Another point to bear in mind, in addition to those raised by Brian and Kevin, is that generic points (in the sense of non-maximal prime ideals) don't make sense in analytic geomtery.
For example, the Tate algebra $\mathbb Q_p\langle\langle x\rangle \rangle$ contains
one non-maximal prime ideal, the zero ideal. Geometrically it corresponds to the closed
disk $|x| \leq 1$. Where in this disk would the generic point corresponding to the zero
ideal live? The point is that, unlike in algebraic geometry, in rigid analytic geometry one can find disjoint open subsets of irreducible spaces such as the closed disk.
In Berkovich's theory, one does have generic points, but they consist of more data than just a prime ideal; one must also choose a norm on the residue field. (This relates to Brian's comment.) Geometrically, this choice of norm pins down where on the rigid space the generic point lives.