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Fastest 'Oracle' Algorithm for satisfying a single linear constraint on a convex set?

In this paper by Arora, Hazan, and Kale ( a method is given for using the Multiplicative Weights Update algorithm to quickly solve Linear Programs ...
Sam Stern's user avatar
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Is it possible to represent non-linear ranking type constraints as equivalent linear constraints?

I have formulated a linear program with binary indicator variables $z_i(a)$ which is equal to $1$ if the $i^{th}$ document is of rank $a$ and $0$ otherwise. The other variables in the linear program,...
stressed_geek's user avatar
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Maximization of a matrix product by iterative methods

This might not be very difficult, but I think I may have gotten a little confused. Suppose we are given a matrix A, and would like to find the vector x of modulus 1 which maximises the product xt A x ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Selecting k sub-posets

I ran into the following algorithmic problem while experimenting with classification algorithms. Elements are classified into a polyhierarchy, what I understand to be a poset with a single root ("...
dareios's user avatar
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Indexing schemes of binary sequences

I am looking for "low-complexity" indexing methods to enumerate binary sequences of a given length and a given weight. Formally, let $T_k^n = \{x_1^n \in \{0,1\}^n: \sum_{i=1}^n x_i = k\}$. How to ...
gondolier's user avatar
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Decision problem restricted to inputs that satisfy some necessary condition.

Consider the following decision problem: Problem 1 INPUT: A graph G. OUTPUT: YES if G is 3-colorable, NO if not. This is a well-known NP-complete problem. Now suppose that we have a necessary (but ...
Emil's user avatar
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NP Complete for range sum constraints?

Is the following problem NP Complete? We have $n$ variables $x_1$,$x_2$,....,$x_n$ and a set of constraints: $\sum_{i=a_1}^{b_1}x_i = h_1$ $\sum_{i=a_2}^{b_2}x_i = h_2$ $\sum_{i=a_3}^{b_3}x_i = ...
Jian 's user avatar
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Slicing bivariate exponential generating functions on x and y

Let $F(x, y) = e^{y D(x)}$ be a generating function for sets of objects enumerated by $D(x)$ that also keeps track of the number of sets (enumerated by the variable $y$, while $x$ enumerates the total ...
Oleksandr  Kulkov's user avatar
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Computational complexity and commuting functions, examples and conjectures

History of the question. I was proposing a conjecture here, called Prop. 1. Fedor Pakhomov showed a counter-example. Here I am proposing a slightly weaker version of the conjecture, Prop. 2, that ...
Doriano Brogioli's user avatar
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Solving linear programming without solving linear programming

Let $v_1, \cdots, v_n$ be vectors in $\mathbb R^k$, and let $M$ be the Gram matrix of them. It's possible to determine from $M$ and $k$ whether the only vector that has nonnegative inner product with ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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How to maximise infinity norm of $x$ with constraint $Ax \le b$ using linear program? [closed]

I want to maximise the infinity norm of $x$, subject to constraint: $Ax \le b$. I think you can use a linear program to solve this, but how do you go about formulating it?
Minute street's user avatar
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Fast inverse of asymmetric diagonally dominant matrix with diagonal 1 and non-positive off-diagonals

I am interested in ways to obtain (even approximately) the inverse of an asymmetric diagonally dominant matrix with diagonal 1 and non-positive off-diagonals. Formally, let $A$ be a $n\times n$ matrix ...
Bee's user avatar
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linear programming with $n$ choose $r$ variables

Given parameters $r < n$, define $m = {n \choose r}$ and let $A$ be the $n\times m$ matrix whose columns are all the vectors with $r$ $1$'s and $n-r$ $0$'s. Let $b$ be a positive $n$-vector. Is ...
David T.'s user avatar
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Two from cubic subgraph hardness

The Problem For a given graph $G$, the cubic subgraph problem asks if there is a subgraph where every vertex has degree 3. The cubic subgraph problem is NP-hard even in bipartite planar graphs with ...
prohibited graph minor's user avatar
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What optimization problems have solutions with few nonzeros?

Consider the following optimization problem, with $n$ variables and $m$ linear constraints: \begin{align} \text{maximize} && c_1 x_1 + \cdots + c_n x_n & \\ \text{subject to} && a_{...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Are there any continuous-time stochastic processes in which transition probabilities are discontinuous functions over time?

In stochastic processes, like homogeneous Markov processes, Poisson processes, Queueing systems etc., the functions that represent (transition) probabilities are continuous over time. This is also ...
Robert_Lewis's user avatar
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Linear program with one quadratic condition convex in domain of interest polynomial time solvable?

$c\leq xy$ is not a convex condition. However we know $c\leq xy$ is convex in domain $x,y>0$ in $\mathbb R^2$ for any fixed $c\in\mathbb R$. Is $c\leq x_1y_1+\dots+x_ny_n$ with $0\leq x_1,\dots,...
Turbo's user avatar
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Generating an arbitrarily long sequence with decreasing Kolmogorov complexity of terms

Is there an algorithm which, given a string $s$, generates a sequence of $|s|$ strings, such that it can be proven in some axiomatic system $S$, that the Kolmogorov complexity of each successive ...
ARi's user avatar
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Is this a linear optimization problem? $Ax=0$, $A$ has $m$ rows and $n$ columns, $m \le n$, all entries of $x$ are non-negative

$Ax=0$, $A$ has $m$ rows and $n$ columns, $m \le n$, all entries of $x$ are non-negative. What should $A$ satisfy to guarantee the equation set have only zero solution?
ZhongHua Yan's user avatar
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Fast algorithm for large-scale, asymmetric transportation linear program

I have a large-ish instance of a transportation problem that is very asymmetric, say of dimensions $100\times10000$. I am currently solving it with a stock LP solver, but obviously something like the ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Under what condition does Courant–Fischer–Weyl min-max principle hold in general?

From Wikipedia: Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ Hermitian matrix. As with many other variational results on eigenvalues, one considers the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient $R_A : \mathbf C^n \setminus \{0\} \to \...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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Maximization of Binary Multilinear Fractional Function

Problem: Let $a_{i,j}$, $b_{i,j}\in\mathbb{R}$ for all $(i,j)\in\left[m\right]^2$ such that $a_{i,j}=a_{j,i}$ and $b_{i,j}=b_{j,i}$. Let $z_k\in\{0,1\}$ for $k\in\left[m\right]$. We wish to maximize, ...
Joseph Zambrano's user avatar
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Integer programming and Groebner basis

I enjoyed reading different papers about using Groebner basis to solve integer programming. Is there any literature about the complexity and/or comparison with other (more classical) methods like ...
teller's user avatar
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max-flow at max-cost

I have a flow network with gains. In practical terms, a gain is the opposite of a cost. So, I interested in finding the maximal gain of a network flow, what could be interpreted as finding a maximum ...
lrleon's user avatar
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About Renyi entropy

If one is given a joint probability distribution over a finite set of discrete random variables then I guess there a notion of $\alpha-$Renyi entropy defined for it as $S_\alpha (X_1,..,X_n) = \frac{...
gradstudent's user avatar
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$0/1$ programming multiple quadratic constraints

If we have an $n$-variable rank $n$-linear system it is clear we can find whether there exists a $0/1$ solution in polynomial time. If we have an $n$-variable degree $2$ system how many constraints ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Time Hierarchy Theorem and P vs NP

One obvious strategy for proving P not equal to NP would be to show that there is some problem in NP which is hard for a time class strictly containing P (the origin of this question is the recent ...
user61075's user avatar
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Algorithm to find the vertices of the equidistant lines between N closed polygonal lines

I have a set $\{C_1, C_2, \ldots, C_N\}$ of $N$ nonintersecting closed piecewise linear curves on the Euclidean plane. For every point $x \in \mathbb{R}^2$ we say it belongs to a territory serviced by ...
vkrouglov's user avatar
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Network flows with shared capacities

Suppose we have a flow network, with capacity constraints on weighted sums of arc flows, such as: $$2 f(1, 2) + 3 f(4, 5) + f(3, 7) \leq 10,$$ where $f(1, 2)$ denotes the flow through arc $(1, 2)$....
robertdg's user avatar
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Standard names and methods for this type of fitting minimization

In material science research, we have come across the following type of problem. Given a m by n matrix A, a m vector b, and error tolerance $\varepsilon$, we want to do this minimization $$\eqalign{ ...
user40780's user avatar
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books on very large scale linear optimization

Recently in my material science research, I have encountered problems of very large scale linear optimization. I read the introductory book "Introduction to Linear Optimization (Athena Scientific ...
user40780's user avatar
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QBF of exponential length?

We consider a slightly extended version of a nondeterministic finite automaton, call it a "propositional nondeterministic finite automaton". It is defined as follows. Consider a fixed propositional ...
user109711's user avatar
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Why can't there be a problem both in P and NPC [closed]

In this illustration, P and NPC are two disjoint set. We know that NPC is non-empty. If P $\cap$ NPC $=\varnothing$, then there are elements in NP which are not in P. Doesn't this imply that P $\neq$...
BenMQ's user avatar
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Integer point in a non-empty polytope

I have a high-dimensional, non-empty polytope $Ax\geq b$ sitting inside the cube ($0\leq x_i \leq 1$). Is there any general theory or technique to show that this polytope contains an integer point, ...
Richard's user avatar
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Finding the maximum of a multivariate polynomial of degree one

I need to find the global maximum of the function \begin{align} f\left(x\right) & = p_1 \max\left(\sum a_{1i} x_{1i}, \sum b_{1i} x_{1i}\right) - \sum c_{1i} x_{1i} \\ &+\ldots \\ &+ p_n ...
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Dimension independent computational complexity of singular value decomposition

Suppose $X$ is a $m \times n$ real matrix, which has only $k$ number of nonzero elements ($k \ll mn$). Given a vector $y$, the sparsity of $X$ allows $X y$ to be computed in $O(k)$ time which is ...
Janathan's user avatar
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Survey on Compared Running Time: Ellipsoid Method vs. Simplex Method

If you look through papers on the Ellipsoid Method, there is a large agreement, that the Ellipsoid Method, although theoretically polynomial, is in practice way slower than the Simplex Method. ...
Skrodde's user avatar
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Computation of the mean of a random variable to estimate algorithm complexity

I made an incremental algorithm which I would like to evaluate the complexity. The algorithm works with a sliding window of size n. To study the complexity, the window is considered full and the data ...
Gim's user avatar
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Finding integer points inside of a parallelogram

Suppose $P = \{p_1,\ldots,p_4\} \in \mathbb{R}^2$ defines a quadrilateral (here, specifically, a parallelogram). In the particular case I'm dealing with, I know that there exists at least one point ...
Eric Tressler's user avatar
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LP constraint enconding

I have an objective function to be maximized $obj(x) = \sum_i \gamma_i x_i$ with $x_i \in \mathbb{R}$ With multiple constraints of the form: $\min_{y \in 0,1} (\sum_{i \in A} \alpha_i x_i + \sum_{i ...
Gecko's user avatar
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Typical dimension of partial derivatives

Let $V$ be the space of all homogenous polynomials over $\mathbb{C}$ in $n$ variables of degree $d$. Let $l,k$ be two integers and $f\in V$. Let $\partial^{=k}(f)$ be the space of all partial ...
Klim Efremenko's user avatar
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sum of maxima vs the maximum of the sum

Consider the following integer program $$ \begin{align} \max &\sum\nolimits_{i}\sum\nolimits_{j} U_i(j)\cdot x_{i,j}\\ \text{subject to}& \sum_{i}x_{i,j}\cdot f\left(i,j\right)\leqslant c_j,&...
john's user avatar
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Finding a 5-cycle in a sparse graph efficiently.

Hi, I was reading this thread: Finding a cycle of fixed length I want to find a 5-cycle in a graph. Actually, what I really want is a shortest odd cycle of length at least 5, but maybe that is a ...
Andrew D. King's user avatar
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Probability of system failure in a distributed network

I am trying to build a mathematical model of the availability of a file in a distributed file-system. The system works like this: a node $x$ stores a file $f$ (encoed using erasure codes) at $rb$ ...
Yrlec's user avatar
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Why cannot we adapt Barvinok type counting techniques to general convex integer programs?

Decision problems in Integer Linear Programming have Lenstra type algorithms ( have been generalized to convex integer program ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Is this variant of post correspondence problem undecidable?

The post correspondence problem, as defined by wikipedia, is undecidable. The problem is defined as follows. Let $A$ be an alphabet with at least two symbols. The input of the problem consists of ...
dips_123's user avatar
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How are moduli spaces related to geometric complexity theory?

I am interested in understanding the relationship between moduli spaces and geometric complexity theory (GCT). Relation between moduli spaces and GCT: How are moduli spaces related to geometric ...
HasIEluS's user avatar
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Lexicographically largest incidence matrix

I have simple algorithmic question, but I can't find any source where this algorithm is explained in details. Let's assume that we have incidence (with 0 and 1 values) matrix of size $m\times n$. Let ...
Ihromant's user avatar
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Reference for a coarse complexity notion

Throughout, I'm only interested in structures with domain $\mathbb{N}$, no primitive relations, and at least $0,\mathsf{Succ}$ as primitive functions. The length of $m\in\mathbb{N}$ is $\lfloor 1+\...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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NP-hardness of a string transformation problem with k templates

Given strings $x$ and $y$, a template length $l$, and a maximum number of different templates $k$, the task is to determine if it's possible to convert $x$ into $y$ using no more than $k$ different ...
Paul Calvi 's user avatar

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