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Schur product, partial order

Let $A, B$ be positive definite matrices. Then $A^r\circ B^r \le (A\circ B)^r$ for $0\le r\le 1$, where $\circ$ is Schur product. Here the inequality is in the sense of Loewner partial order. How to ...
Betrand's user avatar
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Noncommutative arithmetic mean geometric mean inequality and symmetric polynomials

While analyzing convergence speed of stochastic-gradient methods for convex optimization problems, Recht et al (2011) posed a tantalizing conjecture. It seems quite tricky, so after having struggled a ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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Nth root of a matrix as an analytic function?

Let $A$ be a $k \times k$ invertible matrix over complex numbers. If it possible to write its nth root as an analytic function (i.e. power series in $A$)? EDIT: Complex coefficients can be functions ...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
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9 votes
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Rescaling positive definite matrices to force a unit eigenvector

Hello, Let $X'X$ be a positive definite matrix and let $\mathbf{1}$ denote the vector of ones. I'm hoping to construct a positive, diagonal matrix $W$ such that $$(W X'X W) \mathbf{1} = \mathbf{1}$$...
David Bryant's user avatar
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Asymptotic Behavior of Non-Analytic Function of the Eigenvalues

Hello, Let $A_n = (a_{k-j};\;k,j = 0,1,\ldots,n-1)$ be a sequence of $n\times n$ Toeplitz matrices, with eigenvalues $(\lambda_{n,i};\;i = 0,1,\ldots,n-1)$. If $A_n$ were a sequence of Hermitian ...
Josh's user avatar
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a monotone relation for s-numbers

Assume $A, B$ are self-ajoint compact operators. Is it true that $\|A+iB\|\le \|2A+iB\|$? Do we have a stronger inequality $\prod_{k=1}^ns_k(A+iB)\le \prod_{k=1}^ns_k(2A+iB)$ or even stronger one $s_n(...
Betrand's user avatar
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8 votes
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Relating a Polynomial equation to the characteristic equation of a Hermitian matrix

This question arose out of mere curiosity. Given a polynomial equation and I happen to know that its roots are real (but not the roots itself). Does it mean it is the characteristic equation of a ...
dineshdileep's user avatar
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Positive definite Hermitian matrices of countable rank

Say that a $\omega\times \omega$ Hermitian matrix $A$ is positive semidefinite of rank $n$ if there exists a $\omega\times n$ complex matrix $B$ such that $A=B B^\dagger$ where $^\dagger$ denotes the ...
user avatar
7 votes
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Duality between extremal points and extremal maps

Suppose I have a convex set $C\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $0\in C$ and every Cauchy sequence in $C$ converges in $C$, but $C$ need not be bounded. (Actually I want unbounded $C$). Consider the set ...
RSG's user avatar
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references for families of conditionaly negative definite matrices

We say that a matrix $A\in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ is a conditionaly negative definite matrix if it is hermitian and if for all complex numbers $c_1,\ldots,c_n$ such that $c_1+\cdots +c_n=0$ we have $$ \sum_{...
BigBill's user avatar
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Second conjugate operators to operators on $c_0$

I posted my question at MS but unfortunately it is still without a response, so let me ask it here. We can think about a bounded operator $T\colon c_0\to c_0$ as a double-infinite matrix $[T_{mn}]_{m,...
BSalkas's user avatar
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14 votes
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Representing a product of matrix exponentials as the exponential of a sum

In Proof of a conjectured exponential formula, R. C. Thompson (1986) [edit: apparently, assuming Horn's conjecture] proved that if $A$ and $B$ are Hermitian matrices, then there exist unitary matrices ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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positive hermitian elements in $M_n(\mathbb{C})$

Elements of the set $P$ of positive hermitian $n×n$ matrices over complex numbers have some special properties: (i) they are closed under sum, (ii) they are closed under multiplication by positive ...
spelas's user avatar
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Characterizing invertible nonnegative matrices with bounded sums

Almost a year ago, I asked in this question about obtaining a tight bound on the sum of the entries of the inverse of a strictly positive definite matrix. Denis Serre gave a nice counterexample ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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A singular value inequality

Let $s_1,s_2: \mathbb{R}^{2\times 2} \mapsto \mathbb{R}_+$, $s_{1}\left(\cdot\right)\ge s_{2}\left(\cdot\right)\ge 0$, be the singular values of a $2\times2$ matrix. Is it true that $$\left|s_{1}\...
user7738's user avatar
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about decomposition of a non-negative definite operators

Hello, Many years before, I had the following problem. We first give a definition. Given a non-negative definite real-valued definite matrix $n^2\times n^2$ matrix $M$, it is called separable if it ...
Anand's user avatar
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Are almost commuting hermitian matrices close to commuting matrices (in the 2-norm)?

I consider on $M_n(\mathbb C)$ the normalized $2$-norm, i.e. the norm given by $\|A\|_2 = \sqrt{\mathrm{Tr}(A^* A)/n}$. My question is whether a $k$-uple of hermitian matrices that are almost ...
Mikael de la Salle's user avatar
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Subgroups of U(M_n)

can any subgroup of the unitary group of full matrix alg $M_d(\mathbb{C})$ be approximated on finite sets by a finite subgroup? i.e. is the following True or false? Let $n, d$ be positive integers ...
Paulo's user avatar
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18 votes
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Commuting unitaries

Is the following true: For every unit vectors $x_1,..., x_n$, $y_1,..., y_n$ in $\mathbb{C}^k$ there exist a Hilbert space $H$, unitary operators $U_1,...,U_n$ and $V_1,...,V_n$ in $B(H)$ and unit ...
Kate Juschenko's user avatar
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$\ell^p$ version of singular values

I am embarrassed to pose this question. It is a generalization of a question asked less than 24 hours ago by an unknown (Google), which has been deleted since then, presumably by its author themself. ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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"Explicit" embedding of $\ell^1$ as a closed subalgebra of a direct sum of matrix algebras

For sake of brevity let $A$ denote the Banach algebra formed by equipping $\ell^1({\mathbb N})$ with pointwise multiplication. This algebra is clearly not isomorphic as a Banach algebra to any uniform ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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A matrix minimisation problem

Feel free to edit the title! Suppose A is a C*-algebra and $a,b\in A$ are self-adjoint. I'd be very happy with A being just $n\times n$ matrices. Question: If there are $t\in\mathbb R$ and $\...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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16 votes
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Random products of projections: bounds on convergence rate?

The von Neumann-Halperin [vN,H] theorem shows that iterating a fixed product of projection operators converges to the projector onto the intersection subspace of the individual projectors. A good ...
Martin Schwarz's user avatar
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An analogue of an old proposition

For the absolute value $|C|=(C^*C)^\frac{1}{2}$ and the Hilbert-Schmidt norm $\parallel C\parallel_{HS}=(trC^*C)^\frac{1}{2}$ of the operator $C$. The following inequality is shown by Araki et al in ...
Russel's user avatar
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An inequality question

Let $M$ be a $3\times2$ matrix. Is it true that for any $x\in\mathbb{R}^{2}$ with $\left\Vert x\right\Vert _{3}=1$ there is some subspace $V$ with dimension $2$ of $\mathbb{R}^{3}$, such that $\left\...
user6847's user avatar
81 votes
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Norms of commutators

If an $n$ by $n$ complex matrix $A$ has trace zero, then it is a commutator, which means that there are $n$ by $n$ matrices $B$ and $C$ so that $A= BC-CB$. What is the order of the best constant $\...
Bill Johnson's user avatar
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