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Which polytopes have compact realization spaces?

Let $P\subset\Bbb R^d$ be a convex polytope. Its reduced realization space is the space of all combinatorially equivalent polytopes modulo projective transformations. I am interested in polytopes for ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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How to find a configuration of lines

In $\mathbb{R}^3$, can anyone help find a configuration of 5 lines such that the minimum of the smallest semi-axis lengths of the ellipsoid $ \mathbf{x}^T \mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} = 1 $, where $\mathbf{A}...
Don's user avatar
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Convergence of graph geodesics to geodesics on metric spaces

Let $(X,d)$ be a compact length space metric space $\mathbb{X}_{\delta}$ be a $\delta$-packing on $X$ and, for every $k\in \mathbb{N}_+$, let $G_{k,\delta}=(\mathbb{X}_{\delta},\mathcal{E}_k,W_k)$ ...
Math_Newbie's user avatar
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Conjecture on the increasing efficiency of the shortest minimum-link polygonal chains covering any grids of the form $\{0,1,2\}^k$ as $k$ grows

From the well-known Nine dots problem, we know that we need a polygonal chain with at least $4$ edges to connect the $9$ points of the planar grid $G_{3,2}:=\{\{0, 1, 2\} \times \{0, 1, 2\}\} \subset \...
Marco Ripà's user avatar
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On 'Bisecting sections' of 3D convex bodies

Following shadows and planar sections, we ask about bisecting sections. This post also continues Convex planar regions with all area bisectors having equal length and A claim on the concurrency of ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Does Kalai's $3^d$ conjecture hold for simplicial spheres?

Kalai's $3^d$ conjecture asserts that every centrally symmetric $d$-polytope has at least $3^d$ non-empty faces. This is open in general, but has been proven for simplicial polytopes. Question: Does ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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What does it mean "parallel"?

I am thinking on a strict definition of the notion of parallel affine sets in a linear space and came to the following Definition 1: An affine set $A$ is parallel to an affine set $B$ in a linear ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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How much of an aperiodic tiling is needed to force aperiodicity?

Consider an aperiodic tiling. By definition, there is a $C$ such that, for any box of side $C$, the part of the tiling contained in the box can be continued to the whole plane only in a non-periodic ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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What properties are preserved by quasi-isometries

Recently, I came across the notion of quasi-isometries, while thinking of "discrete spaces which are surrogates for approximate continuous ones". What (metric)/geometric properties are ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Approximating any $d$-dimensional convex shape that occupies a constant fraction of its bounding box with a polytope having $\mathrm{poly}(d)$ facets

Given any convex set $A\in\mathbb{R}^d$, we denote by $V(A)$ its $d$-volume. Furthermore, given any two convex sets $A_1,A_2\in\mathbb{R}^d$, we denote by $V_{A_1,A_2}$ the $d$-volume of the symmetric ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
7 votes
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Approximating any convex shape in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with a polytope having $\mathrm{poly}(d)$ facets

We denote by $V(A)$ the $d$-volume of any convex set $A$. Furthermore, given any two convex sets $A,B\in\mathbb{R}^d$, we denote by $V_{A,B}$ the $d$-volume of the symmetric difference $V\left(A \...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
1 vote
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Maximizing the minimum curvature of a convex shape with a given volume in higher dimensions

Given any $d$-dimensional convex shape $S$ in the Euclidean space with $d\gg 1$, let $K_{\min}(S)$ be the minimum value of the Gaussian curvature of its boundary. Question: What is the maximum value $...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
3 votes
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Bounding the number of facets of a polytope to approximate a given convex shape in higher dimensions

We are given a convex shape $S$ lying inside the hypercube $[0,1]^d$ in the $d$-dimensional Euclidean space. Let the volume $V(S)$ of $S$ be $\tfrac12$ (I guess nothing changes for any other fixed ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
4 votes
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Approximation of a convex shape in the $d$-dimensional Euclidean space for $d\gg 1$

We are given a convex shape $C$ lying inside the hypercube $[0,1]^d$ in the $d$-dimensional Euclidean space. Let the volume of $C$ be $\tfrac12$ (I guess nothing changes for any other fixed constant ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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When can a compact metric space be covered by finitely many nearly-disjoint closed and convex sets?

This question is a follow-up of the following negative question. Let $(X,d)$ be a (non-empty) compact metric space. More generally than in the first post, I'll call a set of non-empty subsets $C_1,\...
ABIM's user avatar
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8 votes
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Inscribed $n$-polytope with $2^n$ vertices of maximal volume

The question is in the title: Question: Which inscribed $n$-dimensional polytope (inscribed in the unit sphere) with $2^n$ vertices has the largest possible volume? Is it the $n$-dimensional cube? ...
M. Rumpy's user avatar
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Covering number estimates on closed Riemannian manifolds

Let $(M^n,g)$ be an $n$-dimensional compact and connected Riemannian manifold with sectional curvature bounded above and below by $c,C$. Is it possible/known how to express the external covering ...
Carlos_Petterson's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the average component size of a coloring?

Supose each cell of a big (or infinite) grid is colored at random by one of $k$ colors. Then the connected monochromatic components (here components are not supposed to contain "wasp waists",...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Set of unit vectors such that among any three there is an orthogonal pair

I was fascinated by the solutions of Problem 8 of the IMC 2021 contest, which can be summarized as: Theorem 1. Let $v_1,\dotsc,v_N$ be distinct unit vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that among any three ...
GH from MO's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Cutting of a regular polygon into congruent pieces

Question. For which $N$ it is possible to cut a regular $N$-gon into congruent pieces such that the center of the regular polygon lies strictly inside one of the pieces? For $N=3,4$ there are trivial ...
Fedor Nilov's user avatar
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Arrangement of points, lines, and planes

Is it possible to construct a finite nontrivial arrangement of points, lines, and planes in 3-dimensional Euclidean space with the following properties? every line is incident with four points and ...
Daniel Sebald's user avatar
22 votes
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Is every 1-million-connected graph rigid in 3D?

It is an old result that every $6$-connected graph is rigid in $\mathbb{R}^2$: Lovász, László, and Yechiam Yemini. "On generic rigidity in the plane." SIAM Journal on Algebraic Discrete ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Maximum number of regions in a disk partitioned by pairs of parallel chords

We are given a disk $D$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$. Let $C$ be its boundary (i.e., the circle bounding $D$ on its plane). Let $P(n,d)$ be a set of $n$ pairs of chords of $C$ such that for each $\{c,c'\}\in P(n,...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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The existence of $n$-sided cells in regular $m$-gons

For any integer $n >= 3$, does there exist a regular $m$-gon with all diagonals drawn containing a cell with $n$ sides? See A342222 and its cross-references. Regular polygon on the Wiki.   &...
Peter Luschny's user avatar
2 votes
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Given an input point in $\mathbb{R}^n$, select (one of) the closest point(s) from a fixed large set of points given in advance

We are given a set $S$ of $m\gg 1$ points in $\mathbb{R}^n$. In the problem I am trying to solve, in a sequential fashion, we obtain a new point $p_r\not\in S$ at each round $r\ge 1$ and the goal is ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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Triangles and convex hulls in high dimensions

Given a set $S_n$ of $n$ points $\mathbf{x}_1, \mathbf{x}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_n\in\mathbb{R}^d$, such that every $(d+1)$-tuple in $S_n$ is affinely independent, and let $C(S_n)$ be the convex hull ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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Number of lattice points in a structural symmetric convex body

Let $f$ is a convex symmetric function on the interval $[-a,a]$, i.e., $f(-x)=f(x)$ for $\forall \, x\in [-a,a]$. Then we consider a $n$-dimensional convex body in Euclidean space \begin{equation} \...
RyanChan's user avatar
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Happy ants never leave compact domain?

I am curious if the following seemingly simple question has an easy answer? Consider an ant population of $N$ ants that lives in $\mathbb R^2$. Each ant can be labeled by some coordinate $x\in \mathbb ...
Pritam Bemis's user avatar
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Combinatorial Euclidean geometry problem

Let $\mathcal{S}^d_{\epsilon}$ be the collection of all sets $S:=\{\mathbf{x}_1, \mathbf{x}_2, \ldots \mathbf{x}_{d+1}\}$ of $d+1$ points in a $d$-dimensional Euclidean space such that, for a given ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
3 votes
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If a polytope is centrally symmetric and combinatorially equivalent to a zonotope, is it a zonotope?

A zonotope is a polytope whose 2-faces are centrally symmetric. Question: If a polytope $P$ is centrally symmetric and combinatorially equivalent to a zonotope, is it itself a zonotope?
M. Winter's user avatar
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Euclidean distance bound with geometric constraints

Let $S_n$ be a set of $n$ points belonging to $\mathcal{B}_d:=\{\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^d:\|\mathbf{x}\|_2\le 1\}$, where $d\ll \log(n)$. Let $s_n$ and $\ell_n$ be respectively defined as follows: $$...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
9 votes
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Hyperplane arrangements whose regions all have the same shape

Suppose I have a (finite, real, central, essential) hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{H}$ such that all regions "have the same shape": for any two regions $R,R'$, there is an orthogonal ...
Christian Gaetz's user avatar
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Optimal way to group points in the plane into clusters

Consider a strictly decreasing sequence $d = (d_k)_{k\ge 1}$ of distances in $(0,1)$. Given a constant $C>2$, we say that $d$ has the $C$-grouping property if any finite non-empty subset $S$ (of ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
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Constructive way to optimally cover a compact subset of Euclidean space

Let, $(X,d)$ be a simply connected compact subset of $\mathbb{R}^d$ with non-empty interiorn, let $d$ denote the Euclidean metric, and let $\varepsilon>0$. Is there a way to iteratively select ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Packing in uniform domains

Given $N$ points $X:=(x_i)_{i \in \{1,..,N\}}$, we now define a score function $S:X \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ that is $S(X)= \sum_{i=1}^N S(x_i)$ where the score of $S(x_i)$ is $$S(x_i) = 2* \vert \{x_j;...
Sascha's user avatar
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Minimal data required to determine a convex polytope

Let $P\subset \Bbb R^d$ be a convex polytope. Suppose that I know its combinatorial type (aka. the face-lattice), the length $\ell_i$ of each edge, and the distance $r_i$ of each vertex from the ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Trade-off between covering number, ball radius and diameter of $d$-dimensional shapes

Given any $d$-dimensional shape $X$ in the Euclidean space, let $\ell(X)$ be the length of the longest line segment connecting two points of $X$. How can we prove the following statement? There exists ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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Two questions on counterexamples to Borsuk's conjecture and ball-packings

In 1933 Karol Borsuk conjectured the following Can every bounded subset $E$ of $\mathbb{R}^d$ be partitioned into $(d+1)$ sets, each of which has a smaller diameter than $E$? Whilst new to this ...
Felix's user avatar
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Existence of a honeycomb composed by nearly-hyperspherical $d$-dimensional cells having the same shape and size

Let $\mathcal{H}$ the class of all honeycombs composed by $d$-dimensional cells $C$ having all the same shape and size in a $d$-dimensional space $\mathcal{S}$. Let $s(C)$ and $\ell(C)$ be ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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Trade-off between hypervolume and diameter of $d$-dimensional shapes having a hypercubic smallest bounding box

Given any $d$-dimensional shape $X$, let $V(X)$ be its $d$-dimensional volume, and let $\ell(X)$ be the length of the longest line segment connecting two points of $X$. Let $\mathcal{S}_C$ be the set ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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Distance properties of the permutations of a set of points in a Euclidean space

We are given a set of $n$ distinct points $S=\{\mathbf{x}_1, \mathbf{x}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_n\}$ in a Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^d$, where the distance between two points $\mathbf{x}_i,\mathbf{x}_j\...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How many squares can be formed by using n points?

How many squares can be formed by using n points on a 3 dimensional space? Like using 4 points, there is 1 square be formed Using 5 points, still 1 square Using 6 points, 3 squares can be formed
lier wu's user avatar
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What is known about the duals of cyclic polytopes?

What is known about the duals of cyclic polytopes, in particular, their facets (or equivalently, the vertex-figures of cyclic polytopes)? In even dimensions, all facets of the dual are ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Number of points in a lattice and an oblong box

I have a very simple question in geometry of numbers. (It is a slight modification of Counting points on the intersection of a box and a lattice .) There's a bound I can easily prove, and it's good ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Is there a 4-polytope without 3-gonal and 4-gonal faces, other than the 120-cell?

The question is in the title: Question: Is there any 4-dimensional polytope without 3-gonal and 4-gonal faces (of dimension two), other than the 120-cell? I consider only convex polytopes (convex ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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A question about dense sets

Suppose that $A$ is a given subset of $I=[0,1],\ $ and $ \left\{ x_j = \frac{j}{m} \right\}_{j=0}^{m}\ $ is the $m$-partition of $I$, and $\nu(m)$ is the number of $\ [x_{i-1},x_{i}]\ $ such that $\ [...
Watheophy's user avatar
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Orientations of triples of points in the plane

Given a finite indexing-set $I$ and a collection $P = \{P_i: \ i \in I\}$ of points in the plane no three of which are collinear, let $I_{(3)}$ denote the set of ordered triples of distinct elements ...
James Propp's user avatar
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Number of orders of distances between points on a line

Points $a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n$ on a line form a set from $n(n-1)/2$ distances between them. Suppose all that distances are different, numerating them from the shortest to the longest one we obtain some ...
Arseniy Akopyan's user avatar
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An extension of Erdos' distinct distances problem based on circles of various radii

Consider a collection $C_1,C_2, \dots, C_n$ of circles in the plane and suppose that the center of $C_i$ is $o_i$ and the radius of $C_i$ is $r_i$. We will define the relative distance between the ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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Can I build infinitely many polytopes from only finitely many prescribed facets?

Given a finite set of convex $d$-dimensional polytopes $\mathcal P$, for some $d\ge 2$. Question: Is it true that there are only finitely many different convex $(d+1)$-dimensional polytopes whose ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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