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9 votes
3 answers

Maximal ideal in polynomial ring

Is it true that the intersection of a maximal ideal in $A[x]$ with $A$ is a maximal ideal in $A$? Let's say A is Noetherian. I would be surprised if it isn't true but somehow I can't seem to show it. ...
2 votes
0 answers

A system of linear equations with linear constraints

Mathematical problem. Suppose we have $2n$ indeterminates $x_1,\dots,x_n$ and $y_1,\dots,y_n$ (which are denoted by $q$ with indices and called abundances below) and $m$ subsets $P_1,\dots,P_m$ of $\...
5 votes
1 answer

Showing an Ext^2 element is zero

If we have an extension of bundles $0 \to E \to F \to G \to 0$ on $X$, then to show that this is the zero element in $Ext^1_X(G,E)$, we need to show that this sequence splits. To produce a splitting ...
3 votes
0 answers

Finite generatation of Ext

If $A$ is a Noetherian ring and $M$, $N$ are finitely generated modules over $A$, it is easy to see that $\mbox{Ext}_{A}(M,N)$ is finitely generated by taking a finitely generated projective ...
1 vote
1 answer

Non-representability by a binary quadratic form

Let $k$ be an arbitrary field, $d\in k$, and $d$ is not a square in $k$. Consider the binary quadratic form $f(x,y)=x^2-d y^2$ (it is the norm from $k(\sqrt{d})$ to $k$). I am looking for a reference ...
27 votes
4 answers

Nilradicals without Zorn's lemma

It's well known that the nilradical of a commutative ring with identity $A$ is the intersection of all the prime ideals of $A$. Every proof I found (e.g. in the classical "Commutative Algebra" by ...
2 votes
3 answers

Necessary and sufficient criteria for non-trivial derivations to exist?

Off hand, does anyone know of some useful conditions for checking if a ring (or more generally a semiring) has non-trivial derivations? (By non-trivial, I mean they do not squish everything down to ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to use linear programming to solve this problem?

I am trying to write software to minimize pricing for cell phone subscription services, ie: choose the optimum plan for each customer in a large group. Could someone comment on whether this is ...
2 votes
0 answers

A question about the assassinator (={associated primes}) and the support of a module.

This question is motivated by a proof in Bruns' and Herzog's book on "Cohen Macaulay Rings". Let $\(R,\mathfrak{m}\)$ be a Noetherian local ring, $M \neq 0$ a finitely generated $R$-module. Suppose ...
5 votes
1 answer

software for computations on flag varieties in arbitrary characteristic

Is there any software that will compute cohomology of vector bundles (or just line bundles) on flag manifolds? The only one I know of is Macaulay2, via the Schubert2 package, but it works with what ...
20 votes
2 answers

Maximal Ideals in the ring k[x1,...,xn ]

Hi. From one of the forms of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz we know that all the maximal ideals in a polynomial ring $k[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ where $k$ is an algebraically closed field, are of the form $(x_1 - ...
0 votes
2 answers

Primary decomposition of zero-dimensional modules

(I removed my motivation because it may be misleading :) ) Let $A$ be a noetherian commutative ring and let $M \neq 0$ be a finitely generated zero-dimensional (i.e. $\mathrm{dim} \ \mathrm{Supp}(M) ...
9 votes
5 answers

Alternative proof of unique factorization for ideals in a Dedekind ring

I'm writing some commutative algebra notes, but I'm facing a difficulty in organizing the order of the topics. I'd like to have the topics about factorization before speaking of integral closure. This ...
2 votes
0 answers

Ring objects in the category of cocommutative coalgebras (aka Hopf rings).

I have recently been doing some calculations in topology which are naturally expressed in terms commutative ring objects in the category of cocommutative coalgebras. These have been studied for quite ...
17 votes
1 answer

Geometric interpretation of filtered rings and modules

Let $A$ be a commutative algebra, say over $\mathbb{C}$. Giving a grading on $A$ corresponds at least morally to giving a $\mathbb{C}^*$ action on spec(A): $A_i$ can be thought of as those ...
24 votes
3 answers

Origin of the term "localization" for the localization of a ring

I'm curious if the term localization in ring theory comes from algebraic geometry or not. The connection between localization and "looking locally about a point" seems like it should be the source ...
6 votes
3 answers

A simple infinite dimensional optimization problem

I'd be grateful for a reference for the following result, which I believe to be true, and should be well-known. Let the continuous functions $f_0,f_1,\cdots,f_n: [0,1]\rightarrow [0,\infty)$ be ...
15 votes
3 answers

Why do modules with small support have high Exts?

Let $M$ be a module over a ring $R$. In nice situations (though I don't know what exactly nice means...) the following two numbers are equal: 1.) The codimension of the support of $M$ 2.) The ...
2 votes
3 answers

Connection: locally free - locally projective

Given a smooth projective variety $X$ over some algebraically closed field $k$ and a locally free sheaf $R$ of $O_X$-algebras, e.g. central simple algebras or orders. If $M$ is a left $R$-module ...
8 votes
1 answer

Primes in a (commutative) Jacobson ring

Recall that a commutative ring is Jacobson if every prime ideal is the intersection of the maximal ideals that contain it. In the exercises of a commutative algebra course I gave I asked the ...
7 votes
1 answer

Example sought of an atomic domain R such that R[t] is not atomic

Recall that an integral domain $R$ is atomic if every nonzero nonunit admits at least one factorization into irreducible elements. (Indeed, hard-core factorization theorists have replaced the word "...
0 votes
2 answers

Can all induced maps be described categorically.?. (or at least as generally as possible)

Hi: I am new here. I went over the fAQ's, still, sorry if I break protocol. I am pretty confused about induced maps in different areas of algebraic topology; I do know how these induced maps are ...
6 votes
2 answers

Gaining intuition for how submodules behave

I'm studying elementary commutative algebra this semester, largely following Atiyah-MacDonald. I often find myself in a situation where I'm interested in whether some property of an R-module M is ...
5 votes
3 answers

What is the coordinate ring of symmetric product of affine plane?

The symmetric product of a variety $M$ is the quotient of $M^n/S_n$ where $S_n$ is the symmetric group permuting components of n-fold product $M^n$. IF $M$ is an affine plane $C^k$ over complex ...
9 votes
2 answers

Factorial Rings and The Axiom of Choice

It is shown in Lang's Algebra (and many other books I assume) that: if A if a principal entire ring, then A is a factorial ring. The proof uses Zorn's Lemma. Is this theorem equivalent to the axiom ...
4 votes
2 answers

Converse of Principal Ideal Theorem

$(A, \mathfrak{m})$ a Noetherian local ring, $a\in\mathfrak{m}$ a zero divisor. Then is it true that $\mbox{dim}\ A/(a) = \mbox{dim}\ A$ ?
6 votes
0 answers

Continuous homomorphisms between power series rings

Let $A$ be an arbitrary ring. In "Commutative Algebra" by Zariski and Samuel it is claimed that every continuous homomorphism $A[[Y_1,...,Y_m]] \to A[[X_1,...,X_n]]$ is a substiution homomorphism $Y_i ...
17 votes
1 answer

Composing left and right derived functors

I would appreciate either an explanation or a reference for what is going on here. Motivation: Let $f : X \rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of algebraic varieties. The derived projection formula implies ...
17 votes
0 answers

monomorphisms and epimorphisms of local rings

I want to understand the structure of monomorphisms/epimorphisms in the category of local rings (with local homomorphisms), or dually in the category of local schemes. Let $LR$ denote this category. ...
2 votes
2 answers

Z_p flatness and irreducible components.

I just used the following. Lemma. Let $A$ be a $\mathbb{Z}_p$-flat ring, of finite type over $\mathbb{Z}_p$, and suppose that $A \otimes \mathbb{F}_p$ is a domain. Then $A$ is a domain. Proof: ...
0 votes
3 answers

Homology of koszul complex is finitely generated?

$A$ a local ring and $a_{1}$, ..., $a_{n}$ elements in its maximal ideal, $M$ a finitely generated $A$-module. In this case apparently the homologies from the Koszul complex are finitely generated as $...
1 vote
1 answer

Deformations of free modules

Where can I found a description of the deformation theory for modules?Is it possible to deform a free module in such way that each fibre of the deformation is still free?
2 votes
1 answer

derivative in the ring k[e]/e², chain rule

Let $k$ be a ring and $\overline{k} = k[\epsilon]/\epsilon^2$. For every $f \in k[t]$ there is a unique $f' \in k[t]$ such that $f(t+\epsilon)=f(t)+\epsilon f'(t)$ holds in $\overline{k}[t]$. It ...
12 votes
2 answers

Failure of Fin. Presented and Fin. Generated Modules to be Abelian Categories?

Let R be a ring. I'm trying to understand when the categories of finitely presented R-modules and finitely generated R-modules can fail to be abelian categories. Poking around on the internet has ...
9 votes
1 answer

Is formal smoothness a local property?

Is the following statement true? Let $R\to S$ be a morphism of commutative rings giving $S$ an $R$-algebra structure. Suppose that the induced maps $R\to S_{\mathfrak{p}}$ are formally smooth ...
1 vote
0 answers

Covariance matrix formula interpretation - what am I missing?

I'm reading a paper that outlines the calculation of a covariance matrix like the following: $C=\displaystyle\sum^{N_b}_{i=1}\vec{x}_i\vec{x}_i^T$ What is the order of this matrix? My interpretation ...
4 votes
4 answers

Homological dimension of a graded ring which is like polynomial ring

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $0$. Consider the following $k$-algebra $R$, which is the quotient of a tensor algebra generated by elements $x_i$ in degree $1$ with the relation $x_ix_j=-x_jx_i$...
7 votes
2 answers

What is the German translation of "catenary ring"?

I am looking for the correct technical term in German for the notion of catenary ring in commutative algebra. Does anyone know? For those who don't know what a catenary ring is but would like to: ...
7 votes
1 answer

Krull dimension of a completion

How does one study Krull dimension of some I-adic completion of a ring or, more generally, a module? I know that in case of Noetherian local ring Krull dimension of its completion equals Krull ...
11 votes
2 answers

Why is the prime spectrum not useful in non-archimedean analytic geometry?

This semester I am attending a reading seminar on non-archimedean analytic geometry (a subject I know nothing about), roughly following the notes of Conrad. Reading Conrad's notes (and e.g. those of ...
5 votes
3 answers

Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem

Let $U,V$ be submodules of a $R$-module $M$. Then the diagonal induces an isomorphism $M/(U \cap V) \to M/U \times_{M/(U+V)} M/V.$ This is a (useful!) generalization of the Chinese Remainder Theorem ...
3 votes
1 answer

Amazing examples in complex Algebraic Geometry

Good example teaches sometimes more than couple of theorems. I wonder what are your favourite examples in complex algebraic geometry, the ones that were astonishing for you, the simpler (at least ...
3 votes
0 answers

Obstructions for reduced embedded deformation of Artinian rings

Let $A$ be an Artinian local $k$-algebra. $A$ is said to have a reduced embedded deformation if there is another local ring $S$ such that $A = S/(f_1,\cdots, f_n)$ with $S$ reduced and $(\underline f)$...
4 votes
1 answer

Non-existence ofintegral basis of integral closure in a finite extension of Frac(A), A Dedekind.

Let $A$ be a Dedekind domain, $K:=\text{Frac}(A)$ and $L/K$ finite so that the integral closure $B$ of $A$ in $L$ is Dedekind. If $A$ is a PID, for example, then there exists an integral basis : $B$ ...
10 votes
2 answers

When is tensoring with a module representable by a scheme?

Consider the following: Let $A$ be a commutative ring, let $M$ be an $A$-module. When is the functor from $A$-algebras to Sets given by $R \mapsto R \otimes M$ representable by an $A$-scheme? Unless ...
5 votes
3 answers

Transformations of integer polynomials under combinations of their roots

I'm wondering whether the following ideas/questions give rise to an existing body of research. (Accordingly: please suggest appropriate changes to the tags!) Preamble We consider polynomials f &...
14 votes
1 answer

Two questions about Cohen-Macaulay rings

The following questions seem basic, but I can't find them in the literature. I'm also unable to think of a counterexample. Let $A$ be a local Cohen-Macaulay ring of dimension $d$. Let $I$ be an ...
3 votes
1 answer

Lifting results from smooth maps to essentially smooth maps.

Recall that a morphism of rings $R\to S$ is called (essentially) smooth if it is formally smooth and (essentially) finitely presented. (Note: $R\to S$ is essentially finitely presented provided that $...
9 votes
0 answers

Krull rings and determinantal invariants

During another attempt to come to grips with Hillman's excellent book Algebraic Invariants of Links, I am having difficulty figuring out why Krull rings are the setting for Chapter 3- the natural ...
15 votes
6 answers

An example of a series that is not differentially algebraic?

Motivated by this question, I remembered a question I was curious about sometime which I am sure has some easy and nice example for it as well, which I just can't think of for some reason. I want an ...