I was told that the following equation is true: Given a finitely generated Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$, there is a Gerstenhaber algebra isomorphism $$ HH(U\mathfrak g) \cong HH(\wedge^* \mathfrak g^\vee, \delta_{CE})$$ where $U\mathfrak g$ is the universal enveloping algebra, $\wedge^* \mathfrak g^\vee$ is the dual of exterior algebra of $\mathfrak g$ together with the differential $\delta_{CE}$ induced by Chevalley-Eilenberg differential, and bracket structure given by the Gerstenhaber bracket.
Is there an elementary way to prove that $$U\mathfrak g\rightarrow HOM_{(\wedge^*\mathfrak g^\vee,\delta_{CE})}(X,X)$$ is a quasi-isomorphism?
In Lemma 6.5 (b) of Keller's paper 'DERIVING DG CATEGORIES', what does $RH_X\cong LT_{X^T}$ imply? Does it imply the essential surjectivity of $LT_X$? Or else, what does it mean?
In detail, I have tried to figure this isomorphism in detail, and found a guide line as follow:
The paper of B. Keller, 'DERIVED INVARIANCE OF HIGHER STRUCTURES ON THE HOCHSCHILD COMPLEX', says that in the above setting, if the derived categories of $U\mathfrak g$-Modules and ($\wedge^* \mathfrak g^\vee$, $\delta_{CE}$)-Modules [Modules over a dga] are derived equivalent, then the above isomorphism is achieved.
To show the derived equivalence of those two categories, we may find a $U\mathfrak g - (\wedge^* \mathfrak g^\vee,\delta_{CE})$ bimodule $$X=(U\mathfrak g \otimes \wedge^* \mathfrak g, d_{CE})$$ with the Chevalley-Eilenberg differential $d_{CE}$, so that two natural maps(induced by the actions) $$U\mathfrak g\rightarrow RHOM_{(\wedge^*\mathfrak g^\vee,\delta_{CE})}(X,X)$$ $$(\wedge^*\mathfrak g^\vee,\delta_{CE})\rightarrow RHOM_{U\mathfrak g}(X,X)$$ are quasi-isomorphisms.
Indeed, the second quasi-isomorphism is easily proved without the derived HOM. That is, $(\wedge^*\mathfrak g^\vee,\delta_{CE})\rightarrow HOM_{U\mathfrak g}(X,X)$ is a quasi-isomorphism. However, the first one does not seem to be easy.
I believe that $U\mathfrak g\rightarrow HOM_{\wedge^*\mathfrak g^\vee,\delta_{CE}}(X,X)$ (Notice that it is HOM rather than RHOM) is a quasi-isomorphism, and I have looked at another paper of Keller, 'DERIVING DG CATEGORIES' (to prove the case of derived hom), and the LEMMA 6.5 (b) seems to be telling something, but could not understand $RH_X\cong LT_{X^T}$ part so that whether it implies the essential surjectivity of the functor $LT_X$ or not.
Sorry for such a lengthy question. Please help me with this problem. Thanks.