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Questions tagged [homological-algebra]

(Co)chain complexes, abelian Categories, (pre)sheaves, (co)homology in various (possibly highly generalized) settings, spectra, derived functors, resolutions, spectral sequences, homotopy categories. Chain complexes in an abelian category form the heart of homological algebra.

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31 votes
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On the definition of regular (non-noetherian, commutative) rings

All rings are commutative with unit. A ring $R$ is called regular if it satisfies (Reg) Every finitely generated ideal of $R$ has finite projective dimension. Clearly this gives the usual ...
Laurent Moret-Bailly's user avatar
28 votes
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What algebraic structure characterizes all natural operations between differential operators and differential forms?

On a smooth manifold $M$ one can define various algebraic structures, natural with respect to diffeomorphisms: the differential graded-commutative algebra $\Omega(M)$ of differential forms on $M$; ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
27 votes
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Are these comparison morphisms between Čech and Grothendieck cohomology the same?

For better or for worse, there is more than one approach to comparing Čech cohomology $\smash{\check{H}}^\bullet(\mathfrak{U},X;\mathscr{F})$ of a sheaf $\mathscr{F}$ on a space $X$ w.r.t the cover $\...
FShrike's user avatar
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Does the Tate construction (defined with direct sums) have a derived interpretation?

Any abelian group M with an action of a finite group $G$ has a Tate cohomology object $\hat H(G;M)$ in the derived category of chain complexes. There are several ways to define this. One is as the ...
Tyler Lawson's user avatar
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22 votes
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Bar construction vs. twisted tensor product

One may study the cohomology of a space $E$ expressed as a homotopy pullback of $X$ and $Y$ over $Z$ using either the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence or the Serre spectral sequence for the fibration ...
Ben Knudsen's user avatar
21 votes
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Homotopy flat DG-modules

A right DG-module $F$ over an associative DG-algebra (or DG-category) $A$ is said to be homotopy flat (h-flat for brevity) if for any acyclic left DG-module $M$ over $A$ the complex of abelian groups $...
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
20 votes
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Idea of presheaf cohomology vs. sheaf cohomology

Let $X$ be a topological space and $U$ an open cover of $X$. In this thread Angelo explained beautifully how presheaf cohomology (Cech cohomology) relates to sheaf cohomology: The zeroth Cech ...
user7316's user avatar
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19 votes
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Other examples of computations using transfer of structure from the chains to the homology?

There is a `long' history of transfer (up to homotopy!) of algebraic structure from a dg _ algebra A to its homology H(A) (e.g. Kadeishvili for the associative case and Heubschmann for the Lie case). ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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18 votes
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Do $\infty$-categories make Grothendieck duality simpler?

I've heard multiple times that the main difficulty of Grothendieck duality is that triangulated categories don't 'glue well'. In my view, there are 3 parts in understanding Grothendieck duality: We ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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16 votes
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The Octahedral Axiom in group theory

$\require{AMScd}$Here are two results about groups: (The third isomorphism theorem) Suppose that I have $A \triangleleft B \triangleleft C$ and $A \triangleleft C$. Then $C/B \cong (C/A)/(B/A)$. ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
16 votes
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Continuous cohomology of a profinite group is not a delta functor

Let $G$ be a profinite group, then there is a general notion of continuous cohomology groups $H^n_{\text{cont}}(G, M)$ for any topological $G$-module $M$ (I require topological $G$-modules to be ...
gdb's user avatar
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16 votes
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Lifting DG-categories to characteristic zero

The question of lifting (smooth projective) varieties from an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p$ to characteristic zero (i.e., to the Witt vectors $W(k)$) is a classical one. It's ...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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Are dualizable modules finitely generated?

Let $A$ be a commutative noetherian ring, and assume that $A$ has a dualizing complex $R$. Let $D(-) := \operatorname{RHom}_A(-,R)$ be the associated dualizing functor, and let $M$ be an $A$-module. ...
user50585's user avatar
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15 votes
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If a polynomial ring is a finite flat module over some subring, is that subring itself a polynomial ring?

A question motivated by If a polynomial ring is a free module over some subring, is that subring itself a polynomial ring? and If a polynomial ring is finite free over a subring, is the subring ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is there a slick proof of the fundamental theorem of dimension theory?

The fundamental theorem of dimension theory in commutative algebra states that given a module $M$ over a noetherian local ring $A$, we have $s(M)=\text{dim}(M)=d(M)$ (where $s(M)$ is the infimum of ...
display llvll's user avatar
14 votes
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Local proof of Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem

There is a theorem by Feigin and Tsygan(Theorem 1.3.3 here) which they call "Riemann-Roch" theorem. Given a smooth morphism $f:S\to N$ of relative dimension $n$ and a vector bundle $E/S$ of ...
SashaP's user avatar
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Homological algebra is linearized homotopical algebra?

I have stumbled across statements like Homological algebra is linearized homotopical algebra. Chain complexes are linearizations of simplicial complexes. The Dold-Kan correspondence was often ...
Exterior's user avatar
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A step in Toda's computation of a Cotor

I am trying to understand a proof from Toda's paper Cohomology of classifying spaces. The step I am stuck on is at page 96. Here is the setup. We work with cohomology with $\mathbb{F}_2$ coefficients. ...
StuckStudent's user avatar
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Conceptual meaning of (g, K)-cohomology

Let $G$ be a reductive Lie group (over $\bf C$, say), $K$ a maximal compact subgroup and $\frak g$, $\frak k$ their Lie algebras. It is standard that Lie algebra cohomology $H^n({\frak g}, V)$ of ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Singular chains generated by manifolds with corners --- does it really work?

Usually we define singular homology via the complex of singular chains: $$C_\ast(X)=\bigoplus_{n\geq 0}\mathbb Z\langle\sigma:\Delta^n\to X\rangle$$ where the right hand side denotes the free abelian ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Refinement of concept of support of a module

My rings are commutative and noetherian. The support of a module is usually defined to be the set of prime ideals of the ring such that localization at that prime does not make the module zero. This ...
Ben Wieland's user avatar
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Are the supports of $Ext^i(M,N)$ eventually periodic?

Let $R$ be a Noetherian, commutative ring and $M,N$ be finitely generated $R$-modules. Question: Do the sets of minimal primes of $\text{Ext}^i_R(M,N)$ (for a fixed pair of $M,N$) become periodic ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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Why do some tricks in homological algebra work over the category of C*-algebras?

The category of $C^*$-algebras is not abelian (a "proof" that it is pre-abelian can be found here, but it does not seem correct; I can't find any authoritative sources). However, it's ...
xuq01's user avatar
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Which abelian categories have homological dimension 1?

In this MSRI lecture Geometry of Quiver Varieties I, Victor Ginzburg describes all abelian categories of homological dimension $1$ as being either a category of representations $\mathrm{Rep}_\mathbf{...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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Does $\mathrm{Ext}^1(M,M) \neq 0$ imply $\mathrm{Ext}^2(M,M) \neq 0$?

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Ext}{\operatorname{Ext}}$The first question is about group algebras: Question 1: Let $A=kG$ be a group algebra (with $G$ finite) and let $M$ be an indecomposable $A$-module. ...
Mare's user avatar
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Kontsevich's derived noncommutative geometry and Rosenberg's noncommutative 'spaces'

It appears to me (though I may be wrong) that the common opinion is that the main difference between derived noncommutative geometry and Rosenberg's noncommutative 'spaces' is that Rosenberg's version ...
Doelt_k's user avatar
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Are the Alexander-Whitney and Eilenberg-Zilber maps homotopy inverse in arbitrary abelian categories?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a monoidal abelian category. Let $A$ and $B$ be simplicial objects in $\mathcal{A}$, and let $N_\ast(-)$ denote the normalized chain complex functor. Let $$AW_{A,B}\colon N_\ast(...
Richard Hepworth's user avatar
12 votes
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Abelian categories have become the language of homological algebra. Why haven't Zariski categories become the language of commutative algebra?

I'm not seeing much mention of Zariski categories in the literature. There is no article on Zariski categories in nLab, which would seem to be an obvious place to have such an article. What has ...
Jeremy Gross's user avatar
12 votes
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Does the $(\mathbb Z/2)$-graded isomorphism $E_n \cong E_{n+2}$ have any nice properties?

This question assumes everything is dg. Let's decide to work over the "field" $\mathbb Q[\mu,\mu^{-1}]$ where $\mu$ has homological degree $+2$. Then chain complexes are just $\mathbb Z/2$-graded. ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
12 votes
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Does there exist a Noetherian ring of finite injective dimension but higher Krull dimension?

Definition: a (not necessarily commutative) left and right Noetherian ring $R$ is said to be Auslander-Gorenstein if (i) $R$ has finite left and right injective dimension (in which case it turns out ...
Christopher's user avatar
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References for a certain generalization of Hochschild cohomology?

Let $C$ be an algebra. Let $E = C^{\otimes 2n}$ be the tensor product (over the ground field) of $2n$ copies of $C$. [EDIT: Or better, $E = C\otimes C^{op}\otimes C\otimes C^{op}\cdots\otimes C \...
Kevin Walker's user avatar
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11 votes
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Description of the canonical equivalence between Adelman's free abelian category and Freyd's free abelian category on an additive category?

Let $\mathcal A$ be an additive category. Then there is a free abelian category $F(\mathcal A)$ on $\mathcal A$. I'm aware of two constructions in the literature, and I'd like to relate them. The ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Quiver and relations for blocks of category $\mathcal{O}$

In Vybornov - Perverse sheaves, Koszul IC-modules, and the quiver for the category $\mathscr O$ an algorithm is presented to calculate quiver and relations for blocks of category $\mathcal{O}$ . ...
Mare's user avatar
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Snake lemma for equivalence relation

A sequence $$E(\zeta) \stackrel{\theta}{\to} X^2 \rightrightarrows X \stackrel{\zeta}{\to} Y $$ where the unlabelled arrows are the two projection, is said to be exact iff $\zeta$ is the ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
11 votes
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How to compute Ext-groups for categories without enough injectives/projectives?

I am studying a category of representations of an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra, which is an abelian category. Unfortunately, the category does not have enough injectives/projectives. I would ...
Batominovski's user avatar
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The intrinsic meaning of abelian sheaf cohomology of a category

Basically my question is: Suppose I meet an alien mathematician which understands everything through category theory and category theory alone. How would I convince said mathematician that certain ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Is "Determinant" a Hochschild coboundary?

Assume that $n>2$. Is there an associative unital algebra structure on $\mathbb{C}^{n}$ such that $D$, the determinant as a $n-\text{form} $ on $\mathbb{C}^{n}$, would be a Hochschild ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
11 votes
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End of the Ext functors

Let $R$ be a ring, and consider the hom functor $\hom\colon Mod(R)^\text{op}\times Mod(R)\to Mod(R)$; the end of $\hom$ is well-known to be the set of endomorphisms (endonatural transformations) of ...
fosco's user avatar
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Pairing of cohomology and homology Künneth formulas

Let $k$ be a field, and let $X$ and $Y$ be CW-complexes of finite type (although the question makes sense for $k$ a ring and for more general chain complexes of finitely generated free abelian groups)....
Mark Grant's user avatar
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Is it possible to take "limits up to homotopy"?

Before I begin, an apology: it's been a while since I've done much analysis, so I might be misusing (or just missing) terminology. I have a chain complex $(V_\bullet,\partial)$ of topological vector ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
11 votes
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Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence and cup products

First here is my setup: Let $W$ be some group, and $C$ a normal subgroup of finite index, and let $W/C=G$. Now let $L$ be a a $G$-module on which $C$ acts trivially, so in particular we get on action ...
Chris Birkbeck's user avatar
11 votes
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Who proved the exactness of Amitsur's complex ?

A foundational result in Grothendieck's descent theory and in his étale cohomology is the exactness of Amitsur's complex. More precisely, suppose we have an $A$-algebra $A\to B$; then there is a ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
10 votes
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How large must the characteristic of $k$ be, for the cohomology of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}_n(k)$ to be exterior as in characteristic zero?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}$In this question, all Lie algebra cohomology is of the form $H^*(\mathfrak{g}; k)$, with $k$ the trivial one-dimensional representation of $\mathfrak{g}$. All Lie algebra ...
user509184's user avatar
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Is there a strictly coassociative resolution of polynomial growth, for a finite group?

Let $G$ be a finite group and $k$ a field of characteristic $p$. It is well known, thanks to the work of Quillen, that the trivial $kG$-module $k$ has a projective resolution of polynomial growth. To ...
Dave Benson's user avatar
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Is being derived equivalent independent of the field?

Let $Q_1, Q_2$ be (connected) acyclic quivers and $I_1, I_2$ admissible ideals (in which the relations have only coefficients 1 or -1). Let $K$ and $F$ be two fields. Question 1: Is $KQ_1/I_1$ ...
Mare's user avatar
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Triangle $X'\to X\to X''\to\Sigma X'$ splits if $X\simeq X'\oplus X''$?

Given a commutative ring $R$ and a distinguished triangle $X'\to X\to X''\xrightarrow e\Sigma X'$ in the derived category $D(R)$, where $X',X,X''$ are perfect complexes. If we have an equivalence $X\...
user avatar
10 votes
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Does the category of $G$-equivariant sheaves have enough injectives?

The question is related to this one. Let $k$ be a field and $X$ be a topological space. We consider Sh$(X)$, the category of sheaves of $k$-vector spaces on $X$. Let $G$ be a topological group which ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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A theorem of Gugenheim on twisted tensor products

Suppose $A$ is a DGA algebra and $C$ a DGA coalgebra. An $(A,C)$-bimodule is an object $M$ that is both a right $A$-module and a left $C$-comodule in the evident compatible way. An $(A,C)$-bundle is ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Segal-Freed-Hopkins-Teleman = Atiyah-Hirzebruch/Leray-Serre?

Freed-Hopkins-Teleman (section 3.7) generalise Segal's (Proposition 5.3) spectral sequence for equivariant K-theory to more general local quotient groupoids (that is, topological groupoids locally ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Simple question about DG-algebras

Considering the following conditions for two DG-algebras $A$ and $B$: 1) There exists quasi-isomorphic DG-algebra morphism $A \to B$. 2) There exists a DG-algebra $C$ and two quasi-isomorphic DG-...
Sasha's user avatar
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