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8 votes
2 answers

Projecting the unit cube onto subspaces

Given a set $S$ of non-zero vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n,$ and a subspace $L,$ consider $f(S,L)=\max_{s \in S}\frac{\|Ps\|_2}{\|s\|_2}$ where $Ps$ is the orthogonal projection of $s$ onto $L.$ ...
Aaron Meyerowitz's user avatar
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r-locally linear functions of many variables

Suppose $m,n,r$ are positive integers. Suppose V is a $m$-dimensional vector space over a field F. Let $G(V,n,r)$ denote the space of $n$-tuples of elements of V with the property that the vector ...
Vipul Naik's user avatar
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Embed the intersection of an n-dimensional unit $L_1$ sphere and a hyperplane into an (n-1)-dimensional unit $L_1$ sphere.

In $\mathbb{R}^n$, given an unit $L_1$ sphere $\mathcal{B}_n: |x_1|+|x_2|+\ldots+|x_n|\leq 1$ and a hyperplane $\mathcal{P}: a_1x_1+a_2x_2+\ldots+a_nx_n=0$. Does there always exist a rotation such ...
Chao Li's user avatar
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enlarge the separation between two matrices

The separation between two square matrices $A$ and $B$, often used as a measure of the sensitivity of invariant subspace problems, is defined as $$ \operatorname{sep}(A,B)=\min_{X\neq 0}\frac{\left\...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

probability that a random element of Z/NZ can be written as a subset sum of others

How could one calculate the probability that any element in $\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}$ can be written as a subset sum of $n$ random elements in $\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}$? In other words, say I pick $n$...
Jenn's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Projecting the unit cube onto a subspace [closed]

I have some (rather exotic) subspace $L<R^n$, and I want to show that every non-zero vector in $\{0,1\}^n$ has a relatively small projection onto $L$. What general results and tools can be helpful? ...
Seva's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Topics for a matrix analysis course

I recently taught a new (to my department) course titled "Matrix Analysis". For various reasons that I won't go into here, I was dissatisfied with the textbook I (loosely) followed, and with every ...
3 votes
1 answer

decompositions of matrices over $\mathbb{Q}$

Given a matrix $A\in GL_n(\mathbb{Q})$. Can it be expressed as a product of two matrices $B,C$ with $B\in GL_n(\mathbb{Z}[1/p])$ and $C\in GL_{n}(\mathbb{Z}_{(p)})$, where $ \mathbb{Z_p}$ denotes the ...
HenrikRüping's user avatar
1 vote
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Linear combination of orthogonal projection matrices

Hello! Let $v_i\in R^d$ $(i=1,...,n,n>d)$ be unit-length vectors ($v_i^Tv_i=1$). Then $v_iv_i^T$ is an orthogonal projection matrix, which has many elegant properties. Now consider a linear ...
Shiyu's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Factorization of a real matrix into Hermitian x Hermitian. Is it stable ?

It is known (see Theorem 4.1.7 in R. Horn & C. Johnson) that every matrix $A\in M_n(\mathbb R)$ (real entries) can be written as the product $HK$ of two Hermitian matrices (complex entries). Of ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Existence of nonnegative solutions to an underdetermined system of linear equations

Similar questions have been asked elsewhere, but I think this is sufficiently different to warrant a new post. I have a particular matrix $A$ and would like to know when the system $Ax = 0$ has at ...
bandini's user avatar
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Elementary proof that the Hilbert Matrix is invertible with integer entries [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Deriving Inverse of Hilbert Matrix The inverse of the Hilbert Matrix is made up entirely of integer entries, but I can't seem to find an elementary proof for that though, any ...
fmardini's user avatar
0 votes
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How to accelerate/avoid multiplication for large matrices in Matlab? [closed]

The setting is here. X: 6000x8000 non-sparse matrix B: 8000x1 sparse vector with only tens of non-zeros d: positive number M: is sparsified X'X, i.e. thresholding the elements smaller than d ...
Peter's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Kind of submultiplicativity of the Frobenius norm: $\|AB\|_F \leq \|A\|_2\|B\|_F$?

Let $\|\cdot\|_F$ and $\|\cdot\|_2$ be the Frobenius norm and the spectral norm, respectively. I'm reading Ji-Guang Sun's paper 'Perturbation Bounds for the Cholesky and QR Factorizations' from BIT ...
Federico Magallanez's user avatar
5 votes
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Find the point on the Stiefel Manifold that is closest to a matrix

I don't have much background on high-dimensional geometry, so I dare to ask it. For a given point in $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$, assume that I want to find the point on the unit sphere that is closest to the ...
Federico Magallanez's user avatar
0 votes
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Determinant of special generalized Vandermonde matrix

Good evening! I have a generalized Vandermonde matrix of special form: $\left( \begin{array}{ccccc} a_{0,0} & a_{0,1} \cdot x_0 & a_{0,2} \cdot x_0^2 & \ldots & a_{0,m-1} \cdot x_0^{m-...
user avatar
9 votes
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Use of traces in physics

This is borderline physics, but I'll post here first as it relates to a mathematical concept. I was wondering if anyone could clarify what the physical significance is of traces, whether of matrices ...
John R Ramsden's user avatar
11 votes
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Best way to find a closest vector in a lattice

Let $v_1,\dotsc,v_n$ be linearly independent vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n$, and let $\Lambda=\bigoplus_{i=1}^n \mathbb{Z}v_i$. The question is, given a vector $w$ in $\mathbb R^n$, find the element $v$ ...
David Cardon's user avatar
14 votes
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A Question on Random Matrices

Consider the following $n\times n$ random matrix $V_{n}$ where the $(p,q)$ entry is given by $$ V_{n}(p,q):= \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\exp(2\pi i(p-1) x_{q}) $$ where $x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{n}$ are iid ...
ght's user avatar
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Eigenvector of infinite matrix

I consider the system of reaction-diffusion PDEs in a ball with Robin boundary condition. It is a Steklov eigenvalue problem (see G Auchmuty (2004) "Steklov eigenproblems and the representation of ...
Szopa's user avatar
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Nonsingularity of certain block matrices

I am completely stuck in the following linear algebra problem. Consider a finite group $H$ and $N\times N$-matrices $M_{g,h}$ with entries in $\mathbb{Z}$ for all $g,h\in H$. Assume $\sum_{h\in H} ...
Abel Stolz's user avatar
7 votes
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Bimodules over division rings

Inspired by other questions i have two questions about modules over division rings: given a division ring $D$ with center $Z(D)=K$. One has the notion of dimension for left modules (vector spaces) $V$ ...
TonyS's user avatar
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Can a complex non-skew Hermitian matrix have purely imaginary eigenvalues?

I am trying to determine if a certain matrix can have purely imaginary eigenvalues. My question in its most general form is weather a complex matrix that is not skew-Hermitian and irreducible can ...
dan's user avatar
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4 votes
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efficient way to compute the inversion of the following matrix

Hi, there I have looked it up in the current textbook. The conventional numerical method to compute the inversion of an $n \times n$ matrix requires $O(n^3)$. However, for the following special ...
Nancy's user avatar
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Hadamard product of matrices over finite field

Hello, all! I consider Hadamard product $A \circ B$ of matrices $A$, $B$ over finite field. I know $\det{A}$ and $\det{B}$ and want to know about $\det{(A \circ B)}$. Wikipedia and Google let me know ...
user avatar
9 votes
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Question on eigenvalue square root subadditivity

ORIGINAL QUESTION Let $\lambda_{1}\left(\cdot\right)$ be the larger eigenvalue of a $2\times2$ matrix and $\lambda_{2}\left(\cdot\right)$ the smaller eigenvalue of a $2\times2$ matrix. Is it true ...
user13773's user avatar
19 votes
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Non-degenerate alternating bilinear form on a finite abelian group

I asked this question on math.stackexchange yesterday, but nobody has helped so far, and only 44 people have seen it! So I hope people do not mind me asking it here... Let $A$ be a finite abelian ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Pseudo-idempotent matrix generating a free module

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with $1$. Let $n$ and $k$ be nonnegative integers, and let $A\in\mathrm{M}_n\left(R\right)$ be a matrix such that $A\cdot R^n\cong R^k$ as $R$-modules. Assume that $A^2=\...
darij grinberg's user avatar
2 votes
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Spectral gap of a product of Markov processes

For $m \in [N] \equiv \{1,\dots, N\}$, let $Q^{(m)}$ be the generator of a (well-behaved) continuous-time Markov process on a finite state space $[n_m]$. Write $J \equiv (j_1,\dots,j_N) \in \prod_m [...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Finding the solution to b = Ax that minimizes the Hamming weight (everything over the field F_2).

Is there an efficient algorithm for finding the solution $x$ of $b = Ax$ that minimizes the Hamming weight of $x$, where $A$ is a nxm-matrix over the field $\mathbb{F}_2$ ("integer matrix modulo 2")...
David's user avatar
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Feasibility of a matrix equation

I am working on a problem where the following equation came up $${\bf X}_1{\bf A}{\bf X}_2{\bf A}^T{\bf X}_3{\bf A}-{\bf X}_4={\bf A}$$ where ${\bf A}$ is an arbitrary $n\times n$ and ${\bf X}_i$s ...
Anadim's user avatar
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Analogue Bialgeras vs Lie bialgebras

I once thought that the analogue of bialgebras and Lie bialegras is similar to that of (associative) algebras and Lie algebras, but it seems not that trivial. Recall the definitions: a) bialgebra $A$...
Ma Ming's user avatar
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6 votes
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Number of n-th roots of unity over finite fields [closed]

How many $n$-th roots of unity does a finite field $\mathbb{GF}\left(p^k\right)$ have? ($p$ is prime). And then kind of related to that, is there a finite field with exactly $n_1,\ldots,n_N$ $n_1$-th,....
Anadim's user avatar
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Nonexistence of projection

Following is a doubt I got when I was reading Csiszar's Annals of Statistics paper "Why least squares and maximum entropy: An axiomatic approach to inference for linear inverse problems". He comes up ...
Ashok's user avatar
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invariant polynomials on 3 by 3 matrices

Hi there: A freshman level question here. A polynomial p on the entries of n by n matrices is said to be invariant if p(A)=p(sAs^{-1}) for every invertible matrix s. For example, for 3 by 3 matrices, ...
Ron Yang's user avatar
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Recurrence Equations for Matrix Determinant

Context: I'm reading this paper Definitions: $B_1 = I$ $B_{k+1} = AB_k - \frac{1}{k} tr (AB_k)I$ $det(A) = \frac{(-1)^n}{n} tr(AB_n)$ Question: How ...
LowerBounds's user avatar
2 votes
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The product of non-commuting semisimple matrices need not be semisimple

In general when one proves that the product of semisimple (i.e. diagonalizable) matrices is semisimple one assumes they commute and are thus simultaneously diagonalizable, and then the result follows. ...
HNuer's user avatar
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Irreducible non-singular M-matrices and complex numbers

It is well known that a non-singular M-matrix that is irreducible has a strictly positive inverse (all entries $>0$). An M-matrix is a matrix that has eigenvalues with positive real part, and the ...
dan's user avatar
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Minimizing determinant(Ztranspose.A.Z)

Let $A$ be a fixed positive semi-definite symmetric $m\times m$ matrix, and let $p$ be a fixed positive integer. Let $Z$ vary over all $m\times p$ matrices with orthonormal columns, and denote the ...
David Epstein's user avatar
6 votes
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Dominant eigenvector of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix

What is the most efficient way to calculate the dominant eigenvector of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix? What's the corresponding time complexity bound? Could someone give me a reference for ...
tom's user avatar
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13 votes
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Eigenvalues of submatrices

I am interested in results on the eigenvalues of submatrices. Given a symmetric and positive-semidefinite matrix $M$, denote the submatrix obtained by deleting the ith column and jth row as $[M]_{ji}$...
dan's user avatar
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Nilpotent matrices related to Lie algebras of special orthogonal groups in characteristic 0

In terms of matrix theory, the question I'm led to is the following: Start with an $n$-dimensional vector space over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 such as $\mathbb{C}$, which has ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
4 votes
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A Question about Orthogonal Operators

Let $X$ be a finite-dimensional inner product space, and $T$ a linear operator on $X$. Let $W$ be a subset of $X$ with the following property: If $T$ preserves norms on $W$, then $T$ is orthogonal on ...
Elchanan Solomon's user avatar
11 votes
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Proof of the "Neo-classical Inequality", a fractional extension of the binomial theorem

I came across the following inequality, dubbed the "Neoclassical Inequality" which holds uniformly in $p\geq 1$ and $n\in\mathbb N$: $$\frac{1}{p^2}\sum_{j=0}^n\frac{a^{\frac{j}p}b^{\frac{n-j}p}}{\...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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8 votes
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Proof of a fact about traces

I'm following the open courseware content on Machine Learning from Stanford University. In the lecture notes, it is given that $$\Delta_A \ tr(ABA^TC) = CAB + C^TAB^T$$ which I tried but couldn't ...
İsmail Arı's user avatar
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Going from individual elements back to to matrix/vector notation [closed]

Note: Moved to Sorry for the off-topic question! [Context: I'm working through problem set one of Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course, question 2, trying to derive the Hessian ...
zellyn's user avatar
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decomposition of an orthogonal matrix

Hi, I have a matrix : $W=I+U^TV$ $dim(W)=(D,D)$ $dim(U)=dim(V)=(N,D)$ with $N < < D$ I need it to be orthogonal ie $W^TW=I$ which gives me : $V^TU+U^TV+V^TUU^TV=0$ From that point, i ...
GuillaumeThomas's user avatar
3 votes
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Singular values of differences of square matrices

Suppose $A, B \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$. Let $\sigma_1(A),\ldots,\sigma_n(A)$ be the singular values of $A$, and let $\sigma_1(B),\ldots,\sigma_n(B)$ be the singular values of $B$. If I know these ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Matrices: characterizing pairs $(AB, BA)$

Let $A$ be an $m\times n$-matrix and $B$ an $n \times m$-matrix over the same field. Consider the matrices $C=AB$ and $D=BA$. It is probably well known (and not difficult to show) that the only ...
Frieder Ladisch's user avatar
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identity for matrices whose determinant is 1.

For any matrices $A$,$B$ in $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$, let $M(A,B)$ be the 4 by 4 matrix whose columns are matrices $I$,$A$,$B$,$AB$. Then it is not hard to verify that $det M(A,B)= 2- tr[A,B]$. Is there an ...
user9552's user avatar
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