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Computing with the Picard group of non-integral curves

Let $C$ be a curve over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ and let $\mathcal{C}$ be a regular model of $C$ over $\mathbb{Z}_p$, with $\mathcal{J}$ the Neron model of the Jacobian of $C$. Raynaud's theorem asserts that $\...
James Rawson's user avatar
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When does isomorphism on singular cohomology imply isomorphism on Picard and Brauer groups?

Assume that $f:X\to Y$ is a morphism of complex varieties, and the homomorphisms $H^i_\text{sing}(f)$ are bijective for $0\le i\le 3$ (though possibly $3$ is too much here:)). Under which ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Picard group of the category of numerical motives

Is anything known about the Picard group of $Chow_{Num}(k, \mathbb{F}_{p})$ (numerical Chow motives with $\mathbb{F}_{p}-$coefficients)? Perhaps the Picard groups of some other categories of pure ...
user156965's user avatar
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Nice blowups are universal algebraic fiber spaces?

We say that a proper (maybe projective) morphism $f:X \to Y$ is a universal algebraic fiber space if $f_* O_X = O_Y$ holds universally. (This means: for any morphism $Y' \to Y$, if $X' = Y' \times_Y X$...
iteo's user avatar
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Picard group of almost module category

I am very new to the world of almost mathematics and I am curious about the following: Fix an almost mathematics situation $(R,I)$ throughout. Very generally, the almost module category comes with a ...
QYB's user avatar
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Characterizing principal polarizations of abelian surfaces

Suppose $X$ is a complex abelian variety of dimension 2. Then I believe the ring of endomorphisms $\mathrm{End}(X)$, tensored with $\mathbb{C}$, is isomorphic to a subalgebra $M_2(\mathbb{C})$ of $2 \...
John Baez's user avatar
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Finite étale cover of factorial ring

Let $A$ be a regular factorial ring. Consider $B=A[X]/(P)$ such that $B$ is finite étale over $A$. When do we have that $B$ is also factorial?
prochet's user avatar
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Computing basis of $\mathrm{Pic}(\bar{X})$ for a Del Pezzo surface

Say we are given a degree 2 del Pezzo $X$ given by $w^2=Q(x,y,z)$ where $Q(x,y,z)$ is degree 4. We can compute the exceptional lines by computing the 28 bitangent lines of $Q$ and look at the ...
spiderchips's user avatar
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Determine the class of a non-isomorphic projection of a rational normal scroll as a divisor in a higher dimensional scroll

This is a generalized problem of Theorem 1.1 of Park's and Theorem 1.4 of Nagel's. Consider the vector bundle $E=\mathcal{O}(1)\oplus\mathcal{O}(1)\oplus\mathcal{O}(1)\oplus\mathcal{O}(1)$ on $\mathbb{...
Li Li's user avatar
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A question on "Ample subvarieties of algebraic varieties"

Corollary 3.3 in Chapter IV of "Ample subvarieties of algebraic varieties" by R. Hartshorne asserts the following: Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety and $Y\subset X$ a smooth subvariety ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Computing Picard groups of arbitrary quadric hyperplane

I know the Picard group of a smooth two dimensional quadric surface is $\mathbb Z^2$, but I am wondering if the computation can be generalized to higher dimension? In particular, is the Picard group ...
JKDASF's user avatar
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Picard group of a normal conical affine variety

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $X\subset \mathbb{A}^n_{k}$ be a conical closed subvariety. In other words, $\mathcal{O}(X)=k[x_1,\cdots, x_n]/I$, where $I$ is generated by homogeneous ...
John Z.'s user avatar
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Reference for torsion-freeness of the group of correspondences on a smooth projective variety

In Beauville's "Variétés de Prym et jacobiennes intermédiaires", Proposition 3.5, it is claimed that $\textrm{Corr}(T)$ is torsion-free for a smooth projective variety $T$. Here $$\textrm{...
TCiur's user avatar
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Proposition 1.5 in Mumford's Geometric Invariant Theory

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\DeclareMathOperator\Pic{Pic}\DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec}\DeclareMathOperator\pr{pr}$I have some problems to understand the proof of Proposition 1.5 from Mumford's ...
user267839's user avatar
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Homogeneous components of Cox RIngs

Let $X$ be an irreducible smooth projective variety over a field $k$ (algebraically closed and of characteristic zero if needed). Let $U \subseteq X$ an affine open such that $O_X(U)$ is factorial and ...
Luca Francone's user avatar
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Semi-continuity of the Picard number

Let $f:X\rightarrow S$ be a family of smooth projective varieties. For $s\in S$ set $X_s := f^{-1}(s)$, and let $\rho(X_{s})$ be the Picard number of the fiber over $s\in S$. Fix a point $s_0\in S$. ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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A map between Brauer groups

Let $R$ be a henselian dvr over $\mathbb{C}$ and $A$ be a flat $R$-algebra of finite type. Suppose $\hat{R}$ is the completion of $R$ and $\hat{A}:=A\otimes_R \hat{R}$. For an ideal $I\subseteq A$, ...
nariri's user avatar
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Does the Grothendieck group detect the Picard group?

Let $C$ be a curve (=smooth projective curve) of genus $g$ over an algebraic closed field $\mathbb{k}$. It is well known that the Grothendieck group $K_0(\operatorname{coh} C)$ of the category of ...
LOCOAS's user avatar
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Reference request: Generic k3 surface has Picard number 1

I keep running into the statement that "the generic k3 surface has Picard rank 1". For instance the answer of this question (end) and this paper (following Example 1.1) or this paper (proof ...
user147163's user avatar
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A question on effective divisors

Let $X$ be a projective variety with two morphisms $f:X\rightarrow Y$ and $g:X\rightarrow Z$ with irreducible fibers of positive dimension. Assume that $Pic(X) = f^{*}Pic(Y)\oplus g^{*}Pic(Z)$. Then ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Picard group of moduli of principal bundles

I am looking for the Picard group of the moduli space of principal $G$-bundles for a connected reductive complex algebraic group $G$. Is it isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}$? If not, what can we say when $G=\...
yors's user avatar
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Galois stable elements of the Picard group of a curve and the rational divisors

Let $C$ be a (smooth,proper) curve over a field $k$. Let $\operatorname{Div}_C(k)$ be the free abelian group generated by the closed points of $C/k$ and $k(C)^\times$ be the group of rational ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Specializing p-torsion in a family of elliptic surfaces

Let $R$ be a DVR of mixed characteristic, with algebraically closed residue field of characteristic $p$ and fraction field $K$. Let $Y\longrightarrow \operatorname{Spec} R$ be a smooth projective ...
pozio's user avatar
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Picard groups of determinantal varieties

Consider a general $4\times 4$ matrix: $$ X:=\left( \begin{array}{cccc} X_0 & X_1 & X_2 & X_3 \\ X_4 & X_5 & X_6 & X_7 \\ X_8 & X_9 & X_{10} & X_{11} \\ X_{12} &...
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Picard group of $(SL(n)\times SL(m))$-orbits

Let $\mathbb{P}^N$ be the projective space of $n\times m$ matrices with complex entries modulo scalar. Consider the $(SL(n)\times SL(m))$-action on $\mathbb{P}^N$ given by $((A,B),Z)\mapsto AZB^{T}$. ...
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p-torsion in the Picard group of a regular projective curve

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p>0$ and $C$ a regular projective geometrically integral curve over $K$. If $C$ is smooth, then the connected component ${\rm Pic}^0_C$ of the Picard scheme of ...
Arno Fehm's user avatar
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Picard group of $\mathrm{GL}(n)$-orbits

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\Mat{Mat}$Consider the general linear group $$ \GL(n) = \left\lbrace \left(\begin{array}{cc} A & C \\ M & B \end{array}\right) \text{ with } A\...
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Picard group of a cubic hypersurface

Consider the following cubic hypersurface in $\mathbb{P}^5$: $$ X = \{z_0z_3z_5-z_1^2z_5-z_0z_4^2+2z_1z_2z_4-z_2^2z_3 = 0\}\subset\mathbb{P}^5 $$ The singular locus of $X$ is the Veronese surface $V\...
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Very general quartic hypersurface in $\mathbb{P}^3$ has Picard group $\mathbb{Z}$

I am looking for a reference from which I can cite the following statement: The Picard group of a very general quartic hypersurface $X\subset\mathbb{P}^3$ is generated by the class of a hyperplane ...
Hans's user avatar
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Picard group of connected linear algebraic group

Here's a statement: Suppose $G$ is a connected linear algebraic group over a field $k$, then $Pic(G)$ is a finite group. I know this is true when $k=\mathbb{C}$. My question is does this true for ...
Kim's user avatar
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Picard group of a cone over the elliptic curve

Let E be an smooth elliptic curve in a projective plane. Suppose that X is the projective cone over E in a projective space of dimension three. What is the Picard group of X ?
Rraa's user avatar
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Albanese morphism induces an isomorphism on global $1$-forms

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a field $k$ of characteristic zero equipped with a point $e\in X(k)$. There is Albanese morphism $a:X\to \mathrm{Alb}\,X$ which is initial among pointed ...
SashaP's user avatar
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Picard scheme of family of quartic surfaces

Recall that a quartic surface in $\mathbb{P}^3_\mathbb{C}$ has $N = 35$ coefficients. Let $U$ be the open subset of $\mathbb{P}^{N-1}$ parametrising smooth quartic surfaces and let $Q \to U$ be the ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Compactification of Picard variety over normal, projective varieties

Let $X$ be a normal, projective, integral variety (over $\mathbb{C}$) and $P$ be the Picard variety parametrizing invertible sheaves on $X$. Does there exist a compactification $\overline{P}$ of $P$ ...
user45397's user avatar
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Picard group of symplectic group modulo orthogonal group

Let $Sp(2n)$ be the group of complex symplectic $2n\times 2n$ matrices, and $O(2n)$ the group of complex orthogonal $2n\times 2n$ matrices. Consider $Sp(2n)\cap O(2n)\subset Sp(2n)$ and the quotient $...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Picard group modulo codimension 2

Let $X$ be a normal (possibly singular) projective surface over $\mathbb{C}$. Consider the set $M_X$ of all coherent sheaves $F$ on $X$ such that there exists a finite subset $Y\subset X$ such that $F$...
Hans's user avatar
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Do Neron-Severi groups of smooth projective unirational varieties contain $\ell$-torsion?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective unirational variety over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$, and $\ell\neq p$ a prime. My question: can the Neron-Severi group of $X$ contain (non-...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Picard group of a normal crossing scheme

I would like to know if someone has an explicit example for the rank of the Neron-Severi group of a normal crossing scheme (proper over a field) being different from the rank of the kernel of $\...
Thomas Geisser's user avatar
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Picard group of blowup

Let $Y$ be a nonsingular subvariety of a normal, Cohen-Macaulay variety $X$. Further, let $\pi:X'\to X$ be the blowup of $X$ along $Y$. Question: Is there a formula for the Picard group of $X'$ ...
sky223's user avatar
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Hypersurfaces with maximal Picard rank

Is it true that for any $d \ge 4$, there exists a smooth, degree $d$ surface $X$ in $\mathbb{P}^3$ with maximal Picard rank i.e., Picard rank of $X$ equals $h^{1,1}(X)$?
user45397's user avatar
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Finite Picard group

Does there exist a connected scheme, smooth, proper, and positive-dimensional over $\mathbb{C}$ with finite Picard group? Note that Picard group has cardinality$>1$. Also note that this can not ...
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Proper scheme such that every vector bundle is trivial

It is claimed here that there exist proper schemes (probably over a field but not explicitly stated) with trivial Picard group. This means that every locally free $O_X$-module of rank 1 is trivial. ...
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Extension of line bundle defined over an open subscheme

Let $X$ be a normal projective (or, quasi-projective) variety over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $U \subset X$ be an open subscheme whose complement $Z = X \setminus U$ has codimension at least $2$ in $X$. Let $L$...
user124771's user avatar
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The growth of class number in $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extensions of function fields

Let $X$ be a curve (proper, smooth, ...) over a finite field $\mathbb F_q$ where $q$. Suppose also that $\mathbb F_q$ contains the $p$-th roots of unity, in this case we have the following (unique) ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Del Pezzo surfaces and Picard-Lefschetz theory

Let $X$ be a smooth compact del Pezzo surface. For instance, one can consider the most classical case of a cubic surface. It is well known that the Picard lattice of $X$ is related to a root system (...
Daniil Rudenko's user avatar
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Picard group and reduced schemes

$\DeclareMathOperator\Pic{Pic}$If $A$ is a ring, then we know that $\Pic(A)=\Pic(A_\text{red})$, but for a scheme $X$ it is false in general. On the other hand, we have that $\Pic(X)=H^{1}_{et}(X,\...
prochet's user avatar
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Examples of smooth projective varieties with "nice" Picard group

I am looking for examples of smooth projective varieties $(X,H)$ with $H$ a polarization on $X$, $\dim \mbox{Pic}^0(X)=0$, $\mbox{Pic}(X) \not= \mathbb{Z}$ satisfying the property: for any two line ...
Chen's user avatar
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On a smooth curve $C$, when is $K_C \sim_\mathbb{Q} (2g-2)P$?

Let $C$ be a smooth curve of genus $g$ over $\mathbb{C}$. I am interested in the following property: There exists a point $P \in C$ such that $K_C \sim_\mathbb{Q} (2g-2)P$. Equivalently, $K_C - (2g-2)...
Stefano's user avatar
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Picard group of a finite type $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra

Let $A$ be a finitely generated $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra. Is $\operatorname{Pic}(A)$ finitely generated (as an abelian group)? Thoughts: We may assume that $A$ is reduced since $\operatorname{Pic}(A) = \...
Minseon Shin's user avatar
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Why is the theorem of the base mostly cited only for smooth proper varieties

This is a very soft question, and I'm not sure what I expect as an answer. In SGA6, Expose XIII, Theoreme 5.1 it is proven that, if $X$ is a proper scheme over a field $k$, then $NS(X)$ is finitely ...
Gerard's user avatar
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