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Questions tagged [homological-algebra]

(Co)chain complexes, abelian Categories, (pre)sheaves, (co)homology in various (possibly highly generalized) settings, spectra, derived functors, resolutions, spectral sequences, homotopy categories. Chain complexes in an abelian category form the heart of homological algebra.

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Indecomposable modules over a noncommutative noetherian ring

Let $R$ be a noncommutative noetherian ring. Can I say that every indecomposable injective right module appears as a direct summand of a term in the minimal injective resolution of $R_R$? I know this ...
Zahra's user avatar
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What is a morphism of Tannakian categories?

I feel that this question is interesting but has not received enough attention; possibly because it's in MSE. So, the present question is mainly a repost, in the hopes of getting a good answer. (If ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Split epimorphism of modules - does the finite case imply the infinite case?

Let $k$ be a field, $A$ a finite dimensional $k$-algebra, $X$ a finite dimensional indecomposable (left) $A$-module and $M$ an infinite dimensional (left) $A$-module. Suppose further we have an ...
kevkev1695's user avatar
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Transfer of E-infinity algebra structures

Skip to the bottom for my questions, first some discussion: It is a celebrated theorem of Kadeišvili that $A_{\infty}$-algebra structures can be transferred along homotopy equivalences so that the ...
J Cameron's user avatar
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The role of spectral Lie algebras and twisting for operads in spectra

In the theory of differential graded (co)operads, the notion of twisting is ubiquitous. The fundamental notion is the twisting map from a cooperad $C$ to an operad $P$. It is defined as a Maurer-...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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How are symmetric functions related to Koszul duality?

Staying within the world of linear algebra, we have the following two "dualities" between exterior powers and symmetric powers. The first is that of Kozsul duality, so these two graded ...
Chris H's user avatar
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Operad-free proofs of rectification of homotopy ($A_\infty/L_\infty$) algebras?

If (say) $L$ is an $L_\infty$-algebra, then it is known that under certain conditions there exists a quasi-isomorphic $L_\infty$-algebra $L'$ which is a differential graded Lie algebra: all ternary ...
AlexArvanitakis's user avatar
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Differentials in spectral sequences and Massey products

Consider a multiplicative spectral sequence such as the cohomological Serre spectral. It is known that differentials will satisfy a Leibniz rule. Is there a clean statement involving differentials and ...
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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Stabilisation of crossed modules?

D. Conduché has introduced a notion of a stable crossed module ("Modules croisés généralisés de longueur 2", JPAA 34 (1984) pp155–178, doi:10.1016/0022-4049(84)90034-3, Def. 3.1). Is there a ...
Matthias Künzer's user avatar
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A homological algebra approach to the Union-closed sets conjecture

I noted a while ago that there is a nice homological formulation using incidence algebra of the Union-closed sets conjecture ( It might just ...
Mare's user avatar
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Why is Hochschild homology interesting if its cohomology groups are infinite-dimensional?

I am trying to understand Hochschild homology, in particular the Hochschild–Kostant–Rosenberg theorem. As far as I understand this result gives an isomorphism between the algebraic (Kähler) ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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When is an algebra derived indecomposable?

Call a finite dimensional (acyclic) quiver $K$-algebra A derived indecomposable in case $A$ is not derived equivalent to an algebra of the form $B \otimes_K C$. For example when the number of simples ...
Mare's user avatar
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Is it ever useful to consider a long exact sequence as a chain complex?

Here are two common ways of obtaining chain complexes with vanishing homology: Chain complexes that compute the reduced homology of a contractible space Chain complexes that arise as a "long ...
John Wiltshire-Gordon's user avatar
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Convergence of a spectral sequence of a double complex

In Weibel's book, a spectral sequence $E^r_{p,q}$ is said to weakly converge to a graded object $H_{\ast}$ if for every $n$ there exists a filtration $\dots \subset F_{r}H_{n} \subset F_{r-1}H_{\ast} \...
Federico Barbacovi's user avatar
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Simple, explicit, functorial cylinder object in CDGA

In the model category of graded commutative dg-algebras CDGA over $\mathbb{Q}$ (with the projective model structure) there is a simple, functorial construction of a path object given by tensoring with ...
lilstack's user avatar
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Equivariant L-infinity structure associated to a DGBV algebra

Let $V$ be a differential graded Batalin-Vilkovisky (DGBV) algebra over say $\mathbb{C}$. This means that $V$ is a commutative differential graded algebra (CDGA), with differential $\partial$ of ...
kyler's user avatar
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Cohomology of little disks and dg algebras over $\mathbb{F}_p$

This a alternative form of the question I posted some time ago. We, the people who don't know topology, are told that in characteristic p the formalizm of DG algebras is not quite adequate for ...
Vladimir Baranovsky's user avatar
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Is the double orthogonal of a localizing Serre subcategory still a localizing Serre subcategory?

Let $R$ be an unital ring and consider the category of left $R$-modules $R$-Mod. We call a full subcategory $\mathcal{W}\subset R$-Mod a localizing Serre subcategory if $\mathcal{W}$ is closed under ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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DG functors along which contractions can be lifted

For an object $X$ in a DG category, its contraction is $r \in Hom^{-1}(X,X)$ such that $d(r)=1_X$. Let us say that contractions lift along a DG functor $F: \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D}$, if for a ...
Dasha Poliakova's user avatar
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Is there a homological interpretation for the cokernel of the kernel of a map between complexes induced by tensor product?

Let $A$ be a free abelian group of rank 2, and let $S = \mathbb{Z}[A]\cong\mathbb{Z}[a_1^{\pm1},a_2^{\pm1}]$ the group algebra for $A$. Let $t : S\times S\rightarrow S$ be the $S$-module map given by ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Is $\text{DGA}^{-}$ a monoidal model category?

Let $\text{DGA}^{-}$ denote the category of non-positively graded differential graded algebras with differentials of degree $+1$. It is well-known that $\text{DGA}^{-}$ has a model structure with ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Hochschild-Mitchell Homology

There is the notion of Hochschild-Mitchell homology for a $k$-linear category $\mathcal{C}$ (here $k$ can be a field). The definition is straightforward and so are some general properties, but somehow ...
Lukas Woike's user avatar
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Correct notion of chain homotopy for linearized homology of augmented DGAs?

$\require{AMScd}$ Preliminaries: Let $(A,\partial)$ be a differential graded $k$-algebra with an augmentation $\epsilon$. That is, $\epsilon$ is a DGA map $\epsilon:(A,\partial) \to k$ where $k$ is ...
Julian Chaidez's user avatar
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spectral sequence for a complex with two filtrations

Suppose $(C,d)$ is a chain complex: an abelian group with a map $d:C \to C$ such that $d^2 = 0$ (people like to assume $C$ is graded; if that helps - feel free to do so). A filtration is an ascending ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Hochschild cohomology of category of modules over an algebra

Let $A$ be a complex associative and unital algebra. Denote by $A\text{-mod}$ the category of finite-dimensional left modules over $A$. This is an Abelian category and we denote by $\text{Ch}_{\ge 0} (...
Lukas Woike's user avatar
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On an inequality concerning the strict cohomological dimension of a profinite group

This is an exercise from Serre’s book on Galois cohomology. Let $G$ be a profinite group and $H$ a normal closed subgroup and suppose that the cohomological dimension at the prime $p$ of $G/H$ is ...
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Understanding Koszul Duality in BGG and Gelfand, Manin

I'm trying to understand a particular point in the proof of Koszul duality between $D^b(\Lambda(V))$ and $D^b(S(V^*))$ as seen in "Algebraic Bundles over $\mathbb{P}^n$ and Problems of Linear Algebra" ...
Marc Besson's user avatar
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Hochschild cohomology of a universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra

I was told that the following equation is true: Given a finitely generated Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$, there is a Gerstenhaber algebra isomorphism $$ HH(U\mathfrak g) \cong HH(\wedge^* \mathfrak g^\vee,...
sock's user avatar
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Secret exact sequence in path algebras of Dynkin type

Given a connected finite dimensional path algebra $A=KQ$ of Dynkin type with enveloping algebra $A^e= A^{op} \otimes_K A$. I can prove that there is a canonical exact sequence connecting the ...
Mare's user avatar
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Short exact sequence in nonabelian group cohomology and finitness condition

Let $1\to A\to B\to C\to 1$ be an exact sequence of (nonabelian) $G$-groups. Then there is a well-known exact sequence of pointed sets $ 1\to A^G\to B^G\to C^G\to H^1(G,A)\to H^1(G,B)\to H^1(G,C) $ ...
Andy's user avatar
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What is the endomorphism cooperad?

In Loday and Vallette's book on algebraic operads, they use the "Endomorphism cooperad $End^c_{s\mathbb{K}}$", where $s\mathbb{K}$ is the base field, shifted into (homological) degree one. This is an ...
Mark.Neuhaus's user avatar
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Phantom category with trivial Hochschild cohomology

An admissible subcategory $C\subset D$ of a triangulated category is called phantom if $K_0(C)=0$. Such categories may be detected by their Hochschild cohomology (but usually have trivial Hochschild ...
evgeny's user avatar
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Background on Kontsevich's Work on Quantization

Where can I find background reading material necessary to be able to read about Maxim Kontsevich's work on quantization? I would like to able to follow the ongoing seminar of IHES, "Resurgence and ...
Anton Hilado's user avatar
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Identifying and reconstructing the derived category from its auto-equivalences

Background: Given a smooth irreducible algebraic variety $Y$ with $\omega_Y$ or $\omega_Y^{-1}$ ample. Then Bondal-Orlov theorem states that if there exists any other smooth algebraic variety $Y'$ ...
Nati's user avatar
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Definitions of Hochschild Cohomology $HH^{\bullet}(A)$

Let $A$ be an associative unital $k$-algebra, and let $M$ be a bimodule of $A$. The Hochschild cohomology of $A$ with coefficients in $M$ can be defined as $$HH^{n}(A,\,M)=\mathrm{Ext}^{n}_{A^{e}}(A,\,...
Yining Zhang's user avatar
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Closed formula for some dimension

This question has a background from representation theory/homological algebra, but I state everything in elementary terms here: Call an n-CNak an n-tupel $[c_0,c_1,...,c_{n-1}]$ where $c_0=c_1=...=c_{...
Mare's user avatar
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Arbitrarily non-degenerate Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence

It is true that for any $n$ there exists a compact complex manifold which Frolicher spectral sequence does not degenerate at the $n$-th page( Does the analogous ...
SashaP's user avatar
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Flatness for pushouts/amalgamations of rings

In this question I am working in the category of unital but not necessarily commutative rings. Let $R$ and $T$ be rings with a common subring $U$ and suppose that $R$ and $T$ are flat as right ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Is the bar resolution of complexes dg-functorial?

Let $k$ be a commutative ring, and let $V$ be a complex of $k$-modules (more in general, we can take an $\mathcal A$-dg-module, where $\mathcal A$ is a dg-category. We can construct the bar resolution ...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
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mod $p$ homology module of unordered configuration spaces of the projective plane

Let $M$ be a manifold and $k$ be a positive integer. Let $F(M,k)$ be the $k$-th ordered configuration space over $M$, consisting of all ordered $k$-tuples of distinct points in $M$. Let $\Sigma_k$ be ...
QSR's user avatar
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Is there an obstruction which classifies "quasi-isomorphism but not chain equivalence"?

Fix a ring $R$ and let $C_\bullet$, $D_\bullet$ be (possibly unbounded) chain complexes of $R$-modules. Assume that $f_\bullet:C_\bullet \to D_\bullet$ is a quasi-isomorphism: that is to say, $f$ is a ...
Vidit Nanda's user avatar
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Differentially closed fields

Let F be a field. Recall that an additive map $d: F\rightarrow F$ is said to be a derivation if $d(ab)=ad(b)+d(a)b$. Now let $F$ be a ring and let $d$ be a derivation of $F$. Examples I have in mind ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Terminology for vanishing of Hochschild homology with symmetric coefficients?

In a title or abstract for a paper, if I say "Hochschild cohomology of this algebra $A$ vanishes in degrees two and above" then it should hopefully be understood by most readers as saying $H^n(A,M)=0$...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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A "lower-central" filtration of Steenrod algebra?

$\renewcommand{\Atwo}{\mathcal{A}_2}$ So, a lot of good work has been accomplished by filtering the Steenrod algebras $\mathcal{A}_p$ in powers of the Augmentation ideal; For reasons partly ...
Jesse C. McKeown's user avatar
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Stable, tame A-infinity isomorphism?

Linear duality provides a correspondence between differentials on free tensor algebras and A-infinity algebras. Under this correspondence, what is the A-infinity counterpart of "stable, tame ...
Eric Zaslow's user avatar
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Can we "complete" model categories to compute derived functors in the usual way?

Suppose we have a functor between two model categories $F\colon \mathcal{C}\to \mathcal{D}$. Suppose we don't know that it is a part of a Quillen pair. Nevertheless, it can still happen that the ...
Sasha Patotski's user avatar
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Coherent sheaves and Mitchell's embedding theorem

Let $S$ be a scheme. By Freyd-Mitchell's theorem the category of (quasi)coherent sheaves of $\mathcal{O}_S$-modules is equivalent to a full subcategory of the category of left $R$-modules for some ...
Cristos A. Ruiz's user avatar
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Split exact categories arising naturally

If you're interested in the $K$-theory of rings, a useful feature of the exact category of finitely generated projective (or free) modules is that it is split exact, i.e. every short exact sequence is ...
Tom Harris's user avatar
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Coordinate free Koszul-Tate resolution

Tate's original construction of the Koszul-Tate resolution involved choosing cocycles representing the cohomology to be killed. Where is it written in a coordinate free treatment, perhaps via a ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Not isomorphic varieties with isomorphic tilting algebras

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a field, than tilting object $T$ on $X$ is a perfect complex that is a compact generator of the derived category $\operatorname{D}(QCoh(X))$ and satisfies ...
Sasha Pavlov's user avatar
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