Let $\|\cdot\|_F$ and $\|\cdot\|_2$ be the Frobenius norm and the spectral norm, respectively.
I'm reading Ji-Guang Sun's paper 'Perturbation Bounds for the Cholesky and QR Factorizations' from BIT 31 in 1991. While deriving the perturbation bound on Cholesky factorization $A=LL^T$ with $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times k}$ of rank $k$, he begins with the perturbed matrix $A+E$ and its Cholesky factorization:
Expanding the RHS and subtracting $A$ from both sides, we have $E = GL^T + LG^T + GG^T$. Then he claims in (2.12) of his paper that
$$\|E\|_F\leq 2\|L\|_2\|G\|_F + \|G\|_F^2\,.$$
If I read $\|L\|_F$ instead of $\|L\|_2$, everything seems perfectly normal to me by the following three properties of any matrix norm:
- $\|X^T\|=\|X\|$ for any matrix norm
- subadditivity: $\|X+Y\|_p\leq\|X\|_p + \|Y\|_p$
- submultiplicativity: $\|XY\|_p\leq \|X\|_p\cdot\|Y\|_p$ for $p=2$ or $F$
But I'm not sure why $\|L\|$ is a spectral norm in this equation even though all other norms are Frobenius norms. Does $\|XY\|_F\leq \|X\|_2\|Y\|_F$ always hold?