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SOS model - height

Let $\Lambda_n = \{ -n,\ldots,n\}^2$ and let $\{X_i\}_{i\in \Lambda_n}$ be the family of $\mathbb{R}$-valued of random variables with the density proportional to $\exp(-\sum_{i\sim j} |X_i - X_j|),$ ...
Piotr Miłoś's user avatar
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For Ising models on finite graphs, is the gradient of Z (w/r/t coupling and field) easier to compute than Z?

Suppose we have a graph $G$ with $n$ vertices, edgeset $E$, $\mathcal{X}=\{1,-1\}^n$. The partition function of the spin-1/2 Ising model on $G$ is $$Z(J,h)=\sum_{x\in \mathcal{X}} \exp\left(J \sum_{(...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Is there a Hilbert space approach to commutative probability theory on locally compact spaces?

I was recently made aware (thanks to the answers on Why does Riesz's Representation Theorem apply in quantum mechanics?) that the $C^*$ algebra approach and the Hilbert space approach to quantum ...
Andrew NC's user avatar
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Marchenko-Pastur Law under general covariance structure

Let $x_1,...,x_n\in\mathbb{R}^p$ be i.i.d. random vectors with mean 0 and covariance $\Sigma_p$. Let $S_{n,p}=\sum_{i=1}^nx_ix_i^T/n$ be the sample covariance. We consider the asymptotics of the ...
neverevernever's user avatar
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Definition of average $\langle \langle \cdot \rangle \rangle$

I started reading the paper Some Rigorous Results on the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Spin Glass Model and I would like to clarify the notation $\langle \langle \cdot \rangle\rangle$ the authors use in ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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When is a stationary measure of a Markov chain "exponentially localized"?

Here exponentially localized can be thought in a non-rigorous manner as a measure that is mostly supported on a sparse number of nodes. Some intuition can gained by thinking about a diffusion process, ...
Piyush Grover's user avatar
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Kramers' escape problem: statistical physics vs. Large deviations

I'm almost not at all knowledgable in either Freidlin-Wentzel theory or Kramers' escape problem as it is known in the physics community, so please excuse some of my naivety. One can use Freidlin-...
Stefan Perko's user avatar
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Compute the limit of trace of inverse of square of rank-1 perturbation of Wishart matrix

Let $a \ge 0$, $b,c>0$ be fixed constants, and let $X$ be an $m \times d$ random matrix with entries drawn iid from $N(0,1/d)$. Consider the random psd matrix $S := a 1_m 1_m^\top + b XX^\top + c ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Imprecise Definition of a $\sigma$-algebra

I'm reading some works on the hierarchical model in statistical mechanics and I came across an strange definition, which I need to clarify. Consider a finite set $\Lambda \subset \mathbb{Z}^{d}$. The ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Interacting particle systems with spatially inhomogeneous hydrodynamic equations

Are there known examples of spatially inhimogeneous PDE appearing as hydrodynamic equations of interacting particle systems? In particular, I wonder whether a spatially inhomogeneous reaction ...
fourierwho's user avatar
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Expected value of $(1 - X)^{-2} $ over Haar measure of the unitary group, $X \in U(N)$

Let $\lambda_1, \dots, \lambda_n$ be the eigenvalues of a random Unitary matrix. I am interested in the expected value: $$\mathbb{E}_{X \in U(N)}\left[ \prod_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{(1 - \lambda_i)^2}\...
john mangual's user avatar
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Fokker Planck equation in the Stratonovich approach

I'm a physics master student and I have difficulties understanding how to derive the Fokker Planck equation from the Stratonovich SDE. With the Ito SDE it is simple since the noise is independent of $...
user515206's user avatar
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An inequality for a "generalised random energy model"

Let, for all $i, j$, $Z_{i,j}$ be a standard normal, chosen iid. For each $n\geq 1, k\geq2$, define the Hamiltonian $H_{n,k}: [k]^n \to \mathbb{R}$ by $$(j_1,j_2,\ldots,j_n) \mapsto \sum_{i=1}^n Z_{i, ...
Vilhelm Agdur's user avatar
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Thermodynamic limit and Gaussian measures

Let $\Lambda \subset \mathbb{Z}^{d}$ be finite and fixed and consider $\mathbb{R}^{|\Lambda|}$ be the vector space of all sequences $\varphi = (\varphi_{x})_{x\in \Lambda}$. We equip $\mathbb{R}^{|\...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Expected value of global functions in renormalization group

This is related to my previous question. I'm having some problems understanding the local to global program discussed in Brydge's lecture notes. We are assuming $C=C_{1}+\cdots+C_{N}$ is a covariance ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Probability measures on $L^p$

Let $(X,\mathcal X,\mu)$ be a fixed measure space, and suppose that $\mu$ is stationary and ergodic with respect to the (left) action of a topological group $G$. Stationarity means that $\mu = g_* \mu ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Mixing for a gas of hard spheres

The gas of hard spheres is a model for a gas in a container, where each particle is a sphere of radius $\epsilon$. The spheres interact with each other and with the container with elastic collisions. ...
Plemath's user avatar
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Large deviation principle for product of iid bounded symmetric random variables

Let $n$ and $k$ be positive integers. Let $X$ be the empirical mean of $n$ iid Rademacher random variables. Note that the distribution of $X$ is symmetric about 0, and also $|X| \le 1$ w.p 1. Let $X_1,...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Random variables with density distributions given by squared Hermite polynomials

I was wondering whether anything is known on the following: Let $h_k (x)= (-1)^k e^{x^2/2} \frac {d^k}{dx^k} \, e^{-x^2/2}$, $k \geq 0$, be the classical Hermite polynomials ($h_0(x) = 1$, $h_1(x) = x$...
Sunia Cortez's user avatar
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Is this correct: Inflection points of Euler number graph in Island-Mainland transition correspond to spanning cluster site percolation threshold?

I'm writing with respect to the paper Khatun, Dutta, and Tarafdar - "Islands in Sea" and "Lakes in Mainland" phases and related transitions simulated on a square lattice. Here's a link to a PDF ...
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Is there a Bayesian theory of deterministic signal? Prequel and motivation for my previous question

This is a prequel to my question: What's the probability distribution of a deterministic signal or how to marginalize dynamical systems? (functional integrals in probability theory) Clearly my ...
Fabrice Pautot's user avatar
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Diffusion equation on mixing of diffusing particles

I am trying to study mixing of diffusing particles like it was done by E. Ben-Naim On the Mixing of Diffusing Particles. The picture below shows the idea how permutations and inversion numbers reflect ...
Mikhail Gaichenkov's user avatar
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Can we pass to the limit in Poincaré-Jaynes-Bretthorst interpolation and deconvolution?

In Science and Hypothesis, chapter XI, The calculus of probabilities, Henri Poincaré deals informally with the fundamental problem of interpolation. He concludes (see
Pascal Orosco's user avatar
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$\{\phi:\int \phi d\mu=0\}$ for a fixed shift invariant $\mu$

Given a shift invariant probability measure $\mu$ on a mixing subshift of finite type. What are the Lipschitz functions with zero integral with respect to the measure $\mu?$ Clearly any $\phi\in\{-u+...
user39115's user avatar
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The limiting behavior of geometric random walk

I would like to know what the asymptotic limiting behavior is for the following random walk on $\mathbb Z^d$. By Donsker's invariance principle, I suspect that its behavior is diffusive, i.e., the ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Minimum of Random Energy Model (REM) with logarithmically correlated potential

In the paper [FB] (ArXiv, J. Phys. A), the authors analyse a particular Random Energy Model (REM) with logarithmically correlated potential and conjecture in Eq. (2) that the distribution function of ...
Eckhard's user avatar
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How to evaluate the wiener measure of sets?

I would like to understand how the Wiener measure of some simple sets can be evaluated. I will sketch the construction of Wiener measure I have in mind: We denote the one point compactification of $\...
supersnail's user avatar
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Gaussian measures on non-separable spaces

Let $X$ be a topological affine space which is neither separable nor metrizable. There are plenty of trivial Gaussian measures: each Dirac point-mass $\delta_x$ are the Gaussian measure with zero ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Gaussian Property of the Renormalization Group

Let $\Lambda \subset \mathbb{Z}^{d}$ be a finite set and $\varphi = (\varphi_{x})_{x\in \Lambda} \in \mathbb{R}^{|\Lambda|}$. Let $F^{\Lambda}=F^{\Lambda}(\varphi)$ be a real-valued global function, ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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From Brownian Motion to the Heat Equation

Consider a set of N balls that start at the origin. In a given unit of time, $\delta t$, the balls have a probability $p = 0.5$ of jumping a distance $\delta x$ to the right, and the same probability ...
TSGM's user avatar
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$P_{x}(T_{A}<\infty)<P_{x}(T_{B}<\infty)$ imply $Cap_{N}(A)<Cap_{N}(B)$, where $Cap_{N}$ is Newtonian capacity

We start a Brownian motion at $x\in [B(0,r)]^{c}$, where $B(0,r)$ is a large enough ball that contains compact sets $A$ and $B$. In other words, the B.M. starts on the exterior of $A$ and $B$. Then ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Rigorous analysis of phase transitions and universality in a non-linear model of interacting oscillators

Consider a system of interacting non-linear oscillators governed by the McKean-Vlasov equation: $$\frac{\partial p(x,t)}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left[\frac{\partial V(x)}{\partial x}...
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Concentration of a combinatorial sum

Let $X=(x_1,\ldots,x_p)$ be an $p \times n$ random matrix with iid entries from $\{\pm 1\}$, distributed so that $\mathbb P(x_{ij} = 1) \equiv 1/2$, where $x_i=(x_{i1},\ldots,x_{in})$. Let $y$ be a ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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physical interpretation of ruelle probablity cascades (SK model)

Background: the Parisi formula gives an exact expression for the free energy of the SK model. The formula (at least the upper-bound) can be derived by looking at the free energy, and then replacing ...
DJA's user avatar
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Intuition behind bound of second moment of Greens function by fractional moment

Consider the Hilbert space $ \mathcal{H} = l^2(\mathbb{Z}^d)$ for some dimension $d$ with basis given by the basisvectors $\{ \vert {x} \rangle \}_{x \in \mathbb{Z}^d} $. Let $A$ be an either self-...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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A random process with conserved momentum: 'particle decay'?

Consider a particle $p_1$ moving at unit speed along a straight line in $\mathbf{R}^2$, directed by some vector $v_1 \in \mathbf{S}^1$. Equid this particle with a Poisson clock $\tau_1$, with ...
Leo Moos's user avatar
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Does Anderson localisation occur if the potential are equal in pairs?

Consider the Anderson model given by the Hamiltonian $H \in B(l^2( \mathbb{Z}^d)) $ defined by $H = - \Delta + V$ where the potential $V$ acts on a unit vector $ \vert x \rangle  \in l^2( \mathbb{Z}^d)...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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Proving that a model exhibits either a first or second order phase transition

Motivating example: Take the (wired) random cluster model $\phi^1_{p,q}$ with parameter $q$ (see for an introduction). It is now known on $\mathbb{Z}^2$ that it has a ...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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Spins in classical statistical mechanics

I'm reading Kupiainen's notes on the renormalization group and also caught my attention. Actually, this is something that often causes my some confusion. On page 43, in the section about Ginzburg-...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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L2 norm of the diagonal entries of a random rotation of a fixed matrix?

Let $X\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times d}$ be the diagonal matrix with $d/2$ entries equal to $1$ and $d/2$ entries equal to $-1$. Let $F_U \triangleq \frac{1}{d}\|\operatorname{diag}(U^{\dagger}XU)\|^2_F$ ...
Sitan Chen's user avatar
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Measure, volume and cardinality on Minlos' book on statistical physics

The following content was based on Minlos' book on statistical physics. Let $\Lambda \subset \mathbb{R}^{d}$ be fixed (Minlos takes $d=3$ but I think the ideas follow without change to $d \ge 1$). We ...
MathMath's user avatar
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Particle density in phase space normalization under proliferation

Consider $1,..,N$ indistinguishable particles in $\mathbb{R}^2$ and let them evolve according to a brownian motion and proliferation. Let $u: \mathbb{R}_+ \times \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_0^+...
Jack_Stiller10's user avatar
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Reason of the scaling factor $n^{2}$ in Hydrodynamic limits

In some books about hydrodynamic limits, example De Masi and Pressuti, when taking about the transition from micro to macro to get the hydrodynamic limit of some process it is mentioned that in order ...
Mario Antonio Ayala Valenzuela's user avatar
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Stokes-Einstein rotational diffusion and vector orientation time

The Stokes-Einstein rotational diffusion relation tells us that we can write down a rotational diffusion coefficient for a sphere as: $D_r \approx \frac{k_B T}{\zeta_f} \approx \frac{k_B T}{(8 \pi \...
Ayn's user avatar
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What is the characteristic functional for Brownian motion on a sphere?

I'm a physicist, somewhat familiar with stochastic processes, but I'm a little unsure of what follows. What I basically have is a complicated quantity involving a vector that is equivalent to ...
user2333829's user avatar
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Has this process been studied?

Take a Poisson process on $\mathbb{R}$ with intensity given by Lebesgue measure. Think of this as the measure $d\mu=\sum_{n} \delta(t-\xi_n )dt$ where $\xi_n$ are the points of the process. Now ...
Jeff Schenker's user avatar
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Can you interpret this divergent integral?

In this ArXiv paper by Wilk and Wlodarczyk (published in Physical Review Letters), equation 16 has essentially the following definition of a function: $$\text{f(x)=}\frac{c}{2Dx^2}\exp[\int^x_0 \frac{\...
SMH's user avatar
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How to calculate eigenvalue density function of $XX^\dagger$ from the density function of X

Let X be a complex random matrix, which has the probability function (drawn from the ensemble) V($XX^\dagger$), where V(x) is some function which guaranties good behavior at infinity. Note the unitary ...
cs huntington's user avatar
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How to demonstrate a correlation inequality? [closed]

If there are 3 vectors X, Y, Z of the same length, for any $x_i \in X,y_i \in Y,z_i \in Z$, we have $0<x_i<1,0<y_i<1,0<z_i<1$. The correlation between Z, Y is greater than between X, ...
Mac Zhang's user avatar
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Renormalization group map on hierarchical models

I have already addressed this problem on my previous question but I still have trouble understanding Brydges' RG maps on his lecture notes, so I'll try to elaborate my question a little better. Let $\...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar