On generating Euler Square of index q, q-1 (where q is any prime power)

Can somebody help me in generating Euler Square of index q, q-1 (where q is any prime power). Also, kidly tell me if there is any code availeble for generating the stated Euler Square. The details of ...
user49191's user avatar
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Multivariate polynomial representations of the infinite dihedral group

The presentation given in Wikipedia for the infinite dihedral group is $$\langle r,s\mid s^2 =1, srs = r^{-1}\rangle.$$ Let $[R]$ denote the infinite set of reciprocal partition polynomials $R_n(u_1,...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Idempotent conjecture and (weak) connectivity of (a reasonable) dual group

What is an example of a torsion free discrete abelian group $G$ whose dual space $\hat{G}$ is not a path connected space? The Motivation: The motivation comes from the idempotent conjecture of ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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An action on multiplicatively antisymmetric matrix

A matrix $ Q=(q_{ij})$ is called multiplicatively antisymmetric over a field $ F $ if $ q_{ii}=1 $ and $ q_{ij}={q_{ji}}^{-1} $.Let $ \mathcal{Q} $ be the set of all $ n \times n $ multiplicatively ...
Sky's user avatar
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How to classify rings by combinatorial structures?

There are many ways to encode information about algebraic structures such as groups, rings, etc... in combinatorial form. For example the Cayley graph of a group with a subset of generators, or the ...
Vni Versvs's user avatar
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Has this theorem on cancellative monoid actions been discovered and published?

Does a statement equivalent to Theorem 3 below appear in the literature? If it does, what is the earliest published reference? Theorem 1. Let $W$ be a non-trivial cancellative invertible-free [1] ...
David Pokorny's user avatar
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Estimate of the nilpotency class from the subgroup

Let $G$ be a nilpotent group and $H \vartriangleleft G$ a normal subgroup such that $[G:H] \le m$. Assume $H$ has the nilpotency class $ \le n$. Can we show the nilpotency class of $G$ is bounded by a ...
Totoro's user avatar
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Stabilizers in the action of $\mathrm{GL}(n, \mathbb Z)$ on $\mathbb Z^n$

How can we calculate effectively the subgroups of $G: = \mathrm{GL}(n, \mathbb Z)$ which fix pointwise a given submodule $S$ of $\mathbb Z^n$ in the action of $G$ on $\mathbb Z^n$ by left ...
A. Gupta's user avatar
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What do we know about this ideal of the group algebra?

Let $G$ be a torsion-free amenable group. Consider, $\mathbf M$, the collection of all multiplicative functionals on $\mathbb CG$, the complex group algebra of $G$. So, $\ker\phi$ is an ideal of $\...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Basic question about power series and complete group algebras

This is a pretty basic question, but I suspect it might be too exotic for math.stackexchange. Let $\mathbb{Z}_p$ be the $p$-adic integers. For free pro-$p$ group $F_r$ of rank $r$, we can consider ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Action of semidirect products of cyclic groups

Is there anything known about group actions of $C_{p}\rtimes C_{p}^{*}$ on the ring of real polynomials $\mathbb{R}[X_{1},\ldots,X_{n}]$, where $C_{p}$ denotes the cyclic group of order $p$ and $p$ is ...
Prince_Preston's user avatar
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Soluble group algebras and centralizers

Let $K$ be field with $\mathrm{char}(K) = p > 0$ and $G$ a finite group such that $KG$ is soluble. Then the $p$-Sylow-subgroup of $G$ is normal and contains the derived group of $G$ and every $p'$-...
Sven Wirsing's user avatar
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How to distinguish projective involutions?

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic not $2$ and $R$ a continuous von Neumann regular ring with centre $Z=Z(R)$ isomorphic to $K$. For an example one may assume $R$ is a matrix ring of $n\times n$-...
Abel Stolz's user avatar
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On X-s-permutable subgroups of a finite group

I want to prove Lemma 2.1(1) in the paper On X-s-Permutable Subgroups of a Finite Group by Min Bang SU, Yang Ming LI. It is on the web. This is my proof. . Since $H$ is $X−s−$permutable in $G$, then ...
moont14263's user avatar
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Isomorphism between subgroups by preserving index

Let $C$ be a subgroup of a group $A$ such that $C\cong A/\{\pm1\}$ and $D$ be a subgroup of $B$ such that $D\cong B/\{\pm1\}$. Let $\pi:A\to B$ be a group homomorphism, and let $\pi$ induce a ...
Anish Ray's user avatar
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A presentation for the group $GL(n,\mathbb{Z}_p)$

Let $n\ge 2$. Let $p$ be a prime and $\mathbb{Z}_p$ denote the finite field with $p$ elements. I want to know about the presentation for the group $GL(n,\mathbb{Z}_p)$ consisting of its generators and ...
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